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Port of Miami and checked liquor and wine

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Hmmmmm....sounds like another disgruntled smuggler having a pout.....


Poor thing....will have to actually PAY for their booze like the rest of us....


Enjoy your land based vacations.....


We ALL obviously know your feelings on the subject. You feel the need to spout it every chance you get. I believe someone counted the otherday and it was 52 times in one day. Could you please just leave us alone? You've made your point, this thread is about booze which you say you dont smuggle so why are you here???? We get it.

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i have posted this before...and i question it again...

CCL is doing this for the $'s...PERIOD!


So, why discriminate? Do not allow people to carry on wine, cokes and bottled water. And when they stop that, cancel the allowance of all sunblock and perfumes. Afterall, CCL sells that stuff too. oh, NO SMOKES ALLOWED either. (that should make g'ma real happy) You should be required to purchase that all onboard too.


Why discriminate with the booze? If CCL sells it onboard, you should not be allowed to bring it onboard. You should be forced to purchase it on the ship. Clothes? Where should it end? Oxygen?


Maybe CCL should start charging full price for 4 people per cabin instead of giving discounts to families for 3rd and 4th guests. Maybe the CEO needs a paycut?!!!


I hate it that one group of people (drinkers, smugglers etc) are penalized and have to make up for the company's lost revenue. Truth is, the cruiseline is losing money still if people bring on their own cokes for their kids. So why is that allowed?


No, I don't want to hear smarty pants remarks like "because it's against the rules that's why you shouldn't smuggle booze" duh! I know that. I'd love to see the ban on some of these other things like sunblock, film, wine, smokes etc. I wonder what will be said then.


It's ridiculous!


I've said it before and I'll say it again. it's not fair, i don't like it, and if i can't smuggle my booze onboard, i will go to AI resorts. I fly for free. I choose to pay to cruise.


Go ahead CCL, nickel and dime me to death (or highway rob me) and I will not be returning after my currently booked cruise.:mad:




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I guess you could call "G'ma" righteous......


I don't cheat' date=' steal, lie. I obey the rules and the law. I don't cheat on my income tax and obey speed limits. Never smuggled booze, never would and have a contempt for those who do....and for anyone who truly believes they are above the rules - or the law-.


It's an integrity thingie. One either has it - or doesn't have it.....


As for 51 posts......heck, I'm on a short vacation in Tucson visiting my brother and the snow has prevented me from getting home... I'm 5 days delayed and counting. Maybe tomorrow...


Not much else to do but annoy my fellow CC members who don't know where the ignore button is located.[/quote']


Hey righteous one- Judging others is not so righteous! Boasting about how righteous you are is not so righteous either.


"For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the same measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" Matthew 7:2-3


It's sooo easy to cast a stone at someone else-- you don't have to look at yourself then!!!!!!!


Read the bible-- the only righteous person ever on Earth was Jesus.

Get over yourself G'ma- REALLY!!!!!!!!



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It does seem like the technology exists (see below). The question is whether they will be able to keep up with the sheer workload required to execute, as long as there are still a large number of "smugglers".


As for us, we've decided we are going to smuggle anyway. In a worse case scenario, they confiscate it until the last night. Then I'd have to buy drinks. OK, big deal. We'd be no worse off than if we don't try and buy anyway. I will also take along empty rum runners and fill them in port and put them in my large shorts pockets.


There will always be ways. ;)


It will be interesting to see how many rum runners make it through, or not.




Our unique approach for dangerous or illicit liquid detection enables the screening of multiple containers simultaneously and discriminates between harmful or illegal and safe liquids, even when their physical properties are very similar. The system can detect the presence of contraband substances, such as alcohol, even when present in small amounts and mixed with other liquids. Liquid detection is fast and safe because the automated liquid analysis does not require any containers to be opened. Liquid analysis is performed in real time based on liquid density and effective atomic number (Zeff).


Optosecurity's breakthrough combination of disruptive patented technologies makes it now possible to see beyond what humans are capable of with the naked eye.


Based in Canada, Optosecurity Inc. is a leading developer and manufacturer of innovative physical security products for the protection of Transportation and Critical Infrastructures

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I guess you could call "G'ma" righteous......


I don't cheat' date=' steal, lie. I obey the rules and the law. I don't cheat on my income tax and obey speed limits. Never smuggled booze, never would and have a contempt for those who do....and for anyone who truly believes they are above the rules - or the law-.[/b']


It's an integrity thingie. One either has it - or doesn't have it.....


As for 51 posts......heck, I'm on a short vacation in Tucson visiting my brother and the snow has prevented me from getting home... I'm 5 days delayed and counting. Maybe tomorrow...


Not much else to do but annoy my fellow CC members who don't know where the ignore button is located.



Well would the following rules from cruise critic make you a hyprocrate?A poster has stated "we get it" but you then go to post again and publicaly state you are doing this to annoy.That would be disruption in my book.


Harassment, Flaming, Disruption and Trolls The harassment of our members is not allowed.


Cruise Critic is committed to providing an online environment that is free from these types of harassing postings. Please, don't attack another poster or group of posters. Do not harass, threaten, embarrass, or do anything else to another member that is unwanted. This means: don't say bad things about them, don't keep sending them unwanted Instant Message notes, don't attack their race, heritage, or their sexual orientation, etc. If you disagree with someone, respond to the subject, not the person. Postings of this nature will be removed from the boards.


Do not post details or private information about any other person. Do not attempt to impersonate another person, either real or virtual.


Postings that have been placed on the boards to disrupt the flow of conversation or otherwise disrupt Cruise Critic members' enjoyment of the Community will be removed and you run the risk of losing your posting privileges. This would include, but is not limited to, the posting of essentially the same message over and over in response to different threads on the forums or ultilizing the features of our Community to transmit messages of a personal nature. However, the determination of what constitutes "disruption" will be the sole determination of the Community




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Please use the ignore button on any of the threads that deal with alcohol and all of us will be happy. Evidently you know where it is. If you get your jollies annoying us, that is truly a sad thing.

Sometimes when people aren't getting any "jollies" they spend a lot of time posting on the internet:D

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I guess you could call "G'ma" righteous......


I don't cheat' date=' steal, lie. I obey the rules and the law. I don't cheat on my income tax and obey speed limits. Never smuggled booze, never would and have a contempt for those who do....and for anyone who truly believes they are above the rules - or the law-.


It's an integrity thingie. One either has it - or doesn't have it.....


As for 51 posts......heck, I'm on a short vacation in Tucson visiting my brother and the snow has prevented me from getting home... I'm 5 days delayed and counting. Maybe tomorrow...


Not much else to do but annoy my fellow CC members who don't know where the ignore button is located.


G'ma............grow up.

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Trip reports! We need trip reports! Where are our bootleggers out in the field??? ERRRRR I mean...SEA.. we should be hearing something more by Monday or Tuesday don't you think????


That's what we need!! Patiently awaiting for the reporters to report for duty. :) Much better reading than these silly personal attacks IMO... :D

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This is like kids in school being told not to chew gum. We did it to see if we could get away with it.


So now your all grown up and your try to save some money off your S&S. Sure you can get booze on the ship, but who does it affect? Everyone. Think about it.

Every drink that you have on the ship if it's smuggled or bought, affects someone.


So you say you don't care, think about it. It affects you, me, and the people that don't drink, by the prices of the cruise, drinks, and every thing to do with cruising.


Yes I drink and yes I would love to get a case of beer in my room, but I won't, and that is my decision.






I posted this on the other 'What Happened to thread"


No I don't think Carnival spent the money for the new x-ray machine.


What I can believe is that the manufacturer of the machine is field testing the new x-ray technology and offered it to the company that scans the luggage or Homeland Security may be testing it, who knows.

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This is like kids in school being told not to chew gum. We did it to see if we could get away with it.


So now your all grown up and your try to save some money off your S&S. Sure you can get booze on the ship, but who does it affect? Everyone. Think about it.

Every drink that you have on the ship if it's smuggled or bought, affects someone.


So you say you don't care, think about it. It affects you, me, and the people that don't drink, by the prices of the cruise, drinks, and every thing to do with cruising.


Yes I drink and yes I would love to get a case of beer in my room, but I won't, and that is my decision.



OK, so how do you think the people who don't drink are affecting the prices for all of us? Why is it up to the people who drink to keep the prices down for everyone else - it's kinda like saying the drinkers are paying part of the nondrinker's fare isn't it? Like I've said before - there should be a nonrefundable bar credit included in everyone's fare - drinkers or not (can be used for pop or virgin drinks) then everyone would be helping to keep the prices from increasing. I'm sure alot of smuggler's bills at the end of cruise are still much higher than those of the people who do not drink.


It just floors me that the people who bring their own alcohol on board are being blamed for price increases. There are many people that cruise and have next to nothing on their S&S acc't at the end - they are affecting the profit margin much more than someone who brings a few drinks on with them!

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This is like kids in school being told not to chew gum. We did it to see if we could get away with it.


So now your all grown up and your try to save some money off your S&S. Sure you can get booze on the ship, but who does it affect? Everyone. Think about it.

Every drink that you have on the ship if it's smuggled or bought, affects someone.


So you say you don't care, think about it. It affects you, me, and the people that don't drink, by the prices of the cruise, drinks, and every thing to do with cruising.


Yes I drink and yes I would love to get a case of beer in my room, but I won't, and that is my decision.






I posted this on the other 'What Happened to thread"


No I don't think Carnival spent the money for the new x-ray machine.


What I can believe is that the manufacturer of the machine is field testing the new x-ray technology and offered it to the company that scans the luggage or Homeland Security may be testing it, who knows.


this kind of statement doesn't hold water. money we save from not spending on booze at the bar, and don't worry my first day tab is always over a hundy, but money we save ends up being used on bingo and other crap like that, so they still get their money from us. heck, we bought a 100 dollar on board credit voucher that would be worth 200 dollars on our next cruise, but because we booked our cruise with a 50 dollar savings certificate, we can't use the full 200 dollar on board credit.:rolleyes:

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OK, so how do you think the people who don't drink are affecting the prices for all of us? Why is it up to the people who drink to keep the prices down for everyone else - it's kinda like saying the drinkers are paying part of the nondrinker's fare isn't it? Like I've said before - there should be a nonrefundable bar credit included in everyone's fare - drinkers or not (can be used for pop or virgin drinks) then everyone would be helping to keep the prices from increasing. I'm sure alot of smuggler's bills at the end of cruise are still much higher than those of the people who do not drink.


It just floors me that the people who bring their own alcohol on board are being blamed for price increases. There are many people that cruise and have next to nothing on their S&S acc't at the end - they are affecting the profit margin much more than someone who brings a few drinks on with them!


amen brother!

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OK, so how do you think the people who don't drink are affecting the prices for all of us? Why is it up to the people who drink to keep the prices down for everyone else - it's kinda like saying the drinkers are paying part of the nondrinker's fare isn't it? Like I've said before - there should be a nonrefundable bar credit included in everyone's fare - drinkers or not (can be used for pop or virgin drinks) then everyone would be helping to keep the prices from increasing. I'm sure alot of smuggler's bills at the end of cruise are still much higher than those of the people who do not drink.


It just floors me that the people who bring their own alcohol on board are being blamed for price increases. There are many people that cruise and have next to nothing on their S&S acc't at the end - they are affecting the profit margin much more than someone who brings a few drinks on with them!


Exactly. I've never smuggled (I will for the first time in July) and my S&S bill is usually next to nothing.

From what I've read, the smugglers seem to still have high bar bills. Why are they being blamed?

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Doncha know it's always the drinkers fault.......it's damn if you do and damn if you don't......can't live with them bringing smuggled booze and can't live without them purchasing it..........without us the cruise fare would be sky high for the non drinkers.........

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It just floors me that the people who bring their own alcohol on board are being blamed for price increases. There are many people that cruise and have next to nothing on their S&S acc't at the end - they are affecting the profit margin much more than someone who brings a few drinks on with them!



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you can guarantee this... the smugglers don't smuggle booze onboard so that they can sit in their room with the lights out and sulking... they (we) are there to PARTY - And when you are partying, you drop a lot more money that if you were sitting by the pool drinking free tea. you drop more money in the casino, in the shops, on the excursions, in the cruise line owned ports at HMC, Mohogany Bay. YOU KNOW its getting spread around.

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