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Dawn's Adrift!

Duff Man

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lol it would totally make my day if NCL didn't comp. that stupid lady complaining about lettuce and water "hot enough to make tea".


God forbid they should keep the lettuce from going limp rather than save the important food from spoiling! :rolleyes:

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I don't think so.


It was uncomfortable and unpleasant, by all accounts, for a short period (a couple of days).


But even that's looking at it in the context of a cruise ship. There are plenty of travel experiences that people happily choose to go on, in comparison to which the Dawn would still have seemed like luxury.


I think that people who can't cope with conditions like this for a day or two, when things have suddenly gone wrong, might want to think about whether they should be travelling anywhere. From time to time, things will inevitably go wrong, and sometimes for whatever reason the recovery is not as fast or as efficient as it might have been. If one is the type of person for whom that constitutes a "nightmare" and "hell", it's not worth taking the risk.


[Edited to add:] I've just seen that pieshops, who was onboard, agrees that "cruise from hell" is an overstatement.


The only thing that makes it "like hell" is being around people with BAD ATTITUDES with unreasonable demands, screaming and shouting, etc. Really that is what makes it truly BAD! Who was on the Thanksgiving cruise three years ago that wound up in Norfolk? People were practically RIOTING and threatened to burn down the ship! Norfolk PD had to be summoned to calm down the crowd. Utterly ridiculous! :mad:





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God forbid they should keep the lettuce from going limp rather than save the important food from spoiling! :rolleyes:



I'm curious about her comment BEFORE the comment about the wilting lettuce. She claimed there was a FOOD SHORTAGE. On a CRUISE SHIP!!!! :eek:


So maybe it WAS the cruise from hell, and had they NOT broken down & had to endure a couple of warm days, and unflushed toilets (it's not like the toilets were unusable...they may have been smelly, but they were still "there")....maybe, just maybe.....they were about to be informed about the food shortage for the remaining two days at sea! (of course....given how horrible NCL apparently was at informing them of anything :rolleyes:, many of them may not have realized they had starved...until they got home & read the news of the food shortage! )


I can see the headlines now:

"Sweltering at Sea Saves Some from Starvation!" :rolleyes:

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I think we are well aware of those options Don, not sure why you felt compelled to give such a wise guy comment. You usually are helpful. The question put in a simple way is, Did anyone who was afraid to fly board another cruiseship back to Miami? I know it can be done because we have family in Puerto Rico who use cruiseships as transportation to come visit us in Florida.


I offered two legitimate solutions for a person who won't fly to be able to get back to Miami from San Juan. Buy or lease a boat. Until there is a ferry or a bridge built, one can't drive it...

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You are right - I keep rising to the bait and that is my bad.


The real people to feel sorry for are those that had to go through this nightmare. As evidenced by the videos and their stories, it was very very bad - cruise from hell is probably too kind a description. Hopefully they cruise again.


How lucky for you that your life has been so blessed that you would consider this situation a "nightmare" and "hell". To be honest, there are way worse things in life than this and I sincerely hope you never have to gain that sort of perspective. (Not intended to be read as sarcasm.)


It was a crappy way to end a cruise; a fairly significant inconvenience for which those affected have been compensated. There are likely some special circumstances where more is justifiable and, there will always be those that just think it's not enough and luckily they're free to fight for more. I think, though, to call it a "nightmare" and "hell" may indicate a wee bit of a flair for drama. (Probably a bit of sarcasm there.)

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I am curious to know how non-flying passengers were accommodated.


I am as well...I have to say that although I can't imagine how horific a phobia can be and my heart goes out to people that have to live with this, I do not understand how a cruise line should be responsible for people's fears.


It never occured to me that cruising might entail unexpected flying for any passengers...but I don't HAVE to think about that because I don't have any phobias (thank goodness). But for someone that has to live with a fear that life altering, possible scenerios like this should have been thought over.

How is a cruise line supposed to accomodate this?????? And WHY should they be responsible?

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I saw exactly what the liberal news organization wanted me to see. NOT!!!!







I agree with you on all points' date=' but I am liberal. Let's not bring politics into it, thank you PE ;) It's ugly enough here at the moment.


As someone who was on the ship it was in no way the cruise from hell.


yes it was very uncomfortable friday evening, yes we had a few hours without flushing toilets, yes it was a mess with the flight situation,




it was one or two days of a vacation that perfect up until then, now if this had happened on day one or 2 and the entire cruise was missed, that is another story.




I know that all people are not alike and my heart bleeds for the people who didn't handle this as well as you did. They suffered, you did not.

I know that the way I would see it would be similar to you. Instead of feeling cheated, or unlucky, I would be looking at it that I was fortunate to have 7 perfect days and have the incident happen at the END of the cruise.

I would feel lucky.

I am not downplaying the horrid end to this cruise. I am sure it sucked.



To those that argue I wasn't there so I don't know how I'd feel, you are wrong. We all know how we deal with life's crap. Above is how I handle it all the time. It's not right for everyone but it works for me.

Pieshops, I'd be thrilled to cruise with you any day :)




The only thing that makes it "like hell" is being around people with BAD ATTITUDES with unreasonable demands, screaming and shouting, etc. Really that is what makes it truly BAD! Who was on the Thanksgiving cruise three years ago that wound up in Norfolk? People were practically RIOTING and threatened to burn down the ship! Norfolk PD had to be summoned to calm down the crowd. Utterly ridiculous! :mad:






:( I agree.

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Wow. I don't really know what to say.


Why's that Simon. That extremely unreasonable lady's POV obviously matches your agenda in this thread, I'm positive you can come up with something equally unreasonable to support her points.


No? ;)

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Why's that Simon. That extremely unreasonable lady's POV obviously matches your agenda in this thread, I'm positive you can come up with something equally unreasonable to support her points.


No? ;)


No thanks, you just keep insulting the old ladies.

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(it's not like the toilets were unusable...they may have been smelly, but they were still "there


i must say having been on the ship, for the 6 hours or so that the toilets did not flush, they were unusable as they did not flush or drain and in all the public toilets all were overflowing and the floors were soaked so wahtever you put in just overflowed.


I understood that the toilets did not work and just went in the pool (lol just kidding).

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Pieshops, I have to say, wow, what a great attitude. You are a realist, not an opportunist. The opportunists are thinking about what MORE can I get out of NCL. "V" is for victim, and it sounds that some chose to play that role quite well.


Cruise from hell? Haha, I can think of alot worse...like the comments about power failures from disasters, wow, that's HELL. I have no reference to such things, thankfully.


I should be thankful that my only understanding of horrible conditions to me is camping. When camping in Southern Ontario in the height of summer, it's hot, humid, no breeze, NO TOILET, and all the dishes are 'camping clean'. I personally don't like it, but I do it because my partner loves to camp.


If i was on this cruise, I would be doing all the things I should be doing on vacation, sitting on deck and reading a book and relaxing with a nice boiling glass of water. For both my land based trips and cruises, I've experienced , strikes, snow storms, overbooked flights, but like I always say, I'm anxious until my trip starts and all flights, cruises are boarded, but I couldnt care less about getting home on time.


If there was no compensation, I could see people complaining, but the trip was nearly finished, all planned ports were visited, and compensation is over and above what should be expected. If it was me, i'd already be searching out my future NCL cruise (and watching my online banking for that 75% refund). As for those who were given this sweet compensation package and won't ever cruise NCL again, too bad these are not transferrable, as I'd be lining up to buy :P

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not trying to beat a dead horse but we did a great tour in Samana with Terry and got to walk through a typical Samana house.


it was literraly a cement slab floor, and those with cement floors are considered well off, with tin siding, a seperate structure for cooking because they do all the cooking with wood, and an outhouse, the main structure was about 10x10 foot with another room off it for sleeping, we did not see this but figures it was about the same size, and 8 slept there. There was basic electric, but was very sporadic in service.


The homeowners were so nice, never asked us for anything, answered all our questions and seemed very happy.


These people live every day like this, no air conditioning, no flushing toilets and they are so happy, not sure if it is the fact that they may not know any better because they have not experienced it, but in my opinion is they are very happy, kids playing outside running around just being kids.


Anyone who has toured around most caribbean islands has seen this.


I understand people payed for their vacation and feel cheated ( i do not but others do). Maybe those people should experience this for a week and see how they feel. i would bet they would appreciate what they have so much more, rather then complaining about a day or so without air and a few hours without a flushing toilet.


i will get off my soapbox now

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If I paid good money to be in a resort for a few days and it was hot due to no A/C and the floors were wet from overflowing toilets, you can bet your sweet bipee I would be upset. Doesn't mean I'm going to tear off the heads of the workers around me, but don't expect ANYONE to be pleased.


Geeze, these cruisers paid good money with an expectation of a good trip. Things went wrong, OF COURSE some are upset. Who cares how they live in Samana? I'll worry about helping them when I'm off vacation.


Some made lemon aid, which was much easier for a balcony passenger, by the way. And some are not "wired" to be able turn these lemons into anything else. That doesn't make them terrible folks, we're all just different.


After having read every post on this thread, all I can do is laugh at the comments indicating how this or that writer would have been fine with what happened. I'd be willing to bet many of those same writers would be madder than a wet hen if they got caught in an airport delay for 2 hours, where they have access to toilets, hot food, cold water.......


Get real.

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After having read every post on this thread, all I can do is laugh at the comments indicating how a particular writer would have been fine with what happened. I'd be willing to bet many of those same writers would be madder than a wet hen if they got caught in an airport delay for 2 hours, where they have access to toilets, hot food, cold water.......


Get real.


Kinda like taking a flight across country. 4 1/2 hours, all is well. Last half hour, the A/C goes out, and the toilets stop working. Plane keeps flying.


What is there to complain about?

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Kinda like taking a flight across country. 4 1/2 hours, all is well. Last half hour, the A/C goes out, and the toilets stop working. Plane keeps flying.


What is there to complain about?


But that last half hour is when the beer I've been drinking Catches up with me! :eek:

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If I paid good money to be in a resort for a few days and it was hot due to no A/C and the floors were wet from overflowing toilets, you can bet your sweet bipee I would be upset. Doesn't mean I'm going to tear off the heads of the workers around me, but don't expect ANYONE to be pleased.


Geeze, these cruisers paid good money with an expectation of a good trip. Things went wrong, OF COURSE some are upset. Who cares how they live in Samana? I'll worry about helping them when I'm off vacation.


Some made lemon aid, which was much easier for a balcony passenger, by the way. And some are not "wired" to be able turn these lemons into anything else. That doesn't make them terrible folks, we're all just different.


After having read every post on this thread, all I can do is laugh at the comments indicating how a particular writer would have been fine with what happened. I'd be willing to bet many of those same writers would be madder than a wet hen if they got caught in an airport delay for 2 hours, where they have access to toilets, hot food, cold water.......


Get real.


no one said anything about helping the people in Samana, i said it to keep things in perspective, one day without air is not a disaster, i am sorry you did not understand .

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Unfortunately, it sounds like the folks on the 11-29-09 sailing might be about to become intimately familiar with the fine print in the NCL contract. Hopefully, it will be a quick fix. With a cruise originally scheduled to leave on Sunday and return the following Friday, even a day or two delay is a big deal.

I have been told that we will get a full refund for the cruise, NCL is not discussing with us our out of pocket exense for our extra days in miami in a hotel untill we could book (at our expense also) another flight home again, not sure how it will all pan out yet, have submitted ins. papers but then again we know how find print can be!!

hoping it all works for the best:)


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no one said anything about helping the people in Samana, i said it to keep things in perspective, one day without air is not a disaster, i am sorry you did not understand .


Thank you for that. But rest assured, I saw your point, such as it was.

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I have been told that we will get a full refund for the cruise, NCL is not discussing with us our out of pocket exense for our extra days in miami in a hotel untill we could book (at our expense also) another flight home again, not sure how it will all pan out yet, have submitted ins. papers but then again we know how find print can be!!

hoping it all works for the best:)



I'm afaid unless you booked your air/hotel through NCL they have no responsibility there. I hope you had insurance.


Or am I missing something here? Wouldn't be the first time.

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I bought the travel ins. that ncl offered when I booked our 14 day cruise.

I'm not sure after reading all the fine print what if anything we'll get back.

As we booked our own airline tickets way back in Aug. we also booked the air for a day before the cruise was to sail so we would be sure to be in miami on time LOL, so of course we had that night stay in miami, then when the cruise was cancel we had two more nights in miami at a hotel before we could fly out because it was Thankgiving weekend.

I did talk with ncl while in miami to try to book another cruise as long as we were there and was told none was avalible.

So I paid for the hotel and I paided the $150 dollar air flight change price for the 3 of us in our party. That doesn't address the orgianal price of our ticket of $600.00 we each paided to catch this cruise to begin with.

So am hoping something is settle with the ins. company if NCL choose's not to make good on our flights and hotels.

We were told we would get a full refund for the cruise, which I would assume we would since the cruiseline canceled this cruise and also 50% off on another cruise we choose to take in 2010

This still does not cover the close to $1000.00 I'm out just for ,my flight to catch the cruise and flight home again (no cruise) and 3 nights stay in miami.

Thanks for letting me vent


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I bought the travel ins. that ncl offered when I booked our 14 day cruise.

I'm not sure after reading all the fine print what if anything we'll get back.

As we booked our own airline tickets way back in Aug. we also booked the air for a day before the cruise was to sail so we would be sure to be in miami on time LOL, so of course we had that night stay in miami, then when the cruise was cancel we had two more nights in miami at a hotel before we could fly out because it was Thankgiving weekend.

I did talk with ncl while in miami to try to book another cruise as long as we were there and was told none was avalible.

So I paid for the hotel and I paided the $150 dollar air flight change price for the 3 of us in our party. That doesn't address the orgianal price of our ticket of $600.00 we each paided to catch this cruise to begin with.

So am hoping something is settle with the ins. company if NCL choose's not to make good on our flights and hotels.

We were told we would get a full refund for the cruise, which I would assume we would since the cruiseline canceled this cruise and also 50% off on another cruise we choose to take in 2010

This still does not cover the close to $1000.00 I'm out just for ,my flight to catch the cruise and flight home again (no cruise) and 3 nights stay in miami.

Thanks for letting me vent



this is one reason not to buy the cruise lines insurance. Its also a reason to write a letter to the cruise line and tell them sometimes they will make individual adjustments- especially if you had their insurance- email or write don't call. Call their insurance processor up(I thinks it Berkley) and make a claim.

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I agree with you on all points, but I am liberal. Let's not bring politics into it, thank you PE ;) It's ugly enough here at the moment.






I know that all people are not alike and my heart bleeds for the people who didn't handle this as well as you did. They suffered, you did not.

I know that the way I would see it would be similar to you. Instead of feeling cheated, or unlucky, I would be looking at it that I was fortunate to have 7 perfect days and have the incident happen at the END of the cruise.

I would feel lucky.

I am not downplaying the horrid end to this cruise. I am sure it sucked.



To those that argue I wasn't there so I don't know how I'd feel, you are wrong. We all know how we deal with life's crap. Above is how I handle it all the time. It's not right for everyone but it works for me.

Pieshops, I'd be thrilled to cruise with you any day :)






:( I agree.


I also agree with Halos and PE. Being on the DAWN several times I know the crew did the best that they could. I have been reading these posts (especially the negative ones), just think you were on a cruise with your family or friends and loved ones. Remember the people who went out to work on 9/11 and never came home to enjoy their families or friends or vacations again. You should be thanking god that you all got home safe and sound and can look back at this one day and say what an experience.


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Kinda like taking a flight across country. 4 1/2 hours, all is well. Last half hour, the A/C goes out, and the toilets stop working. Plane keeps flying.


What is there to complain about?


is the airline going to give you a 75% refund AND 50% off your fare to use for a future flight?


don't think so.

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