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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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Glenlea - I have heard of the sore boobs as a side effect- my friend at work got this with the hcg shots, she was miserable!


I tried using Myfitness Pal awhile back - it is a good app but I did not have the time to input all my daily data so I kind of just abandoned it- I had some good ppl as friends helping me. It is similar to facebook maybe I should try it again.

I am almost over this cold so I will be starting again.

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sandyjabs, yay another floridian, where in orlando? i am south about 3 hours from you.


medical, i have an iphone so i am going to find that app!


big, i am copying pasting my instructions. arent you midwest where they are just realllllyyyy lllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddddd back? sorry couldnt resist.


az i have been dreaming of my greek yoghurt, oh i cant wait to eat that again. going on amazon to order stevia, toffee sounds so yummy. any other flavors?


wishing everyone a lazy LABOR DAY!

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OK Ladies' date=' the scale said 12.5 down this morning. Me on the scale..."Is it less, is it less, (as it slowly bounces up and down) down a little more, yes? yes. YES!!" I have one of those scales like at the doctor's office with weights that move left and right and it doesn't lie to me. [/size']


Az, I just got My Fitness Pal the other day 'cause a friend recommended it to me! I haven't tried it yet. Guess I will today.


Robo: My sister and were on a diet together once and I ate something that I wasn't supposed to have. We were in a restaurant so I thought I would get away with it. She looked at me and "Spit it out!" I did and was mortified. :eek: So, don't TOUCH that cake! If you do, I hope you can hear me saying "SPIT IT OUT!!!"


Now, I am going to water some thirsty plants and then on the treadmill. HAVE A GREAT DAY LADIES!



You must have been the little devil/angel sitting on my shoulder telling me NO NO NO......I went to bed and all was good.....No slip up.


Are you on P3 now? How's it going?

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going on amazon to order stevia, toffee sounds so yummy. any other flavors?


wishing everyone a lazy LABOR DAY!


Army - So glad you are finally back and in the saddle. I've found that my favorite are the lemon stevia and vanilla creme. I love to make Iced coffee with the vanilla creme and just sparkling water with a squeeze of lemon and the lemon stevia. I can drink that all night. I put it in a huge wine glass and it seems way more sinful. I have all of the flavors of drops except for cinnamon. The Valencia Orange is also very good in water with a little squeeze of orange as well. I've bought all of mine at Whole Foods. The have a fabulous selection. Here they are about $13.99 a bottle but a couple of weeks ago they had them for $10.99..


AZ good luck with dinner at the Mexican Restaurant. I know how you are feeling.


Medi I'm having the opposite effect as you with the clothes. I'm down 14.5 and really feel like I have lost weight and inches and when I tried my cruise clothes on from last fall they were so skin tight that I felt terrible. Even though I've talked about it I haven't started but I think that I am going to start some classes at our gym because I think it is now about the toning.


We went to friends last night to play cards and for dinner. I told them not to be offended but I was going to bring my own food because of the diet I was on. No problem there at all EXCEPT...Pat made Barbecued Ribs...Eazy Cheeeeeeezy Potatoes...Glazed Carrots.........Honey Baked Ham......dinner rolls/with butter................and Apple Pie....WOW was that a challenge but I made it thru with not even a nibble. Then I woke up this morning to .3 gain...some how that just doesn't seem fair....I'm on day 26 and it, for the first time, is starting to get harder and harder to stay focused. I think if the weight and inches were coming off a little better it would be more encouraging but Big...you told Army that she could easily get 20 lbs off in 21 days and I'm thinking that if I'm 14.5 lbs in 25 days that's not real good since I have about 70 to lose.


Well I hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day and that the scales treat you good tomorrow.



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[quote name=Robocop42385;30472929


Medi I'm having the opposite effect as you with the clothes. I'm down 14.5 and really feel like I have lost weight and inches and when I tried my cruise clothes on from last fall they were so skin tight that I felt terrible. Even though I've talked about it I haven't started but I think that I am going to start some classes at our gym because I think it is now about the toning.


We went to friends last night to play cards and for dinner. I told them not to be offended but I was going to bring my own food because of the diet I was on. No problem there at all EXCEPT...Pat made Barbecued Ribs...Eazy Cheeeeeeezy Potatoes...Glazed Carrots.........Honey Baked Ham......dinner rolls/with butter................and Apple Pie....WOW was that a challenge but I made it thru with not even a nibble. Then I woke up this morning to .3 gain...some how that just doesn't seem fair....I'm on day 26 and it' date=' for the first time, is starting to get harder and harder to stay focused. I think if the weight and inches were coming off a little better it would be more encouraging but Big...you told Army that she could easily get 20 lbs off in 21 days and I'm thinking that if I'm 14.5 lbs in 25 days that's not real good since I have about 70 to lose.


Well I hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day and that the scales treat you good tomorrow.




:(I do not doubt that you need to lose 70 pounds, from your teeny tiny picture...I just don't see it. I am "suppose" to weight 135-140 pounds....believe me that ain't happening. I do need to get down to 165, about 30 pounds over my "ideal" weight but know that this weight of 160-165 is going to be right for me. Large bust would make me look like a freak at 140!!!

ARMY rapidly lost weight and I say congrats and good for her...BUT this isn't always typical for people...I just knew from before it was falling off her at a much more rapid rate than it did for me and many others. Please...do not compare yourself to other's success. You have stayed on course and you are doing this for you and WAY TO GO! Celebrate what you have done.:D

My first round I lost 25 pounds in 23 days...second round only 11 pounds in 23 days...I was too dispppointed but thought, hey I am losing and this is what I want to happen. So I took a big break and am going to have at it again for a third round. I have scaled back my expectations and will be happy for a 10 pound loss, that is about 1/2 pound a day.

I do encourage you to do some toning exercises, this is different than aerobics or strenuous exercise. It will help with those inches hiding under a layer of well you know...fat! And muscles help burn fat.

Perhaps you had gained more weight since last fall or put on some inches since then.

TODAY and TOMORROW are new days and new goals can be set and achieved! Take this one day at a time, I know so cliche' but true.

Hang in there and we do all feel your pain and disappointment....but you are going to get where you want to be.

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Also I would like to add that when you get to a point where the weight is not coming off, this is a sign that you need to go to P3. Not everyone CAN do the 40 days and the 23 days can be tough. I saw very little weight coming off after the first week of the second round. You can build an immunity to HCG and this is why they recommend that you take a 6 week break between rounds. I did, but still the second round was not as successful as the first.

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I feel 'normal' today. No more jitters. I did awesome today. I had turkey lettuce mustard rollups for lunch with raspberries. Dinner was a simple salad and strawberries and a tiny piece of meat. This is my 3rd day of phase 3. I need to measure again in the morning.


I sat at work today and watched two gals eat breakfast - biscuits and croissants with sausage and cheese on them. Mentally I was calculating calories for them. Then for lunch they each had a greasy burger and fries! :eek: It just made me sick to watch. Both of them are big gals in the late 20's.


We are all really different. My 14 pounds in 29 days is awesome I think. I am very happy with that. Thank you for that encouragement, Big. I couldn't agree more that we shouldn't compare.


Sandy, I have only used the cal counter and exercise input on Fitness Pal. I don't have the time to do any visiting there. It's all I can do to enter in my meals.



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I haven't written in a while but have kept up with the thread. You all are such an encouragement to me--thank you!


To remind: I had lost 50 lbs over two 40 days of shots a little over 2 years ago. Last Sept until this past July, had put on about 12-ish due to a cruise last Sept and just not watching the scale closely enough.


This past mid-July, 20 days on shots and then maintaining very careful eating, I've lost 18 lbs (2-3 were binge weight) in preparation for a cruise departing this Saturday!! I've also been careful to attend to reasons I want to eat and to my body's needs. I've added back calories but (pretty much!) only with healthy foods and not too much fat or sugars.


I say all this only to be an encourager that you can accomplish your goals if you just stick with it! Set realistic goals that are far reaching but also include short term ones so you can see the results. My long term is good health so I can cruise until I'm 100 but I have lots of short term goals too! I plan on not eating with my eyes on this cruise, serving small portions, asking for small portions, stopping if it isn't just scrumptious (don't eat it just because it is there), being careful with b'fast/lunch so I can have scones at tea and dessert at night, watching the liquor calories, walking the prominade for exercise and taking zumba classes, etc, etc. I don't want to gain at all, of course, but I also want to limit any gain to 3 lbs!! Valiant goals that I may not achieve in total but if I had none, I would be in trouble!


I'll let you know how I do; wish I could take the scale with me on the trip!!


Keep up the good work all of you--it is achievable! I thought, almost 60 lbs ago, that it was not doable for a 55 y/o post menopausal woman--but I just kept my eyes on the goal even when I would eat off plan.


Figuring out the why of my eating was the best part of losing the weight as I can be in control of my body and my life and not mastered by the food. I can limit my intake--not quit eating those things but limit them. Everything is permissible for me but not everything is beneficial!! I can eat anything but why would I? Self-control is a disturbing word; who is going to be the master: me or the food?

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I feel 'normal' today. No more jitters. I did awesome today. I had turkey lettuce mustard rollups for lunch with raspberries. Dinner was a simple salad and strawberries and a tiny piece of meat. This is my 3rd day of phase 3. I need to measure again in the morning.


I sat at work today and watched two gals eat breakfast - biscuits and croissants with sausage and cheese on them. Mentally I was calculating calories for them. Then for lunch they each had a greasy burger and fries! :eek: It just made me sick to watch. Both of them are big gals in the late 20's.


We are all really different. My 14 pounds in 29 days is awesome I think. I am very happy with that. Thank you for that encouragement' date=' Big. I couldn't agree more that we shouldn't compare.[/font']


Sandy, I have only used the cal counter and exercise input on Fitness Pal. I don't have the time to do any visiting there. It's all I can do to enter in my meals.




Did I actually detect a name here. Would it be Robin?

Thanks again for all the encouraging words of advice between you and Big...You girls keep me strong.


Today I am still up the .3 but it doesn't really bother me. I'm not as concerned about the lbs as the inches. I need to take those measurements as I am sure it will give me quite a lift. Big, you are to kind...about my picture. All of my weight is from the waist down and so if I am in a picture that is from the waist up all is good.


I'm already planning on how to handle P3 when it comes...I know that I have time but really want to get a handle on it. I started out the beginning of the year doing weight watchers but just had a really hard time getting into the new program because it is now centered around carbs and I just couldn't handle it....go figure.....then I start this diet and it is all about the carbs "or not" and I'm doing fabulous. I mean really when you think about it....There's no way in heck I would have lost 15 or 16 lbs (estimating my future week) on weight watchers in a month. I think it might be good for me for P3 because it is pretty much all the fruits and veggies you want and you don't really eat the bread carbs as they are so many points....even a glass of wine is like 4 pts for 4 oz..."and 4 oz.....why bother". Did I mention how much I LOVE this diet.


Big, I'm about in the same weight range as you for a final count. I myself don't have that bust issue happening. When are you going to start R3? Did you say mid September (15th ish). Come one girl, join me here.


Army, did you get started? How's it going?


Sandyjabbs - did you get started again? How are you doing.


Glenlea, are you still with us?


And last but surely not least.......AZ....how did it go girl on Mexican Restaurant Night. Fill us in on the food....How is P3 going...and BOOT CAMP....is it kicking your butt? We had, a few years ago, a competition to see who could lose the biggest percentage of weight over 4 months. Our manager paid for us all to train with a trainer for the 1st two sessions. We started out with the bands (I think that was just to get us hooked) and then the BOOT CAMP creeped in. I had many a day that I couldn't get up off of the toilet seat very well. When you have to use the handicapped bathroom so you can use the grab bars....that's pretty bad. Let me know how its going...


Have a fantastic week everyone.


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I say all this only to be an encourager that you can accomplish your goals if you just stick with it! Set realistic goals that are far reaching but also include short term ones so you can see the results. My long term is good health so I can cruise until I'm 100 but I have lots of short term goals too! I plan on not eating with my eyes on this cruise, serving small portions, asking for small portions, stopping if it isn't just scrumptious (don't eat it just because it is there), being careful with b'fast/lunch so I can have scones at tea and dessert at night, watching the liquor calories, walking the prominade for exercise and taking zumba classes, etc, etc. I don't want to gain at all, of course, but I also want to limit any gain to 3 lbs!! Valiant goals that I may not achieve in total but if I had none, I would be in trouble!


I'll let you know how I do; wish I could take the scale with me on the trip!!


Keep up the good work all of you--it is achievable! I thought, almost 60 lbs ago, that it was not doable for a 55 y/o post menopausal woman--but I just kept my eyes on the goal even when I would eat off plan.


Figuring out the why of my eating was the best part of losing the weight as I can be in control of my body and my life and not mastered by the food. I can limit my intake--not quit eating those things but limit them. Everything is permissible for me but not everything is beneficial!! I can eat anything but why would I? Self-control is a disturbing word; who is going to be the master: me or the food?


Thank you gottacruise

You are absolutely encouraging to me. Right up there with Big and AZ....those two girls have been the constant on this board and for them I am ever grateful. You, Big and I all sound like we are pretty much in the same age group. It's really great to know that you have had such great success. Big has been within her 2 to 3 lbs and just keeps us ever mindful of how important it is to weigh every day and keep track of everything and nip it in the bud as soon as that scale starts to creep up but more importantly to evaluate the reason for our gain.


Good luck gottacruise on your cruise and I hope that it turns out exactly the way you are expecting. Please check in when you get back. Also, I bet there is a scale in the fitness room on your ship...check it out. Bon Voyage.....



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Yup...I'll be double nickels this Nov.

With any luck at all, I will have lost 55 pounds (or maybe even a little more) by then.


I have to say, and maybe I am mis-reading the thoughts of some...that P3 is not a losing phase...although some people do lose on P3. Never happened to me tho!

P2 is the losing phase.


Good luck to everyone and I am having an old favorite tonight...fish tacos...but wrapped in romaine leafs...ummmmm good

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Hi Losers a quick check in..

Robo good to see ya back Girlie. You are doing great and have

a great attitude. How are your clothes fitting?? Loose I bet. Exercise??

Gotta cruise, good to see you again. Thanks for all the

positive encouragement.

Big always good to see you pop in with your great knowledge and

wonderful advise. Looking forward to following your Ph 2

with you.

Medi, Oh that kills me to see Big girls eat so unhealthy. Glad your doing


DH and I are staying steady up 1 down 2 up 2 down 1..:eek: But we

are staying in our range. I have never maintained a weight loss before. It

feels SO good this time to be so strong and in control. I ordered

a travel scale from amazon the other day. Because I am SO stinkin

serious about my maintenance, I want to make sure I am ALWAYS in range. I never want to go back.



We didn't end up going for Mexican food my Nephew called and

Dad wasn't feeling up to it.:( I had a plan though. I was going to forgo the Marg (that's huge for me) and Have a salad with Chicken

salsa and guacamole. I will wait till Ph 4 till I have Margs or wine.

Have a great night all,


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Yeah, Robocop, I know about the scale in the fitness room but weight loss or not--I'm not going naked to weigh in!! LOL


That's why one in the cabin would be nice:)


I imagine I will check out the one in the fitness room though just to keep myself honest.


I will report back after the trip; thank you for your very kind words and encouragement.

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Here I am..Ok, I did not have a good day yesterday. That is a first for me. But today is a new day and I am back on track. My husband seems to think it is the limited food I am eating, not sure what it was, but I will not let it destroy what I have done so far.


Robo, I keep forgetting to measure.


Gotta Cruise, you know how we all feel. I have thought about scales on cruises and I think they need to put them in front of the buffets and dining rooms, lol not the gym, that is where abnormal fitness minded people go!


Wishing everyone a losing day

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Good evening ladies!


I was born in Feb. of '55, so that makes me how old? Don't want to think about it. You are as young as you feel right?


Today I need to be spanked! I had a taco salad for lunch and ate it all. I did not feel very well afterwards though. Sluggish all afternoon, but I did a lot of walking from building to building at work. That helps. We have a golf cart we can take but I stay off of it as my LVN's use it to go to the pharmacy, infirmary or central supply. I work at a State Supported Living Center and it used to be an army base so it is very spread out.


Gottacruise, have a GREAT trip. Know that we will be here for you when you get back!


I am going to measure tonight. I am packing for my "girlfriend" weekend. I will drive to Houston after work tomorrow and leave out of Hobby airport Friday morning. I will be back late Monday. One other gal has been on the diet, so maybe she and I can keep each other on track. I think comparing my measurements with my "beginning" measurements may give me great encouragement!


Talk to you all when I get back!

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Yup...I'll be double nickels this Nov.

With any luck at all, I will have lost 55 pounds (or maybe even a little more) by then.


I have to say, and maybe I am mis-reading the thoughts of some...that P3 is not a losing phase...although some people do lose on P3. Never happened to me tho!

P2 is the losing phase.


Good luck to everyone and I am having an old favorite tonight...fish tacos...but wrapped in romaine leafs...ummmmm good


Big - November what.....Double Nickels for me as well in November. I knew we had a lot in common.

Down 15.5 as of today and down 12 total inches. DH is always so complimentary. Never says a word when I blow up like a cow....but always says something the second I start losing. Maybe this time it will be the right time to not lose and put it all back on. I'll tell you though...My pour skin can't take much more gaining and losing...up and down....I think if I just stay true to this board then everyone here will help me along.

I am starting to look forward to cheese on my salad and a little olive oil to cook my fish in and some additional veggies....

Medi...good luck on the girlies weekend. Just make sure to have a fabulous time and don't stress over the food.

Gotta Cruise....Have a wonderful time on your cruise. We'll be waiting to hear all about it.

AZ...are you still doing boot camp?

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Hi losers,

Robo I have not started Boot camp yet..

We are leaving next Tuesday for San Diego

for a week. So I didn't want to start Boot camp for a week

and then stop for a week. But I did buy the package already

I am all signed up for the last week of September..:rolleyes:

Big, I did add in my ab tape. I walk/jog every am 2 1/2 miles

then I come home and do my ab tape. Its 7-9 minutes a day.

My whole family is going to San Diego next week. We rented 5

condos on the beach. We are taking Dad for our last hoorah.

We have lots to GREAT memories as kids vacationing there

every summer.

Robo, When do you start Ph3? Great job on the Lbs and Inches.

Medi, Have a great trip

Army, How's it going? You back on track?

Hey Big, Is Ph 4 losing ph? Or still maintain?

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AZ, I am hanging in, I started walking in the pool, I think that is what set me off the other day. I ate things I shouldnt but so far only gained .2 oz. No excuse. But I have to start doing something and I had back surgery so I have to be careful.


Big, I do believe the walking is tiring me out and making me feel off. I had tons of energy and since I started walking in the pool I am pooped. I may cut it half to see if that helps, I want my energy back.


Hoping everyone is well and losers!

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Robo...you have a husband like mine, aren't they just too sweet. Who needs candy with guys like ours???

Mine is Nov 27th, as is my middle son...of course I am older than him...LOL


P1 Load...NOT a weight loss LOL, but funnest part of the diet

P2 weight loss of an average 1/2 pound daily

P3 metabolism re-set most people do not lose more but some have had some weight loss. You need to have 1500 calories a day, and should be concentrating on maintaining LDW. You actually do get some sugars and carbs, like those naturally occurring in fruits and vegs. See your book for foods allowed.

P4 TOTAL MAINTENANCE! No losses, stay with in 2-3 pounds of LDW GRADUAL introduction of sugars and carbs


Have DH brother from NY coming so I may be gone for a little while...PLEASE do not worry (you know who you are) I SHALL return and may even get a chance to chime in now and then.


ARMY....we will have no more yelling at you...ok? Exercise during P2 is really not recommended, but I know that many do...just take it easy so you can feel as good as you possibly can. P3 you can hit it hard!

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Robo...you have a husband like mine, aren't they just too sweet. Who needs candy with guys like ours???

Mine is Nov 27th, as is my middle son...of course I am older than him...LOL


P1 Load...NOT a weight loss LOL, but funnest part of the diet

P2 weight loss of an average 1/2 pound daily

P3 metabolism re-set most people do not lose more but some have had some weight loss. You need to have 1500 calories a day, and should be concentrating on maintaining LDW. You actually do get some sugars and carbs, like those naturally occurring in fruits and vegs. See your book for foods allowed.

P4 TOTAL MAINTENANCE! No losses, stay with in 2-3 pounds of LDW GRADUAL introduction of sugars and carbs


Have DH brother from NY coming so I may be gone for a little while...PLEASE do not worry (you know who you are) I SHALL return and may even get a chance to chime in now and then.


ARMY....we will have no more yelling at you...ok? Exercise during P2 is really not recommended, but I know that many do...just take it easy so you can feel as good as you possibly can. P3 you can hit it hard!


Big...got ya beat on the double nickels by a round of P3 exactly.....I spit my water on my baked apples when you said that you were older than your son.


I guess I should really get an HCG book of some sorts...I've just downloaded the information that came with my shots and of course the Pounds and Inches but Big you always have so much helpful information. Can I order the book you have off of Amazon?


AZ...I'm so jealous...I would love to spend time on the beach in San Diego. And it makes it even more special as you are surrounded by family. You should be able to get a lot of exercise in just walking around. Have a fabulous time.


I still have another 2 weeks on P2 so I'm really trying to get creative with the chicken....I'm just looking forward to a little bit of Olive Oil and Feta Cheese in a couple of weeks. And maybe a low fat salad dressing that tastes pretty good. That's been my hardest challenge. I absolutely love salad but I can't find anything to put on it that is allowable except for mashed strawberries and vinegar and dijon mustard, salt and pepper....


Well we finally got Army back and now where the heck is Liz.....


Tomorrow is Friday and I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend..Pop in and say hello and enjoy every minute of the weekend.

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I guess I should really get an HCG book of some sorts...I've just downloaded the information that came with my shots and of course the Pounds and Inches but Big you always have so much helpful information. Can I order the book you have off of Amazon?


Yes it is 'HCG Weight Loss Cure Guide by Linda Prinster

and I did get it from Amazon


Hoping everyone also has a good week-end and we see some old posters back on here, if anything to let us know they are ok.

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Helllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooo friends!!!!

Thought you'd heard the last of me? bahaha...no way. Now that my wireless keyboard has new batteries I can type normal words! Although it was fun holding down the 'l', lol.

I'm so proud of all of you! It sounds like you guys are really doing well, moving a bit more, etc. Don't you just love boot camp? I'm so sorry my ab muscles have pain in layers. I never knew I had muscles in my sides of my abs, but something is aching, so they must be muscles! Last bootcamp I counted 300+ crunches of some sort total. No wonder things hurt!

And I made it through 42 1/2 push ups! That was over the course of an hour but STILL!

Gosh, it is amazing what this hcg journey does for you! Of course, this is year 3 of bootcamp for me so don't think I'm a studette, just a glutton for punishment I guess...lol


Ok, so girlfriend weekend? Back from Germany? San Diego? How great! You guys are going places!

Oh, one suggestion for you Army, I have also had back surgery so I understand the care you must take. I bought two things that made my pool time SO efficient and effective. Do you have the bouy belt or the webbed gloves? the belt just keeps you afloat so you can really work out easily and the gloves spread your fingers to get a great arm workout. front to back, up and down, you can get all your muscle groups just like with weights. I got them at sports authority but wal mart might even have them. Just a thought.

Ok, daughter has to be picked up at the high school...gotta run!

btw, up 12 pounds so I've got to start working on this maintainance thing! I've blown it all to #@%% lately and my pants aren't cute on me any more, lol.

Hugs to you all!!!!


MEASURE! You know who you are... :-)


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