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Good day in Merida!!

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Hello everyone!!

Just got back from my cruise on the Triumph. Playing catch up to everyday life and really just getting a chance for online time.

First of all, thanks to Traveler 353 and Hdawson for all of your insight!! I wasn't able to do everything that I wanted to, but just an excuse to go back again.

I tell anyone if you don't like doing the ship tours and have a sense of adventure, you can do Merida on your own!!! I'm still downloading photos and want to include them in my review. But I will give these tips for anyone!!

1. Local Bus We took the local bus from Progresso to Merida. It's a straight shot to the city. Be aware that the afternoon bus is crowded and do take about almost a hour on the return. You can either purchase the tickets at the local bus station or with Autoprogreso.

2. Guides You will have people offering to walk around with you about the sites. My friend thought that they were doing it for free, but two of them wanted money for showing her around. But this wasn't the case for all. We met a student near the governor's building and he took us to the old market and other places where we were the only tourist. The highlight was eating lunch in the local market. The other people there were nice and most likey got a good laugh off of us.

I will most likey post my full review either Monday or Tuesday.

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Anxious to read. I had the same experience of a gentleman showing me the sights around the central plaza. He seemed very happy and proud to share information and history. Never mentioned money at all but I insisted he take ten dollars. He recognized me on a subsequent visit a yr or two later and we had a beer at Plaza Hildaga.

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Hey Diva,


Glad that you had a good trip and that you had enough intestinal fortitude to try the local fare.(No pun intended.);) On our second trip to Progreso we saw some small shops in the Mercado and I had to try some of the fare. I don't have any idea what I ate but it was fantastic. I honestly feel sorry for people who are afraid to get out of their safety zone. They don't know what they are missing.

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Diva, Happy to hear that your "first" visit to Merida was a good one. The people there are truly some of the friendliest that that I have met anywhere in the world. I have stopped locals to ask directions and they usually insist on walking me there, usually several blocks out of their way. The escort usually includes a few history lessons on the neighborhood and buildings that we are walking thru. They are very proud of their city and rightly so. The locals of Merida are one of the main reasons that I like Merida so much.

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Ok everyone, I'm finally getting a chance to post my review about my day in Merida.

It was a fun day with a few bumps, but I would encourage anyone who want to do a day in Merida on your own, it's possible to do so!

Monday April 19,2010

We arrived into Progreso early. The ship was cleared and people were allowed off around 7:15 a.m.

Since we were taking the local bus from Progreso to Merida and to ensure that we would be back at the ship in time, I made sure that we were off the ship no later than 7:30 a.m.

Progresso has a very long pier and shuttle service is required. Autoprogreso offers a free shuttle between the pier and a shopping area in Progreso. While I was taking pictures of the dancers, my friend purchase round trip ticket to Merida from Autoprogreso $10 each. I was going to purchase them at the bus station at $3 each. The one good thing about her buying the tickets with Autoprogreso was they had someone escort us to the bus station.

The bus station is only a few blocks from the drop off area. The bus station was small and clean. Autoprogreso have a bus running every 15 to 20 minutes between both cities. We waited about 10 minutes when the bus arrived. After a few minutes we were allowed to board.

The bus was a smaller version of a Greyhound bus. It was clean with a/c. After about 10 minutes, we left the station. Prior to leaving Progreso, the bus made several stops for pick ups. Once we reach the highway portion it was about 20 minutes.

When we reached the outer parts of Merida, the bus made various stops. When we got towards the center of the city, we past the main plaza. The bus station is about two blocks from here. When we got off the bus, we made note of what stores were near the bus station and the street.

We headed towards the plaza to find the visitor center. While standing and reading our map, a older man came up to us and ask did we need help. We told him that we were looking for the visitor center. He pointed this out to us and also told us to visit the churches, the governor plaza and other areas. He also told us the closer to these area, the higher the prices on items area. He wished us a great day in his city and escorted us to the front of the visitor center.

We had missed the free walking tour the visitor center offers (they offer it daily at 9:30 a.m.). The young lady was helpful and pointed out alot for us to do.

I will post the next part later (time to head back to work!!)

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Well I'm back!!

Had some late flights so had to wait until I got home!!

After leaving the visitor center, we headed to the Cathedral. Both Greta and I were awestruck with the beauty of it. It's had to imagine that this place is older than our country!!!


The details just blew both of us away!! Esp the large doors. We overheard someone state that these doors are open on special occasions.


That's Greta at the doors.


I went in and just felt so humble! I felt peace and warmth and had to sit down in the closest pew almost in tears. I love going to places like this that's been around for a long time because I think how many others before and after me will feel like I do?

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While I was sitting and enjoying the peace of the cathedral, Greta managed to gain a guide for the church.

The guy info was helpful,but I mainly just walked around on my own taking photos of the place.

The cross in the front of the cathedral was amazing! I later found out that the body of Christ was from one piece of wood. Talking about skills!!


There was a beautiful dome above


Also what was amazing is the fact that people are buried in the church floor!

When heading out, one of the priest was out front.


There were quite a few vendors in front of the church. I purchased two sets of Rosary beads for under $10 and also gave two women at the church steps money in their cup. There were a few children also selling items and they were persistent than the adults. We had to often tell them more than once no on buying their items.

Greta also found out that her helpful guide wanted a fee for walking her around the church. I had told her that we could do it on our own,but she wanted the guy and I made her take care of that alone.

After this, I was ready to cross the street to the Government Palace. But once again Greta was heading off with someone else who had a friend with a store with good prices.

I had mentioned that one of the things that I wanted to buy was a lace tablecloth for my grandmother. This didn't mean mentioning it to everyone!!! The guy friend shop was just down the way. After walking two blocks and still not near the shop, I told him no and had to drag Greta with me. I had to tell her that vendors all over have friends with shops and we could look around later!!

We finally headed to the Government Palace!

It was very nice,esp the murals on the second floor that depicted the local area from the Mayan influence to the present day. When I came from upstairs, Greta was talking to a young man. His name was Eric and he was a local that just finish some business. Greta told him that we were there for a few hours and he gave some suggestions on heading to the old market area. Eric explain since most tourist venture there that the prices for items are alot more reasonable. Greta is more of a shopper than I and wanted to do this instead of viewing more building or taking the carriage ride. So off we went to the old market.

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We headed to the old market area. As we did, there were fewer and fewer tourist. But we got a great look at everyday life.

We past vendors with various types of fruit and vegetables being offered. we also past by several bakeries. Vendors with flowers and even a sewing machine store with the old fashion type of machines.

We then were in a maze of small stores that offer a variety of items. We stopped at a jewelry store for Greta to look at some rings. The other customers were all locals. We then stopped at a vendor and purchased ice pops in a lime flavor. The peso came in handy in this area since they only wanted pesos.

We then went to a store with some pretty dresses in the front. The owner was very nice and both Greta and I found some blouses that we like.

We had a fun time agreeing over the final price of our items. I got a nice blouse for $350 pesos (he started with $600 pesos). Greta also got a great deal on her top.

We had fun in his shop and Greta took a photo with the guy! Don't ask me how to get to his shop,but it's by the old market area!


We went down away and came across a vendor with tablecloths. I didn't see any out front and went into the store. While he didn't have any lace tablecloths, he offered an embroider was one of a kind. The detail was breathtaking and alot of work went into it. I purchased it for $80. This is my mother's day gift!!

While I was in that store, Greta and Eric were next door where she purchased another top.

By now were were ready to eat!!!

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We told Eric that for lunch, we wanted something that the locals enjoy! No McDonalds or KFC for us (we had past by both of these places!!)!!

Eric had a place in mind and off we went.

In another one of the shopping areas was several eateries. The smells were wonderful!

I had told Greta and once sign that a place is good if alot of people were eating there. If one place was full and the other empty, stick with the full place.

Eric took us to El Pavo.

The set up was all open cooking. In the glass display was the type of meat and condiments offered. Some were easy to id and others we had to ask Eric. There was a steel table in front of this with chairs. Each place was taken with people. Behind the counter those guys were really working to feed everyone.

There was additional seating right across and we quickly grab three seats.


We decided to try the beef and pork Salbutes. We also got ice tea with it.

Our order was brought to the area by a waitress and Eric pointed to the hot sauce on the counter.


Greta didn't try it,but I did. BOY WAS IT HOT!!!!!

The lady next to me spoke some English and ask me did I enjoy it! I told her yes and just took a big gulp of my tea and added just a small dab and ate it.

It was a great lunch and a great time. The total for all three of us was under 50 pesos.

By now it was close to 1 p.m. Greta wanted to shop some more,but I was like we need to head to the bus station.

We stopped by one of the bakeries en route and both purchased something sweet. I got a flan like pastry and Greta one filled with a sweet cream. Both were only $1!!!

We had a great lunch somewhere off the beaten path and my only regret was not asking if they bottle that hot sauce!!!

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We were right near the bus station after leaving the bakery and this is where we said our goodbye to Eric.

Eric was a wonderful host and took us places where most tourist don't go!!

We exchanged hugs,thank yous and e-mails and headed into the bus station.

The time was 1:05 p.m.

The final boarding for our ship was 3:30 p.m. and I wanted to make sure that we were back in plenty of time.

There was a bus boarding when we got there,but it was full. Since we knew that the buses were running every 15 to 20 minutes, we took seats near the enterway to the bus to wait for the next one.

The next bus arrived before the other one left. However, after the people got off of the bus, the driver closed it and returned in about ten minutes. We got in line forming to board. The bus left the station around 1:35 p.m.

The bus was 85% full when we left the station. We made several stops along the way and by the time we reached the highway part, it was standing room only then.

When we arrived back in Progreso, the majority of the people got off at the bus station. We came out, headed up the block and turn left. In about five minutes we were at the autoprogreso drop off station for the pier. The time was 2:50 p.m. It took a little over a hour to return back to Progresso.

Despite not being able to view more building, I had a great time!! We got to go where most tourist don't.

With the exception of the guy at the church and the other one who wanted us to visit his friend shop, people were nice.

If you do take the bus, be advise that it was packed after 1:00 p.m. and give yourself some extra time.

We came across some people from the ship while in Merida and they were shocked when we told them how we came up to the city. They were like "You will miss the ship!!" and "You not scared?". I told them that this was not my first time doing a non ship tour and if you keep up with your time and use common sense, things will be fine!

You can do Merida on your own!!!!

Go out there and have fun!!!!

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Tamara, this is probably the best Merida trip report I've ever read. I know it took a lot of time and effort and I appreciate reading it more than you know. Makes me want to return, but finances just don't really allow that.


About the Cathedral. Imagine the work it took in 1561 to build this beautiful edifice without modern day tools and today's hardened steel. Especially the work on the high dome. Stunning. The oldest Cathedral of the Americas.


Tamara, there is a website named Mexican Grocer that may have the spicy sauce you liked or similar.


Again, thanks for the report.




So glad you had a good time.

Consider a return land trip so that you can see all the things you missed including visits to Uxmal and some small rural towns.

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Tamara, welcome to our merry little band of Merida fans. Great report of your visit. I see a traveler in the making. Sounds like you are ready to make a land trip and spend a little more time exploring the area. If you enjoyed Merida during the day time you should see it after the sun goes down, the tourist head back to their ships and AI resorts, the locals come out and the town comes alive. I will be going back down for a week in late June. Michael

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Traveler. I'm looking at the Elation cruise Sep 25th. Decided a day in Merida is better than NO day in Merida. LOL And I really need vanilla. lol



Totally agree, Counting the days until I can call it home. I have found a new place to stay my upcoming visit in June, Luz En Yucatan. It used to be a hostel, recently converted to more or less a hotel. I have some gringo friends that live in Mexico City that recently stayed there and recommended it to me. I normally stay at the Hotel del Peregrino. Both are only a couple of blocks off the central square. Great central locations. Also will be going back in September for a day trip on the Triumph. Not sure what I will be doing that day. I normally just stay around Progreso when it is a quick in and out on a cruise ship. Kicking back on the beach enjoying the people watching, food and cool drinks. Michael


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Michael. Just booked the Elation for AUG 28th. The agency books Travel Guard but based on cruise cost instead of age. That's a pretty big savings for me. Let me know how that hotel is. I've used the Gran and Caribe which are pretty darn convenient. Caribe is about $50 per night.

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Michael. Just booked the Elation for AUG 28th. The agency books Travel Guard but based on cruise cost instead of age. That's a pretty big savings for me. Let me know how that hotel is. I've used the Gran and Caribe which are pretty darn convenient. Caribe is about $50 per night.


About the same for the Luz. I think with tax it works out to $53 a night. A little more than the Peregrino. But suppose to be a little nicer with a different vibe.

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Michael. Just booked the Elation for AUG 28th. The agency books Travel Guard but based on cruise cost instead of age. That's a pretty big savings for me. Let me know how that hotel is. I've used the Gran and Caribe which are pretty darn convenient. Caribe is about $50 per night.



Ok...I am new to this, so I may not use proper etiquette!! ;) I think we are on the same cruise as you! Leaving Mobile on the 28th?


Anyway, this will be our 2nd cruise as a couple, & first as a family. I have been reading Diva's account, & am considering this for our family versus one of the paid excursions. Any opinions?


Maybe we should catch up with you John - sounds like you are quite experienced! (BTW we lived in High Point in 1999 - 2002.) Trying to make the most of our time & money! We'll be with our 3 teenage daughters!

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Amazingmon. First, welcome to Cruise Critic, the foremost cruise information resource. And Hi from High Point.


Drop me an email and I will send you some pics and information. hdawson228@aol.com


I'll be cruising solo and driving to Mobile and staying at the Fairfield Inn and Suites. They will keep my car for the duration of the cruise. A money saver.


We'll definitely have to get together.


Upon arrival in Progreso, I'll be heading to Merida for the day. Wonderful city for me.l



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Ok...I am new to this, so I may not use proper etiquette!! ;) I think we are on the same cruise as you! Leaving Mobile on the 28th?


Anyway, this will be our 2nd cruise as a couple, & first as a family. I have been reading Diva's account, & am considering this for our family versus one of the paid excursions. Any opinions?


Maybe we should catch up with you John - sounds like you are quite experienced! (BTW we lived in High Point in 1999 - 2002.) Trying to make the most of our time & money! We'll be with our 3 teenage daughters!

You are in good hands mom. H and Traveler are well versed in the area. Now I need to see if Ginger D can get off of work the 28th. I would love to do this cruise.;)


How about it H? If I can sell it to Ginger D will you guide us?:rolleyes:

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Well, I am excited now!! Doing things that I am not familiar with make me nervous! I will definitely email you "H" because I have decided to just head to Merida with the family on our own! Since you'll be there, you can give us tips, & make sure we get where we are going, then back to where we started! Looking forward to emails, & meeting you onboard the Elation!

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Well, I am excited now!! Doing things that I am not familiar with make me nervous! I will definitely email you "H" because I have decided to just head to Merida with the family on our own! Since you'll be there, you can give us tips, & make sure we get where we are going, then back to where we started! Looking forward to emails, & meeting you onboard the Elation!

Hey Mom,


Taking public transportation is a hoot. We haven't done it in Progreso, but we have at Playa Del Carmen and Grand Cayman. No problems and it is a heck of alot cheaper.

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