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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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I just booked a transpacific cruise.

From Honolulu to Sydney Sept 2012.

I am SO EXCITED:p:D. 17 days very reasonably priced..

Anyone else interested??

I have been waiting for this to come out...


Awesome...you and Blue get to do one of my dream cruises. So many cruises, so little time (&money!) The one I really want is a 30 day Tahiti/Hawaii cruise, but to take that much time off work, is too hard right now. :mad:

Way to go Sheri on the weight loss too, glad your second round is going so well.

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Thank God you and your family are ok...I was beginning to worry, but realize people have lives beyond CC...LOL It IS just awful that so many lives were lost and the devastation. My heart and prayers go out to all affected.

A cruise is just what you need to get your mind off all this horrible stuff. You can help when you get back, as I am sure there are lots of things people will need and money needed towards the efforts. Enjoy yourself and have a safe and joyful journey...AND push the water! HA!



Thank you so much! Sorry, for some reason, most websites (including cruise critic) wouldn't load for me this morning. That's why I didn't post sooner. I don't know if it had something to with the issues in this area or what. Just about the only site that would load for me this morning was Facebook. LOL!

You're right. I hope it does get my mind off of it. We're planning to get some things together when we get back to send to them.

I hope everyone has a good week and I'll check in with y'all when we get back.

Speaking of pushing the water, I've got my mega cup packed and plan to fill it constantly with water. :) Also, I'll be sure to have a DOD for all of you...wait a minute...how many of you are on here?? That's alot of DOD's!! HeHe!!

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OOh Disney Thank goodness your family is safe and sound.

Enjoy your cruise. You are sure to have a great time. I only gained ounces on my 7 day...I drank lots and lots of water...I had one night that I endulged and I was throwing up the next am and sick all day..I am SURE it was from eating food I was not used to eating (prime rib and onion rings with gravy:eek:) That taught me a good lesson.


I'd love to post pictures of the cruise ...but I don't think I can figure that out.

AZ Gurl/blueyes..oooh that cruise sounds nice. Not sure if I could be onboard a ship that long...might be nice to TRY !! Enjoy the journey leading up to your Bon Voyage !!

We have a Disney cruise planned for April 2012...Thats about as exciting as it gets when you have a 4 yr old ( wouldn't change it for the world...I like 4 way more than 3 ..so far !:))


A frieend of mine is starting HCG tomorrow ..but her plan has her set up for disaster...she's going on a week vacation to Bermuda 3 days into maintenece....hopefully she does well. She said she is mostly doing it as a cleanse :confused:


Eat Well...


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Disney, so glad to hear that you and your family are safe. One of my kids' friends goes to Bama and his house was destroyed, but thankfully he wasn't at home and is safe! We also had tornadoes in our area Tuesday night, drove through the area where one hit when we were leaving Wednesday morning and it was horrible. Thankfully no bad injuries in our area. I hope that you are able to go on your cruise and relax.


Sheri, good job on 10 pounds so far! And you are going to love that aft wrap balcony! We had one last year, and have another one booked for September. We didn't even go to the pool area on our sea days, we lounged on our balcony enjoying the peace and quiet, and that beautiful view of the wake of the ship.


The Sydney/Hawaii cruise sounds lovely, I'm jealous of the 2 of you!


We are having a good time here with our son, another day of wind is forecast for us today, temps in the 90's today. Ate fairly well yesterday, but I din't bring my scales. Need to focus on drinking more water today, did a crummy job yesterday. Planning on visiting the Buddy Holly museum here today, did the Llano Estacado winery yesterday. But really just enjoying spending time with my boy!


Have a great day all.

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Jifner...Sounds like you are having a wonderful time !! Enjoy.


I might just take a nap instead of cleaning and un packing and RE packing for my Mothers day weekend....Up early for the wedding...With so much more devestating news it was nice to indulge in some happiness!


Eat well Ladies and have a wonderful day !

Its sunny and may reach 80 degrees on Long Island...Pool is open and at 85 degrees !!! Going for a swim after I pick up DD at school.



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Disney, have a total blast! We'll be excited to hear about it when you get back!

Those storms were SO tragic. We just can't forget, as a nation, to take care of each other. There seem to be so many more opportunities to do that lately...

I'm so thrilled about your 2012 cruise Sheri!!! Need someone to carry those bags? <g>

Welcome Lite!

Jifner, glad you're enjoying time with him! Is it in the 90s in Lubbock? Same here...wayyyy too early to be in the 90s...

Janet, you did so well! What was your favorite memory from this cruise? We'd love to hear!

Blueyes, your cruise sounds wonderful as well!! Wow!

Bighorn, are you going to be able to get back to water aerobics soon? I am finding the exercise helps the mental and between exercise and sunbathing in a bikini, those two things motivate me to keep to the plan.

Doggone it, I blew it this morning again. Scones, strawberries, champagne and clotted cream at 3am...Only for my best friend would I get up early, lol. Fun, but with tivo, it could have been at a reasonable hour! ;-)

Ok, gotta find food,


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Liz, I Used the DVR and only got up at 6:30 to watch. I made sure to go straight to the DVR and not see anything live !

My favorite memory of my cruise was seeing my daughter so excitied about the kids club and a picnic we had in the Bahamas. We did a Dolphin encounter and my DD was in love..I missed alot of her actions with the Dolphin because I had one of my own that I was playing with....I hope there will be a next time. I wish I could figure out how to post some pictures:confused:


Up 2 pounds... I need to slow it down with the junk...I was so confidant when I got back from the cruise that I started to eat from... THE EASTER BASKET !! I can re coup that by next week and then its round 2 for me.

right after my Mothers day weekend trip.

I always go away for Mother's day weekend . It started after my Grandmother passed away 22 years ago and it was just my Mom and myself and going to brunch was depressing...so we started to travel and do long weekend trips. Our first was Williamsburg, Va. We had such a GREAT time we continued it every year one year we went to Grand Cayman..That was Awesome !! We had the Best Times. My Mom passed away after only 1 Mothers day with my DD.. SO I just continue the tradition... Mothers Day is My Favorite Holiday.


Eat Well,


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Hi everyone!


I ordered my stuff! I'm so excited to start :) I just have a few more questions!


I've seen some people here are on a different number of days (21, 23, 28, 40, etc). What makes you decide what your doing, just life plans or what you think you can do?


I ordered 3 vials of the 5000iu but I'm not sure I can do 40 days. I heard 1 vial is good for 15 days sublingual, is that about right? So if I use 2 vials, that would be 30 days so I'd have to do: 2 loading on hcg, 28 days of the 500 cal diet on hcg and the 3 days of 500 after the hcg (then next phase).


If I decided then to do the 40 days because I was doing so well, I'd have 5 days of liquid left over right? I can't save that for the next round because it would be useless by then? Again, I'm basing this off 1 vial = 15 days (2 sublingual doses a day).


Just to make sure also... 40 days on means 1 day off hcg a week right? Or is that just shots? What if I do less then the 40? What about the time of month? Mine is erratic so I don't know when I'll get it next.


Thanks again for everything!!

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Disney - So glad to hear you are safe!! I feel so terrible for those affected by those tornadoes, it's just so sad and you can't even prepare for the disaster that follows.


Leyann - Welcome! I'm sure you have posted but I just got back and still haven't caught up. Glad you got your stuff ordered. I did the injections for 40 days, I think it was. You should never go over that. This time around I'll be doing it for about 28 because we are camping at the end of the month and I want to be on P3 by that time.


Block - I did the dolphins before and it was the best!! So sorry to hear you lost your mom already. It sounds like you and her had some wonderful memories together from Mother's Day. I'm sure that tradition will live on with you and your DD.


Hello to all of you other losers!! I feel so lost with being gone and I'm not sure where everyone is in this!


It was a busy week back at work getting settled in to working again. Got back from camping this afternoon. I started my loading yesterday so tomorrow will be day one of P2. I remember my first few days of P2 sucking and feeling crappy so I pray that doesn't happen again. But I know it's well worth it. Thing is I want to be off the hcg by the 24th because we camp for Memorial Day and I dont want to be on the 500 cal diet while camping and want to give my body some time to stabilize. I can handle the limited amount of foods during P3 but want to be able to enjoy breakfast, lunch, dinner. So, I hope it all goes ok for me. Going to enjoy some chicken fettucini for dinner tonight and bread w/ butter! YUM! I'm looking forward to the HCG diet though - it was pretty easy for me and I really hate thinking about food again. Hoping I can knock of 20lbs but we'll see as I'm doing it a shorter amount of time this time around but at least I have a sense of the foods that do and don't work for me.


Hoping you all enjoyed your weekend. Beautiful day here!

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SO glad there are a few of us starting R2....This should make it easier.


Welcome leyann...I did 40 days because I wanted to go ALL the way...I was pleased with my weight loss ( I did drops) BUT I think next time I will do 30 days...Here is why ...P3 is based on how long you did p2...so if you do 40 than 40 days of the next phase...If I only did 21 days I could have gottedn in another round before my vacation...BUT I don't know if I would have done as well on vacation being in P3 for as long as I did??? Big HORN ??? Am I right ??? I would figure out your time line and how your life will be in 80 days ....(if you do 40 day round)


I think my info is right...but I could be corrected ?


Hope everyone had a great weekend- I did but its over. another week at work !! But Thursday night I am on a plane to Disney World with my DD and bff for a motherday girls weekend. DD does not know yet ??? My Dh is picking me up from work and taking us to the airport.. I don't know how I will tell her ? any suggestions ? ( it is her 6th time going :rolleyes:)


Eat well,


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Block - When did you start P2 or you start after Mother's Day? I really think that you being on P3 for so long is why you didn't gain on your cruise either. Your body had a long time to stabilize. I did end up losing 5 of the 8lbs I gained on the cruise within days of coming home so that was nice. I'm kinda bummed I'm doing this round shorter than 30 days but it works better for me with everything going on. This will be my last round of HCG for the summer too and I'm just going to do South Beach and low carb it all summer combined with workouts to lose weight. I'll see how I lose and then do another round in September if I don't have good results. You are so lucky to go to Disneyworld - I suprise your DD. We did that with our DD a few years ago and it was awesome to see her face when she figured out where we were going. :)

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Dawn, I will start R2 after Mother's Day. Actually a bit nervous about doing it again.. But I just have to take a deep breath and just do it.. I know it will be positive. I think I only need to do one more round. I lost a total of 30 pounds so far. so another 20-30 would be great...I would love to lose more but I think realisticly 20-30. I have to read the proticol over once again...I don't remember much ( kinda like child birth:p).


Super excitied about my trip this weekend !


Eat well girls,


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Well, back from Lubbock and back to work this morning. Surprisingly, I weighed less this morning than I did before we left, I'm 0.8 below LIW. :) I was fairly good about what I ate, but of course when you are in a college town hanging out with college boys, you drink a fair amount of beer. We had a wonderful time with our son, I do miss him more now, though. He is a smart, funny young man, a real pleasure to be around.


I'm starting another round this next weekend, loading over Mother's Day weekend. Planning on another long round, because I'll only get to do one more and stabilize before my cruise in September.


Janet, P3 and P4 are not determined by the length of your round (if you are following Dr Simeons). After the first round, P3 is 3 weeks and P4 is 3 weeks. Total of 6 weeks minimum before the next round. After the second round, P3 is 3 weeks and P4 is 5 weeks, total of 8 weeks before the next round. Then I believe you are supposed to wait 6 months after your 3rd round before you begin a 4th if you need it. P3 is always 3 weeks, no matter what round. You just do a longer p4 each time, supposedly to prevent immunity to the HCG.


Janet, your surprise trip to Disney sounds wonderful, I hope you have a blast with DD and BFF!


Sheri, how's P2 going? And Liz?? I'm actually kind of looking forward to going back onto P2 and seeing those scales move down some more. :) My HCG should be in before the end of the week. I hope my second round works as well as my first one, I keep on hearing that different rounds can be easier/harder than others, praying for a good second round!


Our weather is cold and rainy today, so not very springlike here today. Should be better by the weekend, but I will be working. I hope that you are all having a great day where you are, and eating well!

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Day one of VLCD! I hope I can be successful this round. I'm starting to freak out because I am not going to do it as long - last time I went 40 days. However, I did stall a lot at the very end so who knows. My biggest losses were definitely in the first couple weeks. Looking forward to one of my turkey burgers tonight for dinner with the sauteed onions and roasted zucchini has become my new favorite veggie!!


Jennifer - Good job this weekend!! Glad to see other people starting over again with me. We can do this again!! Cold and rainy today here too, makes me extra tired and blah. :(

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Hi All,
Sorry I have been out of the loop here, grandkids and travel. I had just written a long response and it got lost somewhere in CC cyberland.
Jennifer is right about the times for HCG phases. It is very individual though as to how long you choose to go R2. I applaud all those who did 40 days! I did the minimum both rounds. I will also follow a low/carb, sugar, and fat diet for the summer and if some more weight doesn't come off I will do another round in the fall.
Happy Mother's Day to all of you Mothers and all of those who have trips and vacations planned...HAVE FUN and know I am here green with envy:~)
Take care and stay on track....oh by the way...I had a fun but non-compliant week-end...up about 3/4 of a pound. So I will be working my hiney off this week to get back down.
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Hi Losers, I am doing GREAT R2P2D14[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]down 13lbs:p. I still feel like I am lacking energy.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]But hanging tight..[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3] Block and Blue I am sure you both will do GREAT on Rd2.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]It is more of a challenge then Rd 1 but keep your head in the[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]game and you will do well.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Jifner, So glad you had a nice time with your Son.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Is he your only? You are doing great keeping the weight down.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Big you are really doing SUPER.. A couple of ups and Down but[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]your hanging tight. Right there where you ended Ph2. Thats huge.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Blue did you go to Cartagena Colombia?? I came across a post[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3] you posted on that thread. I am just wondering if you have been yet?[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]I will be there in December. If you have been let me know what to do.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Thanks[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Hope everyone else is doing well,[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Sheri[/SIZE][/FONT]
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Bighorn - You sure are doing awesome! Keep up the great work!

Sherri - I didn't want to hear that the second round is harder. I'm under the impression that it will be easier for me since I know what to expect and kind of have an idea of what to eat and what not to eat. Do you not lose as well in the second round? I had 6 weeks off from the HCG so I'm hoping for better results this time around. Plus I ended up with TOM my first week into my first round and it slowed me down, but that shouldn't happen this time around. Congrats on your loss - that's great! I hope to have something similar!!
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Oh and yes we went to Cartegena but we just got off the ship and visited the shops right near the port, very cute area they have set up with birds too that you can take pics of and talk to. That's all we did there but I know people who went to the old city and they said it was really nice. By the time I hit this port I was just tired and didn't want to do a thing!
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Don't let R2 get into your head too much. Some of us had a harder time but that is not so for many others. So keep looking forward to the losses and expect BIG ones but keep in mind you have not failed at this if you don't have the success you had in R1. You are making the effort and keeping with the program, and that is a winning position to be in!
Sheri, that is FAB! The energy level was a factor for me too but you can get through it. I knew that I could do anything for a month (P2) and even with a little blahs now and then, it wasn't a deal breaker. When you hit P3 again, it is like feasting on the cruise ship for me...LOL When I am tipping the scale over LDW, I go into P3 and that helps me stay on track until I can get those pesky gains off.
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[B][SIZE=5]Just trying to figure out how to post a photo. This is DD 's Easter Basket.[/SIZE][/B][IMG]http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/216008_1771260275203_1050133112_1593081_7539589_n.jpg[/IMG]
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[IMG]http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/225044_1775007248875_1050133112_1599723_2791933_n.jpg[/IMG]DD In hot tub.
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Block Thanks for posting the Pics.. DD Very cute..[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]WOW thats an Easter basket :p..[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]I love looking at photos. Very nice family you 3 make..[/SIZE][/FONT]
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