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Freedom - Eastern Caribbean January 30-February 7 2010


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Thanks for the patience! Nothing like coming home from a vacation to 12 hour night shifts!


Back to the review now....


Saturday Jan 30 - Embarkation Day


Colin & I and Rich received our bags surprisingly quick - within 2 hours of making it on the ship. What a sigh of relief that was for our rum runners.... Christin and Jeff boarded the ship during prime boarding time so their bags must have been at the very bottom of the pile. We aren't sure why Jessica's bags came later, but eventually (after we finished dinner) everyone's bags arrived and we did a happy dance with our Bubba Kegs and Rum Runners...




The "liquor cabinet" ended up being in my room:



We went to dinner at our assigned time (8:15pm) that evening in the Posh dining room. We were so disappointed in our waiter! He barely said hello, and was so impersonable. We were really looking forward to having a great waiter (like we did on Royal Caribbean). Our assistant waiter hardly spoke to us either. They were just there to ask what we wanted and put the plates down in front of us. Luckily the food was great!


Rich had a disappointing experience with the "Carnival Classic Mahi-Mahi". Rich grew up sailing through the Bahamas eating fresh caught mahi-mahi. He also had mahi-mahi the night before at Coconuts in Fort Lauderdale. He said this didn't even compare.... it was dry and had bones. He actually got another entree instead.


I didn't take pictures of my entree this evening and I don't even remember what I ordered! I did take a picture of my appetizer, and of course, dessert:


Chicken Strips - These were good, but nothing extraordinary (can chicken strips really be extraordinary though?). My only meal that was lukewarm during the entire trip:



Creme Brulee - Good as always:



Black Forest Gateau - I sampled this... it was very good!:



That night we wandered around the ship and were disappointed at the lack of nightlife... our bar waiter told us it could be because it was the first evening so everyone was still settling in, and also that the Welcome Aboard shows were on. I hope no one takes offence to my next comment, but we were truly surprised at how old the majority of the people on this cruise were. There were multiple large groups of seniors.... definitely not the vibe we were going for when we booked this cruise. Colin and I wanted to try Carnival because we initially booked just the two of us - we were hoping that the "Fun Ship" would have a younger crowd and we could hang out with people our age. Our waiter (when he finally started talking to us a few nights in... more on him later) said that he had never seen a crowd with such a high average passenger age before. Next time I am going to try and see if we can find out if any large groups have booked, before we book, and maybe we can find out if they are an older crowd.


Anyway, most of us went to bed early that night but Colin and Rich had a blast wandering the ship and going to the Piano Bar to sing along with Greg Gallellon.


I was on the Freedom Jan 9-16 and there was some older people on board but in the past on carnival was not the case, check roll call next time on these boards and see who registers for it, I wouldn't do the Holland line because I heard it was an older crowd like 70's average age. I am looking for a median age on board of 30. Book your next cruise in March and I think the average then will suit you better Spring Break and I think thre older folks avoid the party lines. Ciao

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, I wouldn't do the Holland line because I heard it was an older crowd like 70's average age.


I am so glad I tried Princess although I HEARD it was old people with nothing to do after 10pm. Princess was amazing and it was one of our most favorite cruise to date.


Now this is different for cruises that extend more then 10 days

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In case you don't know already, there are free trolleys in San Juan. From Pier 4 ( where Carnival ships usually dock ), you just cross the street and walk a little to the left and the #1 stop is where you can catch any of the 3 free trolleys. One goes to the forts, one goes to the shopping area and the 3rd one is a combo of the fort and shopping areas. You can hop on and off whenever you wish. 2 of the routes have air conditioned buses and the other one is an open type trolley. They will all end up back at #1.

Hello - I work with some folks up in Mississauga (virtually anyway)!

Thanks for the information! I saw the free trolleys on a SJ website, but I hadn't read of anyone on CC actually using them. I think we'll give them a try - save our legs a bit.

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Hello - I work with some folks up in Mississauga (virtually anyway)!

Thanks for the information! I saw the free trolleys on a SJ website, but I hadn't read of anyone on CC actually using them. I think we'll give them a try - save our legs a bit.


Virtually is good...at least you know where we are.


It can get very hot in S.J. We walked around and shopped for a bit and then took one of the air conditioned trolleys back to stop #1 which is just across from pier 4. After lunch with only about an hour left in port, we took the open air one just to take a ride to see a little more of S.J.

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We're headed out on the Freedom Eastern Caribbean on Mar. 27. I would love to see the capers. Any chance you could post them? Or photograph them & post with your photos? I know I'm asking a lot, so I'll beg PLEASE, PRETTY PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE!! WITH SUGAR ON TOP? Really enjoying your review. Thanks!!!!!!!:)

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We're headed out on the Freedom Eastern Caribbean on Mar. 27. I would love to see the capers. Any chance you could post them? Or photograph them & post with your photos? I know I'm asking a lot, so I'll beg PLEASE, PRETTY PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE!! WITH SUGAR ON TOP? Really enjoying your review. Thanks!!!!!!!:)


Hey Stranger! I'm with you (on the 27th) - I've been looking high and low for Capers! All I've been able to find are the 6 day. I'll second the request for pictures! Please!

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We're headed out on the Freedom Eastern Caribbean on Mar. 27. I would love to see the capers. Any chance you could post them? Or photograph them & post with your photos? I know I'm asking a lot, so I'll beg PLEASE, PRETTY PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE!! WITH SUGAR ON TOP? Really enjoying your review. Thanks!!!!!!!:)


I will photography them once I finish the review and post them..... I know it may not seem like it but I promise I will be finished this review well before March 27!! :D

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deck, 6, 7 and 9 all the way forward look for the doors on the side of the hall to go out on the secret decks


Yup, they are just simply unmarked doors. They don't say "do not enter" so although it may feel a bit weird going out of them at first, you are allowed!


When we were leaving the secret deck, we walked past a state room a few rooms down from the secret door. A girl was putting a "Just Engaged" sign on her door - we told her to check out the deck with her new fiance for the most amazing romantic experience! I couldn't believe that she had never thought to open the door and check it out!

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oo I found out the the Freedom DOES have the hot tubs in the gym spa area.


If anyone likes to sit in hot tubs- this is where you want to go- They are kept hotter then the ones at the pools because kids under 18 are not allowed in here so there is no kids going under water, etc.

Not many people know they are here--so most times you go no one else will be there with you.

One is a hot tub and beside it is the cool pool.


These are free to use--as is the sauna and steam room.

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My apologies for such a delayed response! This is turning out to be the slowest coming cruise review ever, but I promise I will finish it! I had a legitimate excuse this time - I got engaged Saturday! The coolest thing was that he proposed by the Olympic Torch and Rings (so when you see them on TV you can think of me!) - After I finish this review I need to start planning my next cruise in full force - wedding cruise!


Wednesday, Feb 3 - Antigua 7am-7pm


Our plan for Antigua was to take a taxi to Valley Church Beach, and then take the bus back to the ship. We chose Valley Church Beach after looking up many Antigua beaches and deciding that this seemed to be the least crowded beach that offered Jet Skis (Colin's "must-do" of the trip). We noticed that Valley Church Beach's popularity was increasing on the boards, but decided to go anyways because based on people's reviews, it was gorgeous!


We slept in and met for breakfast at the MDR. Breakfast was pretty simple.... you have a choice of various styles of eggs, waffles, eggs benedict, and I don't remember the rest! I had poached eggs and toast... nice and simple. My toast was cold though, but I didn't have high expectations so wasn't disappointed. I made sure to get a few apple turnovers!


I don't think we left the ship until 10 or 11. It was nice to have 12 hours in port and not a whole lot planned, so we had the opportunity to sleep in and have a relaxing day time-wise. We hopped into a cab and began the 15-20 minute drive to Valley Church Beach. Our taxi driver was great, and he made sure to tell us a bit about the island during the drive as well.


I said earlier that our plan was to bus back..... however after driving through the city we decided that we were not comfortable taking the bus with all of our possessions, so we arranged for our driver to pick us up at 3:30.


The beach was stunning!





It was longer than I expected, but it was also busier than I expected.




"The Nest" Restaurant & Bar, with the incredibly expensive coconut shrimp ($16 for 4!!) that I didn't bother trying because surely they were not worth that much! My friends agreed - they were not worth it!




Since the beach was much busier that we had envisioned, we had to walk a fair ways down to the left to find a spot. We had a bit of a hard/annoying time getting beach chairs and an umbrella. The guys didn't want to bring them all the way down to us, and then when they agreed, they took what felt like forever to bring them to us. There were painful burrs in the sand so I really wanted my chair! It was HOT!!!!! So I really wanted my umbrella too! Chairs were $5 each and the umbrella was $10.


Jess & Chris wasted no time getting comfy in the sand:



Isn't it beautiful?!!!!


The guys made Jet-Skiing their #1 priority. The Jet-Ski dude initially told us they would cost $90 for an hour, but I got him down to $80 an hour since we were renting 3. The guys went out for their hour immediately!




They had a blast, although what guy wouldn't like the jet-skis to run just a little bit faster? Colin said it was worth the price.


It was quite windy, so my umbrella didn't last very long. Colin tried to secure it again for me but it still wouldn't stay up. It was so hot that my leg was burning hot to the touch, so I definitely needed some sun protection. I ended up dragging my chair under a tree and hanging out with Jeff, who is pretty sensitive to the sun as well!


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I was so relaxed that I fell asleep without any problem!


I woke up to this!!:



Everyone had a blast running in the beautiful cloudy turquoise water while in Antigua.




Before long, it was time to pack up our things and head back to St. Johns. Our taxi driver was right on time!


I took one last picture before leaving Valley Church Beach...



Fresh Fruit For Sale:






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We wandered about the city, and I got some shot glasses and abalone shell necklaces for my cousins and friends back at home. Just an FYI, a lady was selling necklaces on the beach for $20 - I bought these for $5 in town at the marketplace (go to the vendors in the back, as they are cheaper).


It took some convincing of other members of my party, but we made it back to the MDR for dinner that evening.




Our waiter definitely talked a lot, but he wasn't half as bad as he was the night before. He was tolerable and it was nice to hear his views on our home city of Vancouver! For someone as opinionated as him, I was expecting him to hate it - but he loved it, as he should! :P


As always, dinner was delicious....


I seem to have completely forgot what soup this is, and tonights menu is not showing up on the link of menus I previously posted:




Duck Appetizer:




Thai Beef & Noodles with Peanut Sauce - This was to die for!!!




Lamb Chops - I didn't try these but from what everyone said, they were excellent:



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Black Bean Enchilladas - wow, wow wow... these were SO good....I don't like anything too spicey but the sauce in this dish was the perfect balance.... they are vegetarian, but I definitely recommend ordering them, even to split with someone as an appetizer! Although make sure you get the Thai Beef, too!




Seafood Medley Plate - I had a sample and it was very good, and it was filling! Jess could barely eat half!




Tiramisu - I ordered this, and Rich ordered the next dessert. Both were amazing (truthfully I could have eaten both!) but Rich and I ended up swapping!




Bitter & Blanc - White & Dark Chocolate Bread Pudding:




After dinner we were all stuffed, and incredibly excited for our day in Tortola that was coming up.... Everyone went to bed except Jessica and I... We seriously, had way too much fun, taking pictures together at the the stations around the ship...





This night was so much fun! We decided to finally go find the secret deck after our photo session! We couldn't believe what we found..... the view of the stars was unbelievable, especially on this cloudless night.... we were passing St Martin so we could see the island full of lights.... it was absolutely stunning and a true "I'm the King of the World!" moment....


We tried calling Colin but he was already in bed and at that time, didn't know just how worth waking up for the secret deck was.... Rich was reading a book on a hammock on the Serenity Deck, and he gladly joined us...... I think after this, Jess and Rich's view of cruising REALLY changed and they fell in love with it!!


Soon after we decided it would be best to go to bed, since we had to be off the ship at 7am on the dot to meet our tour driver in Tortola the next morning...

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is the deck safe to go out there by yourself (a woman)? How big is this deck? I've never been on one....I imagine it's small right?


It's definitely safe, and bigger than one would expect too. We entered through deck 9 and then went up the stairs on the deck to deck 10. There are wooden benches out there as well.... seriously tempting for us not to sleep out there!

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My apologies for such a delayed response! This is turning out to be the slowest coming cruise review ever, but I promise I will finish it! I had a legitimate excuse this time - I got engaged Saturday! The coolest thing was that he proposed by the Olympic Torch and Rings (so when you see them on TV you can think of me!) - After I finish this review I need to start planning my next cruise in full force - wedding cruise!

A big congratulations to you! The torch looks amazing - what a perfect spot!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Steph, it's me Jess replying to a quote on your post here. The taxi driver's name in St. John was Mario!


Hi Jess!!!!!! Welcome to Christin & I's planning mecca! You may find yourself addicted to these boards in the next 597 days until the next cruise!!!



I've finally uploaded more pictures to Photobucket and hope to have my review finished in the next few days people!!!

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