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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=gray]Okay Liz.. I will measure my waist and bust.. the two things I want to see shrink. As muchas I loose I still notice this "kangaroo pouch" around my waist....mmmm will that go away ?:D That's new ??? I didn't have that last time I was thin.. LOL.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=gray]Yes, I do Interior Design for a living...Actually buying and merchandising for a high end furniture retail store. I don't go to many homes anymore. (thank goodness) [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=#808080][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=#808080]Today was a bit hard for me ... I felt hugry all day and now I'am exhusted. Ready for bed. I remember last round I was tired at night and ready for bed and slept VERY well. This is not usual for me as I have a really hard time sleeping normally. Still alittle hungry.. Oh I have a breadstick still...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=#808080][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=#808080]Sleep tight.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=#808080]Janet[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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You go girl! 6 pounds feels great! I can't remember where it is posted but someone has a chart of how much each thing weighs and I remember when I got to the point of losing an average two year old...<g> Hubby kidded me about that.
I understand about the being tired at night. I usually sleep very well on the hcg, but this round, although I'm having the weird dreams again, I am still waking up at night. Probably related to the massive amounts of water we have to drink!!
Well, I am up 1/2 pound today. I kinda cheated a few days ago and marinated flank steak in soy sauce, brown sugar, garlic, ginger, and some other stuff then grilled it. I think that small amount of sugar is messing me up. I also know that I am breaking the 'no more than 2 servings of beef' a day and that always does me in. So several days at -6 lbs. and then a 1/2 pound gain. Time to cut the beef for several days.
Any ideas for fish girls???
I have considered trying to do a dry spice type rub, grilling it, then topping it with a homemade salsa of onions, tomatoes, fresh basil, and maybe some chopped strawberries???
Please give me ideas. I really don't like fish and need some help. What do you do to your fish???
Enjoy this beautiful day!! Got sunburned at the zoo yesterday at my hubby's company picnic! LOVE the look!
Tan fat looks better than white fat. That's my motto...
How are y'all doing today????

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Well, our weekend's about over y'all...UGH! DH and I went out with old friends last night and had so much fun! Apparently, too much fun. I gained 2lbs! I'll have to work extra hard tomorrow!!

[quote name='Liztoybiz']
Disney, what ship did you take? I am impressed it was only 4 pounds! You must have taken the stairs alot or exercised? I can gain 4 pounds with a muffin... lol

We went on the Carnival Triumph. It was a beautiful ship and bigger than I expected. We took the stairs and walked as much as I could. My foot was hurting me pretty badly, though (planter Fasciitis).

It looks like everyone is doing well...that's good!
I hope all of you have a good week!
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Any ideas for fish girls???

I have considered trying to do a dry spice type rub, grilling it, then topping it with a homemade salsa of onions, tomatoes, fresh basil, and maybe some chopped strawberries???

Please give me ideas. I really don't like fish and need some help. What do you do to your fish???


Tan fat looks better than white fat. That's my motto...

How are y'all doing today????





our favorite fish is super easy. I get orange roughy, sqeeze fresh lemon juice over it, then cover with Tony Cacheree's seasoning and bake at around 400 for 10-12 minutes. Super easy, and tasty with the cajun spices. Or you can just do lemon and dill weed, bake the same. I love fish, and can almost be guaranteed a good loss the next day if I eat fish!

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Morning all! I had a busy weekend too, stayed on plan, no cheating. My losses are starting to slow down a bit, but also with all of the activity of the weekend I wasn't drinking as much water, and I'm thinking I am retaining a little bit of fluid due to a small sunburn and all of the work I did yesterday. I'm very pleased with my losses so far on this second round.


My daughter is coming in for a quick visit this afternoon, so I'm taking the day off tomorrow to spend some time with her. I'm feeling a small shopping trip coming on tomorrow afternoon :) Hubby and I are going down to Austin next Friday to go see Jimmie Vaughn at Antone's (and our daughter will be going with us) and I need something to wear to the show!


Janet, keep it up, you're doing great!


Liz, stay focused and on plan, I know that you can do this. :)


How are my other P2 buddies doing? Dawn, Sheri?

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Hey losers!! I'm sorry I haven't been around much but I've had such a busy week. Still doing good though, I'll admit I've cheated a couple times. Had a horrific week last week and pretty much went off protocol with dinner on Friday but I haven't gained so that's good. Doing my best though!! I really thought I had it this round but my head isn't in it like last time. I only have enough HCG for one more injection then it's on to P3 after my 3 days of VLCD. I'm in the middle of reading a book called the Eat Clean Diet which I would like to follow throughout the summer and see what it does for me. Then I want to do one more round of HCG and hopefully be at goal come Sept time frame.


Looks like you are girls are doing great though so keep up the good work!!!

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Jennifer, Sounds like you and your Daughter will have a great time.


Blue eyes....how many weeks have you been doing round 2 ?


Down 7 lbs...My week is not over yet ??


Eat well, Janet

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Morning, hope everyone's doing well! Nice loss this morning for me, I've now lost 40.2 pounds using HCG! I'm doing a little happy dance here. :) So, that puts me right at my halfway point for weight loss. And my daughter told me last night how good I was looking, that I've lost a lot of abdominal fat, and it shows. Nice!!


Looking forward to spending the day with my daughter, she brought home a mountain of laundry, so I'm gonna go get her up to get it moving again.


Hope you all have a great day!

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Janet - Great job on the 7lbs!!


Jennifer - CONGRATS girl!! I am so close to my halfway point too. Doesn't it feel so awesome?!? I'm sure you look awesome and it feels so great. Keep up the good work and have a great day with your daughter.


Hello to all you other losers!!


I had a gain due to a lunch I ate - went with some coworkers for Mexican food. I'm hoping a lot of it is too much sodium but we'll see. Going to pound the water today and stay right on protocol. I could just smack myself!! :mad:

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LOL Blueyes, I hate that feeling, wish I had a little icon for a smack...Be good, it will come back off. Just don't do what I did in the old days, fall off the wagon, waddle in the mud of guilt for awhile and consider it hopeless. Can we help? I understand about the mindset. My second round I wasn't near a good, cheated some, and only lost 2/3 of the weight I lost the first round. I think you've got the right idea though and let us know how you like that book.


Jif, WTG!!!!! Wow! 40 lbs. is a phenomenal loss! So did you still have old clothes in your closet that you could wear or have you had to buy lots of new ones? It's amazing to me that my tailor can take size 16-18 pants and somehow reconstruct them to fit a 10-12. And I was a fashion major...lol, just never great at construction. I'm thrilled your daughter is so proud of you. And the belly fat is the best fat to leave!! Ok, ties with thigh fat I guess...


Block, I am SO with you about the fish. It was from Omaha Steaks, so should have been tasty, but it was also a yr. old (individually shrinkwrapped) so that may have affected the flavor some. We also grilled some of the white bass we caught a few months ago and it was good! But I've decided that swordfish, halibut, and salmon are just not things I enjoy. Ok, like my salmon smoked, but that's it. Jif, thanks for the recipe and I did something like that, I just don't like fish unless it's really mild like your orange roughy or the bass. I did lose while eating that gross fish dinner though. I am officially down 9 pounds since May 9th!! Only 5 more to go to get to my lowest from last round. Gaining 14 of them back really stinks and make syou feel like a failure but you know what, it is life and I'm just trying to deal with it. Shrimp sounds great for dinner...yum!


Disney, how is your foot doing? Did your new shoes work? Has it gotten any better since you've lost your weight? Gosh, I so know what you're going through!!!


Block, thanks for measuring! lol, I feel like a harpy but I hope you see great results :-)


Bighorn, where are you? We miss you!!!


Ok, really hungry this round, I don't know why. Maybe because I am not spreading my protein out enough through the day? I kinda miss mexican food...shhhh!!!


Ok, nothing tastes better than thin feels...



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Back from the brink...lol It has been so hectic here, 2 family surgeries in four days, then company came for 4 days and I was not very good about eating AND drinking. So I am up and working hard to get back to where I was 5 pounds ago. I have cleared the "crap" out of the house and will be eating super clean (no carbs/no sugars) for the next few days and THEN...I think I am going to try the 17 days diet. I have read the book and it is so similar with HCG, it is scary. No HCG, no calorie limits per se (just eat until you are satisfied, not full) unlimited veggies and not as restrictive. But I think built on the same premise of lean meats, no sugars (except 2 fruit a day in 1st 17 days) very low fat and no carbs, except those in that occur naturally in fruits and veggies.

Anyways, I am just not up to another round of HCG, probably this fall if I need to.

I will be checking back and hoping you all succeed in your ventures. I am too addicted to CC not to come and check in...LOL

I am so grateful to have done HCG ( 2 rounds!) and know it is a matter of being good to my body...not feeding the emotions.

Jennifer...you should be a spokeperson (as well as the DH) for HCG...you have done wonderful!

So this isn't good bye, just didn't want anyone wondering where Ole Hockey Nut went:~)

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No loss for me this morning :mad:

But thanks to liz....I measured on Saturday and today.... lost an inch from hips and bust !!! Thanks again liz..that made me feel better..a whole inch !! in just a few days OMG. Glad I did it.


I feel like I have more cravings this time...and I am thinking about cheating on friday night....:confused: Everyone else does it....


Eat well,


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NOOOOOO! Don't cheat! You want that inch back????? Come on, plan to eat something special like I did last night because I was feeling sorry for myself because everyone else was having a glass of wine and Blue Bell ice cream with their baked apple so I made the most wonderful shrimp on the grill. Family said it was some of the very best they've had, and all without using butter. yea! Having some in a few minutes for breakfast...lol

Bighorn, check back when you can, we miss your words of wisdom...

Ok, gotta drive to East Texas where mom is having surgery today, I'll check in when I can but you guys keep up the good work!

ps. Lost another pound this morning, that is 10 of my 14 gained off, yea!!! Waiting to remeasure, but noticed that I've lost almost an inch in my hips already...love the tape measure!! lol


ps...Block, that's the reason I measure everything, thighs, under bust, above bust, upper arm, neck, etc. because I love to check different places and see the scale going down. lol, my arms were going up there for awhile with those pushups in bootcamp. Remember, when the scale doesn't move, often the tape does!

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Hi Losers, Looks like you all are doing a GREAT job losing..

I on the other hand have officially quit today. My head wasn't in it

this round. I started off strong and one event came up and it was

down hill every since. :( I started my days off positive and by the end

of the day I was having wine and eating not terrible but eating off

protocol. I still exercise everyday.

So I have a few events and small trips planned in June and

the first part of July. Then I will start off strong again for another round.

I do LOVE this plan it really not only helps you to lose but also

the inches seem to really fall off. In till then I will follow a LC diet.

How long do you have to wait in between rounds??

Hang in there girls like Liz said nothing tastes better than thin feels...

Be Strong, Sheri


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Hi Losers, Looks like you all are doing a GREAT job losing..

I on the other hand have officially quit today. My head wasn't in it

this round. I started off strong and one event came up and it was

down hill every since. :( I started my days off positive and by the end

of the day I was having wine and eating not terrible but eating off

protocol. I still exercise everyday.

So I have a few events and small trips planned in June and

the first part of July. Then I will start off strong again for another round.

I do LOVE this plan it really not only helps you to lose but also

the inches seem to really fall off. In till then I will follow a LC diet.

How long do you have to wait in between rounds??


Hang in there girls like Liz said nothing tastes better than thin feels...

Be Strong, Sheri


OH NO !!! WE LOST ONE>..Please don't leave us !! I swear I WILL CHEAT !!! I WILL DO IT !!!

When I mean cheat I mean....teppanyaki grilled veggies and shrimp...not a really bad cheat like cake or candy.....could it really be that bad....? I love hibachi shrimp...maybe I can ask for NO OIL ???

Down 2lbs this morning Thats a total of ....

9 pounds in one week !!! Yea Me !

Az girl, I too haven't been in it as much as the first round....its definatley harder this time...Better luck next time..hopefully you will be all in it !!

I was thinking I shouldhave done round 2 in september /after the summer..but I want to loose somemore pounds for swim suit season ( Like it matters:p) Its not like I have a stunning 2 piece....LOL. Girls I work with said I look great and shouldn't loose anymore...? But my chart for height and weight still puts me in the overweight catagory...and the WII fit called me fat over the weekend too... I wish I could have told"Him" he should have seen me in Christmas...:D

Eat well,


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Bighorn - I sure hope you keep on checking back in with us!! Good luck to you with that 17 day diet!!


Janet - I don't know what the deal is this second round either, the first week was super easy but after that my mind got the best of me. I plan on doing another round in Sept too - just can't deal with all these restrictions throughout the summer when we have so much going on. Congrats on your loss!!


AZ - I'm sorry you had to quit too. Honestly, it seems like everyone is having probs with their round right now, even on my facebook group. There is nothing wrong with taking a break from it, we just need to try and focus on not eating the crap we once used to. I heard it's best to wait 6 weeks between rounds when you do anything over 40 days. Keep on working out and check in with us too!


Liz - I hope your mom's surgery goes well!! Yeah, I'm def not as good this second round but I have been good at being good the days following a cheat so that's nice. I know what I have to do, it's really mind over matter for me. I THINK I want to eat something sweet, or chips and salsa but I don't have to. The thing is I have been doing lunches out with coworkers and I'm making unhealthy choices. It's my own fault. When I bring lunch to work and stay there, I do just fine. So I need to stop going out! Keep up the good work!


Jennifer - How are you doing? How was the visit with your daughter?


Well I took my last shot yesterday so I'm done with that part and now just the three days of VLCD and onto P3 for 3 weeks and then summertime will include low carb type eating and excercise!! Back to zumba! I plan on doing another round in Sept and I will be good just like the first round. I really did awesome that round and I want to be able to do it again. Sadly, this round my mind wasn't there. I'm dealing with some stress and I realy don't think that helps either. I'll still be checking in here though. I think HCG is an awesome way to lose weight and I'm so glad I found it. I was able to finally buy pants 2 sizes smaller and I LOVE that feeling and I do not want to lose it.


Keep up the good work girls and if you do cheat - don't beat yourself up. And don't feel bad that you need a break either - just don't fall back into the same eating habits that got you fat in the first place. It doesn't feel good to be that heavy and have to pull out the "fat" clothes again. :)

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Janet...you crack me up...but really, don't cheat...you can get through it...BUT if you do...get right back on the "wagon" and flush that deviation.

Mentally, you have to be pumped for the second round, it isn't new like it was the first time, the weight for many does not come off as easily. But you know what you are capable of. I did two rounds with 7.5 weeks between...that seemed to work for ME (not that there weren't struggles) but everyone needs to do what they are comfortable with. I also think you do build up some immunity to diet plans and it IS harder.

I know I need to lose 15-20 more, and at that I will still be over my chart recommended weight but know that is where I am going to be happy and comfortable. I also knew that I probably would not strictly follow protocol for a third round,and if I had that mentality, why bother. Choose to try the 17 day diet, as it is less restrictive and if I am hungry, I can eat off the freebie foods and not have to muddle through hunger. Have dropped 3.5 in two days and haven't had a hungry moment or urge to cheat.

I think with any diets, you have learn how to eat and stick with those plans, even if modified...and truly change your eating habits. The big carb intake the past week and week-end made me feel bloated, tired and cranky (some cranky could be the stress) I was not taking the fluids in and I think this is one of the top keys to any of these diets.

I don't think a day of falling off the diet is a deal breaker, but it is what could I have lost if I didn't? So more mind over matter to deal with, just don't throw in the towel completely. Even if you choose not to stay on a structured diet, follow the simple ideas of what you have learned...water, protein, fresh not processed whenever possible, and MOVE IT.

See I can't stay away from the thread...LOL

Have a great Thursday and good week-end.


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Checking in this morning with a nice 2 pound loss, following a few days of small losses (that darn 2nd week of VLCD), so I'm happy. Had a great visit with my daughter, had our nails done together, and just hung out at the house a lot. She's so supportive of our weight loss, we are lucky parents!


Terri, I really hope that you can't stay away, your advice and insight it sooo helpful. :) But best of luck to you with your 17 day diet. I'm doing a long round this time, and won't be able to squeeze another one in before my cruise in September. I want to be done with P3/P4 and stable before we sail. Then we are going for a long weekend to Vegas in October (we have tickets to see Elton John's new show!) so no more rounds until after that trip. However, if you do well with this 17 day thing, I might have to look into it if I want to get a bit more off before my trips. Let us know how it goes, please.


Sheri and Dawn, sorry you didn't have as good a round this time. It is hard, but I'm gonna stick it out. I'm halfway to my goal, and I'm gonna do the best that I can.


Janet, you're doing great! Let's get through this round together! I still believe that I can do anything for 40 days, especially now that I know that it works so well for me. :)


Liz, hope your mom's surgery went well, please let us know.


Have a great afternoon all!!

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I can't leave you guys for a minute! Two people quit, others are cheating...what is this forum coming to????? (shaking head)

Ok, let's put this into perspective. We come to this forum for many things: support/guidance/information when we're on hcg, to find sympathy when we fall off the wagon whether we're currently on hcg or not because face it, the people we see daily are often not big fans of this or trying to wreck our diets or whatever, so some of them aren't cheerleaders for us and here, it's safe. We find support and encouragement, we can bitch and complain and still be welcomed back warmly, and most importantly, we each 'get it'. So no matter where we are, loading, vlcd'ing, maintainence (sp?), or ballooning out of control, it's ok. So please stick with the group. It is so much harder to keep the weight off than to lose it. Look at me, did great first round, gained 1/3 back, cheated lots 2nd round but got a total of 29 lbs. off original weight then put back on 14 stupid pounds!!! You guys pulled me back in and cared about me during each 1/2 lb. loss (or gain) and now I've taken off 10 of those since last Monday (could I hear a yea? lol) and I MUST get a few more off and figure out how to keep them off for my cruise in 22 days...

So each journey is in a different place each and every day. Block, you are the woman!!! I am so excited for you!!! That's amazing!!! What a motivator...

Jifner, you're doing so well! Is this your first or second round of hcg? I lose track of who has done what, I apologize. I love love love Vegas and Elton should be such a treat...

Terri/BigHorn, I so understand. My 2nd round, I didn't even really do it well, didn't finish it completely and started gaining weight immediately. I think you are smart to try the new diet. It sounds similar to the P90X diet which is what my nutritionist has me do at times. Are you also allowed to have sweet potatoes/brown rice/beans? Also an egg from time to time? That one is so great because it really gives you just good carbs. We do need you here, Jifner is right, so share when you have time and know we'll be cheering you on :-)

Blueyes, I hear ya girl! I agree and I found that I didn't crave the bad stuff as long as I stayed on plan, but any little cheat 'woke up' my cravings and all I could think about were chips/guac/queso and bacon. Lots of bacon, especially with...nevermind, don't need to let the brain go down that road.

Sheri, you aren't quitting, you are just working on maintaining your loss right now :-)

We want you to check in often and let us know what works and doesn't work for you, ok?

Please don't leave....

Disney, where are you??????lol

Ok, I just got back from another graduation party and they had fajitas so...I had 4 small strips of chicken, 2 of beef, and teaspoon of guacamole plus a little salsa. Got some weird looks and no cake. It was all good. I can't wait to see if I gained while I was at Mom's. She had the droopy skin on her lids removed as it was obstructing her vision and for some reason, she thought it would just be a little surgery. Ha! She made it through that first day with the help of 2 vicadin. Yesterday was better but her bruising and swelling were worse, today she feels much better, bruising is same and swelling has gone down some. Poor thing, rough few days! While there, I had a little stuff off plan. Like a thawed portion of french onion soup for dinner but I tried to be as good as possible and if I'm up a pound, I'll get it off tomorrow. Pushing water like crazy right now...Thank you all so much for thinking of her and any prayers :)

Ok, off to research my cruise!


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Liz, thanks for writting that... I will read it again oneday to remind me !!


Yes, And I DID cheat..I went on a DATE with my husband to a hibachi restaurant. I had the Vegetables with my shrimp appetizer...DH doesn't eat shrimp so I ate his. 4 shrimp LOTS of veggies (and some rice:rolleyes:)

My rings are stuck on my fingers. Probably the sodium because I can taste it still on my tongue.

Listen, I figured if the world was SUPPOSED to end today like they said... I didn't want my last meal to be grilled chicken and romain lettuce .. OKAY ?? ( Is that a good excuse for my poor behavior???)

And the scale says...........2 ounces of gaining a whole pound !!!

Not bad Not bad.

I will be sure to eat better today and keep pushing the water.


Have a great weekend ladies and enjoy your families.


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