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What in the world are you talking about, no one was even talking to or about you, I certainly wasn't and you quoted me. BTW I do like cats, just happen to like dogs more ;) Sorry for the misunderstanding.


So, my bad :D it was my misunderstanding :p

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Read up a few posts and the one who (you quoted her and said you appreciated her saying that) was flaming me and said she was feeling good until she read "my mean post" and ALL I said was zero was not a size. I was not picking on skinny people just saying that I have yet to see a super model on a ship or a bunch of them anyway. Anywho, she got all bent and when you responded to her, I, well, okay, was feeling a bit put upon :) I love dogs too, we had labs when I was a kid,.



I'm sorry, I guess I didn't realize what she was responding to, I was just saying that as a fat person I don't think that skinny people can actually have some of the same feelings we do. Again sorry, that was not at all my intention.

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I'm sorry, I guess I didn't realize what she was responding to, I was just saying that as a fat person I don't think that skinny people can actually have some of the same feelings we do. Again sorry, that was not at all my intention.


No worries, it's all good. We all struggle with one thing or another and I agree, whether it is keeping weight off or on, it seems to be a constant battle. Heck, I can LOOK at a donut and gain weight. My DH loves me and thinks I am beautiful and that is all that matters. By the way, I have always liked your avatar picture :p


I do believe though that underweight people do not live with the stigma that society puts on those that are overweight.

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This is just plain ignorance! That may well be true for some people, but for me, my doctors wish it were that easy. I can speak from experience there really are medical conditiond that prevent you from losing weight and cause you to gain weight. I would love nothing more than to take the weight off, but you know even then there is something people aren't going to like about you.


I appreciate that for some it is just a matter of cutting calories and exercising more...I wish I was one of the people...but I still try anyway. ;)



I did say "many or most". I did not say "all". I do realize that some people do have medical reasons for gaining weight but those are far and few between. For most (including me!) it is because we eat more calories than we burn.

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I did say "many or most". I did not say "all". I do realize that some people do have medical reasons for gaining weight but those are far and few between. For most (including me!) it is because we eat more calories than we burn.


Gotcha, no harm intended...I was just speaking my peace! :)

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I am almost 50, 5' 2", 105 pounds on a petite size 1 or 2 frame. While I don't think I am skinny, I can assure you that some people think I am and feel compelled to tell me so! They also find it ridiculous that I power-walk 4 to 5 days a week and eat healthfully.


I don't look at a person and judge them on their weight or how much they eat. It is their life and their business and I cannot glean all the facts about who they are or with what they might struggle just from their size.


One of my best friends is a very full-figured women who likes herself and her life just as she is and I am honored to know her and be inspired and accepted by her. She jokes that when we stand side by side, we look like the number 18! Now, that's a funny observation!


And to all you hard bodied people out there, here's a humbling thought. You, too, will age and those pecs, breasts, abs, etc., will fall like Rome. Time is the great equalizer!

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Unless either one of you is a SUPER MODEL, I was NOT talking about YOU. I think you both just hate cats so you are being mean to me because my name is Catlady27, so put that in your pipe and smoke it :D


Haha! I love cats and I have three of them! So take that!:D And the annoying comment wasn't about zero not being a size, as you put it. It was the mean comment about wanting to tell skinny people to "eat a muffin" or something equally as obnoxious and hurtful. Remember now?


I'm sorry, I guess I didn't realize what she was responding to, I was just saying that as a fat person I don't think that skinny people can actually have some of the same feelings we do. Again sorry, that was not at all my intention.


But that's where you'd be wrong PCL. My point was that I'm just as sensitive about my underweight condition as you are about your overweight condition. I'm just in the minority and people think nothing about making mean comments to an underweight person. It's been that way my whole life.:mad:


I am almost 50, 5' 2", 105 pounds on a petite size 1 or 2 frame. While I don't think I am skinny, I can assure you that some people think I am and feel compelled to tell me so! They also find it ridiculous that I power-walk 4 to 5 days a week and eat healthfully.


I don't look at a person and judge them on their weight or how much they eat. It is their life and their business and I cannot glean all the facts about who they are or with what they might struggle just from their size.


One of my best friends is a very full-figured women who likes herself and her life just as she is and I am honored to know her and be inspired and accepted by her. She jokes that when we stand side by side, we look like the number 18! Now, that's a funny observation!


And to all you hard bodied people out there, here's a humbling thought. You, too, will age and those pecs, breasts, abs, etc., will fall like Rome. Time is the great equalizer!


Really? I'm waiting for that to happen! I'm almost 50.:confused:

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Anorexia is no fun, believe me I have suffered with it most of my life. I'm 51, 5'3" and 100 lbs (sometimes I go down LOWER). I have been hospitalized, operated on, and still live with the obsession. Living in a society obsessed with weight is tough. One way or the other we all seem to suffer with it. Some people can't loose weight, some can't gain it and others like me just suffer with it:(.

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Haha! I love cats and I have three of them! So take that!:D And the annoying comment wasn't about zero not being a size, as you put it. It was the mean comment about wanting to tell skinny people to "eat a muffin" or something equally as obnoxious and hurtful. Remember now?


But that's where you'd be wrong PCL. My point was that I'm just as sensitive about my underweight condition as you are about your overweight condition. I'm just in the minority and people think nothing about making mean comments to an underweight person. It's been that way my whole life.



It was "biscuit" and sorry but I don't see skinny multi-million dollar models being picked on or getting picked last for dodgeball, etc. etc.:D

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i have to say that this is one of the craziest threads i've ever read. has anyone wondered what happened to the person who posted the initial question? i dont see one response in here from blkbetty but she surely instigated quite a fireball!


p.s. i love cats and biscuits!! hehe:D

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i have to say that this is one of the craziest threads i've ever read. has anyone wondered what happened to the person who posted the initial question? i dont see one response in here from blkbetty but she surely instigated quite a fireball!


p.s. i love cats and biscuits!! hehe:D


I love it when a thread goes off on a tangent, makes for better reading. You are right, the OP never chimed back in on the matter. Could have been all the sarcastic remarks to their original question (the responders were laying it on pretty thick) :p Okay, speaking of super models, I just HAVE to post this here because, well, it's funny :) Also, speaking of cats, anyone who wants to adopt, just let me know, we have a WHOLE LOTTA fosters that need homes :D



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Anorexia is no fun, believe me I have suffered with it most of my life. I'm 51, 5'3" and 100 lbs (sometimes I go down LOWER). I have been hospitalized, operated on, and still live with the obsession. Living in a society obsessed with weight is tough. One way or the other we all seem to suffer with it. Some people can't loose weight, some can't gain it and others like me just suffer with it:(.


Sorry to hear that transam. Hope you're ok now. I'm not anorexic though. Just plain old underweight. But I agreed with what you said. We ALL have some kind of weight issue it seems.


It was "biscuit" and sorry but I don't see skinny multi-million dollar models being picked on or getting picked last for dodgeball, etc. etc.:D


Ok, biscuit..whatever. It still was mean. And just because you don't see them getting picked on doesn't mean that they're not. I should know...was picked on through my whole childhood for being too skinny. It leaves you with scars. But I get that some people will never get it. :rolleyes:

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Sorry to hear that transam. Hope you're ok now. I'm not anorexic though. Just plain old underweight. But I agreed with what you said. We ALL have some kind of weight issue it seems.




Ok, biscuit..whatever. It still was mean. And just because you don't see them getting picked on doesn't mean that they're not. I should know...was picked on through my whole childhood for being too skinny. It leaves you with scars. But I get that some people will never get it. :rolleyes:



Okay, fine, sorry to have offended you, now bbrrreeeaattthhheee, let it go, you don't know me, I don't know you, we will probably never meet and remember, I wasn't directing any comments TO YOU, you just took them veeeeeeeerrrrrrryyyyyyy personally. Life is short, "lighten up Francis" :D


However, I stand by my statement that there is NOT the social stigma for skinny people as there is for overweight people. Heck, pick up a fashion magazine and tell me what you see on the cover, when you see a very pleasantly plump man or woman, I will retract that statement.;)

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Okay, fine, sorry to have offended you, now bbrrreeeaattthhheee, let it go, you don't know me, I don't know you, we will probably never meet and remember, I wasn't directing any comments TO YOU, you just took them veeeeeeeerrrrrrryyyyyyy personally. Life is short, "lighten up Francis" :D


However, I stand by my statement that there is NOT the social stigma for skinny people as there is for overweight people. Heck, pick up a fashion magazine and tell me what you see on the cover, when you see a very pleasantly plump man or woman, I will retract that statement.;)


I wasn't really offended. And I know you weren't directing it at me personally but yes, in a way, I did take it personally. Not sure if you can understand that. But you were kind of making fun of skinny people.


We'll just have to agree to disagree on that one because I think there IS a social stigma when it comes to skinny people. And I'm not talking about just skinny but UNDERWEIGHT. We were talking about underweight and overweight here. There sure is a stigma. People automatically think you're anorexic or a coke addict if you're underweight. So you see that we're not just talking about skinny people. Trust me those of us who are underweight probably suffer more than those who are overweight. Being overweight is almost socially acceptable since most of our population IS overweight...being underweight is quite another matter. There's a HUGE stigma to being underweight believe it or not.

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I wasn't really offended. And I know you weren't directing it at me personally but yes, in a way, I did take it personally. Not sure if you can understand that. But you were kind of making fun of skinny people.


We'll just have to agree to disagree on that one because I think there IS a social stigma when it comes to skinny people. And I'm not talking about just skinny but UNDERWEIGHT. We were talking about underweight and overweight here. There sure is a stigma. People automatically think you're anorexic or a coke addict if you're underweight. So you see that we're not just talking about skinny people. Trust me those of us who are underweight probably suffer more than those who are overweight. Being overweight is almost socially acceptable since most of our population IS overweight...being underweight is quite another matter. There's a HUGE stigma to being underweight believe it or not.


I will simply have to take your word on that but I would think that the millions of folks shelling out the big bucks to lose weight might disagree, but you are entitled to your opinions and you obviously feel strongly about this, therefore, duly noted :)

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I am a large woman. I am sorry I am gross in the eyes of many. I do the best I can. I would NEVER call anybody gross. I know many prejudge me because of my size - but if there is anything more ugly that prejudice – I would love to know what it is.

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When we were on the Mariner a few years back, there was a middle aged women who was overweight...which is fine because we all come in different sizes and shapes! However, she had a thong bikini on :eek:! And I don't mean to imply that if she was skinny and had a figure to die for that it would have been OK, it was wrong! There were kids every where, including my twin boys and my godson! After many complaints the captain ended up asking her to please cover up, she would not and made a "seen" all the time walking around the pool :rolleyes:! Needless to say she became the joke of the pool area the entire time! So don't worry about it, I am sure you will look just fine!! I would imagine that there will be more kids when schools let out!


Hey - I think I've seen her on one of my cruises!:eek: And she wasn't content to sunbathe - she strolled back and forth to spread the joy. Oh, my!


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Me thinks you just made my point, thank you ;)


You're very welcome.


(private mode on) My wife told me to right this to you, while holding a frying pan in her hand. <gulp> (private mode off)



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For most of my life I was underweight (and have to say that I loved it). People DID judge me--assuming I was anorexic, but I couldn't have cared less. It was wonderful being able to eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I didn't have a great shape, but I did love being so thin (size 4).


Now, many years later and with an underactive thyroid, I struggle every day with trying to keep the weight off. Am officially overweight, though not obese by any means. I diet, exercise daily and still keep gaining.


I would hands-down prefer to be underweight again.



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