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Warning-if you're arfraid of snakes

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I realize this sound like a crazy topic, but I just had to tell anyone who is araid of snakes to be careful. We just got off of the Vision on Sunday (By the way, it was a great trip except for the following incident). When we docked in PV there was the usual hub bub of Mariachi bands, people w/ iguanas, etc. As we were coming down the gangway I noticed a man w/ a "HUGE" snake wrapped all around him, so I purposfully avoided even looking his direction, because I am terrified of snakes. Well, I was over w/ our tour guide looking down at the clipboard and signing the waiver for our tour and out of the corner of my eye I saw something coming over my shoulder, i turned my head and looked and it was that **** snake (a 115 lb. Burmese Python), i bolted so fast to get away, I don't know if my feet went to fast for my body or my body went too fast for my feet, but I tripped and fell and really busted up my leg and knee on the concrete (not to mention my shoulder and elbow too), I had a huge lump bigger than a golf ball immediately pop up below my knee cap, and a huge abrasion all down my shin, and a deep gash (not requiring stitches, thank goodness) over the whole top of my knee cap. A bunch of people picked me up and helped me back on the ship to the Doctor, who cleaned it all up and put some antibiotics and a dressing on it. ice, etc. So I had to hobble around for the last 4 days of the cruise. It didn't ruin it for me, but I wasn't able to swim, or dance (I basically had to sit there and drink!) My knee is still killing me and my doc here at home says it will probably take a few weeks for it to totally heal. So, I just wanted to tell everyone to be very aware of things like this, I guess the guy with the snake thought it would be funny to sneak up on me, but it really wasn't.


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If it had been me icon_eek.gif that he laid that snake on, him, me, and the snake all would have died. icon_frown.gif I would have died from a heart attack and the man and the snake would have smothered to death. icon_wink.gif


But, that's what he would have gotten for sneaking up on me from behind. icon_biggrin.gif


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Ooohh sorry....


We thought this was funny at the time,but probably not if you have issues with snakes.

Last Sept in Key West,there were about 8 of us..My niece was walking with my 4 yo...I was kinda taking in the sights of Mallory square.They were a few feet ahead of us..My sister came running back and said "Garrett ran off,we don't see him.I took off running calling his name,and everyone just pointed.There he was with a HUGE Boa around his neck...and a huge smile on his face!


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oh sweetie i am so sorry for you. i see myself as a nice lady. however i think the true new yorker would have came out in me and that man would have got punched dead in his mouth. and more serious than my injuries would have been the assault charge in a stange place. people should really be more considerate, or face whats coming to them. again i hope your leg is all better.

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You poor thing! I HATE, HATE, HATE snakes! Or should I say, I'm scared to death of them! I probably would've done the same thing as you. Did the guy with the snake at least apologize? I would've wanted to deck him!


icon_smile.gifShelia icon_smile.gif

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I probably would've reacted just the way you did - I'd have bolted!


I grew up in South Florida and was always really careful around any bushes or any other place I thought a snake might slither out of... (It gives me the heebee jeebees just thinking about it!)


I moved to Alaska 20 years ago, where there are no snakes - not a one! - and I am MUCH happier now! All I have to watch out for now is the bears! LOL




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YUCK! I hate snakes too! Won't go near them at all and would have taken off the minute I saw it. Living in Fl. we have tons of snakes and I'll never get used to them......Someone asked me one time what kind of snake it was and I told them I didn't stop to ask it. YUCK!!!


Up next Mariner of the Seas


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You are right about Key West. Whereas we haven't been to PV, we have been to Key West and there is a guy there with an albino boa constrictor. I like snakes but my wife doesn't. I wanted her to take my picture with it, but she couldn't bring herself to get within camera distance of it.


For those of you, visiting Key West and that are afraid of snakes, know that there is a guy there with his albino boa constrictor who walks around the downtown area (mostly at night, near Mallory Square), with the snake draped about him, ready to use it for people's pictures.




Lord, I was born a ramblin man . . .

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I've been to Key West. We were walking down the street and saw the snakes. We thought they were fake until one of them lifted his head. My 6'4" 215 pound son used his butt muscles to jump fron the side walk to the middle of the street. I am afraid if someone actually put a snake on him, the offender would be looking at stars.

It may seem funny unless you have a true fear, then it isn't so funny.

Hope the guy learned his lesson.


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Around my neck of the woods it's Prairie Village, but I think in this case it's Puerto Vallarta?


Sorry to hear about your injuries. I would have screamed bloody murder if that had happened to me and my DH hates snakes worse than I do!




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So sorry to hear this, that is terrbile!

I too hate snakes and your reaction is just what I would of done. Hope you feel better soon!


PV is Puerto Vallarta, Mexico




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We live in the boonies so snakes are very common here. I've had two snakes in my kitchen over the past couple of years and I just hauled one out of the basement last week. I'm not at all afraid of snakes but I too can be surprised by them. On the other hand I hate sting rays as they scare the holy crap out of me. My husband is afraid of places like caves. My daughter is afraid of storms. I guess we all have our fears.



'Til my next cruise


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HA. It's just not on cruises that people choose to terrorize people with snakes. A guy brought one into work yesterday - now granted it was a garden snake that was probably about a foot long and pencil thin, but still I was off & running away! Then he was joking that he was going to put it in my office when I wasn't there and I told him if he dared, he would be dead (and he's a former Navy guy but I'd take him!)


Hope your injuries get better soon!


~*~ Disney Wonder 9/02 ~*~ RCCL Splendour of the Seas 4/04 ~*~

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I'm so afraid of snakes that I was afraid to open this thread!

icon_frown.gif Had that happened to me, I would not have been very nice.


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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DFritz:

I've had two snakes in my kitchen over the past couple of years and I just hauled one out of the basement last week. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Oh my.....I'm going to have nightmares tonight icon_eek.gif





Navigator of the Seas 6/26/04



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Now I've got the willies.....nightmares for sure neighbor....don't know about you, but I have yet to see a snake here in Az!....and when I do you'll hear me..... icon_biggrin.gif


Soveriegn 92 E. Caribbean

Majesty 95 W. Caribbean

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Vision 02 Alaska

Radiance 03 Panama Canal

Brilliance 3/29/04




Radiance of the Seas/Panama Canal 10/18/2003

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My bags are always packed!

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On our last cruise we decided to go to Morningstar Beach in St. Thomas because a cab driver recommended it. There we were, laying out on our lounge chairs, watching my son cavort in the waves, when a man a few feet away from me said, "Excuse me, there's something under your chair". Thinking I dropped something I glanced down and like a flash I think I actually flew off the chair. It was the fastest I've moved in 20 years. There was a 4 foot long iguana underneath my chair! The tail was sticking out from the front of the chair, the head was...well...sort of where my butt had been. Everyone else came over with cameras to take pictures of this monster, but I was terrified! Once we saw the first one it was like every one on the island became visible and for me it changed from a nice beach to Jurassic Park! Before we left we had seen dozens of them in various sizes, and the clincher was when one of the restaurant workers nearby told me that was NOT one of the big one! I can only imagine how large the big ones are!!!! icon_eek.gif


While I did think St. Thomas was beautiful, I think I'll avoid Morningstar Beach in the future!


Sharon H.



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Guest wrinkles

Oh Meredith,


First of all, you have my sympathies and hope you are getting better by the day. I'm right there with you on the fear of snakes. Thanks for the heads up in the ports.


We had a "baby" one in our house a few years ago. I knocked over both of my children in the process of getting out of the way. I ended up on a counter top hyperventilating! I called our vet's office the next day to see if we needed to look for "momma" or anyone else. The first thing she told me was, "Oh, don't worry, they are more afraid of you." I started laughing and told her I didn't see him run away and hyperventilate!


(Nope, didn't need to look for anymore relatives. But, did have DH go around house and fill in any holes.)


Have a good one,


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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by justcruzin85374:

Now I've got the willies.....nightmares for sure neighbor....don't know about you, but I have yet to see a snake here in Az!....and when I do you'll hear me..... icon_biggrin.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


We had a small one on our patio a few years ago when a bunch of new homes were going up in the area, good thing I was inside at the time icon_smile.gif


And, we actually ran over a medium/big sized one on our way back from Laughlin, again, good thing I was inside the car!





Navigator of the Seas 6/26/04



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I bet the jerk would have really thought it was funny sneaking up on you like that if you had sued him for medical expenses and lost wages for not being able to go back to work when you got home not to mention putting a crimp in your criuse activities! While snakes don't really bother me it just burns me when people think it's funny to terrorize people who are afraid.

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We have lots of them here in TN. My DD saw a HUGE one in the road the other day. She came home and made me go back out with her to look at it. It was larger than HUGE. The head must have been the size of a large rat!


bythehex - I love the iguana! Don't go to any of the Caribbean islands if you are afraid of them. They are everywhere...St. John, Cozumel, St. Maarten, etc. icon_biggrin.gif


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