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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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Morning all, hope everyone had a good Easter!


Sheri, sorry to hear you slipped up a bit, holidays with family can be tricky. How was the scale this morning? I have read that a cheat can at worst cause a small/moderate gain, followed by a stall of a few days to a week. Everyone is different. Best thing to do is just go straight back into clean P2 eating and tough it out. But glad that you got to see family and enjoy the holiday.


Deckguy, you have done great with HCG so far! Are you still on the VLCD or are you in P3 now? Your timing looks good for being able to stabilize before your cruise (that is they key to success!) Keep us posted on how you are doing.


Liz, you're a great source of information. Are you back on the VLCD right now? How are you doing?


Disney, how's the foot today? When do you leave??


Bighorn, hope you're having a good day, is it any warmer up there yet?


I'm still doing well on P4, 1 pound below LIW this morning. I have added some supplements that are supposed to help me be able to eat some carbs yet maintain. So far I'm staying in my 2 pound +/- LIW and haven't done a steak day yet. :)


I called and ordered my HCG for the next round, I'm planning on loading over Mother's Day weekend and doing another long round of injections. I'm really excited this time because I know it works!!


Have a great day everyone.

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Good morning all!

Jifner, how long have you been on P4? You are doing so incredibly well on it! And do you write down what you eat? Even though that is a huge pain, it is the one thing that helps me the most because I can see what foods slow down/hinder my weight loss. Like the melbas, they always slow things down for me. Keep up the great work and let us know when you start the next set of injections. You might find the second round is harder than the first for you, as I did. I hope not, but just know that it might be. The first round you are so excited and motivated and the losses are astonishing which keeps you pumped! BUT, the second round you know there is a direct relation to to being perfect and great weight loss, so it's a good thing to have knowledge...

Sheri, we feel for ya! I always found that pushing the water helped after a cheat. It usually took me until the 3rd day after to start the scale to losing again. That's just what my track record did, each body is different.

I am back on the VLCD now. Played around with it a bit over the weekend but serious this morning, complete with weighing in, stocking the fridge correctly, and lots of grilled chicken on hand to be successful.

Leyann, I just reread my post and realized I was sounding bossy. Please forgive that, I don't mean to tell you what to do. I just have so much empathy for your foot situation that I had to make suggestions. Let us know what you find that works for you.

Ok, gotta do laundry!!


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Good morning everybody. How about this...I gained 5 lbs this weekend! :eek: I was MORTIFIED when I got on the scale this morning. We played cards with some friends this weekend and I had several drinks (Redbull and vodka). :o I'm really hoping I can get this off this week because I'm sure that I will be gaining on our cruise next week! My foot is still the same, so I am wearing my tennis shoes to work all week. I am stylin' and profilin' in my dress clothes and tennis shoes!!


Welcome Deckguy! Sounds like you got this diet figured out...that's awesome! :) Isn't it great to be able to put on clothes that you haven't been able to wear in a while?


Jennifer-Yes, we are going to NO the day before to get the party started early. :p We are leaving early Friday morning. We're not planning on getting much sleep there...we figured that we could sleep once we get on the ship. HeHe!


Liz-Thanks for all of the info on the shoes. I'll be sure to check it out!


I hope everyone has a great day!

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Yup, it has warmed up here Jennifer....about 60 on Sunday...so for us that is a heat wave! What supplements are you taking to help with the carbs? I sure am interested in looking at those.

And double yuppers, I am up today too from the week-end of food and "drinks"...LOL

I know, most of that will come off in a few days, if I push the water and do clean eating...but I use P3 as my guide for clean eating, no starch, no sugar.

Liz...I don't think anyone sounds bossy here in giving advice and I believe that the people are glad to hear from any of us to get some first hand advice. Good luck on your P2 round, that is the tough one but also comforting after you get used to it again.

Sherri..push that water and I'll bet you get most of that gain off. We have all been there...LOL...some(me) more than others. I am really going to make the effort to get 15 pounds off without the HCG....upping the physical and lowering the calories about 400 less aday. And of course stick to the low sugar, low carb and looking at the fat grams too I suppose would help.

Good luck tomorrow for all of you.

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Hi girls! Well I"m finally back! We got home Saturday and back to work today, talk about rough. So, I gained 8lbs on the cruise in a span of a couple weeks. I figured 5 so 8 isn't too horrific for me. I enjoyed myself, ate what I wanted but not nearly like I used to eat on a cruise and I drank too. Had a wonderful time!! I feel a lot of this is water weight, had a lot of retention in my ankles that I'm dealing with. Plan on starting the HCG this weekend so I can load! Is it weird that I'm looking forward to it?? I will admit I felt way better when eating on HCG that's for sure. Carbs are SO not my friend anymore!!! I need to catch up on here when I get some free time. Hope you are all doing well and continuing to lose.

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Welcome back Dawn and glad you had a great time. I know that water weight will come off and you'll do much better than you thought you did. I have been retaining too and not quite ready to blame it all on salt and Margaritas! Queen of Denial...LOL

Back to reality bites don't it?

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Good Morning Ladies !!

Had a wonderful cruise with my family. We had such a great time. As we were disembarking going down the gangway my daughter said " LETS DO IT AGAIN " like it was an option to get on line and do it again.


Nice and tan and relaxed and went back to work yesterday ( I don't like work, I asked my husband if I could just retire and become a trophy wife- he said NO ???:confused:)

And The BEST part ..... I Only gained 9 ounces !!!!! Yes I ate, drank, bread and butter, pasta carbonara, desserts. 9 ounces !! I think I was well into P4 and that helped. Now that I am back I must return to eating better.

I also will start R2 Mothers day weekend. I think I have a friend of mine also ready to do it with me . It will be her first Round.

I will read about the everyones past week as soon as I can. I see we have a newbie in the group !!

Eat well,


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Hi everyone!

Would someone mind telling me the best way to go about starting this program? I've read/seen/heard that pills and drops aren't the way since they aren't pure but I hate, hate, hate injections.


Welcome Leyann! I did the drops and they worked fine for me. I lost 27 lbs during Phase 2 (in roughly 32 days). I know there are ladies on here that lost more than that doing the shots, but I"m a sissy and just can't do them. :o

I know it's alot to read, but try to read through this thread. There are some great ideas, recipes, and general info that you will find beneficial. ;)


Hey everyone!

I went to the Dr. today and I have Plantar Fasciitis. He said that the tendon that goes from my heal to my toes is swollen and it is double the size it's supposed to be. I have to wear a wrap on my foot and take some meds for it. If it's not better in two weeks, I have to come back and have shots in my foot! OUCH!! As I stated above...I AM A SISSY!! :eek: The worst part is that I can't wear open back shoes of any kind! HELLO, it's warm outside and I'm a flip flop wearing fool!! Even my dressy work shoes don't have backs on them. Looks like I'm going shopping for shoes after work today.


Anywoo, my weight is staying the same...up a lb, down a lb.


I hope everyone has a great day with lots of losing!!

I had that...and had shots..it wasn't bad, I don't like shots either BUT afterwards it felt SO much better ! and then came back ...more shots and I haven't had a problem since ! I love my flip flops too !:)

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Good Morning Losers..

Welcome home Blue and Block. So glad you both had a GREAT

cruise. We want to hear all about them. You both did

AWESOME!!! Way to go:)

Looks like everyone else doing well too. :D

Well I was only up 2 lbs yesterday after Easter mess up.

Did an apple day yesterday and back down today!


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Good morning all!


Welcome back Dawn and Janet, can't wait to hear about your cruises :) Dawn, I bet your weight gain is a lot of fluid and will come off quickly. Janey, great job! I'm planning on bein well in to P4 when I cruise in September, and I can only hope to do as well as you did. I would also love to "retire" and be a trophy wife, but I know that's not to be for a while.


Sheri, glad you got a handle on the Easter snafu and got those 2 pounds right back off. You feeling better now? Energy level getting better for you? Thinking positive thoughts for you to feel good during this round.


We are traveling tomorrow to go see our son, we will be gone until Sunday. Our hotel has a mini kitchen, so I'm thinking we can keep good foods around for breakfast and possibly lunch. I know we have a cookout and a banquet on Saturday, so we will see how that goes. I'm seriously considering packing my scale and taking it with me, just can't decide.... would any of you do that, or am I being OCD about it? My husband will probably just laugh at me. :)


I hope that you are all having a great day!!

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I've been lurking and read all the way thru the thread.. I have found a place I can but the shots online.. HCG Diet Lab anyone familiar? Not afraid of the shots I have to give myself allergy shots about every 2 months. I need to lose about 30 lbs. I have learned that it is slow going now that I have turned 50. Hoping to start in the next week or so once I order and get them here. I need to learn all the terms and ends and outs. My hardest thing will be the water. I am a terrible water drinker... Do you know can you use Truvia as opposed to Stevia?


Look forward to chatting with everyone!

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Welcome Litewait!! The one issue that I didn't have was drinking water. I actually like it. Good luck!!

Dawn and Janet-It's great to have y'all back! I'm glad y'all had a good time. And Janet, 9 ounces...that's WONDERFUL! I know you were pleasantly surprised.

Jennifer-LOL about the scales! That's TOO funny!

Have fun going to see your son!

Sheri-Glad your weight is back down today.

Hello to everyone else!

Well, I'm down 2 of the 5 lbs from the weekend. Going shopping after work for some last minute cruise items. I'm getting really excited!! I am SO ready to be sitting on my balcony sipping a fruity drink!

Good luck to everyone today on your losses!



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Disney, Good job on getting that weekend weight down. Its hard on

holidays. WOW 3 days have a WONDERFUL cruise.

Remember nothing taste as good as thin feels.:p

Jifner, Have a great time visiting your son, Your funny.

But hey we have to do what we got to do!

Litewait, Welcome and good luck hcg is the best weight loss program

if your really ready to lose. I see I get off the Insparation and you get on.

Hope everyone else is having a great day,


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Welcome Litewait!

Have you read the Pound and Inches by Dr. Simeon? It will steer you the right way. There is another book that I have used that includes the protocol, called HGC Weight Loss Cure by Linda Prinster. Very helpful! As far as using Truvia, it has Erythritol, I believe that is a sugar. So try to find some pure Stevia if you can, maybe at a health food store...but always read the label.


Jennifer, what supplements are you using to help with the carbs and sugar? Would be interested in knowing if you don't mind sharing.


Seems there is more proof that you can cruise and have fun and eat, drink and be merry without piling on the weight. Getting back on track afterwards seems to be the key to losing any gains. Good job girls. I had a 3 pound gain again from the holiday week-end. Some is coming off but I know I need to get moving also, haven't been to water aerobics in two weeks. I have used the treadmill here at home but need to get back in the groove again. Started keeping the food diary again as it makes me accountable.

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Hey everybody! I was down another lb this morning. I've almost got the weekend weight off, so that's good.

How's the weather where y'all are? It's terrible here today...strong storms expected. A tornato hit homes about 10 miles from our house a couple of weeks ago which makes me a little uneasy about tonight's storms. I hope all of you stay safe.

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Hey everybody! I was down another lb this morning. I've almost got the weekend weight off, so that's good.


How's the weather where y'all are? It's terrible here today...strong storms expected. A tornato hit homes about 10 miles from our house a couple of weeks ago which makes me a little uneasy about tonight's storms. I hope all of you stay safe.


:DGood Job Disney! Mine is coming off too but not by leaps and bounds.

Hope everyone stays safe with all the horrible weather that has been hitting everyone. We have a decent day here (50's) but forecast for rain and/or snow tomorrow and throught the week-end...BOO:mad:

How is everyone else doing??????

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Disney....how did you do with the horrible storm? Thinking of you and all those affected in the south! Prayers to all and hope all is well your way.


OMG that is just terrible all those tornados and flooding..

Prayers to all with the awful weather..

I am not rubbing it in just giving you an update.

Here in AZ it was high 80's yesterday today suppose to hit 90.

GREAT job disney and Big on the losses.

I am down 10 lbs in 10 days on R2.

Hope everyone else is doing good.


Disney have a WONDERFUL cruise.


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I just booked a transpacific cruise.

From Honolulu to Sydney Sept 2012.

I am SO EXCITED:p:D. 17 days very reasonably priced..

Anyone else interested??

I have been waiting for this to come out...


Awesome!! We are doing that cruise next year but it goes from Sydney to Honolulu!!

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Hey everybody! Thanks for the sweet thoughts, but we're fine. I'm so thankful that we weren't in the path of that storm...so much devastation! My heart just breaks for those who weren't so lucky. A friend of mine was on her way home from work and saw one forming in the sky in front of her, but it never touched ground! That was about 2 miles from my house! It was a very scary night! Needless to say, we have decided to put in a storm shelter. There have been tornadoes ALL around us over the past couple of years and several within a few miles in the last month. So, we're not going to take anymore chances! My DD found out this morning that a girl she knew from school was one of the casualties. She graduated last year and moved there to go to college. It's just terrible!

I'm trying to get excited about my trip, but can't get those poor souls out of my mind.

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Thank God you and your family are ok...I was beginning to worry, but realize people have lives beyond CC...LOL It IS just awful that so many lives were lost and the devastation. My heart and prayers go out to all affected.

A cruise is just what you need to get your mind off all this horrible stuff. You can help when you get back, as I am sure there are lots of things people will need and money needed towards the efforts. Enjoy yourself and have a safe and joyful journey...AND push the water! HA!

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