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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Block Happy Cruisen to ya girl...[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]I am loading on Sat and Sun.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Start Ph 2 on Monday. I am SO ready..[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]How is everyone else doing??[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Blue"]Good evening, ladies! It sounds like everyone is on track...that's great! I hope all of you travelers have a great time and a safe trip. Mine is only 12 days away and I'm pumped!! I [B]really[/B] need a vacation!
I've pretty much given up on losing anymore weight before my cruise. :( I can't exercise because I have seriously messed up my foot...going to the doctor next week. My arch and ankle are very swollen and my heel keeps having a sharp, burning pain in it. I can't even do water aerobics. At this point, I just want to stay off of it, so maybe it will get better in time for our trip. I want to be able to walk around in all of the ports. I'm just gonna really watch what I eat for the next two weeks. Hopefully, that will help a bit.

Sheri, Jennifer, and Janet-Good luck on R2. I'm planning on starting another round in mid May.

I hope everybody is enjoying their weekend!

P.S. I know that this is a silly question, but I have to ask...What does LIW mean?
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]R2P2D1[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Where is everyone??[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]I hope you all had a great weekend.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]I am so glad to be back on the program.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Looking forward to your posts and your wonderful[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]support. Boy it sure helped on R1..[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Sheri[/SIZE][/FONT]
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Morning ladies! Lots of you are traveling, but I'm still here. :)

Denise, hope your foot gets better before you travel. I think that you are being really smart to not focus on trying to lose any more before your cruise, maintaining is what it's all about between rounds anyway. And LIW is "last injection weight", it's the weight that you are to maintain between rounds with a +/- 2 pound cushion around it.

Sheri, I'm still here. :) Good for you for having a great time on your trips, then coming home and getting right back on plan. So you must be loading today, right? That's the fun part, but they say it helps so much if you load properly before you start the VLCD. I hope that you have a successful round! Be sure to come here for that support when you need it.

I'm at exactly my LIW today, and started P4 this weekend. But, I'm not adding in a whole lot of starches or sugars, I'm really just afraid to. I think I'm a carb junkie, I really have a hard time just eating 1 piece of bread, etc. It's easier for me to just avoid it alltogether. I will save my carbs for things like Mexican food (tortilla chips, etc).

Have a good day all!
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Hi everyone!

I hope you don't mind my "crashing" your thread but I've found this topic very interesting. I started looking through the posts but since there are 29 pages of them... I'm a little overwhelmed!!

Would someone mind telling me the best way to go about starting this program? I've read/seen/heard that pills and drops aren't the way since they aren't pure but I hate, hate, hate injections.

What is the usual weekly/monthly cost of this that you pay? I've heard its very expensive.

We are about to book a cruise for Dec and I'd love to look good for DH again for it :)

Thanks so much and I'm sorry, just so many pages (and frustration over the few "bad apples" that posted earlier).
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[quote name='Leyann']Hi everyone!
Would someone mind telling me the best way to go about starting this program? I've read/seen/heard that pills and drops aren't the way since they aren't pure but I hate, hate, hate injections. [quote]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=blue]Welcome Leyann! I did the drops and they worked fine for me. I lost 27 lbs during Phase 2 (in roughly 32 days). I know there are ladies on here that lost more than that doing the shots, but I"m a sissy and just can't do them. :o[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=blue]I know it's alot to read, but try to read through this thread. There are some great ideas, recipes, and general info that you will find beneficial. ;)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=blue]Hey everyone![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=blue]I went to the Dr. today and I have Plantar Fasciitis. He said that the tendon that goes from my heal to my toes is swollen and it is double the size it's supposed to be. I have to wear a wrap on my foot and take some meds for it. If it's not better in two weeks, I have to come back and have shots in my foot! OUCH!! As I stated above...I AM A SISSY!! :eek: The worst part is that I can't wear open back shoes of any kind! HELLO, it's warm outside and I'm a flip flop wearing fool!! Even my dressy work shoes don't have backs on them. Looks like I'm going shopping for shoes after work today.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=blue]Anywoo, my weight is staying the same...up a lb, down a lb.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=blue]I hope everyone has a great day with lots of losing!![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[quote name='Leyann']Hi everyone!

I hope you don't mind my "crashing" your thread but I've found this topic very interesting. I started looking through the posts but since there are 29 pages of them... I'm a little overwhelmed!!

Would someone mind telling me the best way to go about starting this program? I've read/seen/heard that pills and drops aren't the way since they aren't pure but I hate, hate, hate injections.

What is the usual weekly/monthly cost of this that you pay? I've heard its very expensive.

We are about to book a cruise for Dec and I'd love to look good for DH again for it :)

Thanks so much and I'm sorry, just so many pages (and frustration over the few "bad apples" that posted earlier).[/quote]

Welcome to our thread...as Disney said...lots of info to read and it is full of good information, 1st hand experiences.
I also did the drops and lost just as much weight as the injection counterparts. I spent $60 on one bottle and it lasted me through two rounds.
You also will probably spend some money on a good digital food scale and body scale, daily weighing is key and those 10th of a pounds count!

Disney, sorry to hear about the foot...ouch and hope it heals well by itself.

Vegas was warm, fun and not *slot* lucky for us. But we got our moneys worth of fun out of it and if any of you get the chance to see the Broadway version of the Lion King....DO NOT MISS IT! Fantastic!
My weight was up 5 pounds this a.m. but I am sure 3/4 of that will come off as fluid. Did not drink the water like I usually do and ate lots of salty food, as well as many salt rimmed Margaritas! I barely got my wedding ring off today so I know I am retaining BIG time. In fact that is why I had to take the ring off...it was hurting. So back to work, some clean eating and getting the fluids down, and I mean water! HA!
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Disney- I had planter fascitis once before and my dr had me feeze a bottle of water (like a 16 oz empty pop bottle) and put my feet on it. Also she had me take ibuprofen frequently.
Sure makes things difficult when your feet hurt so bad you can't walk.
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Welcome leyann. I do the shots. Had great success on round 1.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]I paid 100.00 for a 40 day supply. I got mine from someone[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]local who sell hcg. Its a great program and totally worth[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]every penny if your serious about losing. Keep us posted.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Disney SO sorry about your feet. Hope they feel[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]better before your cruise. I know what you mean about [/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]close toe shoes. I don't own a pair either..[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Big welcome home. WOW you did great on keeping your[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]weight down. Those 5 should come off easy. Make sure[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]you get right back on program.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Hi to all you other losers..[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Sheri[/SIZE][/FONT]
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Good morning friends!!!
Welcome Leyann! Like everyone, we all struggle to keep the weight that we've lost off for good. I personally have gained about 1/3 of my weight back each time. If I would do what we're told and do maintainance for 3 wks after drops/injections, I think my body would accept that weight as it's new set point, but I'm usually crashing and burning at the end. Personally, I have done shots (1st round, $500) and now I'm on my 3rd round with drops and supplements that I bought from hcgdropsplus. This works for me and each of us have our favorites. This diet works beautifully, you just have to force yourself to do it right, and you can't do it at a time when you have too many special occasions coming up.
Denise! I so feel for you!!! I have had planter fascitis (sp?) before as well. I even had 3 injections in that foot. Going to a great shoe store and finding shoes you can stand is a huge key. Also, be sure to do the ice thing she mentioned. I also found it helpful to stretch my feet daily, get regular massages (because the rest of the body will try to compensate for the injured part), and do take your anti-inflammatories like clockwork.
Big, don't you just love Vegas? It is actually my favorite thing to do!!! You will get the extra off in no time. I bet 3 lbs. is just water retention. What all did you guys do? And what was the temp. there?
Sheri, how are you doing with it? Saw that you started on Monday...
Jifner, congrats!!! What a loser you are! Isn't it thrilling???? Keep up the good work!

Ok, gotta go into Houston, messed up my back again and need to get fixed, lol.

Have a wonderful day!
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Hello ladies!!

Leyann, welcome to the thread. The best thing that you can do before you begin an HCG program is to read, read, read all that you can. Be sure to read "Pounds and Inches" by Dr Simeon. His is the original protocol, follow it and you will be successful! You should be able to google it, let me know if you can't find it.

Big, welcome back! I love Vegas! Sorry you didn't win a bunch of $$, but glad you had a few margaritas and a great time. Those pounds will be gone in a day or two after you get back on the water.

Disney, so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Sounds like you've been given great advice, hope you find some comfy shoes that will help you out. But I'm like you and live in flip flops when I'm not at work, so good luck with that.

Liz, good to see you back. How's it going for you, are you back on the VLCD? Hope your back is better, you going to a chiro? I need to get back and get my sciatic nerve fixed!

Sheri, good to see you back after all of your wonderful travels.

I guess I need to go shopping, have a banquet to go to next weekend when we go to visit my son in Lubbock, and I don't know if I have a dress that even fits any more. Gonna go to the local re-sale/consignment shops and look for a bargain, cuz I don't plan on staying the size that I am for very long. Almost a week into P4, and still maintaining right around LIW - this diet is awesome!!

Hope you're all having a great day, talk to you soon. :)
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dropped 1.5 lbs. off overnight...got the ring back on and eating clean today and pushing the water. So I am hopeful I will be down again tomorrow and that will be close to LDW.
Not liking the water push this time...maybe because it is still cold here...AND my love for Margaritas never wanes.
Liz, Vegas was great, we go every April. Saw Human Nature (60's motown show) and it was great. Weather beautiful, and the other shows were great too, especially Lion King.

Best advice to anyone wanting to do this diet...as Jennifer said...read the protocol!
Find the websites that have been mentioned here for support (and us!) and for recipes to make this a doable diet.
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Jifner, it's cool you have a son who I guess is at Texas Tech? What year is he?
Mine is a jr. at Baylor and some days I really miss him and many days I'm glad he's away, lol!!
Big, I am proud of you for jumping back in, it's amazing how much we learn while doing this thing. I always knew water played a big part, but I consider it much more important than before Hcg.
Denise, do you know good shoe brands with good arch support? Did you have any luck finding shoes? If not, I can give you some ideas if you need them. The number one rule becomes never going barefoot again. And believe it or not, my planter f. was bothering me less and then 2 days before leaving for our last cruise (3 yrs. ago) I stepped wrong on the tennis courts and TORE my other planter fasciia! My good foot! They said I did the same thing they do during surgery, just without anesthesia. Wore a boot the first few days of the cruise, got the noro virus and the foot became MUCH less important, lol!!! So baby those feet!
Ok, I am officially back on it and will weigh tomorrow to see the damage...I am much better, the chiropractor said I had torqued my back lifting something and twisting, then had to sit for many hrs. monday and made it worse, so he finished fixing me and told me to stay on ice.
Ok, off to fit the prom dress...DD, not me, :-)
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Good Morning Losers..[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]I am starting day 4 today of phase 2.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]I am SO tired and NO energy. I don't remember[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]feeling like this with round 1. Does anyone else [/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]remember feeling tired and absolutely NO energy??[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Today is day 4 so I hope my body will adjust soon,[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]I am down 7 lbs though..:p:D[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Good day all. Whats your plans for Easter??[/SIZE][/FONT]
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Good afternoon ladies!

Well, a little experiment went wrong last night. Tried low carb tortillas (I'm in P4 now) and was up 1.8 pounds this morning. :o Won't be doing that again. I didn't have the food on hand to do a steak day, so just clean P3 eating today, including fish for dinner- we usually lose around a pound the day after we eat fish, hoping it helps. I feel like I'm retaining some water as well, rings were a bit tight this morning also. The tortillas were low carb wheat, which I used to eat all the time, but guessing the wheat didn't agree with me. Live and learn....

Liz, yes my son is at Tech, he's finishing his second year. He's technically a junior due to lots of dual credit courses he took in high school, and he is getting his senior ring Wednesday night - we're very proud of him. Baylor would be a lot closer! We only trek out to Lubbock once a year, it's a 7 hour drive for us.

Sheri, sorry you aren't feeling so good, did you do a good load? They say that helps a lot. Hopefully you will be feeling better today.

Denise, how is your foot today? Did you find shoes? Gotta get better before you cruise, girl!

Big, glad the weight gain seemed to have been water weight and it's coming off!

I'm missing our other girls, hope they have had good trips. Better go get some work done :) Hope you are all having a good day today.
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Sheri...I sympathize with you, my second round was much harder in many ways, but knowing that the end result would be good, I shoved myself through it. Are you taking any vitamins or supplements? I always do mega B's and in my drops, there was an energy supplement, of course it didn't mention what it was (just looked). I know that some people do increase the protein from 100 grams to 150 grams. Go back on to the websites and see what people are suggesting or doing.
I was down another pound this morning and it must have been fluid....well most of it anyways. LOL
Jennifer...I am carb sensitive too I think...I just have to really watch my intake. I just love Mexican, so I am going to do some more research on low carb recipes for Mexican food. Cheese (thank God!) doesn't seem to bother me at all. I know I CAN live by wrapping in lettuce.
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[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Blue"]Big-Congrats on the loss!! I knew that you would get back into the swing of things!
I'm glad you had a good time in Vegas...I've always wanted to go there and I'm SURE that I would love the Lion King show!

Carla-Thanks for the bottled water idea. I'm gonna try that at work tomorrow!

Liz-Noro virus?? :eek: My Grandmother got that on our last family cruise. It was HORRIBLE!!
BTW, I'm glad your back is doing better!

Jifner-Good luck shopping for the banquet. That's a good idea to go to a consignment shop. Luckily, my DM has taken up several of my tops for me so I can still wear them.

Thanks to everyone for all of the comments about my foot. It is starting to feel better. It might be from the wrap I'm having to wear. The Doctor said that my foot naturally tilts inward which puts pressure on my tendon. The wrap is suppose to keep my foot from turning, but I think it's the anti-inflammatories that have helped, though. I'm having a hard time finding good quality shoes since I wear a size 11! Most places don't carry sizes that big. :o
Luckily, my weight is staying the same. I was worried about that since I haven't been able to exercise.
Good luck to all of you on your losses tomorrow![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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Well, the scales were good this morning, lost all the weight from yesterday, plus some, with some clean P3 eating yesterday. Lost 2.4 pounds, so now 0.4 below LIW this morning. :) So I am a happy camper again.

Denise, glad your foot is better. You cruise in a week!! We sailed on the Triumph last year and really liked it. You spending time in NO before you sail? We hit Bourbon Street pretty hard [url]http://www.genaw.com/lowcarb/green_enchilada_chicken_casserole.htmlthe[/url] night before we left, but it was my husband's 50th birthday, so we had something to celebrate!

Big, I live in Texas, so Mexican is a basic food group for us! Right now we are eating a lot of carne asada, fajitas, fajita salad, things that can be eaten without tortillas. It's not that hard to do! I have a great low carb chicken enchilada casserole that I make, it's good. Here's a link: [url]http://www.genaw.com/lowcarb/green_enchilada_chicken_casserole.html[/url] Let me know if you try it! And let me know if you have any questions about the Triumph! The sail down the river is awesome - we sat out on our balcony for a few hours after sailaway, stayed out until it started getting dark. It's a very unique experience.

Hope everyone else is having a good day!
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Thanks for the warm welcome ladies!

I read the Pounds and Inches but I have a few questions.

1) I am on thyroid medication for hypothyroid, when it says "no medications", does that mean I have to stop that also? What about if I'm on amoxicillan? I'm on the amox for a month because of recurring strep throat (my son is a carrier and being treated also).

2) I have to check but I must use lotion after I wash my face, it's for sensitive skin and its very dry. Key ingredients are: oat extract, rosemary leaf, chamomile, organic jojoba oil. I don't think I can use mineral oil on my face because it's too much. What should I do?

3) I'm torn between doing this "myself" or seeing a dr for help with it. As I can't ask friends (you know how they get), what type of dr would I even see? My regular doctor won't agree to hcg. We do have a local compounding pharmacy here, should I see if they mix it and if so, what dr's they recommend and then look under my healthcare?

4) I saw a few of you order online and have different places you go to. What made you pick your place (a friend, research, etc) and why do you like them? I know one person said it comes with extras like "Support" and "Hydrate" and others are just the bottle for the same prices.

5) Do you buy extra vitamins? Like the D and C mentioned under pounds and inches? I have prenatals I can take (I can't take regular multi's because something in them doesn't react well with me) but I don't think they are allowed.

I'm sorry for all the questions, I'm sure most have been answered already but in looking through all the pages, I haven't seen some and I've tried to write stuff down but it's just a lot for me right now.

Thanks again!!
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Hi fellow cruisers! In preparation for an upcoming Mediterranean cruise (early June), I decided to try the HCG protocol. As the title says, I'm a guy (5' 9") with a goal to lose about 25 pounds.

I'm four weeks into this program and I’m surely getting there. Starting at 191.5, my losses have been:
Week 1 10 pounds (that's from my PRE-loading weight folks!)
Week 2 5.5 pounds
Week 3 3 pounds
Week 4 4.5 pounds (now at 168.5)

Some of my particulars:

Using HHCG drops (homeopathic)
Drinking 2 liters of room temp water daily.
Brisk walking the treadmill (3.6 mph) for one hour daily. I'd been doing that previously.
Adhering to the 500 calorie diet and NO cheating whatsoever....NONE

The drops certainly seem to keep my appetite suppressed which is a huge plus.

My overall goal was to feel and look better as we embark on our cruise AND to fit into a number of slacks that have been in the back of the closet for a while. I've gone from a comfortable 34 waist to now a 33 that is almost a bit loose.

As you can see, the HCG protocol has worked very well for me. I could not be more pleased. I DO plan to eat well on the cruise (you gotta enjoy life) but I will not be a glutton and overdo it simply because it's there.

Best of luck to all.
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[quote name='Leyann']Thanks for the warm welcome ladies!

I read the Pounds and Inches but I have a few questions.

1) I am on thyroid medication for hypothyroid, when it says "no medications", does that mean I have to stop that also? What about if I'm on amoxicillan? I'm on the amox for a month because of recurring strep throat (my son is a carrier and being treated also). [COLOR="red"]I believe that you should continue your thyroid medication, but not sure about the amoxicillin[/COLOR]

2) I have to check but I must use lotion after I wash my face, it's for sensitive skin and its very dry. Key ingredients are: oat extract, rosemary leaf, chamomile, organic jojoba oil. I don't think I can use mineral oil on my face because it's too much. What should I do? [COLOR="red"]you can continue to use your regular lotion/creams/cosmetics as long as the oils that they contain are not food based, ie, don't contain coconut oil, etc. i didn't change any of my personal care products, including face cream, deodorant, toothpaste, and had good results with my first round[/COLOR]

3) I'm torn between doing this "myself" or seeing a dr for help with it. As I can't ask friends (you know how they get), what type of dr would I even see? My regular doctor won't agree to hcg. We do have a local compounding pharmacy here, should I see if they mix it and if so, what dr's they recommend and then look under my healthcare? [COLOR="red"]that's something that you are going to have to decide for yourself. You must also decide if you are going to inject or do drops, Rx or homeopathic. This will require you to continue to do more research so that you can decide for yourself.[/COLOR]

4) I saw a few of you order online and have different places you go to. What made you pick your place (a friend, research, etc) and why do you like them? I know one person said it comes with extras like "Support" and "Hydrate" and others are just the bottle for the same prices. [COLOR="red"]Can't help here, i go through a physician for mine[/COLOR]

5) Do you buy extra vitamins? Like the D and C mentioned under pounds and inches? I have prenatals I can take (I can't take regular multi's because something in them doesn't react well with me) but I don't think they are allowed. [COLOR="red"]If you follow the P&I protocol, you aren't supposed to need additional vitamin supplements, per Dr S[/COLOR]

I'm sorry for all the questions, I'm sure most have been answered already but in looking through all the pages, I haven't seen some and I've tried to write stuff down but it's just a lot for me right now.

Thanks again!![/QUOTE]

Hope these answers help you. I can't urge you enough to read and be very informed before you begin. You must be willing to commit to the VLCD without cheating if you want to be successful. You must also be aware that the additional phases after the HCG in order to maintain your losses. Go to some of the HCG websites and read a lot, then read some more. It's what helps me the most. Good luck to you!:)
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Thanks for the input Deckguy and way to GO! You are doing great and much continued success to you.

Leyann...will try to help out on the questions....
1) I am on thyroid medication for hypothyroid, when it says "no medications", does that mean I have to stop that also? What about if I'm on amoxicillan? I'm on the amox for a month because of recurring strep throat (my son is a carrier and being treated also)

Really shouldn't stop taking any required medication , especially the throid medication. I would TELL your Dr. you are doing this diet and ask him about the medication. I have a prescription medication that I continued to take.

2) I have to check but I must use lotion after I wash my face, it's for sensitive skin and its very dry. Key ingredients are: oat extract, rosemary leaf, chamomile, organic jojoba oil. I don't think I can use mineral oil on my face because it's too much. What should I do?

I used Aveeno Daily moisturizing lotion, many people continue to use their regular products with no adverse gains. It is something you have to see if there is a stall or gain, and eliminate the lotions and see if that makes a difference.

3) I'm torn between doing this "myself" or seeing a dr for help with it. As I can't ask friends (you know how they get), what type of dr would I even see? My regular doctor won't agree to hcg. We do have a local compounding pharmacy here, should I see if they mix it and if so, what dr's they recommend and then look under my healthcare

Have you actually asked your Dr. about the HCG? I know several people have used homepathic doctors to get their HCG and diet plans. There are several websites that offer HCG homeopathic drops. If you do not know anyone who has used them before and can recommend, you can e mail me and I can give you a website that is reputable.
terkatz at yahoo dot com

5) Do you buy extra vitamins? Like the D and C mentioned under pounds and inches? I have prenatals I can take (I can't take regular multi's because something in them doesn't react well with me) but I don't think they are allowed.

Personally I took a good multi vitamin and some mega B's. I also took biotin, which helps with skin and hair.

There is a website, if you e mail me that has a tremendous amount of information, recipes and guidance. It is also listed in this thread. Although the pounds and inches appears very rigid, there is ceratinly allowance for changes in this program. This protocol has been updated on the website I have recommended. I personally believe the key is the diet and following that as written.
Kinda brain dead today so I hope I have helped more than hindered. Some of the other gals will most likely chime in and offer info and support.
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Good morning losers!
Happy Easter to each of you!!! What a glorious day!

Welcome Deckguy! I'm so excited for you that you've had such great success! My son also did one round of hcg and had great results.
Leyann, a couple of things. I also take thyroid meds and am married to an MD. You definitely need to continue those! I didn't discontinue any of my meds and I continued using the moisturizer I need. I did stop things like adding bath oil to my water and extra applications of lotion every time I felt like it, but use what you need. My massage therapist is the one who turned me onto this and he works in oil and lotion all day. 60+ lbs. lost for him...
I am the one who uses the online one with support and hydrate. That's what he used and I like this because even when I'm not being faithful to the drops, when I continue to do the other two it gives me some appetite suppression. I just have terrible willpower and revert to old habits and get myself in trouble again, lol. My sister is a triathalete (sp?) and she has very little extra weight but she has gone back on this because it trims her extra and helps her asthma. That's another weird thing, many people find their other ailments, like allergies often improve with this. It certainly helped my allergies, asthma, and snoring. It will never do anything for my deviated septum though!! lol Regarding how you should do this, I really think it is your call. The first time I did it, I wanted to be medically supervised the entire way. I just didn't really have faith in anything that had 500 calories and felt better going the physician route. I also know that I lost better. HOWEVER, that could be because I had more to lose. I also was better about sticking with it, partially because I knew I'd be weighing in and we'd talk about it, lol. One other benefit is they will adjust your dosage based on your losses. They bumped mine up in week 3. Whatever you decide, you'll do great if you read, plan, write everything down, chug that water, and keep in constant contact, either with us or a buddy doing it. I was the guinea pig for a group of friends who watched me succeed the first round, THEN decided to do it. It is easier with support...
Disney, I had some ideas for you. Zappos offers almost every type of shoe in the world and many are in larger sizes. I think returns might be free as well. I don't know if you have good shoe stores near you (like ones that help with 'problem feet') but I bought several brands when I had my p.f. including Naot, Mephisto, Gabor, and my favorites, my Thierry Rabotins. [url]http://www.zappos.com/naot-footwear-trovador-sterling-leather[/url] is any example of a cute sandal with great padding. Also, don't know if you've ever owned MBTs which is what the shape up and other imitators have copied at a fraction of the cost. P.F. is such a painful condition that it is really worth it to spend on shoes that help. Getting the extra weight off really helped my p.f. go away, as did a chiropractor. I feel so bad for you...:(
Even though you can't exercise using your feet, you might want to do some arm weights to make you feel better. Or can you use a pool? I purchased a pool belt and webbed gloves once and when I got p.f. I used them and they were awesome! [url]http://www.swimoutlet.com/product_p/1119.htm?color=21788[/url] something like this was great and with the gloves, I got a super workout. Just a thought. Also, did your doc prescribe orthotics? Mine are a lifesaver...
Ok, gotta get ready for church, y'all enjoy your Easter!
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Happy Monday losers,[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]I hope you all had a GREAT Easter.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]How did everyone do ? Did you stay on program?[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]I am SO mad at my self. I did not cheat once on round 1.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]But yesterday my Family came over to my house for Easter[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]dinner. They brought stuff to make Margaritas. :eek: That was[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]my first down fall, then Sis starts heating up artichoke dip.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]I only had a little of each but I was kicking my self in the butt.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Right back at it today. How does cheating effect your progress?[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]After you prepare your body with loading then 500 cal a day.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Did I really screw things up?[/SIZE][/FONT]
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