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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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Congrats on the loss Disney!! I have to admit I get a bit jealous I don't have more of those 1lb losses and see SO many other people do. My average loss is .50 a day which I know is good but geez why can't I lose more. What do you eat in day?


What is WDW?? :confused:

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I lost between .5 to 1 pound some days but there were certainly more of the smaller losses. Just expect a loss and stay on track, you shouldn't compare yourself...everyone has more or less to lose, metabolism factors in,(Like I had any metabolism to start with...LOL) your body's retaining fluids, and fat to muscle ratio. I am see-sawing up and down on P3 between the last day drop weight and my red zone (the dreaded 2 pounds over last day weight) But I know that it usually works itself out in a day or two. If it doesn't I really have to look at what I am consuming and doing.

I am really wanting to tuck away into anyone's suitcase to get the heck out of here...our high today is zero! I don't know what WDW is either..please educate me.

Almost Friday, can see it from Thursday's hill. Hope that everyone has a loss, no matter how much...take care all.

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Good Morning losers...

After a looooooong stall I was down this

morning about 1/2 lb.. I don't have a fancy scale like

you all where I can see .1 or .5. I have the big dial so

it looked like 1/2 to 1 lb so I am calling it 1/2. Hopefully

tomorrow I see a clearer 1. So I will keep on

ph 2 until Sunday and then start phase 3 on

Wednesday. That will give 1 week on ph 3 before I


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Congrats on the loss Disney!! I have to admit I get a bit jealous I don't have more of those 1lb losses and see SO many other people do. My average loss is .50 a day which I know is good but geez why can't I lose more. What do you eat in day?




Blue I eat..

Breakfast Coffee mid morning an apple

Lunch Salad and grilled chicken or turkey patty.

Dinner Grilled chicken and a vegetable or Fajitas chicken.

or ground turkey meat with onion, pepper and green chilies..

Then I eat an orange.

I don't even eat my melba.

I even exercise daily..


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Block - DUH!! Thank you ;)


Bighorn - I know I can't compare myself to others but sometimes it's hard not too. I have no metabolism. I"m sure lots of us will see the see saw with P3 and I"m sure it will be frustrating but you are doing great so keep it up!


AZ - Yay for a 1/2 lb!!! Finally! Are you not going to do an apple day then? I don't like melba but I found some grissini but only eat it occasionally because I don't think it helps me.


I am stalled today but that's ok, I'm not going to let it get me down. I did measure and I've lost quite a few inches all over my body since the last time so that's good.

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Walt Disney World !!!



:DOh...ok....learn something new everyday.

Dawn, inches are just as exciting for me as the weight! That is what makes me feel lighter and more comfortable.

Sheri....Good loss and hope more comes off for you!

Everyone else....Good Luck!

Tonight's low is -30 WITH the wind chill...yikes...sounds like a soup night

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:DOh...ok....learn something new everyday.

Dawn, inches are just as exciting for me as the weight! That is what makes me feel lighter and more comfortable.

Sheri....Good loss and hope more comes off for you!

Everyone else....Good Luck!

Tonight's low is -30 WITH the wind chill...yikes...sounds like a soup night


WOW Sorry to hear about your CHILLING weather..:eek:

I dont know how you guys do it...

I thought I was going to have it bad sunday will be 52 high

and 32 low... BUUURRRR:rolleyes: for us..

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Most vehicles have bolt heaters for the engines, you dress warm and just hope the dang wind doesn't keep going. On the up side, crime is low here, must be too cold to burgal...lol

I do find myself always booking warm vacations now.




Big are you freezing???

Your going to laugh but I am sitting in front of my space

heater all day today.. :) I told you it was going to be cold

here this weekend...:eek:

Where are ya all losers??



OK I need to get down two more lbs then I will stop the shots.

If I don't lose the 2 lbs I will stop on wed.. Today is only 11

days till we leave. I wish I wasn't cutting it so close, but I did.:mad:

Then I come back from my Cruise and leave for our land vacation

in 6 weeks so I wont start another round until after our land

vacation. I want to be able to do it fully this time where I can

stay on maintenance for the full 3 weeks. Then move on to phase


Hope everyone is having a great weekend.


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yes it is cold! -12 right now with wind feeling like -20. So I am on the couch in front of the wood stove, nothing puts out heat like an old wood stove.

Bouncing around .2 to .5 daily but I think that is the way is goes, normally, so I am not concerned.

Hope you get the 2 pounds off Sheri but if not, you have given it your best and you will do fine after it is all done and said. Have FUN on your vacations, sounds like a lot of fun.

Yes, I think all the other gals are out having fun without us..LOL

Have you ever had the mock mashed potatoes made with califlower? I made them up and they aren't too bad. I see I can have gravy on P3...so tonight it is mock potatoes and a little gravy, baked chicken and a salad.

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Hi ladies !


Just returned home from a short weekend in NYC. Yes I ate the chicken Parm and it was wonderful..lots of water and broccolli, with LOTS of garlic. I have to say this morning when I woke up I wanted a coke REALLY bad. Coco Cola is my vice.... I haven't had the need for one til I ate the chx parm last night ????? But I didn't. Could there be a relation to having a heavy meal (possible with sugar) and wanting my true addiction???


Hope everyone had a good weekend. I will return to the scale tomorrow morning. I had been up 2lbs before I left Thursday soooo I'll see what kind of a disaster I made.


(Side Note) As we arrived at the Plaza last night for my daughter to see where Eloise leaves ....we realized we were in some sorta Media Circus... Kelsey Grammer was having his wedding reception there last night.

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Oh Block, rubbing elbows with the Hollywood crowd now...Just kidding, I imagine it was kind of a mess. I hope your scale is nice to you tomorow! You could be right about the meal and cravings. I know I have been eating 1500-1800 calories a day, and my sweet tooth seems to have resurfaced. But I have to say I am making wiser choices, using fruit, and if I feel I really have to have it, I eat an Atkins Endulge Bar, low sugar/low carb. Sugar free jello with a little whip cream has been a saving grace for me too. I hope these are changes I can stick with.

Welcome home and hope you had fun!

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Wow, didn't realize I hadn't checked in for a couple of days.


AZ- good luck on those last 2 pounds, I hope you make it! But even if you don't you have done great!!


Block- I've never been to NYC, but my DH has. It's just hard for us to take long land vacations when we live so close to Galveston. Cruising and no airfare just makes it wonderful.


Bighorn- hope you are staying warm. And major congrats on your success with P3, you are doing a great job maintaining your loss. It really helps to hear how you are doing, I might be hitting you up for advice later. Are you finished or do you have another rounds to go?


I've been doing OK, I'm at a weight where I think I might try to plateau, I will lose one day, stay the same the next. No cheats or changes in what I'm eating, so I will push the water hard today and see if that helps.. I have lost 18.6 pounds in 2 weeks, so I'm not complaining.... :)


Have a great day today everyone!

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This is my second round, so I plan on finishing this protocol up and then see what happens doing a low carb/low sugar Atkin's type maintenance. If I feel like I am not losing through the summer (15 pounds), then I will do another round in Oct.

Will be happy to help anyone, anyway I can.

I found another blog that has some great ideas and actually sections out types of diets...HCG/Atkin/South Beach/ and so on. Great recipes too. It is.... http://www.lowcarbfriends.com

Good luck today and have a great Sunday...we are up to 30's today...bring out the swimsuits! LOL

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Morning Girls,


Trust me a trip to NYC is not all that grand for me. I live an hour away and the train fare roubdtrip is 22 dollars...and we can find lots of free things to do. I can't imagine what it would cost to bring a family to NYC for a couple of days ???

Jifner- I wish they had more cruises out of New York to be able to take, the only problem's are they take to long to get someplace really good like the carribean and Bermuda is still a fortune and only good for certain times of the year.Oh and you are stuck on a boat for days with New Yorkers:rolleyes:.


YES ! The scale was kind to me !! I guess all the walking did me good no gains.:D


The water cooler at work has been not functioning latley (budget cut) So I must fill up and bring my own to be able get thru a day at work...On my way to filler 'up !! Have a good day to all.


Bighorn, thanks for reminding me of jello! I have been eating apples with peanut butter for a dessert. That was the best I could come up with. What about beans ?? Is that allowed. I was thinking its to high in carbs???

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Block, that's great that you were able to maintain after a nice dinner in the city!! And good for you for carrying water with you - being proactive and planning!! That's what this diet is teaching us, isn't it? And another dessert idea you could try would be blueberries or strawberries with a little bit of s/f whipped cream, or just sprinkle some splenda on the strawberries (one of my favorite low carb desserts).


It's a big water day for me as well, I seem to do a lot better at work than at home. I keep a big insulated cup with a straw on my desk, and just chug away. :)


Bighorn, I will go look back at LowCarbFriends. I have used that site before when I was attempting to go back to low carb eating, I didn't realize it had HCG forums as well. Thanks for that info - it's so nice to share with you all, I really appreciate it!!


Where is Dawn, haven't seen her post in a few days, hope she's OK and doing well.


Have a great day all you losers!!

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Block: Beans are a proceed with caution food for P3, try some and see what it does with your weight. I have found a dry package hummus I have been using, and the great thing about it, is portion control..I only mix up a serving instead of having a whole delicious container looking at me. Found a cracker made totally of flax called Flackers (LOL) that I have dipped with the hummus for a nice little snack.

Jennifer: They have some ideas on a modified HCG that I found interesting. Like a P2 but more food and incorporating exercise. I love the recipe section, although last night the muffins I made, weren't so good but I am eating them. I think you have to try stuff to see what really works. I am so aware of carbs, fiber and sugar grams, it drive everyone crazy.

Had two days of maintaining and woke to a small .4 gain. I did alot of exercise yesterday and had a glass of wine with dinner so maybe that is it.

Really enjoying water aerobics but I will have to pass on any morning classes as it is a bunch of chatty women, and I am older than you gals I am sure, but these "older" women must come for social hour and nothing else. Fortunately, I rarely have time in the morning with work, so no loss.

Will go back this afternoon for the 1 pm session, which I have done many times.

Yes Dawn...where are you???????

Hey Sheri, all ready for that cruise you lucky duck!

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Hi losers! I'm here and I'm good. Sorry I wasn't around much this weekend. Let's see I lost about 3lbs between Sat and today so that's good! Started my second round of shots this weekend so I'm eager to see what I get - I lost 18 on the first round. I sure wish I was a bigger loser but how many people can lose that in one month with any other diet?


Block - your trip to NYC sounds like fun. I'm from the east coast and I really want to take my DD there. I'd love to go in the winter so she can skate @ Rockefeller center, she is a competitive figure skater so that would be so exciting for her. Glad you were ok eating that chicken parm. That sounds so good!!


bighorn - Sorry to hear your morning aerobics isn't much fun with all the chatty older ladies. Don't stress about your .40 gain. It could have been that wine or just all the exercise. At least you are doing what you should be doing and following protocol.


Jifner - You are losing so good!! Gosh you lost more than I did in a month!! Keep up the awesome work. I drink so much water. Thankfully I like it!


Az - you down those 2 lbs yet?? I'm hoping so!


Hope everyone else is doing well!! Disney haven't seen you in awhile!!

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Hi Girls,

Block, DH and I were in NY 1 1/2 years ago for a couple of' days

before our cruise. We got into the taxi from the airport. OMG I

thought I was going to die :eek: It was so bad at one point

I screamed. The look I got throught the rear view mirror I

knew he was ready to kill me. :o

Big, Funny about all the chatty ladies. This weekend was talking

to MIL and she said her and a gang of ladies go to the gym every

morning to chat..:rolleyes: I am with you if I am there I want to work out.

Water arobics sounds fun.

Jif and Blue WOW what GREAT losses. That is great.Way too

go girls.

One lb down and one to go.. I hope its gone by wed.. I had my first

cheat on sat. I ate 4 oranges. They were so good and sweet from

MIL tree. I couldnt stop my self..

Keep your fingers crossed for me,


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Disney haven't seen you in awhile!!


I'm here! MIL is in the hospital, so we spent most of Saturday driving and visiting with her. I must admit, I totally blew it this weekend! We weren't home much, so we ate out alot. I'm not even going to tell y'all what all I ate! :o I am so disgusted with myself! I logged on Saturday and Sunday and read how everyone was doing and just couldn't bring myself to write anything. It's weird, but I felt like I was letting y'all down or something. Anyway, I weighed this morning and had a 3lb gain this weekend. :( I've done good on my diet today, but I'm still mad at myself!

I'm proud of all of your losses...keep up the good work!

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Oh Disney, so sorry to hear about your MIL, hope she's doing better now. It's so stressful when our folks are ill and in the hospital. An understandable stumble, so glad to hear that you are right back on plan. Can't change what has been done, just go forward from here! Please don't ever feel badly about being human - we all slip up every now and then. You're back here for support, I'm glad to see you back.


I hope you see a loss in the morning, and that you MIL is doing well.

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Disney- sorry to hear about MIL, Get back on the horse...you'll do fine just stay away from the tater tots:D


I keep eating to much cheese....I was never a big cheese fan but some reason..I love a cheese snack????


I have stayed at my weight very well..its almost magic now that it is steady. I guess notmagic because I still can't eat Tater tots;)



Have a good day Losers. I can't wait til there are more of you on P3 !!!

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