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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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Disney - I don't do drops. I do the injections and skip one day a week. So, I'm not sure how you go longer on drops.


Bighorn - You are correct, yesterday was just that and you gotta keep moving forward! It definitely helps to stay busy. Weekends at home when I do nothing are the hardest for me.


Block - How did you do an apple day?? Is it true you start lunch one day and end lunch the following day? Do you have to cut back on water? Is it true you can't drink coffee too?


I didn't lose anything today!! :( I didn't gain though so that's a plus. But I'm hoping I'm not hitting a stall since my losses the past two days haven't been a whole lot. If I am stallling do I do a steak day or apple day?? Suggestions?

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Hello everybody. I was down 1.2lbs this morning...MUCH better than the day before! I've been doing really good so far today and have been drinking LOTS of water. I'm supposed to stop taking the drops on Monday, but I think I'm going to extend P2 for maybe another week. I want to see how well I can do after TOM leaves. LOL! :p

I hope all of you are doing well. :)


Blueyesdm, don't be :(! Have you measured yourself lately? After my 2lb gain yesterday, I measured myself. I had lost a 1/2 inch or more everywhere (except in my belly) and that made me feel much better! Also, I think the belly thing is because of TOM. Can you tell a difference in your clothes yet? I can definitely tell a difference in mine and that has helped my spirits as well. Make sure your drinking PLENTY of water. I'm sure things will turn around for you. :)

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Disney - Good to hear you lost!! You have given me hope that tomorrow might not be as bad. I drink a lot of water but I honestly feel like I'm retaining for some reason. I've already consumed more than 1/2 my body weight in ozs today so I'm good. I kinda feel like my sinuses are acting up again, feeling really thirsty, tired, headache. So that could have a lot to do with it. I also slept poorly. I am praying I have a loss like you tomorrow!!

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Morning ladies



@ Blueyes- Yes that's how you do the apple day..just enough water to quench your thirst. I don't drink coffee so it was really pretty easy...I just didn't want apples for a couple of days after that.


Today I start P3 !! Yesterday my sweet tooth came back...As long as I had been on the drops...candy was not even a thought..but yesterday my DD Valentines candy was calling my name.. I didn't touch any of it !!


This morning for BREAKFAST I will have plain yogurt with strawberrys. I'm scared the scale will not be the same this morning so I'm hesitant to hop on...


All have a good day and be strong for the weekend !!

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R2P3D5............had a gain from yesterday's munch fest. I didn't eat any sugar or starch but I did not keep count of how many calories and I must have really went over the 1500. I felt bloated all day(salt?). Up .8 lb. I have water aerobics and I am keeping track of calories today.

Liz...where are you? Come back and let us know how you are doing, good, bad or indifferent.

Best wishes to everyone today.

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Good morning girls!


Well I was down .40 today. Thank goodness. I was on the verge of a steak day or something!!


bighorn - probably sodium. I swear that's what happened to me and yesterday I drank SOOOO much water. Have fun @ water aerobics today.


block - Good luck with P3! You Can do this girl! I actually eat the plain NF greek yogurt on P2 because I was on antibiotics when I first started and had to eat something. I still managed good losses. Since I stopped, I noticed my losses have slowed down. I might go back to that plain yogurt. I sweeten it with truvia and it's good!


Hope everyone else is doing great!

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Hi chickies!

I appreciate all your support and I apologize for not being here for each of you lately. Tomorrow night I am having 27 people over for the first stop of a progressive dinner party and this kind of stuff stresses me out! So the good china is ready, the linen napkins are pressed, and the house has all the flowers that used to be at Sams. Not to mention the wine...lol

The good news is that I'm down to only a 7 1/2 lb. gain. I have gotten back to my supplements faithfully, my water stuff I'm supposed to drink, and I've gone back to drinking 8oz of water first when I think I'm hungry. It usually was thirst so that's a good tool in the arsenal. It is just very discouraging as you know to put it on, and esp. so fast. So it looks like you guys are having a pretty good week. I'm so proud of each of you for making all the good choices each day. That's what it comes down to. The choice of what to put in your mouth (ie. on your hips). On an up note, I have been able to do bootcamp and tennis several times this week. But it was like doing bootcamp with a very large newborn on me. You forget how much your body likes being lighter! So time to lose the baby!

Weather is in the mid 70s here. Are you guys finally out of snow???



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Hey Ladies! I was down 1.1lbs this morning. I had a temptation today and I think I passed! We celebrate birthdays at work by buying a cake, cupcakes, or a cookie cake for the birthday girl (or boy) and also buy them lunch. We decided on Cow-A-Bun-go. It's a steak to go place. I got a boneless grilled chicken breast and grilled veggies (instead of the baked potato). That was really hard for me because I LOVE potatoes! :eek: Some of the veggies weren't on the approved list, but I ate them anyway. :o We ended up doing cupcakes which looked REALLY good, but I was strong and didn't eat one!! :D Just in case, I think I will just eat an apple for dinner.


Blueyesdm- way to go on your loss!! I knew you could do it! ;)


Bighorn-Don't worry about yesterday. Start fresh and don't sweat it.


Block-Good luck on P3. One way that I have satisfied my sweet craving is by making a diet apple cobbler. The recipe is below:

one sliced apple

1/8 teaspoon cinnamon

1 individual packet of Stevia

two pieces of Melba toasts (crushed up)


In a bowl, place sliced apple, sprinkle with cinnamon and 1/2 of the Stevia and stir to get apple slices covered. Put crushed Melba toast on top, sprinkle with a dash more cinnamon, and the rest of the Stevia packet (I just sprinkled a little bit maybe a 1/4 of the packet because the first time it was too sweet for me). Microwave for 3 minutes.


Liz-Good luck with the party. It is supposed to be in the mid 70's here this weekend and I can't WAIT!! I think we're going to work in the yard tomorrow, but I told my DH that 75 is Jeep riding weather and it's time to get it out of the garage!! Jeep riding on pretty weekends is one of our favorite things to do together. It's funny because most people get their Jeeps muddy and go off-roading, but not us! We just cruise around town and on country roads. It just gives us some "us" time.


WOW, it feels like I just wrote a BOOK!! :eek:

I hope everybody has a great weekend! :)

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Evening all


Disney thanks for the recipe, I'm not a fan of Stevia... but have made the baked apple with just Cinnamon. ONLY chocolate can shut up the sweet tooth :) guess I;ll just have to keep listening to it.


Liz- progressive dinner ...good luck getting thru it !


Today I lost .6 on P3 . I thought I would have got on the scale this morning and I was going to be 25 lbs heavier...and the whole thing was a dream..... BUT nope less.6.


I made veg soup for lunch with chicken and had 1/2 cup yougurt and orange for breakfast. Melba toast with the soup...lots of water and 1 almond.???. For dinner we went out. To Bertuccis. I had grilled chicken wings and the tuscan roasted vegtables with...A little GRATED CHEESE !


I hope I stayed on course we'll see tomorrow.

Took DD 4 to see a local production of Beauty & the Beast.. It was Wonderful. She ate a whole Kit kat bar as I watched :)


Adios all.

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Back down to last day drops weight. Realize that I really need to get TO the 1500 calories a day and not go much over that. It is a livable thing though. P3 is where you re-set your metabolism, so you don't want to re-set it any lower than 1500 calories a day. I would like to do 1800 calories a day, but we'll see what happens. They say you can increase the calories alittle each day until you see a gain and then stop and maintain that.

Liz...dinner will be great! Stay on track and get back to us when you can.

Block...once you are P3, you can use other artificial sweetners. I know at Thanksgiving last year, I made a cranberry sauce they had in the Stevia cookbook, and IT WAS AWFUL...so bitter. I can do the small packets here and there, but ,would rather use it than some others.

Disney...the apple cobbler sounds good. I found that if I can incorporate P2 recipes into P3, maybe adding a little more portion size, I can stay on track better. That would be a good one for my sweet tooth. Yes, I still have it:~( I am also taking celery and cuke chunks with me in my purse, so I can have something to snack on during the day.

Have a great week-end...any NASCAR fans out there?

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Evening ladies,


This morning I was up .6...:mad: I ate all the right things yesterday..I must blame it on the SALT... I ate out yesterday so maybe that was it? I also had artichoke hearts ?? I don't remeber if I can have them on P3?


I did 2 miles on the tread mill hopefully that will make things right.


Oh and just to vent something OFF TOPIC...A customer was a really jerk to me today at work and I told him NOT to talk to me that way !;) I really didn't care at all.. He had no right to yell at me..JERK.


Off to have a cheeseburger..no bun? Oh well.

Hope everyone was succesful today !!

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Hi Everyone been MIA for a few days working alot

this week..

I have been true to the plan and still exercising every morning

today was 4:30 wake up :eek:

I have been stalled for the past 3 days and guess who

shows up early this morning. Yucky Ole TOM..:mad::(. I only have

until the end of this next week for my shots. I would love

to lose a few more lbs... Hopefully Tom goes away soon and takes a few lbs with.

Have a great night all and hopefully you will

all have drops tomorrow..:)


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Oh and just to vent something OFF TOPIC...A customer was a really jerk to me today at work and I told him NOT to talk to me that way !;) I really didn't care at all.. He had no right to yell at me..JERK.


Don't worry about it, Block. Some people are just idiots. :mad:

Don't let it get ya down.


Found a website, that is very helpful for nutritional values, you can even pick amounts and it figures everything for you.

It is http://www.nutritiondata.self.com

I am having pizza made on a portobella mushroom instead of a crust...will let you know how that turns out.


Great site! Thanks for the info. :)


I'm down 1lb today. I've decided to extend my P2 for at least another week. I am not ready to maintain...I want to keep losing. To be honest, I'm a little afraid to go to P3. :( Have any of you P3ers had these feelings?

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I was worried the first round but jumped right into it and had no gains. This time I wasn't hestitant, went right into it and have had a couple of small gains although with diligence they came right off. Just have to behave myself just like I did on the vlcd phase, and not eat what I know I shouldn't. I am back at the last drop day weight and it is staying off so far, and I really expect it to stay off. About two more weeks of P3 and then I am going into Phase 2 of the Atkins to lose weight, but more slowly without the ridgid/very limited food protocol. But it is basically low carb/low sugar and that is what I need to do for the LIFETIME.

A pound is a good loss, so is 1/2 pound...keep it up and you will be out buying new pants like me!

Block, I would imnagine there is quite abit of salt in the artichokes...if that is the culprit, this weight will come off and you can be happy as a clam, unlike the feller you had to deal with.

You gals all must be young...that ole TOM thing, and I know it can really mess with this diet. I had a hysterectomy at 24 (best surgery I ever had) so it has been...well a very long time for me. I had my three kids young and at this point of my life, I am glad I did...where would I have found the energy????

Have a HAPPY Sunday all!

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You girls are all doing so well! I had no loss again yesterday and was so frustrated so I did a steak day and lost 1.5lbs. Hopefully that'll kick start the weight loss again. The steak was so good too!! I also found these Opal apples @ Costco and if you love apples, you need to try them. They are yellow and sweet w/ a bit of tang.


Block - good job not touching that kit kat! My daughter has some valentine's candy I bought her and I just smelled it. ;)


Liz - How was the progressive dinner? We do that for the holidays with our neighbors and it's always so much fun!


Bighorn - Congrats to you for managing those small gains. It's all a learning process to know which foods are going to set your body off. Keep up the good work.


Disney - Great job on your pound!!


AZ - Sorry about TOM. I hate how much she affects the weight loss. So frustrating!!


Hope you are all having a good weekend!! Keep up the good work!

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Blue WOW great loss. :p I don't eat red meat so I cant do

a steak day.

I have been stuck on the same weight for four days now..:mad:

Like I said I hope Tom leaves soon and takes a few lbs

with. Yes it is VERY frustrating.

Especially when I am being SO good..

How did everyone else do this weekend??

Please tell me what an apple day is I am still confused on that.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

Who sent there BAD weather to AZ??? Cold and rainy here

for the last two days.:mad:

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I was worried the first round but jumped right into it and had no gains. This time I wasn't hestitant, went right into it and have had a couple of small gains although with diligence they came right off. Just have to behave myself just like I did on the vlcd phase, and not eat what I know I shouldn't. I am back at the last drop day weight and it is staying off so far, and I really expect it to stay off. About two more weeks of P3 and then I am going into Phase 2 of the Atkins to lose weight, but more slowly without the ridgid/very limited food protocol. But it is basically low carb/low sugar and that is what I need to do for the LIFETIME.


Big, I am usually on Atkins type eating program. But I let myself

get way out of hand since Nov and need to get some weight off

quickly so that's why I choose HCG. I can always lose

weight on atkins low carb eating it just takes a little

longer. So good choice. I will also stay on a low carb diet. Good

luck and keep us posted.


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Blue WOW great loss. :p I don't eat red meat so I cant do

a steak day.

I have been stuck on the same weight for four days now..:mad:

Like I said I hope Tom leaves soon and takes a few lbs

with. Yes it is VERY frustrating.

Especially when I am being SO good..

How did everyone else do this weekend??

Please tell me what an apple day is I am still confused on that.


Hope you all have a great weekend.

Who sent there BAD weather to AZ??? Cold and rainy here

for the last two days.:mad:


We are at a whole 2 degrees today, at least it is above zero. Next Thursday night is suppose to be -25 not including wind chill!:eek: Think I'll be staying home next week-end.


Apple day is....a plateau lasting 4-6 days. begins at lunch one day, ends at lunch the next day. You are given 6 large apples and eat when you so desire, no more than 6 in that 24 hour period. No other liquids beside plain water are allowed. They say to only drink enough to quench the thirst, so not pushing water. Water weight loss is practically guaranteed, but seems to get the process of losing going. Hope this helps.

The Mushroom pizza wasn't that bad, definety not pizza but it was good, like a stuffed open faced mushroom. Thinking I will modify and do a seafood, cheese one.

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Hey everybody!

Sorry to hear about the bad weather where you are...2 and -25 on the way??? :eek: It is so beautiful here in Alabama...sunny and 75. Sorry, I'm not meaning to rub it in! :o It's just been miserably cold here this winter and I'm ready for warmth! I say "miserably" even though it's no where near what some of you have had! I know you think I'm nuts, but we have had snow four times this season...are you laughing at me yet?? Hey, us Southerners aren't used to snow! We will go for years and never see it. When it snows down here, everything shuts down. When the weather man even mentions :eek: snow :eek:, everybody runs to the grocery store and stocks up on everything. It's like they think they will be snowed in for a month! I don't go to that extreme, but I do think I would DIE if I had to spend a winter up North! What can I say, I'm used to humidity! I have friend that is from New York and she said it was the exact opposite for her when she moved down here. She said the first Summer she spent in Alabama she thought her DH had moved her to H*LL! She said she had to grow her bangs out because the sweat kept plastering them to her forehead!

Anyway, we've been outside all day so far. I came in long enough to cook some turkey burgers and to get on here to see how y'all did yesterday. I'm down .9lbs today. I ate a turkey burger (minus the bun) and a couple of tater tots :o for lunch today. I sure hope I don't pay for it in the morning, but I probably will!

I hope y'all have a great afternoon!

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DISNEY TATER TOTS YOU ATE TATER TOTS !!!! YOU can't eat tater tots !!! I love tater tots...I remeber them:o


Disney ..I'm glad to hear somone else afarid of P3...I'm afraid all the weight I took off so quickly will return as quickly .

So far R1P3D3- +1lb ??? What am I doing wrong ??? I'll let it take a few days to stabilize before I get my panties in a bunch.


Everyone seems to be having some stuggles this week I see. We will just have to work thru it Huh!


This weekend coming up planning on going to NYC for an overnight..My favorite Italian restaurant.....I just might eat a small serving of chicken Parm with a side of steaamed spinach nd a big salad. I know the breading part of the chx is not the best choice..But i've haven't cheated at all !!

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DISNEY TATER TOTS YOU ATE TATER TOTS !!!! YOU can't eat tater tots !!! I love tater tots...I remeber them:o


I'm sorry! :o I just had a couple of them... ;)


This weekend coming up planning on going to NYC for an overnight..My favorite Italian restaurant.....I just might eat a small serving of chicken Parm with a side of steaamed spinach nd a big salad. I know the breading part of the chx is not the best choice..But i've haven't cheated at all !!


I have always wanted to go to NYC! Maybe one day I'll be able to make it.

I believe that if you try hard all week, it will be ok to have the breading. You will probably be walking around getting more exercise than usual, so that will help too. Who am I to judge...I had tater tots and I'm still in P2.


I hope everyone has a good night!

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Disney - Oh taters tots sound so good!! Did you still lose eating a couple??


Block - good job on the weight loss!!!


Bighorn - your pizza sounds interesting! I'm not into portabello mushrooms though and I know DH would hate it!! I have to say pizza is one thing I've been craving.


Hello to all you other "losers"!! :)


I'm down .60 today and I'm so proud to say I've finally hit the 20lb mark!! 15 of those are from doing HCG and the other following WW at the beginning of the year. I'm super excited!! I would love to hit another 20 before my cruise...not sure I will with my average weight loss being .50 a day but I'll take what I can get. At least I feel so much better.

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Wow, what a good support group you are for each other, mind if I join? I've read through the entire thread and I'm seeing some great results here! I'm doing injections, I'm on day 10 of my first round, and I'm down 14.4 pounds from my start weight. I'm following Dr Simeon's protocol fairly strictly, and doing well. I have the added bonus that my DH is doing this along with me. I'm planning on doing 40 days (am I crazy) with doing a skip day every Sunday.


I have a cruise planned for mid-September, so I'm hoping to finish this round of injections and be able to do one more before we go. It's interesting and informative to see those of you that are already in P3, it gives me hope. Like others have said, I'm pretty nervous about going back to more food. Self-control didn't really get me where I am today, did it?


Well, it's nice to "meet" you ladies, and I hope to be part of your support group! Have a great and successful day everyone. :)

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Wow, what a good support group you are for each other, mind if I join? I've read through the entire thread and I'm seeing some great results here! I'm doing injections, I'm on day 10 of my first round, and I'm down 14.4 pounds from my start weight. I'm following Dr Simeon's protocol fairly strictly, and doing well. I have the added bonus that my DH is doing this along with me. I'm planning on doing 40 days (am I crazy) with doing a skip day every Sunday.


I have a cruise planned for mid-September, so I'm hoping to finish this round of injections and be able to do one more before we go. It's interesting and informative to see those of you that are already in P3, it gives me hope. Like others have said, I'm pretty nervous about going back to more food. Self-control didn't really get me where I am today, did it?


Well, it's nice to "meet" you ladies, and I hope to be part of your support group! Have a great and successful day everyone. :)


Welcome Jennifer!

Everyone who wants to be a loser is welcome...LOL Sounds like you have the hang of things and that is great that your DH is doing it with you...makes it alot easier.

Ok girls, I have done more research on P3:rolleyes:, I know what you are thinking..oh no here it comes....:D It is NORMAL to gain and lose up to two pounds on P3....even in maintenance or a lifetime program...this is NORMAL. So lets not freak out when we have a gain, unless it is over the 2 pounds from last drop (injection) date, and stays on. I was up .2 this a.m. but am sure that I will lose tomorrow as my sister and I really worked out today.

Another suggestion is that I have found some tasty recipes on Atkins.com You can modify if you need but I think the main plan for everyone to maintain after the diet, is low carb/low sugar. There are so many sites for recipes you can live with besides Atkins too...not trying to shove that down anyone's throat.

Great efforts gals and the losses will show that! You know what they say about Tater Tots...................................are you ready????????????????


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