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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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Also I forgot to mention that in my reading of the boards.....(I am only on page 15 in this board) I felt like I was getting to know some of the other like Disney, Blue and Block.....Since I joint this board I haven't seen any posts from them. What happened to these girls? They were really pretty comical....Maybe I will find out as I read further.


Good night all.....I hope the wind lifts your feet on the scale tomorrow..


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Hello gorgeous girls!

Ok, can't talk long but I am proud of you all.


I have just taken my second child to college today and it is a really hard time for me. Crying too hard to see the highway, lots of pulling over, but I'll be ok. How much do tears weigh? <g>


I'll check in on you tomorrow. Eaten everything but the kitchen sink the past two days and going to have a glass of wine now at 11pm...


Hugs to you all,


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Also I forgot to mention that in my reading of the boards.....(I am only on page 15 in this board) I felt like I was getting to know some of the other like Disney, Blue and Block.....Since I joint this board I haven't seen any posts from them. What happened to these girls? They were really pretty comical....Maybe I will find out as I read further.


Good night all.....I hope the wind lifts your feet on the scale tomorrow..




Many of these girls finished up rounds and have moved on but I think some will be back this fall. This is a fun thread and I am drawn to it regardless of my HCG status:D


Chicken recipes??? My favorite is a chicken taco roll up...chicken (cooked with Mrs Dash spicy) cubed or shredded, a little salsa, rolled up in a romaine leaf.

To this day I eat chicken on a huge green salad nearly everyday.


Poor Liz! Better make it two glasses of wine.

Off to girl camp today so don't worry about me:)

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Many of these girls finished up rounds and have moved on but I think some will be back this fall. This is a fun thread and I am drawn to it regardless of my HCG status:D


Chicken recipes??? My favorite is a chicken taco roll up...chicken (cooked with Mrs Dash spicy) cubed or shredded, a little salsa, rolled up in a romaine leaf.

To this day I eat chicken on a huge green salad nearly everyday.


Poor Liz! Better make it two glasses of wine.

Off to girl camp today so don't worry about me:)



Thanks so much for my receipe for tonight's dinner. R1P2D8..I'm just loving the fact that I am just not hungry. Sure is a switch. I have this great interactive spreadsheet that I would love to share with everyone but I can't figure out how to attach it. It's in Excel format...any suggestions?


I hope you're having a great Girls Camp....


Liz, I so feel your pain. When our daughter got married we decided to move to Las Vegas from Michigan just so we could give her a chance at making her marriage work. Her and I were so close and I thought it would be better for her to have to depend on her husband rather then me so off we went. Packed the car and made that 3 day journey. I cried the entire way and for many days after that. It gets better and your heart will heal...Hugs, big bunches of hugs for you.


Let me ask everyone this..Is a 5.6 lb weight loss ok for the 1st Week or should I have lost more? I know it gets harder as you go so I guess I thought I would lose a little more since I have about 50 lbs to lose. I guess if you count the 3.5 lb gain I had after loading that would be 9.1 I just feel like it should have been more according to other people I've talked to....It is, what it is........No whining, right?


I hope everyone have a great weigh in tomorrow. AZ where are you girl? Check in...How is it going with no shots? You're about ready for P3, right?



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Well, today I am down 9 pounds and tomorrow is my two week mark on the VLCD. I hope to be down ten. Is that too much to ask?


I can't get over how great I feel, with no decrease in my energy levels! Robo, I am amazed that I have not been hungry either. Sometimes at work about 6 pm my stomach growls but I just ignore it until I have a chance to eat. The thing is, I stay SOOO busy at work and have to squeeze in my meal!


Also, everything tastes so good. I am using lots of herbs. I grow basil and rosemary and use them a lot.


Eager to check in tomorrow morning!

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I woke up thinking about Army this morning and wondering how she was doing. I know that her time in Germany is going to be special so that, in itself, makes however her eating plan comes out, tops. She has us here when she gets back.


You know, I've spent some time reading thru a lot of this board (up to page 33) and I feel that I have got to really know a lot of people. Big, AZ, Liz you have all pretty much been thruout this whole board. I've watch you and hopefully you have paved the way for me to learn from your experiences. I've pretty much been a take it off, put it back on kind of girl my whole life and each year I seen to come out with a few more additional pounds. I sure hope that this diet is the one that hits home with me. I'm keep my goals in line with my age this time and I hope that makes a difference. This time my goal is just to "GET DOWN TO, WHAT I SAID I WOULD NEVER GET UP TO" or at least my full term pregnancy weight. How did I let this happen to myself I'm 20 lbs heavier than I was full term pregnant.


Where is everyone???? Hopefully having a fabulous Friday and Saturday. I've only lost 7.2 lbs after 9 days but am happy with that as I have been trying to diet since the beginning of the year and have only lost 12 lbs in 7 months. I LOVE THIS DIET.


Have a fabulous weekend everyone and check in and let us know how you are doing.


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DOWN 10!!! I just love this diet!!!


Robo: I can 'see' everything. Maybe it is your computer?


Tonight is the struggle for me. My son and his GF are coming over for dinner. I am cooking Chicken fried steak, (I know, I know, my DH's birthday dinner and only once a year do I cook that way) mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, and DS's GF is bringing DH's favorite cake. :eek: OK, here is my plan: I will cook my steak unbreaded on the George Foreman grill and have a salad. Sliced strawberries with frothed milk sweetened with Xylitol will be my dessert. My plan allows 2 tablespoons of milk a day and I can froth that up to look like a lot!


Happy weekend everyone!

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Well' date=' today I am down 9 pounds and tomorrow is my two week mark on the VLCD. I hope to be down ten. Is that too much to ask? [/size']


I can't get over how great I feel, with no decrease in my energy levels! Robo, I am amazed that I have not been hungry either. Sometimes at work about 6 pm my stomach growls but I just ignore it until I have a chance to eat. The thing is, I stay SOOO busy at work and have to squeeze in my meal!


Also, everything tastes so good. I am using lots of herbs. I grow basil and rosemary and use them a lot.


Eager to check in tomorrow morning!



This diet is so amazing for me as well. I hope this feeling of not being hungry never goes away. That has always been my battle in the past...giving in to "Hungry"...I'm just lovin' it.


Well, how did you do this morning????????? My board has really been acting wierd. Last night I came to check in and the board only went thru August 9th....Then this morning when I posted it only went thru the 18th and then after I refreshed I saw this e-mail from you and my post from last night. Strange...................check in....Let us know how you did at your two week mark....Good luck!!!



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DOWN 10!!! I just love this diet!!!


Robo: I can 'see' everything. Maybe it is your computer?


Tonight is the struggle for me. My son and his GF are coming over for dinner. I am cooking Chicken fried steak' date=' (I know, I know, my DH's birthday dinner and only once a year do I cook that way) mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, and DS's GF is bringing DH's favorite cake. :eek: OK, here is my plan: I will cook my steak unbreaded on the George Foreman grill and have a salad. Sliced strawberries with frothed milk sweetened with Xylitol will be my dessert. My plan allows 2 tablespoons of milk a day and I can froth that up to look like a lot![/color']


Happy weekend everyone!


Great minds think alike....I was wishing you well on your weigh in this morning as you were typing this post. I'm so happy for you Medi.....You've got a plan in place for tonight..It will make you feel so good tomorrow if you stick to that plan..Check in tomorrow and let us know how you did.


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Robo: I am so with you! Four years ago I was at my full term pregnancy weight and took off some. (I had gained 50 with both my kids and never had trouble taking it off again, but that was in my 30's) I am 56 now and had been having hip stiffness/pain for two years, and have lost flexibility in that hip. I just wanted to get down to a reasonable healthy weight, not my lovely skinny of days gone by. I think this diet is the answer for me too.


I have been menopausal for 12 years now and I think I am FINALLY through it. That is when the weight started creeping up to unhealthy levels on my scale. OK, on my body...I can't leave the blame on the scale! Now that my hormones are more stabilized I think I can get to a healthy weight and stay there more easily.


I decided to try acai juice for the antioxidant boost also. I started that two weeks ago and MY HIP STIFFNESS/PAIN IS GONE!!! I just cannot attribute it to anything else but the juice. I got it at my local health food store. I picked the most expensive one after reading all the labels carefully and will stick to that brand. I had read about Monavie, but that brand is twice the price of what I got. Just could not pay that much not knowing if it would help me or not.


All in all, this is the best I have felt in probably six years or so. Like you, I want this to be a permanent change and I think that this thread is going to make a difference for me. Love all the support.

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Robo: I am so with you! Four years ago I was at my full term pregnancy weight and took off some. (I had gained 50 with both my kids and never had trouble taking it off again' date=' but that was in my 30's) I am 56 now and had been having hip stiffness/pain for two years, and have lost flexibility in that hip. I just wanted to get down to a reasonable healthy weight, not my lovely skinny of days gone by. I think this diet is the answer for me too. [/size']


I have been menopausal for 12 years now and I think I am FINALLY through it. That is when the weight started creeping up to unhealthy levels on my scale. OK, on my body...I can't leave the blame on the scale! Now that my hormones are more stabilized I think I can get to a healthy weight and stay there more easily.


I decided to try acai juice for the antioxidant boost also. I started that two weeks ago and MY HIP STIFFNESS/PAIN IS GONE!!! I just cannot attribute it to anything else but the juice. I got it at my local health food store. I picked the most expensive one after reading all the labels carefully and will stick to that brand. I had read about Monavie, but that brand is twice the price of what I got. Just could not pay that much not knowing if it would help me or not.


All in all, this is the best I have felt in probably six years or so. Like you, I want this to be a permanent change and I think that this thread is going to make a difference for me. Love all the support.


Medi - You sound like you are describing my life....I'm 54 and finally thru menopause (I think) and my main issues there were hair loss...in reading these boards I heared of someone complaining about hair loss so I sure hope that doesn't affect me. I don't have a whole lot to begin with...


Hey you mentioned frothing milk to put on strawberries.....It's probably a stupid question but can you froth skim milk and can you use flavored Stevia? that would be fabulous.


Have a wonderful day and I'm off to our friends house for a little sun and relaxation today.



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Frothed milk: The lower the fat content, the better it froths! I use skim or 1/2 percent.


Wish I could give you some hair as hairdressers have always told me I have enough for three people! My late husband had WAY more hair than I did and you almost can't see the scalp of my son - his is so thick!

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Hey Losers Guess what????

I am Pregnant...:D:p

At least that's what my blood test came back as....

I was SO happy to hear the news..

I was questioning my HCG strength. I was second guessing

if it was real or not. Well I had blood test last week and when

I went in for my results they came back that I was pregnant.

That means my HCG was the REAL McCoy..

Ok so DH and I both ended at 32 lbs each. The last couple

of shot I went down below my revised goal.

You two girls are doing wonderfully. Do either of you do any

exercise? The is defiantly the BEST diet ever. I can notice a big

difference in my legs as well as my upper body and arms.

Robo you were asking about chicken recipes. The best ones

I use are salad cut up chicken with ACV or hot sauce. My

all time favorite is cut up chicken in lettuce leafs with hot sauce.

I use red devil, Tabasco or Louisiana.. Make sure you use more

then one leaf per taco. The other day I made cabbage with

ground chicken. I used a quarter head and filled up each

leaf with a little gr chick and added hot sauce.

Keep up the good work.

Where are the old girls??

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Hi, i am new to this thread, i have been thinking about this for a few days and have now done the purchase! It should arrive tomorrow! I am a bit worried about this as i do like my carbs and my wine. I will be going on my cruise Oct 7 and would love to look my best for the clothes i have bought for this.

Does anyone have any really good tips to start me off? I know to eat large on the first two days, but i am not sure about after this. Are soups good? And salads, what dressings are allowed? Are we allowed marinated chicken to go in the salads?

All your help will be gratefully accepted.


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AZ: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! So happy for you! Aren't you glad you have thiis diet to fall back on after the baby?


Welcome Glenlea! Glad to have you join us. I am quite new to this thread also and have been SO welcomed. I only use seasoning on my meat (make sure there is no 'hidden' sugar in the ingredients). I saw recently they are inventing new names for sugar in ingredient lists like "evaporated cane solids". How about that one?! The only allowable 'dressing' is apple cider vinegar for salads or vegetables. I know of no 'less strict' protocols for this diet, but maybe someone else does.


Going to an unexpected funeral out of town today with my kids. My late husband's stepfather died Friday. That whole side of the family will be there and it will be a challenging day diet wise with traveling and after the funeral. I am concerned about it and do not want the scale to go backwards!

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Hey Losers Guess what????

I am Pregnant...:D:p


Ok so DH and I both ended at 32 lbs each. The last couple

of shot I went down below my revised goal.


I can't believe how well you two have done. I congratulate you both.


You two girls are doing wonderfully. Do either of you do any




The is defiantly the BEST diet ever. I can notice a big

difference in my legs as well as my upper body and arms.


Robo you were asking about chicken recipes. The best ones

I use are salad cut up chicken with ACV or hot sauce. My

all time favorite is cut up chicken in lettuce leafs with hot sauce.

I use red devil, Tabasco or Louisiana.. Make sure you use more

then one leaf per taco. The other day I made cabbage with

ground chicken. I used a quarter head and filled up each

leaf with a little gr chick and added hot sauce.


Where are the old girls??


OMG AZ.....PREGNANT.....For real? I am so happy for you? Is this your first? What a wonderful surprise!!!! I'm glad to see that you are not in the old lady group like me. Please don't drop off this board. I have found you so refreshing thru all of my reading. I have made it thru the whole board and I feel like I have read a small novel...


You know a lot of times the threads get off the main subject but this one intertwines everyones lives and still stays true to its meaning. I wish some of the others would come back. I know that Jennifer is coming to Vegas in October and I'm just wondering how's she's still doing maintaining...JUST DON'T LEAVE US!!




I am going to do the 40 days and the last 23 DH is going to join me (maybe).....You will probably have to kick up those calories now..How truly exciting for you....



I haven't done any yet....I was always told by everyone at my office that you shouldn't do any exercise while you are in P3....My doctors office also told me that you should do exercise. But you girls all seem to have done some thru out and it seems to have helped. I'm going to start doing a little. Just don't know if I should do cardio or a little muscle building.




I'm hoping this helps my legs and my hips. My legs used to be my best attribute but now I would be a poster child or cellulite..



Yummmmmmm.....great ideas, thanks so much. Never even thought about ground chicken. It's already getting pretty boring on the grill. I made a quick salad dressing last night and it was to die for....It made enough for my husband and myself for our salads and enough for another salad a piece.



4 oz strawberries

1 T of Dijon mustard

1 1/2 T of White Balsamic Vinegar

Salt and Pepper

1 packet of Stevia


I just blended it all up in my little bullet and it was thick enough to cling to the spinach and had a FABULOUS taste. I put some Feta Cheese on DH salad and mine just was spinach but I can hardly wait to have the rest today.



And Yes....WHERE ARE YOU GIRLS....I would love for some of the old girls to pop in and say hello...



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I have found a site that gives loads of recipes. this will be helpful. Is there a website though that gives all the allowable foods? Preferably one of the less strict ones :)



I will take over for Big and Liz here since they are out experiencing life this weekend but will be back.......They would recommend that before you start on this endeavor to find a copy of Dr. Simmeons Pound and Inches protocol on the internet somewhere. It will be the basis for everything that you do. You're going to have to decide what works best for you.

I myself have been sticking to the strict protocol without deviation. There are a lot of sites out there that can give you the food lists etc. Look at one of the websites that actually sell the product and you can get a brief protocol there but never a substitute for reading Pounds and Inches.


Be prepared, be prepared, be prepared.....You sound like me with the carbs as your best friend and the wine.....You definitely will not be able to do either of these in P2..... You can check on HCGBasics dot com I have found this site helpful for me....


Start there and then check back in.



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Going to an unexpected funeral out of town today with my kids. My late husband's stepfather died Friday. That whole side of the family will be there and it will be a challenging day diet wise with traveling and after the funeral. I am concerned about it and do not want the scale to go backwards!


Medi....I so sorry that you have to deal with a funeral at any time let along during this phase of your diet. Please feel all of our arms around you supporting you thru this very hard time.


Drink some extra water in hopes it will fill you up more and keep you from eating to badly. Life does happen and you can't beat yourself up about it if you make an effort. We are all here to support you...There are always vegetables everywhere you would eat.....Maybe fill up on them and if your protein choices aren't the best...just remove any visable carb and that's about all you can do. Water' date=' Water Water.....[/size']


You will do fine.....Please be safe in your travel and we are all here for you when you get back.



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Hi, i am new to this thread, i have been thinking about this for a few days and have now done the purchase! It should arrive tomorrow! I am a bit worried about this as i do like my carbs and my wine. I will be going on my cruise Oct 7 and would love to look my best for the clothes i have bought for this.

Does anyone have any really good tips to start me off? I know to eat large on the first two days, but i am not sure about after this. Are soups good? And salads, what dressings are allowed? Are we allowed marinated chicken to go in the salads?

All your help will be gratefully accepted.




OH YES.......and Liz would tell you to MAKE SURE TO TAKE YOUR MEASUREMENTS....This is one of the best rewarding things you will do. when the scale doesn't move you can be almost certain that the inches are coming off. I am a firm believer that you can't do both at the same time. I think you either lose weight or you lose inches.....Your body does need to catch up to yor weight loss....


Go ahead Liz....Take the reins!!!!



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Hello my chickies! Az, you're what???? How EXCITING!!! Wow! Big congrats to you!!!

Give us details! Obviously not the 'how' but when are you due, is your hubby thrilled? What are the ages of your others? Inquiring minds want to know...lol


Robo, you crack me up! I am such a big cheerleader for measuring because even my first round (shots then), I would go two or three days with no weight loss and I was beyond frustrated, so what did I do? I measured. Every week for awhile I measured. During that first round, I lost the following: 1" above the bust, that's right under your armpits around your torso, 1 1/2" under the bust (bra strap area), 2" in my waist, 1" hips and 9 lbs. I take measurements at least at the beginning at the end of each of the 4 rounds I've done. When I gain weight back, I find it interesting to know exactly where I put it on and the biggest 'aha' moment came for me when I discovered that the round when I exercised regularly, I lost more weight and my waist was much smaller, even at the same weight. So for me, exercise is more than 10% in this equation. Thanks Robo for the sermon, preach on girl!


Medi, my prayers are with you and his family. If you can, pick up some apples for your journey and like Robo said, keep pushing the water.


Keyboard is acting up, I'll be back later.




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Hello my chickies! Az, you're what???? How EXCITING!!! Wow! Big congrats to you!!!

Give us details! Obviously not the 'how' but when are you due, is your hubby thrilled? What are the ages of your others? Inquiring minds want to know...lol


Robo, you crack me up! I am such a big cheerleader for measuring because even my first round (shots then), I would go two or three days with no weight loss and I was beyond frustrated, so what did I do? I measured. Every week for awhile I measured. During that first round, I lost the following: 1" above the bust, that's right under your armpits around your torso, 1 1/2" under the bust (bra strap area), 2" in my waist, 1" hips and 9 lbs. I take measurements at least at the beginning at the end of each of the 4 rounds I've done. When I gain weight back, I find it interesting to know exactly where I put it on and the biggest 'aha' moment came for me when I discovered that the round when I exercised regularly, I lost more weight and my waist was much smaller, even at the same weight. So for me, exercise is more than 10% in this equation. Thanks Robo for the sermon, preach on girl!


Medi, my prayers are with you and his family. If you can, pick up some apples for your journey and like Robo said, keep pushing the water.


Keyboard is acting up, I'll be back later.






Well this little (big) chickie really is more like a newborn calf...At least that is they way I looked all sprauled out on the bowling alley this afternoon. What a sight that was. so much for my exercise..A friend of mine talked me in to bowling on a league and it starts next week. (sounds kind of old ladyish, huh) so since the last time I was bowling was the night my baby was born and that was 35 years ago so I thought it might not hurt to see if I still new how......1st game....not so bad 120......2nd game, 4th frame.....a gutter ball and me all over that alley. I have two bruised knees and a bruised elbow....Thank god I didn't get skid marks on my face..I can cover my stupidity with sleaves and long pants but your face.....whew!!!!

ended up that game with an 88.....Then the next game I was still so worried about falling I bowled a 98....Maybe I should re-think this bowlling thing....


Now on to other subjects.....Do you think it is necessary to drink some smooth move tea....If nothing happens here today it will be 7 complete days...The wierd thing is I really don't even feel like I need to go.....Is it possible that my body is using up everything. It's really kind of a welcome change for me.....I don't feel bloated...not sure what to make of this....


I sure found a receipe for marinating chicken that I love, love love...

It's tequila lime (and no you CANNOT comsume the tequila) and it is fabulous.....I've tried Mrs. Dashing it....Marinating it with Conchita Mojo Criollo and I totally have to swallow twice to get it down....This is Fabulous.....It has not sugar and it has not oil and delish!!!


Well I hope everyone is drinking their water and staying on track......hopefully my weight loss will pick up a little bit...Everyone has done so well and seems to lose at least 10 lbs in 10 days....As for me...

I guess I could say that I've lost 11.1 in 10 days but that would include my after loading loss when actually I really only lost 7.6 in 10 days.....I've been so good...don't understand it.


Let's face those scales tomorrow morning together.....Good luck Slimmies....


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GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS, You all are way TOO funny...

I would kill myself if I was really pregnant, so would


I was really saying that when you are on HCG and its the

REAL McCoy your body thinks your pregnant and uses your

fat more efficiently. I was questioning my HCG strength. I had

blood work done at the Dr for another reason. That's when my Dr

told me I was pregnant (not really) it was the hcg in my

system. OMG Please don't wish that on me..

Robo I am old too. I have all the aces and pains like

you all.:( DH and I did get a GOOD laugh out of it.:D

Read it again.....


Hey Losers Guess what????

I am Pregnant...:D:p

At least that's what my blood test came back as....

I was SO happy to hear the news..

I was questioning my HCG strength. I was second guessing

if it was real or not. Well I had blood test last week and when

I went in for my results they came back that I was pregnant.

That means my HCG was the REAL McCoy..

Silly Girls

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