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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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Yay for Disney!! Glad to see that loss today!


Block, I'm really looking forward to P3, but I have a bit more losing to do first. :)


AZ, how's that last pound coming???


Have a great day everyone.

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Auggggg! Up a pound today, I think I am going to cut back on the work outs, I have been hitting it hard since Sun. Eating clean, well except for Sunday's wine, but they say it is allowed but with caution. If I am not down tomorrow I am doing a steak day as I an now 2.2 pounds over LDW.

Great job Disney and with no tater tots! Congrats! Hope the MIL is better today.

Block, glad you are maintaining, I did until the last 4 days. Taking a day, maybe two off from workouts and see what happens. My sis thinks I am building muscle but I am hesitant to take that excuse so easily. Maybe I am adding too many foods without seeing what happens. Like Block, I am loving the cheese, so maybe I should cut that out for a few days. I have 5 more days on P3.

Jen....how's the weather there in Texas? Did you get any of those storms that passed through? Hope all is well.

OK, off to at least get my sit ups out of the way. I do have to say that I am maintaining the inches lost, so that is something.

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Big Horn- I haven't exercised in 2 days... so we will see what tomorrow brings on the scale..and that "building muscle" thing I hate when people say that.....probably true though.


If memory serves me correct...Trader Joes has Awesome Tater Tots!


Ladies in My office are mesmerized that I have lost 25 pounds in less the 6 weeks ...and I eat so healthy.:p I haven't mentioned the HCG. I don't want to hear the responses.


I swear even though I have maintained my weight I feel as though I have lost more inches ??? Could it be ?? Big horn.

I never measured before I started the diet. I will next time. It was just one more thing to remeber to do.


Have a good night Ladies !!


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I hear you Block, on not saying HCG around people, it gets such a negative reaction. I have tried to explain that it is not a 500 calorie starvation diet...but they just don't hear it.

Anyways, if I am up ANY weight, I'll do a steak day. If I have dropped but less than a pound, I will do a steak day. Just think I need to re-set and then really watch what I am adding in/eating. I think the cheese may be the food culprit. May need to limit myself to one ounce a day and see what happens. When I think about it, I probably have over indulged with jalenpeno cheese sticks and some cream cheese and of course blue cheese on my salads...lol...that looks bad when I actually write it.

I only measured my waist, I have good legs and arms due to the work I do but I carry the weight ALL TORSO. It is written that you do tone up even without the exercise, so yes you probably have lost inches....and to me that number means more and feels better. But of course with a daily weigh in, it maddens me to see such a gain. I guess that is one of the motivating factors to make you pay attention to what is going on and to nip it in the bud.

I think this is the first time I have seen your name...Janet:~)

I know I posted mine before but here it is again...Terri

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She's aliveeeeeeeeee! lol

Sorry, first time on here in over a week! I've missed my losers! And we have another Texan? Hi Jifner! What part are you in? I'm just north of Houston.

Ok, you gals are doing so well and I am steadfastly holding on to that 9 pound gain so tomorrow I get on a proper P3 and quit this 'eating everything I want' routine.

Block, Disney, Bighorn, Blueyes, Sheri from AZ, just wanted you to know I'm alive, well, and starting to get back to business!

Mid 70s here today. Gosh, what ever happened to spring? lol


Talk to you all tomorrow!


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Welcome back liz.....BUT really do we care that its Mid 70's ..NO !!! Bla Blah Blah .....:mad: Some of us are stilll cold !! :p Although my pool has defrosted so thats a good sign !!! Hurry up join P3 !!! Its fun we eat cheese !!! To much cheese.


I really guess I should quit wasting time and get on the treadmill...Ugh !!

DD is still sleeping this would be a good time .


(TMI-To bad) Anyone else need to buy new Bra's ??? On my list of things to do..I can fudge the pants thing with belts. although yesterday I ran upthe stairs to the lunch room with my arms full (of cheese probably) and my pants fell down:eek:

I don't really want to buy any new clothes till summer...its almost here right?? I'll have to figure out if I have enough clothes to get me thru my cruise....


Have a good day Ladies !!!!



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LOL, you gals are a fun bunch..welcome back Liz!

Block, I have the same problem with the bras but fortunately everything is "fluffy" enough now it still all fits in. I had to buy new pants cause there weren't enough belts to keep the 18-20 on the 12-14 bod. But I did buy the cheapest ones I could to get me by until I am where I want to be.

Yes, some of us are still cold...5 degrees this morning but suppose to get up to a whooping 45!

Was down .7 this morning so I am considering just watching VERY carefully what and how much I am eating. NO CHEESE or tater tots for me today. :~)

Hope all your weigh ins are happy ones today.

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Good Morning Losers..

I DID IT 2 lbs gone WOOT WOOT.. :p:D

Thank you all for the encouragement and support.

SHEEWWW I was sweating it when yesterday the scale

jumped up a lb. Got on this AM and those last 2 stinkin

lbs GONE.. I am at an all time low. Well in the last 10 years.

So its on to going you girls on Phase 3. I leave in a

week though..

Liz welcome back. You can do it.

Block great job on the 25 lbs.

Big nice your down to size 12.

I have alot of different sizes in my closet.:rolleyes:

When I was on Atkins type of eating I wasn't losing.

But as soon as I cut out the cheese the scale started


Have you all ever had fried cheese?? YUMMY.

70's here all week. Sorry I had to

Have a great day

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Block-I know what you mean. I've been careful about who I tell about HCG. The girls at work have been very supportive of me except for one. She argues with everything you say, so her opinion doesn't really matter to me. :cool: My Mother would have an absolute FIT, so I'm not telling her! I'm 41 years old and she STILL scares the living daylights out of me! :eek: LOL!

When I first started, I had an extender on my bra. It's off now and I am on the tightest clasp that it has, so it won't be long before I have to go down a size. My pants are very lose now, but they were "screaming" and bursting at the seams before so that's good. Sorry, but that's TOO funny about your pants falling down!

Liz-YAY! Glad to to hear from you!

Big-Congrats on the .7lbs. That's great!!

AZ-2lbs...WOOHOO!! I know you're so happy!

Blueyesdm-Where are you?? :(


I woke up today with a 2lb loss!! I could NOT believe it! I have been working so hard since the weekend, but I wasn't expecting that! I skipped supper last night and only ate strawberries, so that probably helped me out.

Have a great day everybody!

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Hey girls! I'm sorry but work has been super busy and very stressful. I am still losing though, thank goodness!! Congrats to all of your for doing so well!!


AZ - So glad to hear that you got rid of those 2lbs. I knew it!


Disney - Hey sorry you had lots going on in your life, hope its all good now. That's awesome you dropped 2lbs in one day! Woohoo for you!


Big - I can't wait to be a size 12 again. Great job!!


Block - I haven't told many people about the HCG because nobody gets it. I get so excited when I learn about people who are doing it though. I've had a few people mention they were doing very low cal/no fat, carb, sugar and pretty much called it. ;) Because it's so controversial nobody wants to admit to it.

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Wow, you guys are amazing to lose 2 pounds at a time. And AZ, good to get to your mini goal, now enjoy that cruise! And fried cheese??? That rates up there with TATER TOTS! LOL I love cheese but today it was just Blue Cheese Dressing for the salad, 1 gram sugar for a serving so not so bad. We'l see if that scale adores me tomorrow.

Hope the stress level goes down for you Dawn, that is one thing that triggers my eating...much more than boredom or emotions.

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Looks like everyone has checked in today except for me!!


Liz- good to see you! I'm in Tyler, what part of Houston are you in? I'm very familiar with Houston, my daughter played softball all over the city when we lived in College Station, and my husband grew up in Sugarland.


AZ- way to go on those last 2 pounds!! Now go have a blast on that cruise next week.


Dawn- sorry to hear work has been super busy/stressfull. :( But good for you staying on track and continuing to lose.


Disney- you're right back at it and losing - fantastic!! :)


Block - I honestly can't wait until I have the problem of my pants falling down. Mine all started pretty tight when I began a couple of weeks ago, but my jeans are super loose now. Might have to go closet shopping pretty soon for a smaller size.


Bighorn- glad to see that you are still dealing well with P3, congrats on the -0.7 pounds. You are getting it figured out!!


I am still losing a nice bit daily, and my husband had his first -0 day today. I think he ate too big a piece of steak at lunch yesterday, but he's OK. He will probably just lose a big chunk tomorrow. Even one day of no loss isn't bad when you look at the total loss in a short period of time, right?


Trying to figure out what to cook for dinner, guess I'll just have to see what's in the fridge when I get home from work. What's everyone else having????


Hope you all have a great evening, take care!

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Jennifer - Good job on the loss. I'm sorry about DH. You know whenever I eat beef I don't lose very much, if any so I stay away from it. I did a steak day once though and that worked for me but that's all I ate.


This is what I'm having for dinner (minus cabbage cus it doesn't do me any good so I'm going to use bean sprouts)!! I found it on this website - http://www.stopyeast.com/hcg/hcgdiet/hcg-diet-chicken-recipes.html



Szechwan Chicken

100 grams chicken breast


1 cup chicken broth or water

3 tablespoons Bragg’s liquid aminos

1 teaspoon hot sauce

Pinch of crushed red pepper flakes

Pinch of fresh or powdered ginger

1 clove garlic crushed and minced

1 tablespoon chopped green onion

Stevia to taste


Brown Chicken in Bragg’s and a little water. Add chicken broth and spices.

Simmer for 5 minutes. Add the cabbage and allow to cook for 10 minutes or

until cabbage is tender. Add additional water if necessary. Top with

additional green onions for garnish and sprinkle with lemon juice and

additional Bragg’s.

Makes 1 serving (1 protein, 1 vegetable)

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That sounds good Dawn. I had a steak and small salad for lunch and chicken salad for dinner since lunch was large. I try to eat my heavy meal as early as I can.

Green SF jello for dessert, can't forget about dessert!

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Evening Gals...

I was down one pound today !!! So I hope I didn't over due it today with chinese for lunch , nuts for snack and Pork Chop for dinner only 1/2 of porkchop and salad....I'll see what happens tomorrow.

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Jifner!!! You are NOT going to believe this!! I grew up in Athens!!! Yes, just 30 miles from you. My parents live in Tyler! LOVE going to that great little restaurant in that strip mall...what is the name of it?

Anyway, VERY small world. I live in Kingwood, just north of Houston. Son's ex-gf was in Sugarland. We come full circle!

You girls are so funny! Yes, it is so warm here, I got sunburned at Monday's match. Wish I knew how to make the tongue sticking out symbol! lol

2 lb. loss, wow! wtg AZ!!!

Ok, the bra question was cracking me up!!! Holy Cow! Did you guys have the shock of your life when one of the fastest places you lost was in your band size? I couldn't believe that...

So like you, I haven't gotten many new ones. Ok two, but they were on sale so that doesn't count...<g>

Blueyes, I'm sorry work is awful right now. Don't know how you keep it up but I'm proud of you :-)

Ok, made a good P3 dinner tonight! 1/2 sweet potato with a little butter, did some chicken in olive oil and did a saute of some orange bell pepper. Really yummy! I'm going to get this thing kicked back into gear! Right? lol


Go forth and conquer...


ps. Thanks for missing me, made me feel good!

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Hi losers!

Not a happy camper this morning, I was up in pounds this morning 1.7 - like what happened? I didn't do anything wrong but perhaps it's my horrible night of sleep and the fact that I'm stressed? I feel so upset about it. I should have eaten something good if I was going to gain right? haha Not taking it well but I have to just keep on keepin on!

So happy to hear you are all doing well, keep up the good work!! :)

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Hi losers!

Not a happy camper this morning, I was up in pounds this morning 1.7 - like what happened? I didn't do anything wrong but perhaps it's my horrible night of sleep and the fact that I'm stressed? I feel so upset about it. I should have eaten something good if I was going to gain right? haha Not taking it well but I have to just keep on keepin on!

So happy to hear you are all doing well, keep up the good work!! :)

OH Blue sorry to hear that.. I know it is SO Frusterating.

I was in that boat many of times thinking oh this is

not worth it. I am trying so hard following program to a T

and not losing. But just hang in there it will come off..


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Dawn...sounds like me three days ago...up 2.2 in three days. But it was water weight and I just had to be very careful about what I was eating. I think sauerkraut got me retaining fluid and then I had upped the exercise routine. Now two days later, I am down...but really watched what I ate and went back to things I know hadn't bothered me. It is shocking though to see that kind of a gain. Hang tight!

Did a body sculpting water class today and it was more of a work out than the water aerobics. Have a feeling I am gonna be sore tomorrow.

Happy weights to everyone!

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AZ-Glad the scale was nice to you today!

Block-WOOHOO on the 1lb loss!

Liz-Mmmm...sweet potatoes sound good!

Blue-Please don't get discouraged! Sorry you've been stressed...It will get better. ;)

Big-The body sculpting water class sounds like fun.


Thanks for the sweet comments about my MIL. She's doing alot better. She's home now, but still very sore from her surgery. It's just gonna take a while for her to heal.

Well ladies, I'm starting P3 tomorrow. I'm a little nervous about it. Wish me luck!!

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Disney: Congrats going on to P3. Have you decided to just jump into the 1500 calories are you going to up it in increments? Glad to hear that the MIL is recovering. I am a home health nurse and know that it takes time. Sadly, I make more money cleaning houses, that is unreal!

Good night all and hope tomorrow is a great one for you all.

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Disney: Congrats going on to P3. Have you decided to just jump into the 1500 calories are you going to up it in increments? Glad to hear that the MIL is recovering. I am a home health nurse and know that it takes time. Sadly, I make more money cleaning houses, that is unreal!

Good night all and hope tomorrow is a great one for you all.


I'm just going to gradually increase my calories.

I know what you mean about cleaning houses. When our children were little, we decided that I should stay home with them. When I worked and they went to daycare, I pretty much worked to pay for their doctor's bills. They were always sick! So, I quit my job and started cleaning a couple of houses a week. It was great because I was able to take them with me and I was able to spend so much time with them. After they started school, I started back to work. Sometimes, especially on Monday mornings, I wish that I was still a stay at home Mom!!

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OOOh Disney, Thats what I wanted to be when I grew up- A stay at home MOM !!! I went to college anyway, so that I would have something to "fall back on"....In my dreams I would love to stay home with my DD. Oh well. we can dream! Those who can afford to do it are lucky.


Ladies are a few of you stalling ? Ugh I remeber that...drink lots of water. switch up your meals a bit. It will start to ROLL again....Roll in the right direction that is.


A new member to p3 :D !!! I actually find it difficult to get in the 1500 calories...the RIGHT 1500 calories that is.


Have a good morning girl !!



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