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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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WOW! Big and Robo, what great losses!!! I haven't seen the scales move, but I guess that is expected in P3.


My daughter has decided to do my next round with me. Grand daughter and I are heading to Sam's today to stock up on salad supplies and veges. The cupboards are bare.


I walked SOOOO MUCH yesterday at work and it felt great! The weather was in the low 80's all morning. I am going to have to get a new battery for my pedometer today so I can track my distances, steps and calories. I am sure I did about 3 miles easily.


Army, I just measured my chest above the breasts, just below the breasts, upper arms, waist, hips (at widest part and top or thighs), upper thighs, above the knees and widest part of calves. That gives me a good idea where it is coming off.


Big, I am going to do just chicken, fish and shrimp on my next round. I watched a show (online at CNN) Dr. Sanjay Gupta did called "The Last Heart Attack". I recommend watching it. Our way of eating on P3 is really a healthy way to eat.


I am going to make that strawberry dressing you have all been raving about today. I must use up what I have in the fridge before they go bad. I wonder if I can freeze some in ice cube trays to take to work. I am going to try it.


Have a great day all!



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WOW! Big and Robo' date=' what great losses!!! I haven't seen the scales move, but I guess that is expected in P3.


My daughter has decided to do my next round with me. Grand daughter and I are heading to Sam's today to stock up on salad supplies and veges. The cupboards are bare.


I walked SOOOO MUCH yesterday at work and it felt great! The weather was in the low 80's all morning. I am going to have to get a new battery for my pedometer today so I can track my distances, steps and calories. I am sure I did about 3 miles easily.


Army, I just measured my chest above the breasts, just below the breasts, upper arms, waist, hips (at widest part and top or thighs), upper thighs, above the knees and widest part of calves. That gives me a good idea where it is coming off.


Big, I am going to do just chicken, fish and shrimp on my next round. I watched a show (online at CNN) Dr. Sanjay Gupta did called "The Last Heart Attack". I recommend watching it. Our way of eating on P3 is really a healthy way to eat.


I am going to make that strawberry dressing you have all been raving about today. I must use up what I have in the fridge before they go bad. I wonder if I can freeze some in ice cube trays to take to work. I am going to try it.


Have a great day all!






You have done great and way to step up the activity. P3 is not a losing phase, so no worries if you do or don't. You are encouraging to me!:)

It is always nice to have someone to do this journey with, my husband isn't much overweight and he has NO desire to give up his regular way of eating, although he does love the microwaved apples with stevia and cinnamon!


Army...I haven't yet have you????:confused:


Robo...I am more than delighted with the losses, of any kind. I am REALLY glad the load weight came off so fast.

You are right about the set point too...I know I weighed 175 for many years and that is where I always seem to stall. That was about my LDW in Jan. so I hope to overcome it this time. Maybe that is why I only lost 11 pounds the second round. (although .5 a day X 21 is about 11 pounds, there goes that greed thing again)

It is funny how many of us weigh less than the hubby's now...I always felt self conscience about that fact, not that Sid EVER said anything...but I knew and that was enough!


Have a great rest of the week-end and I did do some super lean beef wrapped in a lettuce leaf with some salsa in it, I am hoping by having for the noon meal, I can burn if off before tomorrow mornings weigh in. Fish tonight, I sooo love the Tilapia! Just nuked with a little seasoning or plain.

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Oh and Cyndee...we are trying to get things squared away to get a trip booked to Vegas, either late March or early April. If you are around and interested, I'd love to meet you over a cup of java!


Oh good grief....I just had this response to Big typed and started on one to Medi and my little Dooney put her nose on my keyboard and erased everything.


Big....I will be marking my calendar for spring March/April and if I could figure out how to do a countdown clock in my signature I would put that right on it. There's nothing I would love more than to meet you Big. I can't even figure out how to get the cruise countdown clock....


Medi ......you and Big have done so well on the P3....I hope it rubs off on me. I'm really nervous about it. AZ is even doing fabulous as well. I hope she's having a great time with her family in San Diego.....I wonder if she weighed herself on her new scale every day.


Army....I have this really great excel sheet that keeps track of weight and you can also put all of your measurements in it. I tried to somehow attach it here one day but could not figure out how to get it uploaded. Again....not very computer savey........


Let's take a tally......How many of us are loser's right now and how many are P3...seems like we are kind of split up....It's good that we have each other for support.....


Toodles for tonight and oodles of loses for everyone tomorrow.



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Robo, computers and me we are not a perfect match either and since the kids moved out I have lost my teachers! I don't know how to use excel, I still write everything down. But thanks to medi, I also use my iPhone with my fitness pal.


Ok, forgot to weigh, I know between that and measuring someone - anyone yell at me....


Raining here today so it looks like I will be stuck in the house today I may clean a closet or two out, since toilets are cleaned. If the sun pops out I may walk in the pool, I wont walk long.


Big how was the flower show and garage sale?


How are my fellow losers doing?


Have a losing day!

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The flower (orchid) show was stunning! I did not buy one however as my thumb is only 1/2 green...LOL Found some great deals at the garage sales, including a very nice and BIG suitcase for $2!!! More room for shoes!


Down 1 pound even this a.m. I go Friday to pick up the grandkids for the week-end, so that will be a challenge, feeding them one thing and me eating clean P2...but I WILL do it. Really want to get over than hump in the weight.


Cyndee...we are going to wait a little longer to book Vegas, but for sure will let you know. It will still be March or April.

Do you see any of the Cirque DuSoile shows? I just love them but the Criss Angel one was a littel disapppointing as it really was a souped up magic show, very good magic show but not the typical Cirque show. Mystere is still my favorite. I hope to see LOVE this time, last year I saw Lion King and was WOWED! We do a few other small shows cause who can gamble that much...LOL


Good luck ladies and we'll see you lighter or maintaining tomorrow!

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Here is something different, it is still in the experimental stage.


1.5 cups of shredded cabbage

1/2 apple grated

small dab of dijon mustard (my first try here and I used too much,1 teaspoon)

1/4 of a lemon juice

small amount of apple cider vinegar

Tablespoon of milk

Stevia to taste

Mix and it isn't too bad of a slaw


Letting it sit for a bit before I taste anymore but I did have too much mustard in this batch. Mix it up and let me know if your versions turn out any better. Will go ok with my fish for lunch today.

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Oh where O' Where are my fellow HCG'ers...have you lost so much you flew away?

Losing .6-.8 daily, struggling a little with some hunger but have added 50 calories of tuna (in water) a day to boost the protein. I think the cleaning jobs really take it out of me. Tomorrow will be day 8 of VLCD.


Hope someone comes back to say hi :~}

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I'm really not wanting to go on to P3...I just started losing again after my plateau.....If I'm not hungry it must be that the HCG is still working on me, right?


I'm at a dilema now...I was going to start P3 on Monday and do it for 3 weeks and then back to P2 for another 23 days....which would have been on October 17th. Now I have been selected as No. 8 of the top 150 people in my division to go to Phoenix on October 20-21 and they will wine and dine me and show us a fabulous time and that is just after I am supposed to start my next round. I am taking DH with me and we thought we would continue on and spend the weekend in Phoenix which makes me not getting into this until Monday the 24th..That just doesn't give me enough time to do another round (only 16 days) before I leave on my cruise.


How about I just stay on P2 from now until October 16th and then I won't have to worry about another round. Come one....let me hear all of the nays...but make them good nays......I still have at least another 18 lbs that I really want to lose before I cruise.


Help me ladies.....

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Yikes! Robo, what a dilemma. If you are losing again after not, then I would stay on P2 until your trip. Enjoy the wining and dining, then just do VERY careful P3 until your cruise. If you feel good, are losing, enjoying the diet, then just stick with it longer. Your body is responding well. If you try to do P2 during that trip you will just be setting yourself up for failure, and what a waste of the drops.


The strawberry dressing is FABULOUS! It froze well also. I am having it with chicken in my salad at lunch today.


I am back on 2 - 10 pm shift today. I do so much better on the diet when not eating dinner with DH. :o But I won't tell him that.


Two more days until second round of P2!


Happy losing ladies!



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you can stay on P2 for 40 days...no more and that includes two load days. AND CONGRATS on the job kudos!!!!!!


Of course it is entirely your decision but I would stay on P2 for the 38 days as long as you are losing. Then go to P3 and try to be careful as you can like Robin said...but you deserve to have some fun for your acomplishment.


As much as we all would like to lose so many pounds in one round, that isn't always reasonable or doable. Take what you can get and do another round later. I know you really want to lose 18 more pounds before cruise but how much have you lost already? The longer you go into P2, GENERALLY the less you lose towards the end of that phase. Not to be a naysayer, as everyone is different and lose more or less than others. Just be reasonable with your goals for each round.


Army, this week has been from ...well you know...I have grandkids this week-end and a long day Monday BUT I will be calling you next week. Your spinach stuff sounds ok....are you on antibiotics??? That can upset your stomach.


Have a great Thursday!

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Big and Medi

I would really like to go to P3 on Monday and make it work for me. It seems like all of my experiences in the past have been....diet like crazy.....take it off for an event........come back home and don't start another diet again until I have put it all back on....I want it to be different this time and so I think I will just work the plan and I will just stay on P3 until after Phoenix and then only do P2 again for 16 days before my cruise. At least this way I can see what P3 does to me thru having company and going away....


I feel good about this because I am really going to try to make this time be different and I know that no matter what you girls are here to give me a yeah or a "let's get back on track"...


Army.....Since I know you have measured yourself, I am going to be asking you on October 15th how many inches you have lost and you will be very happy to tell me that you are shrinking away....MEASURE MEASURE MEASURE....I will be coming to Florida on Novmeber 13th and you had better watch out if you haven't measured by then. All kidding aside...You will be so happy later if you just take 5 minutes now and jot it down....Call me and we can take our measurements together...


Hey AZ....I didn't think you were going to be gone this long.....I miss you and hope you are having a blast....


Liz.....I'm getting exhausted trying to get Army to measure herself....I could use your help here.....


I hope everyone is treated like you expect you should be on the scale tomorrow.



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Robo, make it work for ya. Sounds like you have a plan.


I am so nervous each morning when I get on the scale! I feel like I am being bad each day. That is how much this diet ingrains itself into our lives though I guess. I am happy to report that I am just 2.5 pounds up from my all time low still.


Have a losing day!



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Way to go Robin, keep it up and you will pass that.


The Smooth Move tea I use is from Traditonal Medicinals, they have a website you may be able to order from if you can't find it. Never saw the chocolate one, good thing I would say ;~D


Some muscles aches today but think that is from working too hard...lol...but true. Have been swamped and it's all been physical. I would have thought this mornings weight would have been bigger (greed) but alas .6


Good weights to you all.

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Same company, it has no calories. It wasn't bad. Hope it works.


Didn't you tell me any loss is a good one?



:Dwhy yes I did...and you WERE listening:)

I drink the strawberries mixed with ice, water and stevia nearly every night and now have no problems "there"


I have chocolate stevia drops I use every now and then on cut strawberries for a "fix"

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It's final....today is my last day of shots.....Friday thru Sunday VLCD and then Monday......Salad with Chicken and Feta Cheese with Low Fat Ken's Steakhouse Northern italian dressing....You have no idea how much I have missed my great big salads....I just couldn't find a dressing that I liked well enough to have on a huge salad....


Medi - I sure wasn't scared of the scale of this phase but terror lurks around the curve when I think about P3....I've never been able to maintain a weight loss for an extended period of time and so I am really wanting to work this P3...I just wish our company wasn't coming the first day of P3....


Big...I love strawberries with Chocolate Stevia drops on them as well. I finally broke down and bought an apple corer/slicer today. I've been buying the already sliced apples at Costco that are in the individual packages but decided it wouldn't kill me to do my own. DH seems to want the baked slices of apple every night (his with whipped cream) and the preslices were getting a little spendy.


I want to know how many of you took before pictures of yourself? Holy smokes....I actually took them with my underwear on and from all 4 sides....Those are some scary pictures....


Well everyone have a fabulous weekend and I hope to hear some of you. I'll be checking in....Just remember....stay true to your diet and the rewards will be great. Do you know that I have not even licked my finger with anything bad for 40 days.....


Sleep tight everyone and I can't wait to check in tomorrow.:cool:



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I AM BACCKKK.. Did ya all miss me?

I need to go back and reread all your posted. You have been some

busy girls since I have been gone. Looks like everyone is doing well.

Big, Looks like your on a mission.:D (as Usual)

Robo, Phoenix?? Where and When?? That's where I am.:p

I have to give you my 2 cents about your next round. If it we're ME.

I would follow ph 3 then move on to ph 4. Go on your cruise and

come back and start anounther round. Get the rest of your weight off

and book another cruise. I went from rd 2 straight on to a cruise,

It didn't work. I am maintaining right now and it feel wonderful. I have never maintained be for. DH and I want to do another round but we have too much going on. We would be cutting it too close. We will wait until after our cruise. Take it slow, you have time tis

didnt happen over night. Maintain and then start agin. Follow all

steps. SHEWW that was a mouth full and only my 2 cents.

Loved my travel scale kept me right there.

Medi you on Ph 3 now? Tell me about the strawberry dressing I need to research ph 4 still eating

ph 3. I was suppose to move to ph 4 last week.

Army how you doing? What ph are you on now?

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I AM BACCKKK.. Did ya all miss me?


I need to go back and reread all your posted. You have been some

busy girls since I have been gone. Looks like everyone is doing well.

Big, Looks like your on a mission.:D (as Usual)


Robo, Phoenix?? Where and When?? That's where I am.:p

I have to give you my 2 cents about your next round. If it we're ME.

I would follow ph 3 then move on to ph 4. Go on your cruise and

come back and start anounther round. Get the rest of your weight off

and book another cruise. I went from rd 2 straight on to a cruise,

It didn't work. I am maintaining right now and it feel wonderful. I have never maintained be for. DH and I want to do another round but we have too much going on. We would be cutting it too close. We will wait until after our cruise. Take it slow, you have time tis

didnt happen over night. Maintain and then start agin. Follow all

steps. SHEWW that was a mouth full and only my 2 cents.


Loved my travel scale kept me right there.


Medi you on Ph 3 now? Tell me about the strawberry dressing I need to research ph 4 still eating

ph 3. I was suppose to move to ph 4 last week.


Army how you doing? What ph are you on now?


Geeeeezzzzzeeee AZ.......Kinda missed ya....I'm so glad that you and DH did great on your San Diego Trip.....Sounds like there is hope for me. I'm just so torn on what to do...I really need to do another round before the cruise or I will have to go out and buy bigger clothes and I don't really want to spend the money so it's not an easy choice. 10 more lbs would do it for me.


So tell me what kind of things have you added in P3...I will start it on Monday and am scared to death....Cheese Ok? Olive oil ok? Just trying to think of better ways to cook fish and have salads?


Go figure....just when I start losing good again it's time to quit...I was so tempted to just keep on going past the 40 days but knew that I shouldn't.


Big....how you doing? Grandkids? I'm so jealous...Mine live all the way in Michigan and I only get to see them a couple of times a year...NO grilled cheese and chicken fingers for you.....


Army...how are you doing? How many lbs are you at now? Oh, and by the way............I was very pleased when I took measurements this morning and I had lost a total of 19 3/4 inches...That's huge for me. I'm only down 1 pant size right now but really probably 2 because I was POURED into the size I was wearing and really should have been wearing the next bigger size.....I LOVE THIS DIET.


Sweet dreams ladies and Chao until tomorrow.


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wow, she (AZ) returns...thank goodness...we need our vets here!


Day 14 down 12.8 pounds...but of course I really shouldn't count the horrendous load weight gains and losses. Anyways I am at the lowest weight ever since doing this diet and that is encouraging. I did have a 2 ounce gain Sat. and I think that was because I cooked and looked at toasted cheese sandwiches and ate ONLY my salad. Osmosis I do believe! Little bound up...so some Smooth Move got that going and then had a good loss.


The first thing I added in P3 was cheese...oh the power of cheese. I still can't believe they have moved the dairy wedge off the food charts!!!!

I added more proteins and veggies/fruits and felt like I was living like a Queen...eating to my heart's content. Just gauging the weight by the scale and what new foods and amounts were causing gains.


Going to a B-day party with the kids (pure torture! I love cake and ice cream) but I have my cukes cut and lemonade to drink...so I will survive!


Have a great Sunday...kids go home today, good thing I am tuckered out! Love having them though.

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