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Do the "Cheerleaders" help or harm NCL?


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Interesting thread. I love cruising and am a big fan of NCL. I only post if I think I may add to a thread, but have been actively perusing for 5 years.


Yes it is obvious there are cheerleaders and naysayers of NCL. Both have a place in this forum, and many of both articulate fair and valid commentary. What is unfortunate is how some in both camps will reply to an OP's or poster's comment with a post that attacks the OP/poster.


If you are compelled to disagree with a post, why not say such and express why and leave it at that, rather than question the OP/poster's intent with an attacking reply. The thread then becomes a forum on how many different ways we can bash the OP/poster.


The vast majority of the cheerleaders posts are positive. However, in my opinion, the cheerleaders that feel compelled to turn on and attack an OP/poster because they didn't like the message in a post is too frequent and casts a poor shadow on the rest of us cheerleaders who are here for support, the sharing of information and some darn good fun.


Parrothead0918 has a point about the thread being interesting. (Well, up to now, anyway.) What's been most interesting and enlightening to me is the number of members with low post-counts that have come out of the shadows to post articulate, well-considered opinions. I, for one, do appreciate their civility and professionalism and wish I could hear more from them.


To answer the OP's original question: Sometimes they help and sometimes they hurt. I've gotten some great advice lurking out here and yes, sometimes I've had to sift through a fair amount of vitriol to do so. Perhaps the anonymity of posting under a user name might encourage some to be a little less courteous, or perhaps they don't understand the power of their words. Whatever the reason, I try to look past the occasional unpleasantness to find what it is useful. And I've found a lot.


OP, Call me an optimist but I'd encourage you to give the Ol' Jade another chance before pulling the plug. In a week or so, DH and I will fly to BA to embark on the Sun. Last November there were some scathing reviews about Noro on the Sun, but it appears that the crew took some rather stringent measures and things seemed to have resolved. To be sure, I'll be loaded up with hand sanitizer, but I'm willing to take the chance and I expect to have a great time.

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That's EXACTLY the effect they want to have. Get people so down they just go away so the true stories don't get told. Be a leader and not a follower. Post your experiences. It will encourage others to do the same. Many people will read them. The cheerleaders will degrade you, comment on one mispelled word (as if that discredits EVERYTHING about you and your post), blame the color of your hair etc etc etc. Doesn't bother me in the least.


You see this is the part I dont get . I see you favor Carnivore cruise line , My least preferred line . Because of the experience I had on one of their ships I choose to never sail them again (tried twice), they could not pay me to.

Here's the thing , do you know how many times I've been back to the Carny board

here on CC ?? Zero , I'd rather spend my time talking about positive things and helping others than whining about a bad experience that happened years ago.

All Im saying is Let go , its OK ;)


Edit:: OH ya , Sis Boom Bah

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I tried to avoid posting to this thread, but the temptation was just to much for me.


As an avid NCL fan (Norweenie, I believed someone coined) I have cruised 16 times with this line and will continue to choose NCL over any other line. My experiences have been from horrible to fantastic, but I live in the real world and understand everything is not perfect. My wife and I have tried Carnival (2 times) and Royal Caribbean (1 one) and WE FEEL there is no comparison to the level of food, service, etc. we have received on NCL.


If anyone has issues with NCL, than don't spend your money, choose another cruise line.


The "Norweenies" won't miss you!

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Some people are "brand loyal" types- the ones who will only drink Coke, not Pepsi, drive Fords, not Chevy's, like McDonalds, not Burger King, etc. Others look at what's cheapest, or most convenient, or even sometimes feel like a Pepsi today and a Coke tomorrow.


But many of the "Loyal" types think of themselves as "Coke people" or a "Ford guy". They've decided that their brand is better than the others in some way (which of course means that those who choose other brands are "wrong"). There's a lot of comfort in doing this- a big part is that is removes the burden of deciding each time you make a purchase, and fosters a kinship with the others who define themselves the same way.


The problem is that when someone attacks the brand that you identify with, it's an indirect attack on your wisdom in choosing that brand. If Coke is a lousy product, what does is say about "Coke people"?


So, is this good bad? Well, I wouldn't want to buy a product that no one is loyal to- if the only people who use it are "settling" for it, that's not a good sign. But I'd also consider that a somewhat emotional response is to be expected to attacks on their brand, especially vague and vitriolic criticism.


It would be better if both sides were more calmly rational, but that's not often found on the internet, especially when the OP is dissatisfied and the brand loyals feel attacked.

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If I am called an NCL cheerleader the I also an RCCL and HAL one, because we have had equally great, but different, experiences on RCL, Celebrity and HAL ships!


I'm with you! I have enjoyed all my cruises on NCL, RCCL & Disney.

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Some people are "brand loyal" types- the ones who will only drink Coke, not Pepsi, drive Fords, not Chevy's, like McDonalds, not Burger King, etc. Others look at what's cheapest, or most convenient, or even sometimes feel like a Pepsi today and a Coke tomorrow.


But many of the "Loyal" types think of themselves as "Coke people" or a "Ford guy". They've decided that their brand is better than the others in some way (which of course means that those who choose other brands are "wrong"). There's a lot of comfort in doing this- a big part is that is removes the burden of deciding each time you make a purchase, and fosters a kinship with the others who define themselves the same way.


The problem is that when someone attacks the brand that you identify with, it's an indirect attack on your wisdom in choosing that brand. If Coke is a lousy product, what does is say about "Coke people"?


So, is this good bad? Well, I wouldn't want to buy a product that no one is loyal to- if the only people who use it are "settling" for it, that's not a good sign. But I'd also consider that a somewhat emotional response is to be expected to attacks on their brand, especially vague and vitriolic criticism.


It would be better if both sides were more calmly rational, but that's not often found on the internet, especially when the OP is dissatisfied and the brand loyals feel attacked.


What do we owe you Doc. ? Are Tuesdays at 2:00 good for you ... better make it twice a week ... I feel better already :D

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OK - now I will give my opinion...as we know everyone has one:D I love NCL and have taken advantage of those onboard credits so that I keep coming back to cruise with them, not to mention the good fares. And I love cruise critic - I come here to dream about that next cruise. If you look at the site as a whole, when you are doing your research, you have many ways to get that info - the "ports" section, the "planning section" the many member reviews - both ship and destination - etc. I spend most of my time at destination or roll call boards to find out what I specifically need to know to plan my trip. When I come to NCL or any other cruiseline thread, I come to get some help, but also a little gossip. I expect to run into those very enthusiastic and those who come back to say "we hate this line." That is why there are many boards and threads. I will be on the Jade next fall and I hope that the noro problem is taken care of, but I have been on several NCL ships just after an attack of the virus and I made sure to take extreme precautions. I am pro-active. I "reclean" all surfaces with anti-bacterial wipes, I wash my hands all the time, and try to be careful at the buffets, etc. I am so sorry the OP got sick -all that excitement, fun, expectation brought done to laying in bed sick. I would gripe too! Don't be afraid to blame anyone you want, it is your right to vent - cheerleaders be da.... well you get my drift.

I take care of myself on the cruise when I can, it is my vacation and I want to be mostly left alone. I want the appearance of clean, neat, and tidy. I believe that most of the cruiselines want this also so people will keep coming back. I think we sometimes build up too much in our heads about the perfect vacation - but when people are involved, nothing is going to be perfect, it can't be.

There is nothing wrong with bashing - you have been upset, or genuinely wronged and you need to vent, well these are the board to do it -

There is nothing wrong with cheering for your team - right or wrong they are your favorite and you want everyone to love them - cheer away!

These are forums for goodness sakes! Get some information, read something interesting, and enjoy some of the more humerous threads---it breaks up the day! Now I will go check out the European threads, not as entertaining, but very informative;)

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I've been trying to keep up with the posts, even though I have been too sick to post much over the weeks since our last two NCL cruises. (The last one ended 1/24 and the next one is 2/26. We still can't get through a day without coughing, but the rib bruising has cleared.)


I have debated whether to even post of our experiences with smoking neighbors and black mold in our cabins, but why? There are so many "cheerleaders" who will attack any perceived slight of an NCL cruise that those who come to the site for information would probably not find what they need to know anyhow.


I normally try to post for the "readers" not the "writers", but perhaps because of the extended illness the megaposters have really got me down. I wish this site counted quality of posts rather than quantity.


To those of you who have only written one or two posts and been blasted, I sympathize and understand. If I had started my CC postings on the NCL board I would have quit before I got to #3. Even now I hesitate before posting here -- Kind of sad.


To those of you who have been trying to report dangerous problems on the Jade, I know you have received numerous insults from folks who haven't been on the ships recently and won't respect a less than glowing opinion. Let me say, based on my experiences in the past month on other NCL ships, I believe you fully and will be cancelling my 3 weeks coming up on the Jade. (I loved that ship last time aboard!) If I can get current information, I may book a different voyage, if not, I will be forced to look to a more informative board and cruiseline.


To the cheerleaders, yes, you overwhelm all other voices on this board by the sheer quantity of your posts - 5,8,10 a day - but are you good for the cruiseline you love, or do the silent observers quietly move on to other, more courteous, boards? (I know I don't need to identify a "cheerleader", they will quickly and loudly identify themselves.)


This is a very clever post by the OP. The first paragraph is asking for your sympathy because of their illness, which I take they came down with as a result of taking a cruise on the Jade.


Paragraph two talks about smoking neighbors which has nothing to do with NCL unless their neighbors were breaking NCL rules and smoking in a place they shouldn't and then only if they complained and NCL did nothing. They also mentioned black mold in their cabins. Did they complain about that with no results? No mention of that either. But then the reason is the "cheerlleaders" will attack them if they do. A subtle way of getting your concerns out there!


Paragraph three & four more bashing the so called "cheerleaders"!


Paragraph five, what dangerous problems on the Jade? Give some examples of "dangerous problems". What is your idea of "dangerous"? A virus on the ship? As far as booking another cruise, why book with NCL again, and have the chance of the ship having "dangerous problems".


Paragragh six again dissing the "cheerleaders" while you got your point across in the first five paragraphs. As I said in the beginning a very clever post.


Maybe CC needs two NCL boards one titled "NCL Cheerleaders" and the other NCL Naysayers" with a "enter at your own risk" proviso.

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I don't believe the cheerleaders have all that much of an impact, any more than the constant complainers do. It's like the little boy that cried wolf. After a while they all lose credibility, except with each other. When you see threads run to countless pages, with the same limited number of people arguing with each other, how much weight do you think the average forum member really gives that thread?


I think most people that read this board fall into the "Silent Majority". They can easily identify posters with agendas, and don't have any trouble assigning the proper amount of relevance to posts. I read Cruise Critic to gain knowledge. I don't find it too difficult to separate facts from opinions. I believe most members do likewise.

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I just finished my first NCL cruise and I've come to the conclusion that the 3 lines I've cruised (Carnival, RCCL, and NCL) are all more alike than different. I've enjoyed all 3. My NCL cruise was my first solo and I loved it for that reason alone. So, if I'm going to do more solos, then I'll book the line with the best solo rate.

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You see this is the part I dont get . I see you favor Carnivore cruise line , My least preferred line . Because of the experience I had on one of their ships I choose to never sail them again (tried twice), they could not pay me to.

Here's the thing , do you know how many times I've been back to the Carny board

here on CC ?? Zero , I'd rather spend my time talking about positive things and helping others than whining about a bad experience that happened years ago.

All Im saying is Let go , its OK ;)


Edit:: OH ya , Sis Boom Bah


I'm here because I want to see if others are experiencing the same problems that I had with NCL. Also, because this is America, a free country, and I don't need your permission to be here.


P.S. I am still using all the beautiful color brochures advertising "no dress code" to start my fireplace every weekend that NCL continues to send me. I love America!!!!!!!! :D

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I tried to avoid posting to this thread, but the temptation was just to much for me.


As an avid NCL fan (Norweenie, I believed someone coined) I have cruised 16 times with this line and will continue to choose NCL over any other line. My experiences have been from horrible to fantastic, but I live in the real world and understand everything is not perfect. My wife and I have tried Carnival (2 times) and Royal Caribbean (1 one) and WE FEEL there is no comparison to the level of food, service, etc. we have received on NCL.


If anyone has issues with NCL, than don't spend your money, choose another cruise line.


The "Norweenies" won't miss you!


Ditto...We love Norwegian too!

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I just finished my first NCL cruise and I've come to the conclusion that the 3 lines I've cruised (Carnival, RCCL, and NCL) are all more alike than different. I've enjoyed all 3.


I agree-from what I've seen (same mainstream lines as you) they're much more alike than some would have you believe.


I do give our personal preference to NCL because I like the way they handle freestyle better

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I'm here because I want to see if others are experiencing the same problems that I had with NCL. Also, because this is America, a free country, and I don't need your permission to be here.


P.S. I am still using all the beautiful color brochures advertising "no dress code" to start my fireplace every weekend that NCL continues to send me. I love America!!!!!!!! :D


Enjoy your fire! My brother was turned away from a dining room on the Dawn his first cruise several years ago (I believe this is similar to your experience?). He was very nicely dressed in shorts and went back to the cabin to put on pants. If he let such a tiny inconvenience remove NCL from his vacation options, he would have missed many wonderful vacation experiences. However you want to look at it, the dress code on NCL is very much relaxed compared with traditional cruising.


As you say, you don't need my permission to be here (although it has little to do with this being a free country), but I agree with mpk in being confused by your appearance here. I don't see how finding out about other people's experiences, once you have decided never to cruise NCL again, gives you any satisfaction. :confused: Why not let those of us who enjoy it, enjoy it?


Either way, enjoy Carnival!

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Most of the people who come to CC are more interested in facts rather than opinion....If the "cheerleaders" kept that in mind it would be better for NCL...


Interesting that you didn't say the bashers should do the same


Some think they have to answer every comment, some think they have to protect the newbies.


Again this was a comment you directed at the 'cheerleaders'---still-I'm wondering why it wasn't also directed at the bashers


I'm pretty sure I've seen more lies and intentionally misleading statements from the bashers that I've seen from the cheerleaders. Some yahoos make a game of it

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One way the cheerleaders hurt NCl is when "one post wonder" starts a negative thread they all come out of the wood work and start a feeding frenzy..They somehow expect the OP will come back and defend their position. Most of us know that rarely happens for any number of reasons..Here is where they hurt NCl. Instead of letting those threads fall off the front page and die a natural death, they keep it going and going and going. Some think they have to answer every comment, some think they have to protect the newbies. Just let it go...The canceled Star cruise is a great example ..My 2 cents and maybe a few more....:D


My thoughts exactly! I find it amusing that the "regulars" here appear to hate the "one hit wonders" yet those threads have the most posts made by the very same people who hate them. The intelligent thing to do is to just ignore the thread and let it go. Then you have somebody write something positive and it migrates to page 3 in record breaking time. I am not an NCL cheerleader or basher......I just like to cruise :)

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The whole NCL cheerleader/apologist thing reminds me of when I was a little kid (1960s) people back then had heartfelt loyalty to their brand of gasoline. My dad was an "Esso" (now Exxon) man. My Uncle was a Texaco man. Many times they nearly came to a fist fight over which gas had the best additives, gave the best mileage, or whatever......


The NCL devout seem to have that deep loyalty. That's great for them, and for NCL, but it gets old how ANYthing negative gets explained away, and if it can't, the complainer has to be put in "his place."


Yes, I'm sure I'll be informed that I shouldn't read such postings if I don't like them. Well, I'm not Ben Kenobi, I can't use the force to tell me what's in a posting before I read it.

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because this is America, a free country, and I don't need your permission to be here.



Its not a free country, I pay taxes and am a 27 year old disabled veteran, this country is definatly not free.

You do need permission to be here, you can be kicked off the forum in a heart beat.

Your little I'm an american rant is a failure.:rolleyes:

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Are you for real?


Let me get this straight. You're trying to argue that the people that experienced first hand the conditions on the jade and the resulting outbreak of gastro infections, are exagerating and being dramatic. Your reasoning behind your statement is that you were on that boat over a year ago and therefore you are the expert on that particular ship's overall health and cleanliness, from the point you boarded the ship until it gets taken out of service no matter how long from now that is. Anyone that's been on the ship since you disembarked obviously is not as informed as you are.


In the meantime you're going to insult people that went through a horrible ordeal by denying their illness, discomfort and frustration with how the overall situation was handled.


Well you know maybe that makes some sense...my parents had a toyota in the 70s and its gas pedal worked fine....this current recall must be total bs. :rolleyes:

So you're telling me the so-called "dangerous" problem was a noro outbreak? Are you kidding me? That's really all he was talking about? That's about as overwrought as any posting ever here. Someone comes onto a ship sick and it spreads. It does on EVERY cruise ship on the seas when that happens. To make a big deal out of this and call it dangerous is simply absurd. As is your posting above.


And, just so you know, my wife and I came down with noro on the Norwegian Dream years ago. I would never have thought to call the ship "dangerous," or make a big deal out of it on the internet. I picked up a bug in Opatija this past Monday, but would never have thought to rush to the internet to call Opatija "dangerous." That's about the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You need to get a life...quick.


If a noro outbreak makes a ship "dangerous," then every ship afloat is "dangerous."

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"Dangerous" problems on Jade.:rolleyes: Give me a break. We had a great cruise on her little more than a year ago. Talk about overwrought nonsense."


This is a perfect example of what was mentioned above it, and has been exquisitely dealt with by someone else with their 'spot-on' Toyota analogy.


If it had been posted as a windup, it would have been an all-time classic, but sadly I believe the writer was, in fact, serious.

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