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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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Great pictures Block, your daughter is precious!! You have a beautiful family. :)

Couldn't get the CC site to work worth a darn yesterday, so here I am today. Looking forward to starting P2 this weekend provided my HCG arrives in time. I'm still slightly below my LIW, so I consider my first round a huge success, and hoping for good results with my next round.

Sheri, you're having great results this round, almost a pound a day so far!!

I still have around 50 pounds to lose, so I'm expecting approx the same type of loss this round as my first one since I'm nowhere close to my goal weight yet. I understand that you can really slow down when you don't have much left to lose. Hoping that I do as well on this P2 as the first as far as hunger, etc. I'm going to do another long round because I want to be stablized before I cruise in September. And now we have added a trip to Vegas in October! Going to see the new Elton John show at Cesar's :) So I won't be able to do a 3rd round until we get back from that trip at the end of October, it's just a 3 nighter, but I don't want to do an interruption for a trip, I want clean consecutive days of P2 each round.

And Sheri, my son is not my only, he has a twin sister!! But they are my only children (2 at a time was enough for me :) ) But his college is much farther away that hers, so we don't get to see him as often.

Hope everyone is doing well
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Jennifer...you have maintained (and lost!) so well. I wish you luck on your second round.
Your avatar is pretty small, but I can't believe you need to lose 50 more pounds.
Vegas is so much fun and your plans sound so fun. I love Elton John. If I didn't love to cruise, I could go more often than once a year!
I had a fun week-end with the grandkids (7 & 3) but didn't eat very well. It showed and I am working hard on getting the gain off. I am suspending my club membership for the summer so I will have to get out and get moving other ways. I am surprised how fast a gain comes on, and also how fast it goes off too, with a little effort.
Good day to you all!
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[B]My goodness ...I too have had a hard time on CC lately.[/B]
[B]Jennifer, your trip sounds like alot of fun. A concert with Elton John ..that would make me want to go to Vegas. [/B]
[B]I also don't see you needing to lose 50 lbs :confused: But good luck to you ![/B]
[B]I could lose 40lbs more...I'll settle for 25-30lbs. Those who know I'm on this diet can't understand WHY I would want to lose more weight? but My weight should be 130-150 for my height. [/B]

[B]Hope you all have a Wonderful Mother's Day ![/B]

[B]I intend on doing so as I will be loading for R2 !!:D[/B]

[B]Eat well,[/B]
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Yes, getting on and posting has been a real drag here lately, hopefully they have gotten this fixed. Still dropping small amounts of weight but still not down to LDW...darn near. The weather is getting better here and that means more activity for me and in return, some weight loss.
Hope that everyone is ok and weighing in daily, staying on track. Nothing like looking at that scale every morning to get me or keep me on track.
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Hey losers!! Yes, this site has been a pain in the neck to get on. I'm doing really good so far this round, dropping at least a pound a day so I'm loving it. I'm sure it'll slow down soon though. I am also not having the same issues during the first week that I had last time so it's nice. Glad it's going well. Although I'm totally having a craving for sushi today. It just sounds so good to me!! Not sure what to do for Mother's Day. I feel bad about not going out for brunch with my mom like we normally do but I can't do it. Maybe we'll just go shopping. Plus it's also my anniversary so I want to spend time with both! Honestly, I'd like a day of being parked on my couch not doing a thing. :rolleyes:
I hope you all have a great Mother's Day!! Make wise choices :)
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hey Sheri...how is it going? And how about you "loaders"? I, for some reason put on 3 pounds overnight. Not stressing too bad about it, see what tomorrow a.m. brings.
Happy Mother's Day to all of you Mothers and I hope your day is GREAT!
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I'm typing this at midnight as I wait up for my teen and just wanted to check in with you gals and wish you a spectacular Mother's Day. I am actually getting to spend it with my parents this year for the first of many and it has been so nice...

Ok, I need help. We cruise in 34 days. I've regained 14 of my 29 lbs. HELP!!!
I have loaded today as I have been off the drops for many days and eating like I'll never see food again so I thought I'd just start over. Please help me Obi Wan...
I know I can do this. We give birth, we move mountains, we make creative things with paper and glue for our kids, this shouldn't be so hard. I just need to buy the stuff, plan the food, and do it!!! I know I've fallen because my back got messed up again and I've been hurting but having to delve into the 'big clothes' again stinks after moving them to another area of the closet. Ok, I've vented. Thank you for listening.

I'm so proud of all your successes and Block, your daughter is sooooo precious! Love these times, my beautiful little blonde girl is going to college in a few months and just yesterday she was that size...ok, not going to get teary

Off to text and see where she is, she's late!
Sorry to complain, next msg. will be more upbeat, I promise!

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Happy Mother's Day to you Liz! Hope your daughter made it home safe and sound. No matter how old they get, we will always worry about them.
So sorry to hear about the gain, but it sounds like you know what caused it and you know what to do to get back on track. Take a few hours or a day to do what YOU need to do to get back on track. *YOU* deserve it! Get yourself set back up, pumped up and go GET IT! We are all here for you.
Stay with us here and sometimes just being accountable to someone can be a driving force.
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Morning all! I hope that all of you mothers had a wonderful Mother's Day yesterday!

I loaded this weekend, today is day 1 of VLCD for me, and I'm ready. Gained over 4 pounds loading, which just proves to me that I have to always be very, very careful about what I eat from this time forward. We had my mom and dad, my husband's mom and dad, and my aunt over for dinner last night, my husband cooked fajitas, and we had a great time. My kids weren't able to make it in, but will both be home for a visit in a week or two, and they did both call me yesterday morning. :)

Dawn, looks like you are having a good round so far, I'm ready to join you in your losing.

Janet, how was loading, you ready for this?

Bighorn, your support in so helpful. Thank you!

Sheri, how are you doing???

Liz, get back in the saddle with us! Try to come post daily, it helps me a lot to be accountable to the group. You know how to do this, so let's do this together and put your bigger clothes back up. :)

Did I miss anyone? Hope not, apologies if I did. I hope that you are all having a great day and making good food choices for yourselves!!
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=blue]Hey everybody!! I haven't had a chance to go back and read what all of you have been up to since I left for my cruise. I'll try to do that later if CC cooperates!! The cruise was AWESOME!! I only gained 4lbs which I thought was great considering I gained 8lbs on our last cruise. Also, we were gone for a total of 9 days this time. I ate what I wanted, just in moderation and drank [B]ALOT[/B] of water. I discovered a turkey wrap in the NY Deli on the ship that was delish, so I had that for quite a few meals.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=blue]I'm back at work today which is a real bummer! UGH![/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=blue]I keep trying to convince my DH that we need to quit our jobs and move to the Bahamas to become beach bums, but he's not cooperating!! :([/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=blue]I hope all of you are doing well. I'll try to catch up later.
BTW, I hope all of you had a wonderful Mother's Day!![/COLOR][/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Hi Losers,[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Well I have had a few hard days..:([/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Family stuff going on which always includes food![/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]I am up a few but back on it today and LOTS of [/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]water to flush it all out.. This rd not as easy for me.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Disney glad you had a good cruise and kept your weight [/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]down, You did GREAT.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Jifner and Blue - Good luck girls. Stay strong and picture the end goal..[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Big, your continued support is so helpful. Thank you for all[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]the suggestions and info you bring to this board. I noticed[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]you cruise one day before me. Where do you cruise to?[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Block how's it coming??[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Liz come on girl jump back on the wagon you can do it.. I keep[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]telling myself the same thing.:cool:[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Hope you all had a WONDERFUL Mothers day[/SIZE][/FONT]
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After the Mother's Day brunch I am also up, but like AZ, I am really pushing the water and eating VERY low carb/sugar today. Hope your round straightens out for you.
I am doing a Southern Caribbean, same exact cruise I did last Dec. Just leaving a day earlier this time. Only 206 days! LOL
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Happy Mother's Day Ladies !

We had a great time in in Disney and my friend took me for lunch in germany for moms day. We had a great time..but we are soooo tired. I might be called for jury duty this week..hope its thursday for a 3 day weekend:). I started loading yesterday...I can't do it ..its making me sick...ugh. I thought i would enjoy it more:(...I'll have a cupcake for breakfast;)
Just wanted to check in quickly before work..gotta run. OOh I think I'am having some of that hair loss... I don't have much to loose.

Be well,
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Good morning friends,
Ok, I just have to thank you for the encouragement. I came, I saw, I loaded.
Yesterday was R2P2D1 (or is it day 3, that first day of vlcd?), anyway, and I am down 4 lbs. this morning! I also started TOM yesterday, but said what the heck, the cruise is galloping toward me and I gotta lose! So now, only 9 more to go to get to the lowest weight on hcg. Does it have a name? Can't remember.

Janet, don't you hate that! When you want to enjoy your loading but it just feels gross? And I am so sorry about the hair loss :-( That stinks. I don't know if you've tried Nioxin shampoo but it really does help. And their hairspray adds lots of volume to your hair. Just an idea.

Jifner, did you get to spend Mother's Day with either of your students? I was so thrilled that Baylor had finished their finals on Saturday and my son came dragging in Sunday afternoon, sweaty and exhausted. What a beautiful sight. After his missing Easter, I was cringing at the thought of moping through another holiday. BTW, he did the hcg diet and took off a significant amount of weight. Hard for a student to do!

Bighorn, how did the scale go this morning after pushing the water yesterday?
And AZ, are you mentally back on the wagon again yet? You are so right, the mental is key.

Disney, what ship did you take? I am impressed it was only 4 pounds! You must have taken the stairs alot or exercised? I can gain 4 pounds with a muffin... lol

Blue, what did you end up deciding to do for Mother's Day? I am glad I loaded that day and I won't torture y'all with what we ate... <g>

Ok girls, can you help me with something? I would love for you to post 3 or 4 things that really help you do this thing right. These are mostly things we already know but I think we need reminders and I KNOW we need encouragement.

For example:

I write everything down: date/weight (in code in case someone picks it up) water consumed with hash marks, exactly what I eat. Small spiral notebook, goes wherever I do

When I crave something sweet, I core an apple, put a little stevia and cinnamon on it with a little water and bake that sucker. Not only does the smell help, it tastes pretty good too.

I grill 3-6 lbs. of chicken breasts at one time. I also try to slice my tomatoes, fresh veggies, etc. when I get home from the grocery so it is convenient to eat. Often I make bad choices because good ones are trouble to prepare.

I use garlic a LOT. steamed green beans last night with garlic. Found out we should NOT be using garlic salt if it contains some certain ingredient...can't remember...

Ok, that's what comes to mind.
I just love this group!

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Hi everybody, I'm jumping into your thread here. :o Hope that's okay.
I'm really intrigued by this HCG ? I'm currently doing the Scarsdale diet - so not counting calories right now, but basically I have fruit & toast for breakfast, fruit/veggie for lunch, and meat & fruit for dinner. I've done very low calorie once before - and I lost a lot of weight with it (about 30 lbs), but I couldn't keep it up because I became so tired. I did manage to keep those lbs off, but I still have a lot more to lose.

I'm not losing just for my cruise - it is a lifestyle change for me. I already exercise and choose healthier foods on a regular basis, but that's not enough for me to lose weight (I have some thyroid/metabolism issues so losing weight is extremely difficult for me). So, I hope you'll let me into your group here - I'd love to see & share weight loss tips, successes, etc.
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Good morning! I'm so glad that loading is over, and I already lost most of my load weight after yesterday. :) I'm like y'all, the loading wasn't much fun this time, didn't want to eat that much food, but I did. No issues with hunger at all yesterday on my first day of VLCD.

SloPokey, if you are interested in the HCG diet, you need to google "Pounds and Inches" by Dr Simeons. He discovered and perfected this diet, and his protocol is what we try to follow. This isn't a diet to be undertaken haphazardly, it should be approached more as a medical protocol to follow. It works if you follow the protocol.

Liz, nope, neither kiddo made it in, but both called and both will come visit within the next week or two. I was blessed to be able to spend the evening with my mother, my aunt, and my MIL.

Janet, good luck loading, you can get through it, and you know that extra weigh will jump right back off of you!

Bighorn, bet you got most of that extra weight off, you know what adjustments work for you.

Sheri, hope you're doing better today. Stay strong, there will now be 4 or 5 of us on P2 together! That should help, we can all get skinny together!! :)

Hope everyone else is doing well and having a great day!
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Hi everyone! Sorry I've been MIA but been so busy. Still doing well. Had my first real cheat Saturday night. It was the night before our anniversary and really wanted to go out to dinner so we did sushi. I gained 2.5 lbs that day but lost it the next so I'm still coming down. I'm finding this round is resulting in bigger losses and I'll be honest, I'm not being as strict as last time, eating things I didn't eat last time and more calories but seems to be working ok for me. I'm finally down below what I weighed before I went on my cruise so that's exciting for me. About ready to hit another one of my milestones - yay!!

Jennifer - Great job losing your load weight!

SloPokey - HCG is an awesome diet and I've tried SO many. Read pounds and inches like Jennifer suggested.

Liz - love your tips!! Glad you enjoyed loading on Mother's Day. Surprisingly that day was easy for me. We had steaks!!

Janet - Glad to hear you had a good time in Disney. I love Epcot!!

AZ - Sorry to hear you've had a rough couple days. Hope things get better for you! I hate how I always turn to food for support.

Big - Love the Southern Caribbean!! Hope you dropped that Mom's day weight.

Disney - Welcome back! I ended up gaining 8lbs this time but dropped half of it within a week of coming home thankfully. I would also love to move to an island and be a beach bum. So relaxing and laid back.
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"Ok girls, can you help me with something? I would love for you to post 3 or 4 things that really help you do this thing right. These are mostly things we already know but I think we need reminders and I KNOW we need encouragement.

For example:

I write everything down: date/weight (in code in case someone picks it up) water consumed with hash marks, exactly what I eat. Small spiral notebook, goes wherever I do

When I crave something sweet, I core an apple, put a little stevia and cinnamon on it with a little water and bake that sucker. Not only does the smell help, it tastes pretty good too.

I grill 3-6 lbs. of chicken breasts at one time. I also try to slice my tomatoes, fresh veggies, etc. when I get home from the grocery so it is convenient to eat. Often I make bad choices because good ones are trouble to prepare.

I use garlic a LOT. steamed green beans last night with garlic. Found out we should NOT be using garlic salt if it contains some certain ingredient...can't remember...

Ok, that's what comes to mind.
I just love this group!"

Here is my contribution;
1. ALWAYS have something on hand or in purse to eat that is GOOD for you....mine is a small snack bag of nuts-craisins-raisins mix
2. I also make ahead serving sizes of chicken, fish and beef in ziploc bags, in addition I also have dice cooked chicken to throw on a salad anytime, just take out of freezer and zap.
3. I have one water bottle that I take with me and finish before I come home from work(sometimes glugging as I drive in to the driveway), it is about 1/2 of what I need to be drinking for the day...but I start work at 6 a.m. and off by 1-2 p.m. so it is easier for me to get the rest in.
4. I am not a big meal planner, but try to have the next days meals figured out ahead and what I will need for it out and ready. In case of emergency, I use the pre-measured/pre-cooked stuff from the freezer. Nothing can make me fall off the wagon faster, than not having something available, then it's let go out, or eat this processed microwave high carb/fat stuff, or graze my way through the fridge.
I did very well yesterday until dinner and then blew it with prime rib steak my son had given us, know that some of it is an actual gain after the Mother's Day feast but also know that 1/2 will come off quickly as water weight. Will let you know in a day or so.

Slo Pokey...welcome! And Ditto to what the gals said. With a thyroid condition, I would check with your healthcare provider. The nice thing about this is it is done in rounds, and that can make it easier with the energy issue.

Gee you girls are so good about commenting on everyone and I do the generic well wishes. I will try to be better...LOL
Dropped the health club membership today as I am going to be busy with yard work and active fun stuff. I will still romp my butt off on the treadmill when I am not out walking and do those dreaded sit-ups. Summer is just too busy for me to pay for a membership i am not using.
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Hello girls,
Thank you again for all your support. I am fully committed and dropped another 2 lbs. in today's weigh in. Yea! six pounds off in two weigh ins gives you tons of motivation to run this race and not stop for ice cream! So only eight more to get back to where I was.
I'm curious, do you guys measure frequently? I measured at the very beginning, partway through R1, end of R1, gained some back, measured at beginning of R2, etc...anyway, certain weights are consistent with certain measurements, but the odd thing is, the place I have gained ALOT is in my waist. So while everything else was proportional, the waist was crazy. Did that make sense or can you tell I need to have coffee before logging on?
Ok, just wanted to share that little tidbit and see if I was alone on it.
As we know, the scale doesn't tell the only story, so measurements are a great way to keep you motivated as well...

Have a super day!
ps. Sorry to be so brief, off to the chiropractor... :-(
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[B][SIZE=4][COLOR=darkslategray]I forgot how great this diet was...3lbs first day !![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2f4f4f]2 was loading pounds I gained, but 3 none the less.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2f4f4f]I did have a hard time loading and yesterday my first day VLCD...I have to see I wanted to eat more...but was I HUNGRY?...I don't think so. I definately notice a difference eating the fatty foods. My body ached.. I didn't sleep as well..My headaches returned... There just might be something to this eating healthy thing ???[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2f4f4f]Liz- I did not measure last time , wish I did..This time I think I might be to lazy... LOl.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2f4f4f]What helps me get thru the VLCD :[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2f4f4f]Planning my meals[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2f4f4f]Keeping my water cup with me at all times FULL.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2f4f4f]Realizing that I CAN DO THIS FOR XX DAYS it is a short time...and the benefits are excellent ![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2f4f4f]Its way better than the Medi-fast diet I tried.. YUCK !![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2f4f4f]Enjoy all the new energy !![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2f4f4f]Was waiting to be called for Jury Duty this week.. Looks like no such luck for me! An extra day off this week would have been nice ! And the jury duty is always interesting to me. There is a big outlet mall next to the court house too ![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2f4f4f]I have to start to remeber alot of what I ate while on the VLCD. Aside from burgers and grilled chicken.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2f4f4f]How is everyone else doing on Round 2???[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2f4f4f]Eat well,[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
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Yep, Janet, it is great! I'm already down below my LDW, and tied for the lowest I've been in years. I feel better today than the last couple of days, still have a dull headache but not as bad as it was Tuesday. I sleep much better while I'm on the shots, not sure why...

OK, per Liz's request for tips:

1-plan, plan, plan. I plan my menus out 4-5 days in advance and shop accordingly.

2-drink lots of water, then drink some more

And I'm going to HAVE to go shopping soon, my clothes are getting too big. :) That in itself is a great motivator for me!

Well, today is our 21st wedding anniversary, we are going to celebrate tonight with a nice (small, tiny) steak. We will probably split a nice tenderloin filet and pass on the wine - it's too early in the diet to mess it up. I did sometimes substitute a glass of red wine in the place of one of my fruits towards the end of my first round, but I don't want to go there yet!

How's everyone doing today??

Hope you are all have a blessed day.
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[quote name='Jifner']Yep, Janet, it is great! I'm already down below my LDW, and tied for the lowest I've been in years. I feel better today than the last couple of days, still have a dull headache but not as bad as it was Tuesday. I sleep much better while I'm on the shots, not sure why...

OK, per Liz's request for tips:

1-plan, plan, plan. I plan my menus out 4-5 days in advance and shop accordingly.

2-drink lots of water, then drink some more

And I'm going to HAVE to go shopping soon, my clothes are getting too big. :) That in itself is a great motivator for me!

Well, today is our 21st wedding anniversary, we are going to celebrate tonight with a nice (small, tiny) steak. We will probably split a nice tenderloin filet and pass on the wine - it's too early in the diet to mess it up. I did sometimes substitute a glass of red wine in the place of one of my fruits towards the end of my first round, but I don't want to go there yet!

How's everyone doing today??

Hope you are all have a blessed day.[/quote]

:DHaPpY AnNiVeRsArY!!!!!! That is something to be proud of!
Sounds like you R2 gals are doing GREAT! Makes me want to do another round...but the timing is not good for me. Maybe this fall if I don't get another 10-20 off this summer.
I am bouncing all over that scale. Still most days within the 3 pounds of LDW, but sometimes up 4-6 pounds and then...bam, it is back off. Crazy.
75 here today! Yahoo....spring has finally sprung in the Rockies:cool:
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[FONT=Garamond][SIZE=5][COLOR=dimgray]Congratulations Jennifer !!![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=5][COLOR=#696969]I was excitied about my 10 year anniversary coming up ( another reason I wanted to lose the weight) I would love to re-new my vows ...just my DH and DD..the end of this summer. I have been chosen to work on a Designer Showcase for this fall ..so the vow renewal may not work. Maybe I can still squeeze it in.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=5][COLOR=#696969]Yesterday I used my brain alot and it made me tired and hungry.. I don't remeber being hungry this much last time....? I have been eaating an extra fruit... They ARE small:o[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=5][COLOR=#696969]No Jury duty for me this week...so I get my day off. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=5][COLOR=#696969]Down 1 pound today= 4 pounds so far !![/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=5][COLOR=#696969]Eat well,[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=5][COLOR=#696969]I never thought I would say this BUT I miss yogurt breakfast :eek:[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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Happy Anniversary!!! And you have a PLAN!! Woohoo! Skipping the wine is a good idea...
I hope you have a happy one :-)

Block, do you do interior design? Your Showcase sounds intriguing...

Bighorn, you are so smart to stay on top of that scale. I watched it gain 1-2 lbs. a day and just stood there and would wring my hands in frustration. Your approach is much better! lol

Ok Block, just do the measurements. I promise it is even more gratifying than the scale. Also, this time I am not really doing much exercise until my back gets better so I am especially interested in my measurements in relation to the scale.

Ok, we have a National Charity League retreat at a luau of all things!! Hoping to get a little roasted pig and maybe some fruit. Doubt there will be much I can eat...wish me luck!!!

Enjoy this weekend losers!!!

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Hey, thanks so much for posting tips! We all have to go back to basics from time to time and I think it also helps our newer members. Don't be shy, speak up if you are considering this diet and we'll gripe with ya! lol

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