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Infinity-Wrote on the Panama Canal Wall!


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Wanted to relate what happened on our recent Panama Canal transit. The behavior of the passengers involved was stupid, but the reaction of the guest relations and the head concierge was astounding. It was our first trip with Celebrity.


While in the final lock before entering the Atlantic on our transit, several cabins of passengers witnessed three other passengers from a single aft cabin pull out a large home-rigged dauber, reach across the side rail and write their names, initials and draw a picture of "Kilroy" on the wall of the Panama Canal. Several people told them to stop, asked them what they were thinking, etc., but they just laughed and continued to write until they were all done. Minutes later, one of the occupants of this same cabin jumped the rail and went from his cabin to the one next door. If he had fallen, he would have gone straight down into the canal. There was no part of the ship below this cabin that stuck out. At this point, a member of the panama canal force saw the man and called to him to stop. The guy stopped, waited until the force man turned his back to walk away and then hopped back onto the rail and swung back to his own cabin.


We called guest relations, thinking that the ship would be concerned about the vandalism from one of their cabins and told them there were several witnesses and we had pictures of the folks in the act of writing on the wall. We were astounded at the response.


What was expressed to us were the following statements, "There are 1200 uneducated passengers on this cruise with behavior problems.....well, maybe 699, it is just a number"; "There are over 150 ships a day that transit the canal. What is your point?"; "No one from the Infinity crew witnessed these incidents. There is nothing we can do." "The captain is aware of what was done and has seen the pictures already. That is why he made the announcement to keep your arms inside the ship while in the locks." (This would have been good except that the announcement was made @10:00 a.m. and these folks were busy drawing and defacing @3:00 p.m. in the afternoon.) Also, back to previous statement, if no one from the crew witnessed it, is the Captain not part of the crew (since they said he too had pictures!???) "We have 400 children on this cruise and they are too much for our on-board security force. We cannot deal with this."


Had a hard time that the senior officer type on the ship would voice an opinion of their passengers as negatively as he did. If that's what they believe, perhaps they are a self-fulfilling prophesy. In this case condoning inappropriate behavior will only challenge those with a propencity to it to even greater heights. Also, had a very hard time that these same senior officer types would say whatever they felt was required to be said to "close" the issue and not deal with it. Additionally, if the security force on board cannot handle the children, then the adults would seem to have free reign.


The reaction of the ship staff and their comments to us about the passengers on the Infinity as a group were certainly not appropriate to state to passengers, even if they were the actual belief of the crew. After all we'd heard about celebrity, I thought their officers would at least have been to "charm school."


This incident was an eye opener for us. Don't know if we'll actually sail Celebrity again. The lack of responsibility on the part of the ship for the behavior of and the inability to provide safety for its passengers is amazing.


Other than this, the trip was great and we enjoyed ourselves, but then it takes little to amuse us once we are one the water. Dining room staff was wonderful; cabin steward good; passengers we met fairly well educated, most could sign their own name on their sail cards!

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What was expressed to us were the following statements, "There are 1200 uneducated passengers on this cruise with behavior problems.....well, maybe 699, it is just a number...


..."We have 400 children on this cruise and they are too much for our on-board security force. We cannot deal with this."...


No excuses for the X personnel here, but given the count of children, it does sound as though you were on one of the dreaded "holiday" cruises. I honestly think that in exasperation, the crew nearly concede defeat on these trips. Celebrity and their regular staff aren't mentally prepared or set up for this demographic shift, even though it occurs each and every year. It's not like this is Disney where they are geared up entirely for this each and every week, and have much more experience in techniques for mitigating and dealing with these problems.


We have, for many years, been on the cruises that just predate these by a week, and you can always see how sorry the crew are to see us go -- knowing what is ahead. Given the numbers, it can take only a relatively small percentage of the kids on these cruises behaving badly to make life very difficult for everyone.


Have read in recent reports that X has actually been disembarking entire families at foreign ports due to some extreme misbehaviour by their kids, so at least they're not completely insensitive to this, but evidently only feel capable of dealing with the really gross violations (break-ins of the onboard liquor/smoke shop, etc.). One can hope, although there are certainly no assurances based upon today's parenting methods, that the kids responsible for these unexpected and radical changes in the family itinerary are, as they say, "grounded for life".

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VABEACH522--Please, Please send a letter to Celebrity with some pictures, if you have them, with your complaint and request a response. Perhaps Celebrity only disembarks passengers with bad behavior if they break into one of Celebrity's stores and breaks a law which might involve Celebrity's money--I don't know this to be true or not true. However, on our cruise last October to the Mexican Riveria (R/T San Francisco) I heard reports of passengers being allowed into the main dining room in jeans on formal night. While I think that jeans on formal nights is a far less serious event than that of writing on the walls on the Panama Canal, it is yet another instance of Celebrity's crew feeling helpless and chosing to do nothing about it. This type of beahvior would not be condoned on a Celebrity ship unless it is sanctioned (or at least not dealt with) from the top of management. We have been on Mercury twice and enjoyed both cruises. However, our next cruise will be with Crystal where, at least I don't believe, that that type of behavior will be tolerated.

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You are correct. We were on a holiday cruise. We've been on several other holiday cruises so we were prepared for the numbers of children and the bedlam than can result. However, these were not children that were writing on the wall and jumping between cabins. These were adults. Just wanted to clear that up in case there was some confusion.

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You are correct. We were on a holiday cruise. We've been on several other holiday cruises so we were prepared for the numbers of children and the bedlam than can result. However, these were not children that were writing on the wall and jumping between cabins. These were adults. Just wanted to clear that up in case there was some confusion.

Not your fault -- just that you'd mentioned the high kid count, so made a bad assumption on this end. I imagine that the kids may have had them preoccupied, though.


As these were adults, I would certainly make my complaints to Celebrity, along with the evidence and the contradictory set of responses that was available at the time. While I understand that Celebrity feels some need to tread some fine line between confronting their unruly guests and remembering that they are paying passengers who may repeat (wouldn't hurt my feelings if they didn't, but then again, I'm not an RCL shareholder) and that word of mouth is an issue in this industry, if they don't draw the line firmly enough, their better behaved repeaters are going to start looking elsewhere, and that will actually cost Celebrity a lot more in the long run. Given their demographic, if Celebrity actually became known as a line that wouldn't put up with this kind of crap, it might actually turn out to be a PR benefit!


I wonder if the problems we sometimes encounter with other guests on cruises isn't at times a matter of expectations. How many TA's actually take the time to counsel potential cruisers on the differences between the lines, their emphases, and their demographics?

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I have noticed "kids from H*ll" on one week cruises, especially Caribbean. Whether holiday or summer, parents just put in the earplugs or the IPod on & no longer have kids til bedtime.


We had a few on our Transatlantic, that were dressed in gowns & tuxes for formal night & you never heard a peep from them other than "Hello Maam", or "don't you look nice". So we are doing a 2 week Trancanal & feel the kids will be doing some other one week cruise, so we will be safe.


We noticed signs stating no diapers in pools or whirlpools & the health explaination. Didn't see one kid in a hot tub all the cruise. They had officers stationed outside the dining room approaching diners not dressed correctly & them being told to dress correctly or eat in the stateroom & make it an early night. I gave on a silent applause & he bowed with a smile.


This cruise was heaven on earth with great lecturers, good fellow cruisers, others from the Net that we met at a few parties onboard. Then we did Bermuda & again only a few toddlers & babies that never cried. AMAZING!

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Panama Canal is a two week, but this one was over the holidays. It did have a new captain, as our cruise on Infinity ending December 20th was the last for our captain. We had the new captain aboard with us also, but he was young and this Panama Canal trip would have been his first in command. Sounds like he got quite an initiation.

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Hearing this kind of thing makes me so sad. I just don't understand how some people think. It's bad enough to hear about teens dong this kind of thing...but at least you can make up some sort of excuse for them since teens are for the most part, brain malfunctioned...but I can't even begin to comprehend or picture, adults hopping rails and defacing something like that. I'm just in shock, and I truly wish the culprits could have been caught and hauled off by Panamanian police.

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I had heard that the captain was new on our 12-20 cruise.


If the new captain knew what his staff was doing and saying concerning this issue, shame on him. It certainly doesn't reflect well on his ability to command, lead, deal with the public or maintain order on the ship.


However, if they were doing it without his knowledge, shame on them.


If the latter, he has more problems on board than just "uneducated and badly behaved" passengers. His career could be at stake one day with the staff thinking they can run the ship and speak for him in such a derogatory way about their "bread and butter".

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I have to agree, it is hard to imagine how some folks think. We could just not fatham that someone would even plan to do this as part of their getting ready for the cruise and packing. What a waste. It made us sad too.

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I don't want to correct anyone but the "Staff Captain" who now is in charge was also in charge during the Alaska itinerary. The captain we had for Hawaii has three months on ship and two months off. The staff captain is quite young and not very experienced anyway. Before we got off the ship I heard from several employees that the new captain had cancelled all of the crews Christmas parties and they were quite upset about it. They said they usually have a secret santa gift exchange plus many other crew things for the holidays. I personally was upset at this news as they are away from their family and at least deserve a get together. I believe the staff captain needs to handle issues much better than he sounds like he did if he ever wants to get his own ship. I also believe the pictures and all information need to be sent to Celebrity home office and see what response if given. Please keep

us posted.

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Until we decide if, what and to whom we are going to direct any remarks at Celebrity, we'd rather not throw everything out on the web. I'm sure you understand. However, I believe we hear a voice of doubt in your request, so for all of the "Thomases" out there that, just like us, thought stories like this were made up, we've cropped a picture to hide the guilty, but still it is very clear that they were in the middle of their "Gilroy". I'm sorry, my friend, but there really are folks like this out there. It was an eye opener for us and not necessarily a good one. A blemish on the wall and on the cruiseline.


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Here's who you should likely notify at Celebrity. I am sure you are aware that Celebrity is owned by Royal Caribbean. Jack Williams was the CEO at Celebrity before the merger.


Richard Fain, CEO

Jack L. Williams, President & COO

Royal Caribbean Cruises, LTD

1050 Caribbean Way

Miami, FL 33132

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We are absolutely appalled!! First, that someone defaced an international historic landmark and, second, that our line of preference made such an inadequate and patently offensive response at the time of the incident.


A cavalier response is wholely unacceptable. Given that the reputation of Celebrity Cruise Lines is at stake I cannot help but believe the home office would be very interested in all the details and documentation you can provide.


At the very least the perpetrators, if identifiable, should be forever banned from sailing on any Celebrity or Royal Caribbean vessel. And I would personally prefer that their identity be given to Panamanian authorities who would hopefully press charges and levy a significant fine.


I may get 'flamed' for what (to some) may sound like over-reaction. But I am livid at the wanton desecration of such an important site as the Panama Canal. It shows a careless disregard for human history as well as a total lack of respect for those who would pass through the Canal after these n'er-do-wells.


Alright, ending my soapbox.






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My feeling is to contact Celebrity immediately with as much information as possible. I am sure that the Panamanian officials have contacted them as they keep records on any activity that passes through the Canal.



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Maybe they cruise line needs to hirer more security if they could not handle 400 kids.

On our cruise last Feb on the Mariner (this was her 14th cruise) some teenagers thought nothing of it to thtow some lounge chairs over the rails. The parents and teenagers where let off at the next port, and most of the passangers who were aware of what happenned could not have been happier.

Maybe that is what Celebrity should have done with these "idoits" Let them find there own way home for doing something like that. Sure would not wish to cruises with people like that

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Maybe they WERE dealt with , but privately. You never know- maybe security came knocking on their door and took care of it- (fined them? kicked them off the ship?), at least I hope so.

MACOP- what ship was your transatlantic on? Sounds wonderful.


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Until we decide if, what and to whom we are going to direct any remarks at Celebrity, we'd rather not throw everything out on the web. I'm sure you understand. However, I believe we hear a voice of doubt in your request, so for all of the "Thomases" out there that, just like us, thought stories like this were made up, we've cropped a picture to hide the guilty, but still it is very clear that they were in the middle of their "Gilroy". I'm sorry, my friend, but there really are folks like this out there. It was an eye opener for us and not necessarily a good one. A blemish on the wall and on the cruiseline.


I have to ay that I never doubted what you said, and yet, seeing that picture caused a shock to my system anyway. I am just plain dumbfounded and for lack of a more descriptive word, disgusted.

I really wish the Crew would have handled the situation instead of turning a blind eye. It sickens me that people got away with that. :mad:

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As bad as the "writers on the Canal" sound, by far the biggest grafitti artists are the ships themselves. We have been thru the canal 4 times and on each time the ship has scraped the side of the canal leaving a long trail of paint. We were on deck 4 on the Infinity and were showered with flakes of paint that was being scraped off the ship. I took a picture from our cabin of the "art" left by the ships and there is Celebrity blue, Norweigan white, Carnival red and who knows what colors from the container ships. You will see the crew out painting the ship at the next port of call. Wish I could post the picture but I can't figure out how to do it. BTW, did you reach out and touch Panama as you were going through??:confused:

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As bad as the "writers on the Canal" sound, by far the biggest grafitti artists are the ships themselves. :


Remember, the canal's pilot is in charge of the ship and the ship pays a huge fee to go through the canal. On Princess two years ago it was about $275,000 just to up to Gatun and return. That pays for a lot of paint. I have also been told that should the ship hit the sides and the fault lies with the crew, there are huge fines that the cruise line pays. Further, the human grafitti was INTENTIONAL. So, IMO, there is no comaprison.

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Remember, the canal's pilot is in charge of the ship and the ship pays a huge fee to go through the canal. On Princess two years ago it was about $275,000 just to up to Gatun and return. That pays for a lot of paint. I have also been told that should the ship hit the sides and the fault lies with the crew, there are huge fines that the cruise line pays.

Given that a Canal Authority pilot and the "electric mule" drivers are in full charge of the entire process, under what possible conditions can the crew be found at fault for dinging the concrete?

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