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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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cruiser, headaches are normal. you can get them up to one week. i had them terribly, i did take motrin. just remember to drink water water and water.


you get used to the amount of food. may i ask are you on the homeopathic drops?


good luck, keep us posted, and if you need any help holler.

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cruiser, headaches are normal. you can get them up to one week. i had them terribly, i did take motrin. just remember to drink water water and water.


you get used to the amount of food. may i ask are you on the homeopathic drops?


good luck, keep us posted, and if you need any help holler.


Thanks, and yes am on the drops! Water it is!

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good morning fellow losers. I am officially at my 15 pound mark! I have yet to measure, someone please yell at me!


wishing everyone a losing day.


"YELL!!!" Feel better?:D You are doing so well, that weight is dropping off you so fast, I am in awe! 15 pounds in less than two weeks....you are doing fantastic!:)

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Yeah Army that is GREAT...:p

Since you are vegetarian what do you eat? What is a

typical day for you? I never measured my self either.:o

I am down 2 more lbs. 11 more till goal..:p:D

Last night I made tacos. UUMMM

Ground turkey seasoned with Mrs Dash (spicy) and we put

the turkey into lettuce leafs.. SO good.

Oh be careful with Mrs Dash I had 5 different ones

and last night I read the ingredients and 3 of them had sugar



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Good Grief. I leave you alone for a few days and come back to anarchy!

jk, I highly suggest measuring yourself. It does several things. It gives you another yardstick of your progress. As this is my 4th round with one day left (yea!), I am learning things from my measurements. The first time I did hcg I was working out a LOT and my measurements for waist, hips and thighs were quite a bit smaller than they are this time at same weights. I find it useful information. The main reason to measure is that the inches lost are even more important than the pounds lost. Pounds can vary by water weight, TOM, whether you are hydrated or dehydrated (son gained 4 lbs. one day last week on hcg while rehydrating from moving apartments) so measuring is key. Ok, enough rant, I'm even boring myself...zzzzzz


Hi Cruiser! How was today for you? I had headaches at first, I get them when I've been heavily into carbs then cut them cold turkey. I wish you loads of success on this.

The one thing I wish someone had explained to me was that while this does work, and works faster than anything on the market, if we don't truly change the volume and types of food we take in, we WILL gain it back. I know that sounds stupid and I guess my head knew it, but man, my tastebuds sure didn't! I am happy to report that I've gotten 11 lbs. off this round, which is a short one, only 21 days bc of the cruise.

I cannot believe I have to leave on Friday! Please pray for us. I am really scared to take my daughter alone to Barcelona...I know I'm complaining and I really do look forward to it but all the stories of pickpockets have gotten to me. I have mini-locks for all my zippers on my daybag and will be looping it through my belt buckle...lol

Oh, we get one night pre cruise in Barcelona and two more post cruise. Any suggestions? Any foods to try? lol

Ok, sorry, wrong bunch to ask! :0)

Ok, if I don't get back in before I leave, please keep up the good work and know I plan on enjoying myself but not undoing all this hard work.

God Bless you all!!!



ps. please measure....

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I am a huge fan of HCG. I have lost 65 lbs over the last 2 years. I keep having to do more rounds because of vacation gain. A small price to pay. I am sailing on Celebrity for 12 days and am getting a bit nervous about all the good food but just plan to do a round again when I get home--why ruin a wonderful time worrying about weight gain. I am not going to work out other than walking and land tours with energy. I can gain all to easily on a daily bases so I need to just except the fact that I will gain, do a few rounds before I go and try to be below my goal to compensate. Life for me is always a diet and HCG has limited it to just 21 days several times a year--much better than Weight Watchers.

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i lost 35 pounds in phase one and now am on maintanice for another week that is phase two,,,,,then onto phase three,,more weight loss...i love it...i have never had such a positive life style change...i am never going back to my past fat life...i will weigh every day and maintain ....i am not a bit concerned about cruising ... alot of walking keeps me fit...try it and you will be amazed....

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So glad to have found this thread! I, too, am on this diet: day 30 of 40 and have lost 17.5# so far. I have not been hungry, just bored with some of the food. I will read through all the posts (haven't made it half-way through yet) for recipes to be able to switch things up.


I am almost afraid of the next phase; how do you know what to eat? Is it the same foods just more of it, or do you add foods yet? I have looked for Dr. Simeon's book at local stores to no avail. I found it used online, but have not purchased it, is it worth it?


This diet has be wearing clothes I haven't been able to get into forever, and I love it. All of you are such an inspiration. Congratulations on your weight losses!


Oh, almost forgot to ask, has anyone been a type II diabetic going into this diet, and if so, where do you stand now? I read about the recent study out of England (600 calorie for 60 days eliminated diabetes in trial) and am wanting to stay below 600 for a full 60 days to see if it will work for me. So far, sugar numbers are staying very low.

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Good Morning fellow losers. I have hit a plateau and it sucks in plain and simple english!


HELP! Should I do the apple a day? I am in a rut the scale has not budged.


I am going to do a land vacation on August 9 thru August 28, we are going to visit our son in Germany, we are planning to visit other countries while we are their, worried about eating, I will manage the best that I can. We leave in less than 2 weeks, and I am only on day16, and I wanted to do 40 days on VLCD! Argh, any suggestions?


Happy Friday.

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Hello Ladies,

Just checking in to see how everyone is doing ?? I have been enjoying my summer with my family and trying to be true to myself about what I eat. I have been holding steady on my 40 lb weight loss :D

YES, MAKE SURE YOU MEASURE ... thanks Liz .. because I still loose inches months later....not as much and not as fast BUT I still notice some inches coming off.

I hope you and your families are doing well. I have been lurking on the board because I will be cruising in April...and I am just to excitied .. I have a long way to go !

Eat well !!!


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I will be cruising in Oct. so don't have much time. I'm trying do decide if I want to try this but would be buying the kind from GNC. Has anyone has any experience with the ones from GNC. I've been trying to reduce calorie intake this week and have lost 3 lbs. but that won't last long with my non existent metabolism. I need something to jump start my metabolism and reduce cravings.

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bahama i bought from a mail order company, i heard the gnc were fine. you have time i cruise 10/17, and we are leaving for europe on 8/9 (unplanned trip,another talk show) and i started july 14. cross my fingers i am bringing mine in my luggage ( i am trying how to put them into a 3 oz bottle.) so i will have to skip a day while we are in the air. you can try them it wont hurt you. good luck.

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Hi everyone

Considering doing the HCG as so many at work have been having success. It seems that the people taking the shots have had a lot more success than the ones doing the drops from the health food stores. When I started reading this thread it appeared at the beginning that most of the people were doing the shots and then I skipped thru the middle to the last several pages of this forum and now it appears that several are doing the drops.


We are leaving on our cruise on 11/13 and I need to get myself in gear. I tried last night to figure out what website to order the HCG from along with the kits. I wanted all of the mamaclok videos on utube but am still confused about which I should do....the drops or the shots. The website that mamclok promotes shows that the 5000IU is about $34.99 for a vial and then on the alldaychemist site it looks like you can get 3 of the 5000IU of the Highly Purified for $55.00 for all 3. It doesn't appear that their site you can order the syringes and mixing vials from. On the pharmacyescrow site you can order the kits....


Any help would be greatly apprecaited. Also would I have time to do the 43 day and the 23 day before I go in November? I'm not sure how much time you need in between. It seems like it is about 3 weeks.


Thanks for your help!!!

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Hi everyone

Considering doing the HCG as so many at work have been having success. It seems that the people taking the shots have had a lot more success than the ones doing the drops from the health food stores. When I started reading this thread it appeared at the beginning that most of the people were doing the shots and then I skipped thru the middle to the last several pages of this forum and now it appears that several are doing the drops.


We are leaving on our cruise on 11/13 and I need to get myself in gear. I tried last night to figure out what website to order the HCG from along with the kits. I wanted all of the mamaclok videos on utube but am still confused about which I should do....the drops or the shots. The website that mamclok promotes shows that the 5000IU is about $34.99 for a vial and then on the alldaychemist site it looks like you can get 3 of the 5000IU of the Highly Purified for $55.00 for all 3. It doesn't appear that their site you can order the syringes and mixing vials from. On the pharmacyescrow site you can order the kits....


Any help would be greatly apprecaited. Also would I have time to do the 43 day and the 23 day before I go in November? I'm not sure how much time you need in between. It seems like it is about 3 weeks.


Thanks for your help!!!





Hi robocop, I am doing the shots. I have done the shots 3 times and

have been very successful. I have always heard that you get more

out of the shots then the drops.. DH is on the drops we have both

lost the same. But when I went to pick up our supplies the guy at

the office tried to talk me out of the drops for DH said they weren't

as effective. DH wont do shots. DH has alot more weight to lose

then I and he a man so he should have lost more then I. So its

personal preference.

I have never ordered online before. I was going to last round

but then found it local for a good price. You do have time for

43 days if you get started. Here is a site I like to read with alot of

info.. http://hcgdietinfo.com/hcgdietforums/content/

Everyone here is full of great info and will help answer all your


It is defiantly the best weight loss program. Keep us posted.


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Hi robocop, I am doing the shots. I have done the shots 3 times and

have been very successful. I have always heard that you get more

out of the shots then the drops.. DH is on the drops we have both

lost the same. But when I went to pick up our supplies the guy at

the office tried to talk me out of the drops for DH said they weren't

as effective. DH wont do shots. DH has alot more weight to lose

then I and he a man so he should have lost more then I. So its

personal preference.

I have never ordered online before. I was going to last round

but then found it local for a good price. You do have time for

43 days if you get started. Here is a site I like to read with alot of

info.. http://hcgdietinfo.com/hcgdietforums/content/

Everyone here is full of great info and will help answer all your


It is defiantly the best weight loss program. Keep us posted.



Thanks Sheri

So you were able to by the HCG for the shots locally? Or did you have to go thru a doctor's office? We have a couple of diet clinics here in Las Vegas that I can get the shots from but it's about $650.00 for the 43 days. It appears that online I can order enough for the 43 days with everything included for about $110.00 between both sites...

Thanks for the link to the site. I will definitely check it out.


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Thanks Sheri

So you were able to by the HCG for the shots locally? Or did you have to go thru a doctor's office? We have a couple of diet clinics here in Las Vegas that I can get the shots from but it's about $650.00 for the 43 days. It appears that online I can order enough for the 43 days with everything included for about $110.00 between both sites...

Thanks for the link to the site. I will definitely check it out.



Cyndee, WOOH 650.00 way to much. I was going to order all my supplies

through yourhcgdiet.com which was around 110.00 but then I realized

they were also in AZ so was able just to go there and get. I know they

aren't selling the kits online at this time due to customs and getting the

hcg.. I would order online if you go back in this thread about 10 pages

mrsgomez talked about pharmacyescrow.com.. I was going to order

through them until I found local site. Let us know..

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Cyndee, WOOH 650.00 way to much. I was going to order all my supplies

through yourhcgdiet.com which was around 110.00 but then I realized

they were also in AZ so was able just to go there and get. I know they

aren't selling the kits online at this time due to customs and getting the

hcg.. I would order online if you go back in this thread about 10 pages

mrsgomez talked about pharmacyescrow.com.. I was going to order

through them until I found local site. Let us know..


Is the reason that the 3CC and 5CC mixing Syringes that are in the kits just so you can withdraw all of the liquid at one time to put in the mixing vial? I have a surplus of 1 cc syringes here because my husband takes shots for his headaches and I could use those 1cc ones and avoid ordering the expensive kits. I'm just not clear what the purpose of the 3cc or 5cc ones is. If I needed to use 3 of the 1cc to withdraw all of the liquid I could do that. Beats paying $50.00 for the kit if I wouldn't have to. Since you have been this route, would my theory work? Or is there another reason for the larger syringe.

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Is the reason that the 3CC and 5CC mixing Syringes that are in the kits just so you can withdraw all of the liquid at one time to put in the mixing vial? I have a surplus of 1 cc syringes here because my husband takes shots for his headaches and I could use those 1cc ones and avoid ordering the expensive kits. I'm just not clear what the purpose of the 3cc or 5cc ones is. If I needed to use 3 of the 1cc to withdraw all of the liquid I could do that. Beats paying $50.00 for the kit if I wouldn't have to. Since you have been this route, would my theory work? Or is there another reason for the larger syringe.


Like I said earlier I have never mixed my own.

But your theroy makes sense....

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Like I said earlier I have never mixed my own.

But your theroy makes sense....


I'm commited now. Made the purchase from RXPharmacy.com and looking forward to losing some weight. It sounds like 2 to 3 weeks for delivery is about normal so I should have time for a 40 day round. Thanks for all your input AZ I really appreciate it.

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Robocop, I wish you lots of luck. I am still on p2, down 19 pounds since July 14. Once you get into a routine, it is a piece of cake, no pun intended.


The best advice I got was to really fill up on healthy fats. It does sustain you and to make sure on the second load day that you continue to eat cause it will be the last time for 38 days you will!


The ladies on this board are wonderful and so helpful.


Hi ladies, sorry I have been a bit MIA lately, but I have so much going on.


Hoping everyone has a losing day!

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Robocop, I wish you lots of luck. I am still on p2, down 19 pounds since July 14. Once you get into a routine, it is a piece of cake, no pun intended.


The best advice I got was to really fill up on healthy fats. It does sustain you and to make sure on the second load day that you continue to eat cause it will be the last time for 38 days you will!


The ladies on this board are wonderful and so helpful.


Hi ladies, sorry I have been a bit MIA lately, but I have so much going on.


Hoping everyone has a losing day!


That is absolutely fantastic Army. I would love to be able to lose between 20 and 30 lbs over the course of 43 days. I figure I have enough time (providing I get everything to start within the next 2 weeks) to do the 40 days - 3 weeks of P3 and then a 23 day and finish up right before we go on our cruise in November on Freedom.


I'm so glad that I found this board. I have been on so many different diets over the course of my life that I could probably right a book. I'm hoping that this is the one that will reshape me. I've heard good things about how you lose in places that you haven't been able to lose before.


I look forward to being part of all the encouragement I see on this board.


I hope to be a LOSER like all of you!!!! Thanks for the positive feedback everyone.



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Hi Cyndee,


I officially hit 20 pounds today! I am going to Europe next Tuesday, and I am bringing my drops with me. I hope they let me take them on the plane. We have a 10 hour flight, and I am bringing tuna pouches and some veggies I know I can bring the tuna, I worry about the veggies and fruit.


I havent been reshaped, but everyone is different. I have a thyroid problem so that could be part of it. This blog has been the biggest help, and the ladies are great.


You name it I have tried it. My kids used to tell me I eat cardboard because that is what some of the other diets food looks like, hey cardboard isnt bad in moderation (MF Oatmeal)


Again if you have any questions ask, someone will always have an answer or find one for you.


Heres to success! You will be a loser....


Wishing everyone a great day.



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