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Anyone close to retirement? / when do you start counting the days?


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I have 39 weeks left to work. I'm a teacher and with all the new common core curriculum it is taking my nights and weekends, plus being extremely stressful. I plan to get a para professional job as soon as possible to have less stress. The pay is half of what I am making now but won't effect my retirement. I will be able to leave all work at school and see my kids and grandkids more without all the crazy stuff!!! Any other teachers out there dealing with the new standards??

Edited by zlacruising
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Both of you who are counting down are lucky..remember there is a lot to do after retirement!


I volunteer now for several local theatre companies..they no longer get the funding they formerly did and volunteers is the only way they can continue, at a local Veterans Hospital and at the childrens ICU of another hospital, and at Dress for Success-an organization that helps women who haven't been i the work force and have no appropriate clothing to work in an office environment. We canvass for outgrown women's suits, skirts and shoes as well as casual clothing, and each week a woman comes to a DFS meeting she gets to pick out a new piece of business appropriate clothing-there are weekly meetings to help women who have never worked learn how to write resumes, learn business environment makeup and so on.


I go thru the clothing donations every week and decide if what we have is worth keeping or if we should pass it on to Salvation Army or Goodwill. You'd be surprised the types of inappropriate clothing people donate..stained, ripped shirts, mini skirts and other non business like clothing. I now think about what I donate myself-if *I* wouldn't wnt to wear it, I don't donate it! It's very inspiring for me, to help a young woman dress herself in a businesslike manner instead of t-shirts, sweatshirts and holey jeans.


Volunteering at my grand daughters school is another thing I enjoy a lot-and my daughter (her mom) spends one day every week at the school as a volunteer in the office.


There is so much to do when retired people..songet outa the 9-5 and into set your own hours!


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Both of you who are counting down are lucky..remember there is a lot to do after retirement!


I volunteer now for several local theatre companies..they no longer get the funding they formerly did and volunteers is the only way they can continue, at a local Veterans Hospital and at the childrens ICU of another hospital, and at Dress for Success-an organization that helps women who haven't been i the work force and have no appropriate clothing to work in an office environment. We canvass for outgrown women's suits, skirts and shoes as well as casual clothing, and each week a woman comes to a DFS meeting she gets to pick out a new piece of business appropriate clothing-there are weekly meetings to help women who have never worked learn how to write resumes, learn business environment makeup and so on.


I go thru the clothing donations every week and decide if what we have is worth keeping or if we should pass it on to Salvation Army or Goodwill. You'd be surprised the types of inappropriate clothing people donate..stained, ripped shirts, mini skirts and other non business like clothing. I now think about what I donate myself-if *I* wouldn't wnt to wear it, I don't donate it! It's very inspiring for me, to help a young woman dress herself in a businesslike manner instead of t-shirts, sweatshirts and holey jeans.


Volunteering at my grand daughters school is another thing I enjoy a lot-and my daughter (her mom) spends one day every week at the school as a volunteer in the office.


There is so much to do when retired people..songet outa the 9-5 and into set your own hours!



Oh my, I have so much I WANT to do! We have three granddaughters who are 4, 6, and 8 and all live here in town. I want to be able to do more with them and to be able to go help with parties, etc. at their schools.


One of our granddaughter's has multiple illnesses that require a lot of care. She has had five open-heart surgeries, has a compromised immune system, brain shunt, and autism to name a few...she is 6. I will be able to help more with her. Also, along that same line, I want to give back to our Children's hospital without whom, she would not be here. Sometimes parents just need someone to come and let them take a break or go to a movie. I would love to volunteer sit for that...I have already been doing some of that for other heart families we know. I know how to be careful with IV's, PICC lines, etc. Not something I ever thought I would know about, but since I do, I can help mine more and others.


We love to cruise, and I hope to find a way to parlay my knowledge into arranging some cruises for groups...


And the list goes on and on. The main thing is, as you say, having the freedom to CHOOSE what I want to do. I can't wait.


PS I donate clothing to that project. I am a plus sized woman, so they are always glad to get professional things in plus size for people to be able to "dress for success."

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I also want to spend more time with my grandkids!!! And actually help out at school...but set my own hours!! YAY!!!


I'll have 25 years teaching, but worked for "ma bell" for 14 years before that! So I'll have almost 40 years working when I retire....I think that is enough...lol

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I think those of you who have been teachers have so much more to offer to schools..but on YOUR terms now.


Like fine arts, school budgets have been cut-I know you know that better than I do-and having someone come in to do one-on-one reading or maths with a child who needs individual help is so easy to do. I only go in every other week for 4 hours because I have so much else going on in my life. A few weeks ago I brought all my tie-dye dyes and every kid brought a shirt and we did some 'fine art' ourselves. Nothing like a group of gap toothed 2nd graders dressed like a troup of Deadheads. We had fun..it was cold because we set up in the playground and the first cold day hit but it was so much fun for the kids and for me.


I think it means a lot to grand children to have their grandparents work in their school..my youngest grand child goes to the same elementary school her mom went to and I'm so proud of allmy adult kids who all volunteer because they grew up with me volunteering..I was 'in' the Boy Scouts for 9 years-thru my 2 oldest boys scouting life then I foster parented for 10 years for teen aged girls who needed a safe home. I adopted my oldest daughter as a 13 year old because she was part of my heart...and her son is just as much a grandson as any of my others.


I have grand sons aged 23 and 21, a 21 year old grand daughter going to tattoo school..I'm very glad she found something she can use her artistic ability on and actually make money, then a 15 year old grand son and 8 year old grand daughter who I essentially live with....we are building a house together on the property my daughter grew up on..a huge lot just outside Portland Oregon, near Nike's World HQ's..


Well Im glad so many of you are looking forward to spending grandkid time..they are better than anything else around in my opinion!



Elle (aka plantcrone)

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That is great of you working with those second graders. Those are the ones I teach and I know they would love the tye-dye t-shirt activity. But times have changed here...a month into school this year one of them asked when they would be able to color in their color books. My heart broke. Sadly, the only time is on rainy day recesses when they stay in for the recess. Although we have a 20 minute art time we have so much that is mandatory that we teach we don't have time for art. That is called common core!! No one likes it, but I'm afraid it is here to stay.): These kids come into second grade as 6 and 7 year olds and are expected to do things they aren't ready for. Reading poems by Emily Dickenson and Robert Frost and trying to explain it to them...!!! Crazy!!! Or the new new math. As in decomposing 2 digit numbers and adding or subtracting from another 2 digit number when they don't even know their subtraction facts. Again Crazy!!! Ok...off my complaining. It is just really sad. Talk about setting them up for failure is not good!!


I think I'll return as the art fairy when I retire...lol!!!

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Great thread.

My husband and I are both going parttime next year. I thought I'd be happy to do that for a few years (I"m 55) but now I'm planning retirement the following year (money pending). Another teacher here (in Australia).


Can I ask why people are saying people retiring early must be teachers? Do you have a good retirement package in the US? Under our old scheme teachers retire on nearly the same money but they scrapped that before I started (20 years ago) so no great pension.


And I feel for you with having to pay for your medical. Isn't Obama trying to bring in a medical scheme?


So I'm looking forward to 4 day weekends next year but I want to be free to jump on a ship whenever I see a good deal. I'm taking long service leave in June July next year and will do a cruise (hopefully to Russia) plus travel around Europe.

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Great thread.

My husband and I are both going parttime next year. I thought I'd be happy to do that for a few years (I"m 55) but now I'm planning retirement the following year (money pending). Another teacher here (in Australia).


Can I ask why people are saying people retiring early must be teachers? Do you have a good retirement package in the US? Under our old scheme teachers retire on nearly the same money but they scrapped that before I started (20 years ago) so no great pension.


And I feel for you with having to pay for your medical. Isn't Obama trying to bring in a medical scheme?


So I'm looking forward to 4 day weekends next year but I want to be free to jump on a ship whenever I see a good deal. I'm taking long service leave in June July next year and will do a cruise (hopefully to Russia) plus travel around Europe.


Good for you!!! The truth about teaching in my state....At 30 years you get 75% of your salary. I'll be getting 62% at 25 years. The only ones that get full pay is 40 years, and most don't stay that long. Our health insurance is $500 for 2 people per month. Obama...lets not go there...no telling what will happen..lol


Those cruises sound great to me!!! Always wanted to cruise Australia and New Zealand but just the airfare is too much for my pocketbook...lol!!

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Good for you!!! The truth about teaching in my state....At 30 years you get 75% of your salary. I'll be getting 62% at 25 years. The only ones that get full pay is 40 years, and most don't stay that long. Our health insurance is $500 for 2 people per month. Obama...lets not go there...no telling what will happen..lol


Those cruises sound great to me!!! Always wanted to cruise Australia and New Zealand but just the airfare is too much for my pocketbook...lol!!

wow! Those are seriously good pensions. I work in the public sector in the UK (Healthcare) and am on the 'old scheme' (ours have changed too), but can't touch those. I'll go at about 32 years with about a third of my Salary. My OH took early retirement from teaching at 55 (it was that or sacrifice his health). He lost. 25% by not waiting until 60, despite having 33 years and he gets less than 1/3 his salary! It will be much worse for those who come after us all. I wouldn't want to be beginning a career now :(
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wow! Those are seriously good pensions. I work in the public sector in the UK (Healthcare) and am on the 'old scheme' (ours have changed too), but can't touch those. I'll go at about 32 years with about a third of my Salary. My OH took early retirement from teaching at 55 (it was that or sacrifice his health). He lost. 25% by not waiting until 60, despite having 33 years and he gets less than 1/3 his salary! It will be much worse for those who come after us all. I wouldn't want to be beginning a career now :(


Yikes!!! I'm sort of like your husband. I have to wait til 62 to collect that amount with the 25 years. If I would do it now it would be 40%. Do you have to pay for your health insurance too? The new teachers coming in will not have the same plan. It has changed for them and not for the better.

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Yikes!!! I'm sort of like your husband. I have to wait til 62 to collect that amount with the 25 years. If I would do it now it would be 40%. Do you have to pay for your health insurance too? The new teachers coming in will not have the same plan. It has changed for them and not for the better.
No, we have universal free health care in the UK. We pay National Insurance toward it when working (sliding scale according to pay level up to about £300 max), but nothing once retired. We also get a state pension of about £460 (about $700) a month from 65 for him, 66 for me (the age is rising. Its 68 for those coming behind us).
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I'm not a teacher thought I had 3 years of college towards my creds...The phone company paid my tuition-then I got pregnant and had to work full time to save money for when I'd be off work. Ah...the 60s.


The good thing was I got to teach at Ma Bell-I taught in the barrio in East L A.to mostly women who needed to learn how to work. We gave every one alarm clocks, deodorant, and gave a list of 'rules' they had to follow in order to work...Ah-the 60s again..things were different then! Because I spoke spanish I was picked for the introduction course.These ladies had to come in for away-no pay-to take the class and do introductory testing. Sometimes it was difficult to get thru everything in an 8 hour day!


Thru the 35 years I had many other opportunities to teach at work. Much of the training is donjon-the-job anyhow and being someone who had learned how to teach elementary school kids, I was qualified to teach young men (LOL).


As a woman working in 'a mans job' as a tech, it was an exciting and challenging time. I got to do some pretty forward looking things-like insist there be a lock on the one bathroom door in the shop I worked at-where it was me and 37 men who didn't lock the door or even close it much of the time. I finally bought a 'Ladies" sign at a hardware store and hung it from a nail where I could turn it over when I used the bathroom. This was back in the day when womens bathrooms had to have kotex machines and a 'quiet room' where we delicate women could go lay down during our 'monthlies'. Needless to say, there was none of this in the mans environment.When my boss gave me a hard time about something I told him about the rules for having women on the job and pointed out I wasn't demanding them ..but I could!..This was pre EEO in 1975 when there were few women doing physical labor.



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15 months, or

447 days, or

33 more paychecks, or

still a ways off:o


My 37 weeks equal about the same retirement date....but only counting time working....love my time off...also counting any sick days accumulated....I think I hear a cough and sneeze coming up....lol!

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As of this morning I did the math:


Total days remaining incl today - 161

Weekend days - 47

Holidays incl stats - 33

Actual working days - 81 Priceless!


08 Apr 14 here I come.


Ok, now I have got to work on my count. My issue is that I don't really know what the last day will be, because I have a bunch of days of vacation and comp time to use.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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While visiting a niece and her DH, we asked how long before they retire and come cruising with us? He replied, "I've got an app for that!", pulled out his phone, clicked a few buttons announced, "Two years, three months, four days, six hours, and fifty-four minutes."


I spent almost 30 years in Corporate America. Turned 55 and walked out the door. I enjoyed working. I enjoy not working even more.

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