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Quick Ventura review


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Right..i'm back. Two weeks on Ventura in the Caribbean. I wont bore you witht he ports but just for info and if any questions the itinery and excursions done were:


Barbados Overnight - Turtle snorkel

St Vincent - Vermont nature hike

Grenada - Rhum Runner

Curacao - Trip to nature park and plantation

Aruba - De palm resort snorkelling

Tortola - Trip to Virgin Gorda

St Maarten

St Kitts - nevis sailaway

Antigua - Helicopter to Monseratt

St Lucia - Jeep Safari



Flights were with Thomson on First Choice aircraft in premium class. No problems going out. Hand baggae was larger than stated on ticket and had no problem. Case was spot on 23kg as stated by P&O but Thomson check in said we were all actually allowed 25kg's!

Flight back was delayed by about half an hour as a warning light came on in the cockpit which had to be fixed. Bumby all the way back to UK but actually managed to sleep.


Had an upgrade from Balcony to superior Balcony. Many people had this and Ventura wasnt full so many from deck c were upgraded to deck d.


Ventura is a great ship. Yes she is big but she doesnt really feel huge. Norwegian Jade felt much larger.

As with Oceana, the only differece i found between P&O and OV was the formal dining and dress code. But this is where P&O are slowly changing. There are more freedom dining choices now. I noticed more and more people using the buffet dining rather than the sit down as the cruise progressed. The food is identical. OV certainly do buffets better and the design of the two main buffet areas certainly needs improving.

The dress code was very interesting. Four formal and the rest smart causal. The first formal night everyone complied. The remaining three saw less and less people dressing up and more of a smart casual approach (not even semi-formal). Certainly more dressed up than not but there was a noticeable amount of poeple who didnt. Maybe if P&O want to keep the formal nights then one a week is sufficent on a family ship. There is still much talk from the staff that Ventura will become the next OV and that dress code will be dropped.

I still find the entertainment officers so boring on P&O. The OV ones just seemed to have that little extra something. Steve Larkins did Freddie Mercury (saw him on OV2 in Feb) and was fantastic as ever. We also had Phil Coillins and Elton John tirubutes that were not as good. Comedy came from the fantastic Fogwell Flax ( who ive also seen on OV), Mel Mellors (very weird and old school but quite entertaining) and direct from OV, Anthony scott. Did his own show and a Billy Connelly tribute. Both were very funny.


While snorkelling in St Kitts i got stung by a jellyfish and once the rum punch wore off i was in a bit of pain. I visited the ships hospital and was very impressed by the service. Its not anywhere i would want anyone to have to visit but i was very impressed. In the end i had to have an ECG as i was suffereing from chest and arm pains due to something to do with the sting and me basically stressing out about it. To give you an idea of cost, consultation was £40, medication came to £18 and ECG £40. I saw the Doc 3 times in 3 days for check ups and he only charged me for two visits. Quite shocking that everytime i was down there, atleast 3 or 4 people were waiting to be seen. This experience didnt spoil my trip but it allowed me to see another side of the ship that i hope none of you have to.


Personal favourite moment was the sailaway in Antigua. We were berthed next to Mein Schiff (German OV). At sailaway there was much waving and various things about the war being shouted. Ventura broke out into the Dambusters theme tune followed by Rule Britannia. It was all good fun but as Ventura pulled back, the whole ship burst out into applause for the Germans and they replied back. A very funny but extremely touching experience.


I can understand why ventura doesnt appeal to your hardcore P&O pax but at the same time i would reccomend it to all OV pax.


All in all a very good cruise. One tip though. If you ever find yourself bertherd next to Mein Schiff, just avoid looking at the forward top deck. It's where they sunbathe naked and they also come to the railings in the buff too!

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Thanks for taking the trouble to send in your report, very interesting reading. I think Ventura will end up as the casual cruise ship . I don't know why P&O don't just either scrap the dress code on some ships or say that it is for the main dining room & certain bars...confusing maybe, but better than at present with some taking the trouble to get hair & make up specially done & taking care to wear formal clothes when others don't bother. I don't care what people wear but let's get the rules sorted out.

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I am saying Ventura is a good alternative for when Ocean Village goes. It all depends what you want from a cruise ship but im assuming you have read the brochures and as long as your not after a child free totally formal ship then you will love her. Incidentally the gap between Ocean Village and P&O is much much smaller than people, who have not tried both, think.

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Good report Matt (apart from the stinging bit), sounds like I might try Ventura after all.

Did you have to stayed dressed up to be served in the bars/see the show on the formal night (aka time to hit the buffet night)?


Interesting to note that they are not filling berths whilst many ex-OV cruisers are looking at land-based future holidays.


It's only a matter of time me thinks..

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The trip to Virgin Gorda was beautiful. If you are doing the ships trip then you will go to the baths, through the caves and to a beautiful beach. A really nice trip.


De Palm in Aruba is a fantastic trip. Dont be fooled by industrial area that greets you. The island itself is perfect. All drinks and food are included. If you are a snorkelling fan then this is amazing. They have blue parrot fish that are huge that swim around the reefs. All sorts of marine life are present. Just dont forget the suntan lotion!

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Hi we are just back as well and had another really nice cruise. We also had a bumpy flight back to the uk but only had to put the seat belts on as we were flying towards the south of Ireland.


We didn't do as many excursions this time and organised 3 ourselves, one being the off/on road buggy in Curacao, an helicopter ride on Aruba and as we were the first passengers of the day we had a look round the helicopter and did all the checks, sat in the pilots seat and had loads of photos taken and zip lining on St Lucia where 8 of us went together from 3 ships (Ventura, Regatta and Carnival)


Matt, I see you did the helicopter to Montserrat, that trip is fantastic, we did it in 2008, the pilots have so much knowledge and take you right down low over Plymouth and on the way back you fly around the ship twice, so put something on your balcony and you'll spot your cabin straight away:D


We bought a canvas photo of ourselves and the flight deck on board were very useful and I did everything they asked me only to arrive at Birmingham and no canvas. Katie from the flight deck rang around Barbados lunch time yesterday full of apologies saying it was still in her office and could she put it on the East Midlands flight and she would fast tag it, so I'm now pleased to say I have the photo in my possession.


Ventura is a big ship, we've sailed on her before, we like her and a lot of people we spoke to had good reports.


We didn't see one show, personally through choice.


We found the entertainment officers a littl over the top at times, especially when a coupl were getting married in the Ivory Suite and Pablo and Gavin were making comments about weddings, not very nice to the couple as you can hear what is being said in the Suite.


In our opinion far too many quizzes as well. One had to be abandoned as only one person came to collect an answer sheet, so that says it all.


It was nice to see the roof has been put on the church in Grenada:)


We had fairly good weather and it was funny when Mein Schiff was in as there was showers all day and a great downpour at sailaway. Yes that ship does have nudist sunbathing and port side deck 16 on Ventura was chocabloc:D with passengers looking over:D



So all in all we had a nice time, some great spa treatments, and I was one who had my hair done on the formal nights (and a few others too:p)


If you do your research you will enjoy yourself on a lovely ship with some great hardworking staff. Spend time getting to know them, they have stories to tell and they want to get to know you as well.


As PandO say, there is a world out there, and there certainly is ;)

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Hi Matty


We just got back from the same cruise as you, but we had a 7hr delay at Gatwick before we even left England on the 21st Nov, and a 2hr delay when leaving Barbados.


We also saw Fogwell Flax last, when were you on there?


Those Germans certainly don't believe in much clothing, we went to the beach that day, and they all kept straying from their nudest section of the beach, and walking straight in front of us, not a pretty sight!!


We didnt do any of the P&O organised tours as I am in a wheelchair and they weren't really suitable, we did Cosol in St Lucia and Bernards Tours in St Maarten, they were a lot more personal as there weren't too many people on them, and the best bit was the rum punch!!


Hope you have recovered from your Jellyfish sting?

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Matt, I see you did the helicopter to Montserrat, that trip is fantastic, we did it in 2008, the pilots have so much knowledge and take you right down low over Plymouth and on the way back you fly around the ship twice, so put something on your balcony and you'll spot your cabin straight away:D



We were lucky enough that the volcano started an eruption as we approached. Boulders and ash came flowing out and it was just amazing. i got some fantastic photos and videos. The pilot was having a great time. He said that was the best flight of the year for activity. I felt so privileged to witness it.

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Hi Matty


We just got back from the same cruise as you, but we had a 7hr delay at Gatwick before we even left England on the 21st Nov, and a 2hr delay when leaving Barbados.

I heard about your delay. Faulty air con unit on the plane wasn't it?


We also saw Fogwell Flax last, when were you on there?


last time i saw him was in 2004 on OV. Did many more impressions than he did on Ventura.



Hope you have recovered from your Jellyfish sting?


Its healing now but its still red. to be honest it was just like a bad nettle sting.

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I can thoroughly recommend the Virgin Gorda trip too, we went on that one with OV (we liked OV!) You have a nice boat ride from Tortola to Gorda 30/40 minutes, then a trolley train thingy takes you to the beach...now...if you ain't a good walker you may have trouble here, it is quite a walk down to the beach (down hill) & quite a walk back, heavy going for the less mobile or fit. It is a beautiful beach though, strewn with huge boulders like that place in the Seychelles that you probably will never go to!! Beware though my wife got bitten to bits at the market on the quayside in Tortola daytime..sandflies??

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Oh my goodness are you saying Ventura is Like Ocean Village !! We have just booked a 2 week cruise on Ventura for January and assumed it would be in the same class as other P&O / Princess ships.


What have you got against Ocean Village.

I am a 67 year old retired Sales Manager(Many "Blue Chip Companies on my CV). We have had 3 great holidays on OV ships, met some wonderful people and would like to continue cruising once the OV ships are withdrawn.

I am, however, very concerned about the attitude of some posters on this site to casual attire, which they seem to aquaint with lower standards of behaviour.

I find this patronising and quite offensive, but typical of small minded people who think that putting on a penguin suit sets them apart from their fellow human beings.I have played golf for 50 years, so I know all about petty snobbery and I have witnessed standards of behaviour at so called Formal Nights that would put any Lager Lout to shame!!!

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We were also on this cruise and I found more than even in March, Ventura had a clientele very much representative of a market town on a Saturday afternoon. The age range was from 20 somethings up to the 70 plus, with an average I would guess at about 50. With it being term time there were few children.

However, Ventura appeared to cope well with such a diverse range of passengers, with people migrating to the bars and areas in which they felt most comfortable. We certainly had no issues with people's dress or behaviour, and overall felt it was a very friendly experience with people always up for a chat.




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I tend to have issues with dress, BUT only when people are on a ship that has a dress code & people don't respect it, I think this is rude & disrespectful. I feel qualified to comment as I have been on OV & enjoyed it immensely, I have also enjoyed the formal nights on Cunard & P&O. To be honest I can't say which I prefer but go with the flow.

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Excellent review Matty -- we have all *fone the tour, tyime over and going AGAIN next month* NOT on Ventura -- so was nice to hear your opinion, of a simialr/same classed clientel ship as OV


*JohntheD* -- I do think the dress code will go out of the window --as their will be sooo many OV-ers looking for a plan B cruise - against a static hol .. so i can see an influx to Ventura and with that a change of heirachy as far as dress codes etc., are adhered too.


Cruise buddie --perhaps you will be better to cancel your cruise then --as research is a part of all holidays and you obviosly not booked the cruise for you ............. Qm has some vacant dates ...


Crystal -- glad you enjoyed the heli ride etc I have my PPL (h) and its thee most awesome feeling.


Once again Matty great review . just dont know if I can make the change over to a titchy roomed ship :-(

then again all ships go to the same places --OV had the best -with longest hrs ashore and just the one sea day oh and the GBP --(thats £ sterling for anyone else)

Having been thier, seen it, done it --on the best ship --maybe static is the way forward for us now :-(

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''*JohntheD* -- I do think the dress code will go out of the window --as their will be sooo many OV-ers looking for a plan B cruise - against a static hol .. so i can see an influx to Ventura and with that a change of heirachy as far as dress codes etc., are adhered too.''

Fine if they do, as long as they make it clear that the ship is a casual dress ship & not confuse us with mixed messages. Like saying dress codes apply to all areas after 6PM, then saying but not the buffet or some bars. We would have gone on OV again if she sailed from Southampton, & couldn't care a less about dress.

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That sailaway horrified me, the bloody war was over 64 years ago:mad:



It was all done with humour and jest and the applause suggested it was met with such. I work with many Germans and we tease them about the war, they tease us about football and so on :)

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Great review Matty, reminded me of things I like so much about Caribbean cruises, and some I don't !


Now the questions:)


Freddie Mercury, did you mean Steve Littlewood aka The Great Pretender, I know he does the ships, we have seem him locally and he does a great show.


Nevis sailaway, do they actually go to Nevis, we took this trip last march and it didn't because of the Hurricane the previous October. No-one thought to mention it though.


P&O entertainment, don't know where to start really, I suppose we go expecting NOT to be entertained, then if we are it's a bonus. But you seemed to have a good mix there. We are on Oceana in February so we will see what we get.


Edit; You did mean Steve Larkin :) I have just googled him. Perhaps you have to be called Steve to be Freddy!

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What a good review thanks!!! We sail 26th Feb and i have booked the turtle snorkle and Nevis Sailaway. Was doing the Cain Garden Bay all day beach trip instead of the Baths, hope i hae made the right choice though i have plenty of time to change!!! Did you enjoy the Nevis trip and the turtle trip?

By the way, i will be following the dress codes! bought a beautiful long Karen Millen dress for one of the formal nights yesterday! Hope to god its 25K cause i might be struggling with all my gorgeous dresses i have bought:eek:!!!



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Great review Matty, reminded me of things I like so much about Caribbean cruises, and some I don't !


Now the questions:)


Freddie Mercury, did you mean Steve Littlewood aka The Great Pretender, I know he does the ships, we have seem him locally and he does a great show.

No it was Steve Larkins and his Mercury Rising show. He is just as good as Steve Littlewood (seen them both on OV) if not better.


Nevis sailaway, do they actually go to Nevis, we took this trip last march and it didn't because of the Hurricane the previous October. No-one thought to mention it though.


Yes we went to Nevis and spent a few hours on the beach. Many trees have been de-topped from the hurricane but there appears to be a lot of building work ongoing.



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