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Liberty review - Western, Feb. 7 - with photos


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[quote name='abigailinmaine']Badlands99, thank you for so much wonderful info. Your description of the arcade lent instant credibility to cruisecritic in the eyes of DS13 . . . "They talk about House of the Dead on cruisecritic . . . cool . . . I wanna meet this guy!!!" Bummer that the games are pricey but no surprise there. (actually, I'm thrilled they're pricey, makes for less time there;))
ps Hope you've let Mom know of your cruisecritc fame, you done her proud.[/QUOTE]

Thank you!

Yes, I'm sure mom would beam with pride in the knowledge that her 40 y/o son is STILL fascinated with violent video games. Actually, it's her fault. She bought me that first Atari in the late 70s. I've been cursed with the gaming bug ever since then.

I wish I could be there with you guys on your cruise so your DS13 and I could slaughter some zombies together. With good dual-player teamwork (and a fist full of dollars), the zombie uprising can be defeated.

Enjoy your cruise!
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[quote name='Snotti']THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR YOUR postings re: Liberty. You are funny and should write for a living (if you don't already)... I'm still reading. THANK U THANK U!!!!! I'm "following you"...not a stalking thing I hope, but a way to see all your posts. he he he.. JENNA (& JOHN)[/QUOTE]

You are too kind. Thank you for reading and commenting.

I've been coming here off and on for years and I had no idea you could "follow" people. I'll have to go and figure out how to follow some of my Cruise Critic heroes, which includes you (so we can stalk each other!).
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Some people have observed that these larger ships do not seem crowded, since there is so much more space to spread around pax. I would not completely disagree with that, but I couldn't help noticing that some HEAVY traffic and VERY thick crowds on the promenade are clearly intentional.

I say intentional because of the events that take place on the promenade simultaneously. There would be big "sales" events with large displays on tables in the promenade at the same time as food demonstrations, live music, and other goings on. This is the kind of crowds generated by such events...



My preferred solution to avoid such crowds is to simply be elsewhere while this stuff is going on (outside on deck four comes to mind). However, my wife wanted to check out what was on the sale tables and some of the other stuff, so being the dutiful husband, I promised to go along and refrain from going into my standard "crowd mode" which is to knock over furniture and randomly stab people.

What would be ideal, I think, is for us to travel with another couple. For instance, if we could talk my wife's parents into cruising with us, the "womenfolk" could wade into that crowd if they want, and us guys can stay away and rip phone books in half and do one-handed push ups, which is what all men do when women aren't looking.
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Wow, Badlands...that's one crowded Promenade. The amazing thing is, I don't think it feels nearly as crowded as it looks. You know the Promenade 70s party...I had a great time. I took a picture by putting my camera over my head and just snapping the camera. When I saw the picture i was amazed at how much more crowded it looked than it felt!

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I will be on the Liberty in March - considered myself to be pretty excited, but after reading your funny, thoughtful and interesting review - I simply can't wait!!! My first Freedom class cruise.

Thanks for taking the time to do this review - it was an absolute pleasure to read, and very much appreciated!
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[quote name='amybeth4']Wow, Badlands...that's one crowded Promenade. The amazing thing is, I don't think it feels nearly as crowded as it looks. You know the Promenade 70s party...I had a great time. I took a picture by putting my camera over my head and just snapping the camera. When I saw the picture i was amazed at how much more crowded it looked than it felt![/QUOTE]

See, that's what I meant earlier when I said that you are a delightful person and I'm a miserable bastard. We can be in the same (OK, similar) crowd, and you don't think it feels very crowded, while I feel like I'm at risk for having an aneurysm and can't wait to escape.
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[quote name='Badlands99']See, that's what I meant earlier when I said that you are a delightful person and I'm a miserable bastard. We can be in the same (OK, similar) crowd, and you don't think it feels very crowded, while I feel like I'm at risk for having an aneurysm and can't wait to escape.[/QUOTE]

Bad, could it simply be that I was drunk at the time, so I didn't notice??
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[quote name='abigailinmaine']Badlands99,any chance Mom was the Ebay seller of vintage Nintendo and games for $13K a few weeks ago? THAT could pay for a few cruises . . .[/QUOTE]

I TOLD her I was going to come and pick up that stuff! :D
That would have been good for nice transatlantic, maybe even in a JS.
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So, this cruise included three major "firsts" for me...

1. I rode a Sea Doo
2. I drank an entire cocktail (I don't drink, but Nochi Cocum's daiquiri's were tasty, cold, and most importantly, "included")

And finally...

3. I said something very ugly to a man in a very public place. Loudly. While he was surrounded by his wife and teenage children.

Boy, it sounds awful when it's spelled out like that. I do not do things like that, I swear. I pride myself in my ability to avoid drama and conflict.

I regret that his family had to hear it, but in my estimation the man could have easily earned much more than just a verbal slap. I come from a long line of proud white trash, so it could have ended much differently. If my sister had been there instead of me, the guy would still be in traction.

Stay tuned if you'd like to hear the story of how this incident came to pass. My hope is that some of you can help clarify for me who was the bigger jerk in this scenario, because I haven't declared myself to be blameless. I'll let you decide.
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[quote name='Badlands99']

Stay tuned if you'd like to hear the story of how this incident came to pass. My hope is that some of you can help clarify for me who was the bigger jerk in this scenario, because I haven't declared myself to be blameless. I'll let you decide.[/QUOTE]

Don't you [COLOR="Red"]DARE [/COLOR]leave us hanging. :mad: You get to typing NOW. [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]NOW[/COLOR][/SIZE]!! [SIZE="7"]:mad:[/SIZE]
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At the port in Cozumel, I was armed with all the info we needed to get us to Nochi Cocum. We just had to follow the signs to the taxis. When we got out there where the taxis are, there were clusters of people everywhere, some were piling into taxis, some were gathered around their excursion guides, etc. There were at least twenty taxis out there. You know the scene.

One taxi driver, sitting in his car across the little drive, yelled to me "You need taxi?!" I nodded and waved and he pulled over to our side of the curb. As soon as he pulled up to us and stopped, a man walked up and said to me "This is our taxi. You need to wait in line like everyone else."

Knowing that we are both pretty inexperienced travelers, with very little experience with taxis, I was instantly embarrassed, assuming I had made some mistake and had stolen this family's taxi. After all, I had no knowledge of a line for taxis. So I instantly and sincerely apologized.

I said "Oh! I'm sorry. Go right ahead. I didn't know there was a line." I said this as I stepped back from the taxi and gestured for him to take it. He says to me, quickly and clearly: "Yes, you did."

That's when I invited him to become intimately familiar with my backside.

I later came to doubt that I'd even made a mistake, but at that point I was working under the assumption that I did. But still, I had quickly and sincerely apologized. I had yielded the taxi to him. And his response was to call me a liar.

We went back to find the "line" and only saw a chaotic river of people piling into taxis. I thought I had possibly found a line, but it was just a cluster of people asking questions "How much for 6 people to get to so-and-so?" and "How long does it take to get to so-and-so?" etc. Meanwhile cabbies were still picking up anyone that walked out.

So, fellow cruisers: Is there any kind of line for taxis at the port in Cozumel? Did I possibly mistakenly attempt to steal that family's taxi?
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Because Tropical Storm Ida showed us all her rain the day we were in Cozumel, we never made it outside the ridiculous pier area, so I don't remember a thing about the taxi stand. Can't comment there.

All I'll say is the other guy was a real d-bag. You win!! God people disgust me sometimes.
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[quote name='laxlove6']any pics of the drink menus?[/QUOTE]

I don't drink and I don't associate with anyone who does!!
Begone SINNER!

I'm kidding, of course. But no, I don't have any drink menus. Sorry.
I can tell you that a glass of house wine is about $7, but that's all I've got for you.
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[quote name='Badlands99']At the port in Cozumel, I was armed with all the info we needed to get us to Nochi Cocum. We just had to follow the signs to the taxis. When we got out there where the taxis are, there were clusters of people everywhere, some were piling into taxis, some were gathered around their excursion guides, etc. There were at least twenty taxis out there. You know the scene.

One taxi driver, sitting in his car across the little drive, yelled to me "You need taxi?!" I nodded and waved and he pulled over to our side of the curb. As soon as he pulled up to us and stopped, a man walked up and said to me "This is our taxi. You need to wait in line like everyone else."

Knowing that we are both pretty inexperienced travelers, with very little experience with taxis, I was instantly embarrassed, assuming I had made some mistake and had stolen this family's taxi. After all, I had no knowledge of a line for taxis. So I instantly and sincerely apologized.

I said "Oh! I'm sorry. Go right ahead. I didn't know there was a line." I said this as I stepped back from the taxi and gestured for him to take it. He says to me, quickly and clearly: "Yes, you did."

That's when I invited him to become intimately familiar with my backside.

I later came to doubt that I'd even made a mistake, but at that point I was working under the assumption that I did. But still, I had quickly and sincerely apologized. I had yielded the taxi to him. And his response was to call me a liar.

We went back to find the "line" and only saw a chaotic river of people piling into taxis. I thought I had possibly found a line, but it was just a cluster of people asking questions "How much for 6 people to get to so-and-so?" and "How long does it take to get to so-and-so?" etc. Meanwhile cabbies were still picking up anyone that walked out.

So, fellow cruisers: Is there any kind of line for taxis at the port in Cozumel? Did I possibly mistakenly attempt to steal that family's taxi?[/quote]

If you were docked at the International Pier, the short answer is yes, there was a line and you may have taken the man's taxi. Then again, as you said, there is a loooong line of taxis, so it isn't as if he couldn't just take the next available one. That whole scene was pretty chaotic and got me on edge, so I probably wouldn't have been very nice if you cut in line, either. The crowds gets to me, too, though I generally stop short of stabbing people. ;)

When we were there, there was a pretty fast moving line for the taxis and there was someone at the front of the line who was both answering questions and organizing the taxis for the people waiting in line - we were a group of three and shared a van taxi with another group headed the same way.
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Great review- I love the ones with nice pictures. I don't know much about cameras, but, my vote for you is next time (that cruise to Hawaii that's being paid for) leave the iron at home and take the waterproof case like the other poster suggested- I love the stingrays, too. I would love to do seadoos and rays!!!!!.....Maureen
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badlands99 - what fun reading your review. Thanks so much! We are on the same route 3/21, and will be doing the wave runner excursion also. Is there anyway to keep a bag with a towel, and a few small items dry on this excursion? We will be spending the afternoon shopping, etc, and it would be nice to be able to change. Thanks in advance!
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[quote name='karcruiser']I will be on the Liberty in March - considered myself to be pretty excited, but after reading your funny, thoughtful and interesting review - I simply can't wait!!! My first Freedom class cruise.

Thanks for taking the time to do this review - it was an absolute pleasure to read, and very much appreciated![/QUOTE]

Hey, thanks for reading and thanks for the comments!
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[quote name='SecretSK']If you were docked at the International Pier, the short answer is yes, there was a line and you may have taken the man's taxi. Then again, as you said, there is a loooong line of taxis, so it isn't as if he couldn't just take the next available one. That whole scene was pretty chaotic and got me on edge, so I probably wouldn't have been very nice if you cut in line, either. The crowds gets to me, too, though I generally stop short of stabbing people. ;)

When we were there, there was a pretty fast moving line for the taxis and there was someone at the front of the line who was both answering questions and organizing the taxis for the people waiting in line - we were a group of three and shared a van taxi with another group headed the same way.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the info. I bet that little cluster of people asking those questions was the "line" I should have been in. Oh, well. Next time I'll know better and perhaps will be able to avoid making an ass of myself.
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[quote name='maureencruiser']Great review- I love the ones with nice pictures. I don't know much about cameras, but, my vote for you is next time (that cruise to Hawaii that's being paid for) leave the iron at home and take the waterproof case like the other poster suggested- I love the stingrays, too. I would love to do seadoos and rays!!!!!.....Maureen[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the comments!
Yeah, the iron could easily stay home next time, [B]IF[/B] I can get my wife to part with it. She's got a crazy ironing fetish that is difficult for her to overcome.

The Sea Ray/Sting Doo package is awesome!
(Be sure to bring some tylenol)
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