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Just Back From Carnival Spirit 27 Nov - 05 Dec


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What did your VW cabbie charge you to go to playa condesa ?:confused::confused:


I think we ended up paying about $25 for the complete trip. First he took us to the WalMart which was a couple of miles past the beach area. He waited for us as we went inside to the pharmacy. Then he took us to the beach. We told him to come back in 3 hours and he was there right on time. Then he took us back to the ship area. Actually a little past it because we wanted to be dropped off at the Zocalo and then walk back to the ship. He didn't want to be paid until our final destination which was nice. He trusted us so we trusted him. You could probably get a one-way trip to Playa Condesa for about $7-$10 each way. I don't haggle much with Mexican taxi drivers. I probably even paid a little extra. Even if I over pay a little, I figure his kids might get a little something extra for Christmas, or a new pair of shoes, or some school supplies. To me, $25 was a great price to pay for all the driving he did. In Cabo San Lucas, that same amount of driving would probably cost $60 or more. I'll see if Holly remembers his name and post it if she does. He was very nice. Gave us a running narrative of the Acapulco area we were driving through (mini-tour) so it was great.

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Darrell - Really enjoying reliving last week. Glad we had good tablemates and enjoyed dining with you each night. Wish we were still on the ship - especially since we've had snow and below zero temperatures back here in Denver!




Did you read the post about the CruiseCritic Roll Call members who were right next to us in the dining room at table 227. Bummer we didn't realize they were right there. We could have had even more fun playing musical chairs.


Stay warm! We're freezing our tuckus off with early morning temps in the 40's. Warms up a little during the day (low 60's). It's been a challenge to wear shorts this week.

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Stay warm! We're freezing our tuckus off with early morning temps in the 40's. Warms up a little during the day (low 60's). It's been a challenge to wear shorts this week.


Freezing is 32 degrees! Yesterday, I woke up to -9 temperature and the high for the day (the high temperature!) was 18. There is nothing like starting a commute with scraping ice off the car, scrapping the fog off the inside of the car as you drive (the fog from your breath goes to the windsheild and freezes) while at the same time driving with gloves on your hand (touching a steering wheel that is -12 cold is painful) and driving on 5" of hard packed ice without sliding out.

Lucky for me that it is mych warmer this morning- 4 degrees!

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Forgot to mention one thing about the cab ride in Acapulco. The VW bugs (taxi) do not have air conditioning. Acapulco is a big city and has big city traffic. Lots of stop and go. It could get a little brutal for someone sitting in the back seat when you are stopped in traffic. At 6'3" tall, Holly insisted I sit in the front. I can only imagine that it was pretty hot for her in the back, but she never complained. Perhaps a little fan, carnival caper, or magazine would help move the air around. Something to think about anyway.

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Got to get back on the ball with this review. Hope to post 4 days worth today.


Day 4 (01 Dec 2009) – Ixtapa/Zihuatanejo Visit


Unfortunately, I can’t post much about this port. I was feeling a little off in the morning so we decided to just stay onboard and enjoy a quiet day on the ship. I felt a lot better by lunch time so it didn’t last long. We had been to Zihuatanejo on a previous cruise anyway.


Our plans originally, were to just catch a cab to Playa La Ropa and hang out for the day at Paty’s or Rossy’s. Have lunch, sit in the shade, look out at the water, read a good book. You know, stressful stuff.


So we just had a nice day on the ship. One disappointing event did occur during the evening. We had a great meal (as always) in the main dining room. As our meal was winding down, 2 guys (in their 20’s) walked past us. They had already finished their meal and so were leaving. Their attire was completely inappropriate for the main dining room. Normally I don’t really care what people wear, I just decide they really haven’t figured things out yet. In some cases, maybe they never will. Their parents are probably just as lost in life. Guy #1 was wearing a muscle shirt, basketball shorts and was bare footed. Guy #2 was wearing a t-shirt, basketball shorts, and flip flops. It didn’t affect our meal or our evening, but it certainly did change my opinion of the Maitre D’ and his assistants. If they cannot address a simple thing as a dress code, then they really have no business being in a leadership position. On 3 previous Carnival cruises, we had never seen anything quite this bad. I do plan to address this in a separate letter to Carnival in the near future.


The evening show was “Swingin’ With The Big Band” starring Ned Rifken. We chose not to go. Showtimes were Early Seating 8:45pm, Late Seating 10:30pm.

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Day 5 (02 Dec 2009) – Manzanillo Visit


Today was a really nice day. I forgot to mention earlier that as we sailed north, each day’s weather was a little nicer. Acapulco was the hottest and most humid. Acapulco was not bad by any stretch but you did notice the temp/humidity a little more.


Our plans for the day were to just take a cab over to the Las Hadas Resort and pay for a day pass. If you have never been to Manzanillo before (we have), you can take the ship’s shuttle bus into town ($4 each – bring cash). The town is worth seeing a little before heading to the beach or a resort like La Hadas. Things you will see in town – a giant metal sculpture of a sailfish/marlin (40’ – 60’ tall), the town square (Zocolo) with a Snoopy sculpture that is cute. George Shultz (Peanuts creator) loved Manzanillo. Another thing worth noticing is the little garden shrines built on the side streets. If you walk down one of the main streets and look up the side streets going up a hill, you will see them. I believe they are religious shrines and seem to be very well maintained. Interesting to see anyway.


If you do not want to go into this part of town but still want to go to the beaches or to Las Hadas, there is a way to save some money. When you get off the ship, you will have to turn right and walk to where the bus is parked. You can pay to go into town ($8.00 for 2 people – round trip), or walk past the bus, turn left and you will find cabs waiting. If you go into town, 2 people ($8.00) + the taxi from town to Las Hadas ($10) for a total of $18 for 2 people to get to Las Hadas. Skip the bus and get a cab around the corner, $7 - $8 total for 2 people to get to Las Hadas. Same price coming back if you skip going to town. No need to tip the cab drivers as this is already calculated in your fare. I normally do anyway because I figure I may be helping to buy some kid a pair of shoes, or school supplies, or a present. Your decision to make.


Las Hadas is a very nice “older” resort. I feel it is pretty well maintained. It doesn’t have all the frills of the newest whiz bang resorts, but it’s very nice. We had a great afternoon there. Price for a day pass is $30 per person. Actually it’s 300 pesos which is about $24 - $25 currently IF YOU HAVE PESOS, otherwise you will pay $30. They have a nice outdoor (covered) restaurant by the pool, or you can have pool side service from the bar. When you pay the $30 entrance fee (per person), you will get coupons worth 300 pesos to spend. We ate from the poolside service, not the restaurant. Here are some of the prices, IN PESOS/Dollars).


Nachos & Cheese ($70 pesos = $5.60 US), Guacamole & Chips ($60/$4.80), Shrimp Cocktail Colima Style ($140/$11.20), Chicken Wings Buffalo Style ($90/$7.20), Fish Fingers ($90/$7.20), Wings & Ribs ($105/$8.40), Club Sandwich & Fries ($105/$8.40), Hot Dog & Fries ($80/$6.40), Beef Hamburger & Fries ($105/$8.40), Chicken Hamburger & Fries ($95/$7.60), Meat Skewers: Chicken ($105/$8.40), Beef ($105/$8.40), Fish ($125/$10) – special note: the skewers come with coleslaw & potato w/spices (?). There are also a couple of pizzas in the range of $90 (small) to $145 (medium). The most unique was the “Marinera” with tuna, shrimp, surimi, onion, chili, and olive.


Sample of Drink prices: Pina Colada w/Amaretto ($90/$7.20), Margarita ($80/$6.40), Coco Loco ($110/$8.80). All in all, the alcoholic drinks “on the menu ran in the range of $80 - $140 ($6.40-$11.20 US). Not sure of the prices for sodas or beer, but I’m sure they were reasonable for a resort.


What we had. We each got the Beef Hamburger w/fries. The hamburger is very large (at least 1/3 pound or larger). We had cheese added (not sure the cost). The cheese is shredded white Mexican cheese so don’t be looking for a slab of American or cheddar. It was good though. Holly had a diet coke and I had (2) Pacifico’s. Holly also ordered the Guacamole & Chips (it’s a large order so you would only need one for two or three people). Our total at that point was around $395 pesos (remember you have $600 to spend for two people. We added 2 Pina Colada’s at that point and just gave the waiter the whole book of coupons.


The swimming pool is very nice. Water is a little cold getting in but you get used to it and then you are fine. It’s a very large pool. There is a rope bridge that goes across it but you can also walk around the perimeter of the pool instead. One set of bathrooms (not the best, but workable) The lounge chairs closest to the resort are plastic. On the far side of the pool, they are metal framed (sturdier) so that is where we went. There is a lizard around the pool area (completely tame and about 18 inches long). It was bigger at one time but part of its tail is gone :(. Really likes french fries. Bring your towels from the ship (or pay to rent from the resort). Beach area is very calm and nice. You have to pay to rent a palapa on the beach so we just stayed around the pool.


All in all, it was a great day. There were quite a few people from the ship that went to the resort. Our cost’s because we used pesos; Shuttle to downtown (didn’t know about the taxi’s right around the corner), $4 each (US). Cab to Las Hadas from town $120p/$9.60 (US). Las Hadas day use fee $600p/$48 (for 2 people). Cab back to the ship $100p/$8. Total for the day for 2 people was $73.60 using pesos. Paying with US dollars brings the cost to $86 instead. Skipping the shuttle to town and just using a taxi from the pier will save you @ $10. If you’ve never been to Manzanillo before, I’d still recommend spending the $10 to go into town for a quick look around.


So we spent less the $75 for the day. Carnival’s “beach break & resort” is at a newer (whiz bang) resort and includes a buffet lunch and complimentary domestic drinks. It costs $90 each or $180 for 2 people. So I guess it depends upon how much you drink as to whether you get value that way. $180 vs. $75 is a no-brainer to me. We had lunch, Holly had a soda & a pina colada. I had 2 beers and a pina colada.


Catching a cab when you leave the resort is easy. Just ask in the Lobby and they will send for one. One final note. To get from the Lobby to the pool area requires going down stairs. I’m sure they probably have a plan for handicapped people (elevator or outdoor shuttle) but I didn’t think to ask.


Back onboard the ship. Dinner was great (as always). Evening show was “The Prop Comedy of Marcus Raymond”. We chose not to go. 7:00pm: Late Seating, 8:45pm Early Seating. They also have a late night Mexican Buffet & "Dance Party Under The Stars" up on the Lido Deck. Starts around 9:30pm (the party), buffet at 11:00pm.


Final note. All of my peso calculations for this thread are done using a conversion rate of $12.5 pesos to $1.00 dollar. Exchange rates change daily but this is a current ball park figure.

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Do you remember how early you can board the ship and what is the best time to get to the dock.?


I don't know what time SDPadres fan got on, but I was downtown this morning and saw people getting on around 1030. It looked like most people were off. I saw folks with #20 debark on their bags at 1000, so everyone was probably off. It was the only ship today, so be careful if more than one ship is in port.

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Wow, the best review of Las Hadas that I've seen here on cc.


Can you confirm whether they charge for kids as well? (ages 6 and under)


Thank You!


There were a couple of families with kids at Las Hadas that were from the Spirit. I don't know if they had to pay full freight or a reduced amount. I know some people (adults) arrived later in the afternoon and were able to beg down the price the had to pay. They had been golfing earlier. You might be able to cajole a cheaper rate. You pay at the guard shack at the entrance to the resort, not at the hotel itself.

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Do you remember how early you can board the ship and what is the best time to get to the dock.?


We've boarded in San Diego as early as @ 11:00am in the past. This time we were there at 12:00pm. Read my initial post for my tips for quicker and easier boarding.

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We followed in your foot steps and boarded the Spirit on the 5th..couple of observations...\arrived in SD at 10:36am..bags intow we headed to the taxi's...he dropped us off in front of the Holiday Inn and told us it was easier to just roll our luggage across the street...he didn't want to get caught up in the "cruise traffic" and this way he could turn around and get another fare at the airport...okay by us..easy jaunt..we got in line, which went quickly, dropped our luggage with the porter and headed to the terminal...now for the GREAT part...we had booked an inside gty...they upgraded us to ...get this...an OV suite...I thought we were getting a balcony and I was excited..you can imagine our jubilation when we opened the cabin door and realized what we had...13 cruises and we were nicely upgraded for the first time...started our cruise off in a great way...especially since I was bumming because someone had backed into my car at work Friday morning and left a "blank" note under my windshield wipper because they wanted anyone who saw it happen to think that they were leaving me their name and number...NOT!!...anyway...the trip was awesome..had table 216 ..early dining time...we did hear the azipods on occassion, but thought it was because the captian was fighting some good winds...who knows...nothing to bother our enjoyment of dinner for sure...on another note I did see "Mr V the Maitre D" turn some guys away on formal night who were in jeans...so perhaps they didn't see the guys you had show up..just a thought..anyway..thanks for leaving the ship in fine shape...we found this crew to be the most friendly and hard working of any cruise we've been on..can't wait to reboard her in 54 days!!!:D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Did you read the post about the CruiseCritic Roll Call members who were right next to us in the dining room at table 227. Bummer we didn't realize they were right there. We could have had even more fun playing musical chairs.


Stay warm! We're freezing our tuckus off with early morning temps in the 40's. Warms up a little during the day (low 60's). It's been a challenge to wear shorts this week.

I saw that to bad we could not have put are tables together.Still cold here in Denver.

Lenny and I had a good time with you and Holly. I wiash we still on the ship now but we came home and Lenny is now have some health issues that would make it hard to be on ther enow. I will have lunch with Mary Lou on Sat before she flys back east.

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