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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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Hi Jennifer!! Nope, I plan on packing tonight and tomorrow. I'm a procrastinator with packing. ;) Glad you are doing well on P3. I'm pretty steady but I guess that's a good thing. I didn't have any ill effects from the oatmeal. I just don't think I'm eating enough calories. Glad you are having a nice day. Our sun was out but went away. We've had lots of rain, I'm so sick of it! Can't wait to get outta here.

Bighorn - Glad the oatmeal is treating you well now!! I plan on having some again tomorrow. It was a nice change!!

Hello everyone else! Hope you are all well!

I'm doing good - just super excited to leave Friday night! Going to spend a couple days with my dad in florida prior to our cruise leaving on Monday. Should be a fun time!! Still holding steady and doing the zumba a few times a week.
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Dawn...what fun to be so close to cruising!
Do be sure to get your calories in as this is the metabolism re-set phase. And you want to be able to consume 1800-2300 calories a day and not gain.
Jennifer...sounds like you are doing great. Keep it up...can't remember are you doing another round?
Have to boast a little tonight, my Jr. Hockey Team,,,,the Helena Bighorns won the National championship today. What a great end to an awesome season.
Have a good weigh in tomorrow!
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Congrats to the hockey team!! Now I see where your name comes from. :)

And yes, I'm going to do another round in May, then probably one more round after my cruise this fall. I want to be very stable before we cruise in September, and I feel that if I have maintained for a couple of months I shouldn't be stressing about what I eat (and drink!). I'm still maintaining below my LIW, as is DH. We are both very happy with our decision to do this.

Dawn, are you exicited? I hope that you have a great time in Florida also before you sail!

Janet, where are you????

Have a great day everyone!
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[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Blue"]Hey everybody! It sounds like all of you are doing good with your losses. Sorry I haven't been checking in with y'all...just been really busy. I'm staying within my 2lb range, thank goodness! I've been having some issues with my arch on my right foot. I haven't been able to go walking, so I started going to water aerobics last night (I used to go about a year ago). It was great! I felt like I got a workout, but with no pain! YAY! :) I'm hoping this will help me to get a few more lbs off before my cruise. I'm SO ready for a vacation!
Dawn-I bet you are getting SO excited! I hope you have fun while on your cruise and visiting with your Dad. I'm sure you will!

Oh, I forgot to tell y'all that I went shopping the other day and tried on a shirt from the regular sizes and it FIT!! YIPPIE! :D I think it ran a little big, but that's ok. It was still an awesome feeling!
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Jennifer - I plan on starting up again after I get home and into May! Then I am going to do SB throughout the summer and if I don't lose much, I will do one more round and that should put me where I need to be.

Denise - I know the busy feeling!! I don't know why I'm sitting here now when I have a hundred other things to do but I just got done eating, alone. Glad you have been staying in that two pound range! Keep it up!

Hello to everyone else!!

And yes, I'm very excited!! I leave Friday night - can't believe it. I still need to pack though. Just doing tons of laundry and trying to get DD packed to go to my parents. Oh so much to do!!!
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Hello my friends! I'm so glad to see you're still here and still losing!! And some of you have cruised already, how fun!!
How has everyone been? And is it finally warm where you live?
I somehow allowed myself to gain back up to 14 of those 29 lbs. that I lost with you earlier, so I am now on round 3, and today is day 4 of the VLC diet. So far so good, 6 lbs. down...
Big event this Saturday and 20 people are coming to stay with us for it so I realized it was now or never, ya know?
So...catch me up! I wanna hear success stories!!!
I've missed talking with you and was glad to see so many familiar faces <g>.
Ok, late here,
Talk to you tomorrow!
God Bless!!
Liz in Kingwood
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[B]I'm here !! I had mt in-laws in over the weekend. A business trip from hell monday and tuesday in North Carolina....DD turned 4 on tuesday ...exhusted ! I will read and post later...trying to catch up...I have remained the same weight even though I had pizza and cake....[/B]

[B]Later, [/B]
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Good morning all!

Doing good here, went out to eat last night with my parents, it was my mom's 75th birthday. Went to Texas Roadhouse, had prime rib, it was awesome! Still a little below my LIW, and now enjoying an occaisional glass of red wine with dinner.

Janet, welcome back! Good to hear that you are staying in your 2 pound window. And Happy Birthday to your baby girl!

Liz, good to hear from you again. You are one busy lady aren't you? Good luck with your VLCD having so many guests in your home this weekend!

Disney, water aerobics sounds fun, glad that you found an activity that you can do without pain.:) And major congrats on the shopping in the "regular" sizes, I'm getting close as well.

Dawn, have a great trip, can't wait to hear all about it when you return. I know that you will be successful with your weight, because you have a plan!

Today is my Friday, so I'm looking forward to a beautiful weekend. Planting flowers, fixing up flower beds, etc. Gonna throw in a ride on the motorcyle with my hubby, some walks with the doggies, and some time on the back porch enjoying life! Hope you all have a blessed day.
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Just wanted to say farewell to all of you!! We leave tonight to head to Florida. I hope I can come home and tell you all I didn't gain more than 5lbs!! You all keep up the good work and I'll see you in a couple weeks! :)
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[B][SIZE=4]Bon Voyage Dawn !!! Have a wonderful time. Drink Lotsa Water ! [/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=4]My business trip in the beginning of the week really kicked my butt...Early flight Monday AM and worked all day til 8 pm, I was up at 2 am...Tornado early Tuesday am no electricity to get ready for my meetings starting at 8am...Near fatal car accident on the way to 8 am meeting ....Long day working flight left @ 8:20 pm home by 11:30...worked the next day...AND I think I might have what DD had last week. UGH... I need a vacation !!! one week to go ![/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=4]While I was on the Business trip from Hell .. I managed to keep my weight the same. There is usually HUGH bowls of candy everywhere...yes I ate some...but tried to fill up on salades..when I did eat off course it didn't agree with me...[/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=4]I wasted today away relaxing in bed and went to the Dr. Tomorrow is DD's birthday party..it starts at 9am..Breakfast party. I need to get there early to decorate..[/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=4]BUT the vacation is only a week away ! [/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=4]Glad to see everyone else is staying on track and doing well on P3 !! [/SIZE][/B]
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Yes...have a great time Dawn...and by the looks of it Janet, you win the busy, stressful, way to go award and most deserving of that cruise! Holy cats, that was quite the week.
Jennifer, you have a perfect week-end planned, I am envious as it snowed all day here and was cold. Now at dinner, "most" of the snow here in town is gone and it did warm up to mid 40's. You and your DH have done great on this diet, and I wish you continued success!
Oh Liz, I am so sorry that you had that gain. Get back on the "wagon" and I wish you the best...you have done it before, you can do it again. Get a post HCG plan in place so you just aren't out there, afterwards, struggling.
Hello and best wishes to the rest of the crew, and FYI...P4 is going good for me. The low carb/low sugar lifestyle, I think is just what I need and CAN DO.
Hope to get on once more time next week before I leave for Vegas, until then, chin up and hang tough gals.
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[B]I need a vacation !! Only 5 days ... I don't sail til 7 but I ain't workin so its vacation!![/B]

[B]Feeling better today...haven't eatin anything really except for ginger ale...yet I gained a few ounces ??? all sugar I guess.[/B]

[B]I wonder what Dawns doing now ???:p[/B]

[B]Hope everyone has a good day. I know I will have some of DD's birthday cake today - Its ice cream cake with pink bubblegum and vanilla mmmm.[/B]
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Morning ladies! Everyone is going cruising/travelling, I'm jealous!!

Looks like my washing machine is fixing to die, guess we will go look for a new one. Oh well... Other than that, we have a good weekend here. Should hit 90 here today, forget spring, welcome summer!! The joy of living in Texas. :)

So far so good in P3 for me, I feel like I have stabilized really well. P4 starts in 1 week, hoping it goes well also.

Janet, hope you have a great birthday party with your DD - enjoy the cake!

bighorn, where are you staying in Vegas? I haven't been in almost 3 years (since we started cruising!) Used to go for my birthday every year, we love to stay downtown at the Golden Nugget. I love the cheesy old casinos on Freemont, and I can actually afford to gamble there. The minimums are so high out on the strip in the new places. We usually just take the bus out to the strip and visit the new hotels that have opened since the last time we were there. Vegas is always fun!

Off to go appliance shopping. Then planting flowers, etc. Hope you are all having a wonderful day.
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Jennifer....bummer about the washer...too bad they don't make clothes that wash and dry themselves...as that is what I am doing today...laundry and pack.
We generally stay at the Imperial (mid-strip), it is cheap and who spends anytime in the room anyways. We usually go to Freemont Street, it is a neat place to go. I am not into gambling that much, I book shows and see the sights. There is always something new. This trip I have Lion King booked and Matsuri (non-verbal traditional Japanese show) and hope to book "LOVE" Cirque DuSoile. I almost always book a Cirque show and have seen 4 of them, but Love tix were $165!!!! So I may be able to get a better deal down there. We plan a Hoover Dam tour on Monday and come home Tuesday. Great place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there. I also try to find a couple of bead shops, as I make jewlery in my "spare" time.
Finally have a nice day today after the major snowstorm yesterday.
Janet...have a small bite or two of cake for me. And happy birthday wishes to your DD.
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[B][SIZE=4]AHH, Party is done. It was a good time ...except the made the cake wrong ..no bubblegum ice cream !! it was vanilla. so I only had a taste.[/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=4]I'll start packing more today ! [/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=4]Jifner, 90 degrees ..oohh I wish . Our pool is open but to cold to go in. Maybe tonight I will turn on the heater..and go in tomorrow. its still only like 50 here in NY.[/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=4]I haven't eatin to much... still not feeling well.. I can't take the sweetness of the Ginger Ale...its actually to sweet...[/SIZE][/B]
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[B]...What is everyone exercising ???[/B]

[B]I'm feeling much better...4 more work days YEA !!!![/B]
[B]I have an appetite back as well.. . I needed to eat chicken parm tonight . I was down 2 more pounds so I thought I could afford it. I did eat lots of salad. [/B]

[B]I was wondering when the cleaning lady will come ....:rolleyes:[/B]
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Oh Janet, you lucky dog!! Are you packed yet?? I always wait until the day before I leave, but start making my list 2 weeks ahead (a necessary evil since I forgot to pack swimming suits on my first cruise).

Worked my a$$ off in the yard yesterday, but it looks great now. Even drank a beer on the patio when I was done, it was sooo good. :) Just a bit of weeding left for me to get to one evening this week. Wish I was going of on a trip soon like the rest of you! Oh wait, I am, going to Lubbock to visit my son for 4 days at the end of this month (Lubbock is not very exciting, but my son is there!). It's away from home and work, anyway.

Have a great day everyone!!
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[B]Jifner, Lubbock Texas...that would be a trip for me !! I have only been to Texas for a Lay over on my way to California and Hawaii. I think San antonio might be on my to do list someday. Sounds like you got lotsa exercise in the yard. I attempted yard work but wasn't feeling well enough:rolleyes: really I wasn't... 3 more days left of work !! I am sorta packed kinda, I really have to wait til DD goes to sleep to pack and by the time shes tucked in ..so am I . Had to bake cupcakes for her spring party at school tonight...I'am just a bit tired.[/B]
[B]This morning I got on the scale to find that I had lost ANOTHER 2 pounds:confused:. That makes just 7 pounds below my ending weight. I stick to lo-cal meals so seeing I am really P4 It would be normal to loose a little...Not complaining...I hope I don't gain it back on the cruise.[/B]

[B]Off to Ice cupcakes....[/B]

[B]Eat Well,[/B]
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Just a quick checkin! Still maintaining 1 pound below LIW :) Everyone is travelling it looks like, hope you are all doing well!! Have fun in Vegas Bighorn, drink a margarita for me, OK?

Getting ready to start P4 this weekend, but really not planning on adding a lot of starches or sugars, they will be only an occaisional treat for me. The weather is beautiful here, spending more time outdoors when we get home in the evenings! Bout ready to start eating on the patio again, we really enjoy that.

Hope you're all doing well and having a great day.
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[B][SIZE=4]Good for you jifner... I am down 7 pounds from my LIW....I have just started to add in some starches..they make me full and then hungry just a little later...same thing with sugar. I am well past P4...after Mothers day I will start another round... Anyone else?[/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=4]It seems as everyone is traveling. Hope y'all are making healthy choices. I will try my best next week !![/SIZE][/B]
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I'm thinking just like you for my next P2 Janet! I was thinking Mother's Day weekend would be good for loading (why not, I loaded Valentine's Day weekend for R1). Holidays seem like a good excuse to load. :) You've done a good job stabilizing, very comendable. I'm starting P4 this weekend, P3 has gone well.

We went and had boiled crawfish for dinner (yes, a couple of beers too), so we will see how it went in the morning. It sure was good, don't know why it would make me gain. We will see.....
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Hi Losers I am back...
DH and I had the most WONDERFUL time in Cancun.. Didnt eat
alot (learned from my cruise that nothing really tastes that wonderful
to over induled). I am still up my cruise weight though.. I have to say
we had ALOT of margaritias..:p:D

WOW I am VERY impressed you girls have done a GREAT job losing
and keeping your weight off. GREAT job losers..;)

Liz I feel your pain.. I to am starting R2. I will load on sat and sun
and start monday.. I really think this time I learned my lesson.
The HARD way.:mad:

Block have a WONDERFUL Cruise..
Big VIVA Las Vegas..

So glad to be back on plan,
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