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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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Hi losers,

DH and I are still hanging tight.. I have lost 25 lbs and

DH 23... :D I have 10 more to reach my goal. I hope I

can get there. I am doing everything possible and I keep

stalling. But when I look at the big picture of how much I

have lost I am HAPPY... We are on day 29 of 43..

Army looks like your doing good. How is it coming

with the exercise??

Robo, sounds like you have a great plan. I am glad you will

have time for all the phases. That's where I made a big mistake

the first round. Finished round 1 and then left for a cruise.

This time I am doing it right. Going through all the phases and

determined to keep it off.

Go back through this thread and read all the great advise.

My best advise is be prepared. have all your food prepared and

ready. DH and I grill 4-6 packages of chicken at a time. We eat

it for lunch and dinner 3-4 days.



Have a great day,


Hey where is Big????:confused:

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Big is in the house...LOL Actually a hectic few weeks with company, taking grandkids camping and work. No rest for the wicked they say.

I have been lurking a little and see that all is well in HCG land. I will be doing my third round mid Sept. I gained again with all the going ons, but when I start eating clean, it has been coming right off. So that tells me volumes....low carb/low sugar is the way to go for me. I am glad that the gains come off so easily with just a few days of clean eating. So I DO BELIEVE my metabolism was re-set thanks to HCG.

More soon, as I am back off to work again (Dreaded split shift Wed!)

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Big is in the house...LOL


Sigh of relief..........

I feel much better now Big, just knowing

your still out there..:D:p


Sept huh?? How many days will you do?

Will you have enough time before your cruise (thats one

day before mine ):rolleyes:...

Happy to see you, Sheri

Army you will feel thinner just hang in there.

I know its hard with a trip coming up.

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Hey Sheri..you and the hubby are doing great! I am so proud of you both to hang in there and support each other...definetly makes it easier. My husband just cooks for himself when I am in HCG mode, that's a big help as I am a tasting cook. ;~(


ARMY...you are my girl! You have done...well just wonderful!


I will do the 23 days again...and be in P4 by the cruise. I am very active and have a physically demanding job( I have no idea how I stay so round), so 21 days of VLCD is about all I can handle. But it will be 8 months since my last round so I am hoping to have the same success as I did in the the first round. Second round was good but not as much weight lost as the 1st round, and I did the phases as directed but as soon as I could start the second round I did. I DO believe that you do build some immunity to HCG, so taking time between rounds is important, and you can't expect the amount of weight lost in the first round to compare with the second or third. But you know what...we are out there and trying to change our lives, so let's hear it for US!

Cheers to us!!!!!!


I hope all the newbies hang in there and stay in touch as support and advice is a great motivator...yes, you will be accountable to US!!!! LOL


I have another friend who saw the results I have had, finally break down and is giving this a try. I hear, see and talk to the naysayers...but you know what..different strokes for different folks..and if this works for some of us, who are they to condemn when they actually know so little about this diet...all they hear is 500 calories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK...off the soap box....for now LOL

Have great week and yes...I will be around and VOCAL...would you expect less?

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Big - when you arent vocal and we dont hear hide nor hair, we worry, who would be our biggest fan? I am bringing the drops, i wonder if i can bring my syringe, it doesnt have a needle its just to measure.


I lost 3/4 of pound from yesterday. I was cleaning my house. Will still be cleaning my house today, and then again Monday.


Once Tuesday comes I have decided I was going to the beach in the morning, then come home to do the last minute stuff, wait for hubby to come home and then leave for the airport. YAY, and when I land I get to see my son who I have not seen in over 1 1/2 years! I am getting impatient.


Robo I know how i felt when i first started, but it does get easier - that is a promise. I have not told anyone I am doing this diet I just didnt want to hear the naysayers.


Wishing everyone a losing day.

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Hi Cyndee,


I officially hit 20 pounds today! I am going to Europe next Tuesday, and I am bringing my drops with me. I hope they let me take them on the plane. We have a 10 hour flight, and I am bringing tuna pouches and some veggies I know I can bring the tuna, I worry about the veggies and fruit.


I havent been reshaped, but everyone is different. I have a thyroid problem so that could be part of it. This blog has been the biggest help, and the ladies are great.


You name it I have tried it. My kids used to tell me I eat cardboard because that is what some of the other diets food looks like, hey cardboard isnt bad in moderation (MF Oatmeal)


Again if you have any questions ask, someone will always have an answer or find one for you.


Heres to success! You will be a loser....


Wishing everyone a great day.




LOL... everyone at work always asks me what diet am I on now. Now that's pretty sad. I can relate to the heat and eat entrees....they all laugh at me and tell me I have one for lunch and the box for a snack in the afternoon.

20 lbs is fantastic. Have you gone down a clothes size or two? I'm just so looking for ward to getting started. I received my extra items (mixing vials and bacteriostatic water) today and and e-mail stating the my HCG was shipped on the 3rd of August. I just ordered it on Sunday the 31st so that is real encouraging to me.

Have another fantastic week and keep those lbs falling off.


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Hi losers,

DH and I are still hanging tight.. I have lost 25 lbs and

DH 23... :D I have 10 more to reach my goal. I hope I

can get there. I am doing everything possible and I keep

stalling. But when I look at the big picture of how much I

have lost I am HAPPY... We are on day 29 of 43..


Army looks like your doing good. How is it coming

with the exercise??


Robo, sounds like you have a great plan. I am glad you will

have time for all the phases. That's where I made a big mistake

the first round. Finished round 1 and then left for a cruise.

This time I am doing it right. Going through all the phases and

determined to keep it off.

Go back through this thread and read all the great advise.

My best advise is be prepared. have all your food prepared and

ready. DH and I grill 4-6 packages of chicken at a time. We eat

it for lunch and dinner 3-4 days.



Have a great day,


Hey where is Big????:confused:


Thanks for the great advise Sheri....I need to go back and read all of the posts. I started at the beginning and then skipped to the end. I'm trying to convince DH to do this with me but he says that He will see how I do and then make up his mind.

Hey with all of your chicken do you use Mrs Dash or any seasoning on it when you grill it?


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Big - when you arent vocal and we dont hear hide nor hair, we worry, who would be our biggest fan? I am bringing the drops, i wonder if i can bring my syringe, it doesnt have a needle its just to measure.


I lost 3/4 of pound from yesterday. I was cleaning my house. Will still be cleaning my house today, and then again Monday.


Once Tuesday comes I have decided I was going to the beach in the morning, then come home to do the last minute stuff, wait for hubby to come home and then leave for the airport. YAY, and when I land I get to see my son who I have not seen in over 1 1/2 years! I am getting impatient.


Robo I know how i felt when i first started, but it does get easier - that is a promise. I have not told anyone I am doing this diet I just didnt want to hear the naysayers.


Wishing everyone a losing day.


I'm with you on the not telling anyone. Have a fantastic time visiting your son and just remember to make smart choices. They may not be exactly what the diet calls for but you have a life to live as well. Sometimes it's easy to criticize ourselves but think about praising yourself at the end of each day for the choices that you made and let go of anything that is negative. It will just drag you into a downhill spiral. Start each day fresh and see where it takes you. As a matter of fact....start each meal fresh. I used to blow it and then keep right on blowing it for the rest of the day thinking that I would start again tomorrow. I've been trying to apply that thought process to each meal now rather than each day.


when you get back there will always be us here cheering you on!!! Enjoy!!


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Cyndee, I think we can be soul sisters. With every other diet I would cheat then continue and finally just said screw it I will start again on Monday, funny my husband would say to me "its Monday your diet day right?"


I was told that they serve mostly meat, so I will eat just veggies, I am a pescatarian, only eating fish, eggs and cheese. I did eat two veggie burgers yesterday as I didnt eat any protein for lunch. I am finding I am not that hungry and with hurricane emily was a threat a bundle of nevers.


Now I just have to pack (made hubby pull out and try on clothes lastnight) and I have a ton of things to do until we leave. Getting overwhelmed with everything I need to do, but a dear friend told me to make a list and prioritize so I am going to do that now! Had my hair done yesterday so that is one less thing to do! I dont feel thinner yet. Clothing still fits the same it is very odd.


Big - I am doing my list. GREAT IDEA! I pulled all of my lists out today. Need to get my son shoes today, ugh do they ever grow up?


AZ I need to be yelled at to measure!

My fear is that I eat in Germany, then I will come home and try again. Need to do this the right way.


Wishing everyone a fun friday!



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Welcome Cyndee...sorry I didn't greet you earlier... I am so behind I thought I was first!

I love Vegas...for about 4 days and then I am ready to come home to peace and quiet. We go every year in April (anniversary)

Hope you have the same success the rest of us have had, and YOU WILL! It would be nice to have the DH on board but just think of great you will be looking and feeling while he kicks himself for not joining you ;~)


Army...you have a good friend! LOL Well let's just say she's been around the block a few times and has alot of the same issues as you. You need to make the wise choices as was mentioned...be mindful of the carbs and sugars you take in. Try to get in some exercise and of course...you know what I am going to say.....WATER!!!!!! Trips are bad because you don't always have free access to water...but try...and BTW...HAVE FUN!


Where's Block and Jennifer? They need to get back here and let us know how life is treating them. Who is up for another round in Sept? I know I will probably start a 23 day round 3rd to 4th week of Sept...so I can be lighter for my Dec cruise.

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ok i broke down and this flordian had to buy a rain coat with a wool lining. ugh lets see, i have a fur coat two trench coats, several leather jackets, suede jackets, down coats, quilted coats, long wool coats short wool coats, but this floridian didnt have a rain coat! go figure how i managed without one. ecxcited this one has a wool lining cause its cold in germany.


havent packed but i made progress, i got a coat, and some essentials. just have to get my son shoes, a pain in the drain!


keep getting up at three so i have zero energy! ok going to eat or go to bed, not sure what i want more.

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Began first 40 days July 2009; then 3 weeks off shots; then another 40 days of shots. Stayed on very careful eating and by end of December, had gone from 196 to 145. Maintained, for the most part, this whole time.


Took a cruise Sept 2010 and was not careful about eating so I gained some. Since we are cruising again Sept 2011, decided I needed to lose the extra! Took the last shot this morning of a 20 day plan. I need to use the next 35 or so days to get back to a little more "regular" eating while maintaining the weight loss (156 down to 144 in the 20 days) in preparation for the trip. Hope to lose the other 4!


Best thing I've heard to help control eating (from America's Test Kitchen): we eat with our eyes! So, on this cruise, my DH and I are going to keep reminding each other of that so, when looking at the beautiful tarts, cakes, and other lovely desserts (that really are not that flavorful!!) we will just say "no" to them and to anything else we select that doesn't taste really good. This will also apply to anything else we select to eat--if it isn't tasty, don't finish it; get something else instead.


Yes, we hate to waste food too and have also discussed getting tiny servings at the buffet--just to taste--then go back to get what you really want to eat.


We are also going to drink plenty of water and try to eat fruit, salads, and non-greasy vegetable with a little lean protein for b'fast and lunch. This way we can save our calories for a scone at tea, maybe a shared slice of pizza, a small ice cream cone (or 2!!), and a nice dinner with dessert.


Others have mentioned only taking the stairs. My motto is "you always take the stairs, no matter how many decks, or how high your heels."


BTW: I got my HCG from a physician's assistant and the pharmacy next to her office for a total of about $225 for check-up, meds, and syringes. It is very important to understand the eating plan, especially the "fat eating" on the first two days to avoid discomforts. And, don't do this method of weight loss if you aren't planning on learning what makes you eat and determining to change those things. You may even want to see a therapist to help figure this out and make some permanent changes. I kept a journal of my cravings so I could figure out my triggers. As I can attest, not sticking to this will cause you to start gaining again (and I don't want to go back there!)


Hope this gives some encouragement to keep at it:)

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Began first 40 days July 2009; then 3 weeks off shots; then another 40 days of shots. Stayed on very careful eating and by end of December, had gone from 196 to 145. Maintained, for the most part, this whole time.


Took a cruise Sept 2010 and was not careful about eating so I gained some. Since we are cruising again Sept 2011, decided I needed to lose the extra! Took the last shot this morning of a 20 day plan. I need to use the next 35 or so days to get back to a little more "regular" eating while maintaining the weight loss (156 down to 144 in the 20 days) in preparation for the trip. Hope to lose the other 4!


Best thing I've heard to help control eating (from America's Test Kitchen): we eat with our eyes! So, on this cruise, my DH and I are going to keep reminding each other of that so, when looking at the beautiful tarts, cakes, and other lovely desserts (that really are not that flavorful!!) we will just say "no" to them and to anything else we select that doesn't taste really good. This will also apply to anything else we select to eat--if it isn't tasty, don't finish it; get something else instead.


Yes, we hate to waste food too and have also discussed getting tiny servings at the buffet--just to taste--then go back to get what you really want to eat.


We are also going to drink plenty of water and try to eat fruit, salads, and non-greasy vegetable with a little lean protein for b'fast and lunch. This way we can save our calories for a scone at tea, maybe a shared slice of pizza, a small ice cream cone (or 2!!), and a nice dinner with dessert.


Others have mentioned only taking the stairs. My motto is "you always take the stairs, no matter how many decks, or how high your heels."


BTW: I got my HCG from a physician's assistant and the pharmacy next to her office for a total of about $225 for check-up, meds, and syringes. It is very important to understand the eating plan, especially the "fat eating" on the first two days to avoid discomforts. And, don't do this method of weight loss if you aren't planning on learning what makes you eat and determining to change those things. You may even want to see a therapist to help figure this out and make some permanent changes. I kept a journal of my cravings so I could figure out my triggers. As I can attest, not sticking to this will cause you to start gaining again (and I don't want to go back there!)


Hope this gives some encouragement to keep at it:)


Hi gotta cruise, Welcome and thanks for posting..

You have done wonderfully. I LOVE to hear stories like yours.

I hope you keep coming back and encouraging all of us. You have

had GREAT success.

I will start Ph 3 in two weeks alittle nervous. Any tips or do

and donts?? Anyone help..

BIG where did you go now???

Have a great Monday all, Sheri

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Hi all. I decided to join you all after reading the last 5 pages.


I am in day three of P2. I am on the drops I got online. GREAT sale on HCG 1234........c.m They arrived very quickly. Four bottles (2 oz) for 109.


I feel good with no drop in energy level so far. I go back to work today at 2pm after the weekend off. We will see how my energy is at work today.


I am going to do 35 days this first round. I may not need any more and will just maintain. I am hoping to lose 25 pounds. I hope checking in here will keep me motivated!

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"BIG where did you go now???"


Hey, I have only been lurking for two days...LOL

Welcome Medical...and thanks for the success story gotta cruise.

I am up two pounds from my comfort zone....so again eating clean...it really does drop off with in a few days. The week-ends are hard for me...so many Margaritas....so little time...LOL

P3 is very easy...slowly introduce foods and watch that scale...and of course...don't cut back on the water. Try 1/2 or even 1/4 portions of the carbs and make sure to keep reading the labels..hidden sugars, etc.

I use a trick from the Atkins diet...if the carb is 25 grams, and the fiber is 5 grams...deduct the fiber from the carb for a NET CARB amount. This ensures that I eat more healthy carbs and am not depriving myself. Look at that carb and ask yourself...is it worth it? I am finding more choices in the stores this way and replacing old stand bys with carbs that have some fiber in it, thus knocking the carb count down. Read the labels and you can see for yourself with products side by side, how much they can vary.

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Welcome Cyndee...sorry I didn't greet you earlier... I am so behind I thought I was first!

I love Vegas...for about 4 days and then I am ready to come home to peace and quiet. We go every year in April (anniversary)

Hope you have the same success the rest of us have had, and YOU WILL! It would be nice to have the DH on board but just think of great you will be looking and feeling while he kicks himself for not joining you ;~)


Hi Big

Sounds like you are the go to person on this board and I can surely see why. You and many others are so very helpful and so full of encouragement. It's a wonderful feeling to just know that I am in such good hands.


I am so ready to start the HCG. I ordered it online and am told it will be about 2 weeks so I'm hoping I will have it by Saturday. Right now I can track the package and it is in customs. Hopefully it will slide right on thru to me. I for some reason thought I was ordering from Canada but it appears I ordered from India.


There are a lot of versions of the HCG diet out there. My assistant at work did the HCG about 3 years ago and lost about 36 lbs in 40 days. she gave me a copy of the diet from 3 years ago and it is way more strict than the versions I have seen lately. I'm just going to pick a version and stick to it and see where it leads me. If I get my HCG by the 15th that will give me exactly 43 days before our friends come to visit. The wife is from Belgium and Oh, heaven help me, she cooks like a dream. That will be the real test for me. I've heard how very important the next 3 weeks after you finish P2 is so I will be on these boards a lot asking for help.


May everyone's scale treat them well in the morning. Pleasant dreams everyone.


Hey Soul Sister (Army)......have you left for Germany yet?

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Good Lord...Robo, are you just getting ready for bed or getting up? LOL (1:14 a.m.)


Yes there are many on this board who are so ever helpful. Glad you found us!

So while you are waiting for your order to come, do you have any book on this diet or have just researched online? Being prepared is a great start to a successful round. Have you read Dr. Simeons protocol?

Tell what you know and how you are going to approach this and we can see if there is any advice we can share.


Army must be on her way now. Sending well wishes her way and know she will have a great time with her family. I am hoping the idea of having to answer to us all...helps keep her on track. (I hope she sees this...LOL)


Where are the others?????? Check in, say hi...brag or vent...we don't care...just wanna hear from ya.

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Good Lord...Robo, are you just getting ready for bed or getting up? LOL (1:14 a.m.)


Yes there are many on this board who are so ever helpful. Glad you found us!

So while you are waiting for your order to come, do you have any book on this diet or have just researched online? Being prepared is a great start to a successful round. Have you read Dr. Simeons protocol?

Tell what you know and how you are going to approach this and we can see if there is any advice we can share.


Army must be on her way now. Sending well wishes her way and know she will have a great time with her family. I am hoping the idea of having to answer to us all...helps keep her on track. (I hope she sees this...LOL)


Where are the others?????? Check in, say hi...brag or vent...we don't care...just wanna hear from ya.



Package has cleared customs so I'm thinking that if I am lucky I will have this by the end of the week.

Big.....I have copies of the diet that have been provided to me by others at my office that have done the diet. Some used the drops and got a diet from the health food store....Some ordered the HCG to make their own drops online and got another version of the diet and in just my readings online I have had links provided to download portions of Dr. simeons protocol.....

They all vary with the fruit and some allow that little bit of carb and then some don't even want you to use lotion on your skin and be careful of the shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, etc for fat content.....Now keep in mind...I live in Las Vegas and it is so dry here that I would look like that advertisement a few years ago with the alligator and chapped skin.....

I'm depending on everyone here to keep me in line and I know that if I have questions, someone would have been thru it before. What a fabulous board this is....

One main question.......do you feel it is important to do the cleanse phase prior to starting...

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My instructions did not have a cleanse phase before starting. It did have two days when you eat what you want (day 1 & 2 on the drops) with as much fat as you want. Then you start the vlcd on day 3. I have just finished day 4 and will weigh in the morning.


Work was hard on my poor dogs....on them all evening. Off to bed!

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My instructions did not have a cleanse phase before starting. It did have two days when you eat what you want (day 1 & 2 on the drops) with as much fat as you want. Then you start the vlcd on day 3. I have just finished day 4 and will weigh in the morning.


Work was hard on my poor dogs....on them all evening. Off to bed!


I think that is pretty much standard....first two days high fat content to our meals and then the vlcd for the remainder. How did you feel on days 3 and 4....?? I wish you lots of weight loss in the morning. Let us know how you did. Sweet dreams...:)

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DOWN FIVE! I have never lost this fast on a diet. The meals are satisfying and I don't feel deprived. I think that it is the fruit in it that makes a difference from Atkins, which I have done before. I am not worried about my lipid panel like I was on Atkins either.


I feel great and don't notice any drop in energy at all. That is one thing I was worried about.


Looking forward to TEN!

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DOWN FIVE! I have never lost this fast on a diet. The meals are satisfying and I don't feel deprived. I think that it is the fruit in it that makes a difference from Atkins' date=' which I have done before. I am not worried about my lipid panel like I was on Atkins either.


I feel great and don't notice any drop in energy at all. That is one thing I was worried about.


Looking forward to TEN![/size']


Yes! That is great...and you are fortunate that you are satisfied with the meals and not feeling an energy drain...alot of people do. I didn't notice any energy drop until the second-third week...but it wasn't so bad and it went away quickly. Of course I am a 23 VLCD rounder:D


I never did a cleanse and was not particular about lotions and such...I am in Montana and it is dry here too.


Have a great one all of you.:)

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FREE HCG Diet Recipes, and HCG Diet Menu Ideas - Liquid HCG | Liquid HCG Diet



Some good recipes free for the taking. Be aware of phase they are for and also note, that those who follow a strict HCG protocol may not be able to use some of these. This HCG site allows more types of foods and combinations...but it may give you an idea of how to adjust and incorporate these recipes into your diet.


You can find this site on FB or google it...I did not buy anything from this site but have subscribed to their site via FB and it is full of support and ideas.

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DOWN FIVE! I have never lost this fast on a diet. The meals are satisfying and I don't feel deprived. I think that it is the fruit in it that makes a difference from Atkins' date=' which I have done before. I am not worried about my lipid panel like I was on Atkins either. [/size']


I feel great and don't notice any drop in energy at all. That is one thing I was worried about.


Looking forward to TEN!


Sweet Medi......It's just so encouraging to see that weight fall off.....I hope I will have great success....

My products arrived today. Just 10 days and they came from India.....I watched just about every video on utube trying to decide how to mix everything and then got my P2 R1 ready to go for the morning.

DH has been sick for two days with the flu and so there hasn't been much cooking or eating going on at our house. I have to fill up on fats for the next two days so that should be interesting...or maybe not...That's pretty much the way I have been eating but just adding all the carbs as well.

Good luck on the scales tomorrow everyone. I'm glad I will have something to share in the future here.


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