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I am sitting in the General Hospital, waiting to see one of the doctors, after I traveled here on the scooter through lots of traffic but feeling relatively safe because most of the time I was driving against it; found the bank affiliated with Bank of Amerca, where I relieved the ATM of $ 5000 (Pesos, that is) .Eventually saw a very nice lady doctor and she prescribed two medications after deciding that my back problem was lumbego and the leg needed a medication for circuation. We'll see.

But first let me go back to yesterday. I had a pretty bad and uncomfortable night because of the back and because it got very cold so that I wound up triple folding the thin bedspread to keep from shivering. I discovered too late that the door to the bathroom was ajar, where the window was open. Then I spent much time at the restaurant opposite the hotel and decided on a "sopa del dia" which they named "Mondongo", meaning nothing to me but I figured "what can be wrong with a soup" and it looked interesting enough when it came. The liquid had a very good taste, but floating in it were lotrs of pieces of what I first thought was fat - anyway I sure didn't like it and found out later that these were piece of Pig skin. Forget it, the liquid had to do. Still learning. Went home in the late afternoon, fixed myself

a drink, looked at the CBS news and then 60 minutes which I was happy to find on the TV and put the lights out.

To come back to today: after the hospital, I drove right down to the waterfront, where I saw two cruise ships at the pier and I continued and found a WalMart like huge store which was on the first floor, accessible by a ramp/escalator, which I successfully navigated. I explored, found some ginger ale and a coffee bar, as well as a bathroom. At the coffebar got to know Sarah and her husband, who live here and have a sort of guest house. I told them of my intention to move`to the Flamingo come Jan.1 and it turned out that she was befriended with Tom, the hotel's owner. At this Mega Center (which is what it was called) I got the prescriptions filled (about $55) and took the first doses right there with the coffee. Then I made the decision to drive to the Flamingo and have a look, despite a pretty long drive through very congested tourist traps along the ocean shore. There I was greeted by Xantal (Chantel) at the front desk who immediately recognized me because Tom who already had heard of my intention through other venues I had sent enquiries to about the Flamingo. Anyway, it's of course a much nicer place and at $ 52 including cotinental breakfast a pretty good deal for this time of the year. And if I pay with cash rather than creditcard, they don't charge the taxes which will save me about $ 150 and that's what I'll do.

I left and on the nearby big plaza sat down in one of the big restaurants and had a tortilla soup which was very good but also different from what I knew - it had pieces of soft mexican cheese and avocado in it apart from strips of crispy tortilla. And then, on the way back, I spotted a very simple barbershop which I badly needed. Lots of kids inside, but many only visiting; a tourist was having his hair cut, while his wife and her child waited; I got to talking to her and was told that the haircut costs $ 5 which sure is cheap. I had help from passersbys on quite a few occasions during the day when I had to lift the scooter on or off curbs or into a place. There are many nice people everywhere. But the nicest I was yet to meet. I had my haircut, including a beard trim and talked with the middleaged man who clipped me. But when it came to pay, he refused payment and said in Mexican "this is my present to you" and I nearly broke out in tears. No way would he accept money and I am now thinking of how I can repay his generous kindness to a complete stranger (and I am I positive he's not gay!).

As I write this, I am layng in bed at 7pm and have decided to forgo any more food except the drink I just had and the bits and pieces of the oriental cracker mixture I took along in a plastic bag from the ship. And I hope for a better and healing night. It's been a pretty good day and I am grateful that I was able to manage it without any mishap.

I get many encourageing email messages which I just cannot answer individually. But to all you dear friends, I cannot tell you how much your support and comfort means to me and I wish I could embnrace you all in heartfelt thanks.

Dec.28, 2010

I rejoiced too soon. This is the email I got today from the Flamingo:


Dear Egon,

I am sorry to hear of your accident and hope you are not in too much discomfort. The $52.00 rate was our summer special. We no longer offer that rate now during Winter season.

The other thing too is, our rooms all start one level up from the ground floor. You would have a stairway to climb so I don't really think we are an appropriate hotel for your situation.

Agin, I am sorry for your situation and wish you a speedy recovery.




Í replied:


"Dear Tom, I just read your message -even though signed by Gwynith, I assume it is from you. To say that I am disappointed is an understatement and I feel sorry for Xantal whom I imagine you hauled over the coals for having misquoted. Of course you now sound very discouraging as far as my booking in your hotel is concerned, but I am not entirely a cripple and can (and did) negotiate the stairs to view a room.

Any alternative? Any suggestions? I'm not the typical tourist. I'm spending my son's inheritance and live on MSC "Poesia" as a "VIP Guest" (but in the cheapest inside cabin) for a year since October 9 - at nearly 94 , my last hurrah.

Please get back to me.


Regards, Egon"


Will keep you posted. Nothing comes easy.




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I do not have any concrete update on Dad's physical condition and hospital visit beyond what he has written in the latest report. He still has lots of pain of that i am sure. Am hoping the medication will alleviate this and speed healing but we can all appreciate that at an advanced age healing is slower than for us Spring Chickens lol... Dad did get some good news:




I am very sorry for all of the confusion. Your email came in over the holiday weekend when my reservation center was closed. I get a copy as well on all inquires and I went ahead and answered myself because I knew you were on the island and needed a place very soon and did not want you to wait. Also, I have the authority to give out special rates on extended stays and I wanted to give that to you.Normally I send a copy to Gywneth at my reservation center when I do this, but I forgot. Gywneth does not have the authority to give out discounted rates on extended stays and I guess she was concerned about the second floor issue.I did read her email and I guess she was just doing her job., but it may have sounded a little brusque and I do apologize for that.


I emailed Xantal and told her to go ahead and give you the best rate since you were looking at an extended stay and we had the space. Giving you that rate was not any issue and I encouraged Xantal to give you a room that was best for you. You explained your circumstances and we are quite happy to help out. I am very much looking forward to meeting you when I arrive on the 30th.


Please accept my apologies. We are all looking forward to welcoming you at the Flamingo.

Also, congratulations on spending your son's inheritance!


Best Regards

Tom Fryer



Thank you very much, Tom. I like you.


¡Hasta pronto!



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I do not have any concrete update on Dad's physical condition and hospital visit beyond what he has written in the latest report. He still has lots of pain of that i am sure. Am hoping the medication will alleviate this and speed healing but we can all appreciate that at an advanced age healing is slower than for us Spring Chickens lol... Dad did get some good news:




I am very sorry for all of the confusion. Your email came in over the holiday weekend when my reservation center was closed. I get a copy as well on all inquires and I went ahead and answered myself because I knew you were on the island and needed a place very soon and did not want you to wait. Also, I have the authority to give out special rates on extended stays and I wanted to give that to you.Normally I send a copy to Gywneth at my reservation center when I do this, but I forgot. Gywneth does not have the authority to give out discounted rates on extended stays and I guess she was concerned about the second floor issue.I did read her email and I guess she was just doing her job., but it may have sounded a little brusque and I do apologize for that.


I emailed Xantal and told her to go ahead and give you the best rate since you were looking at an extended stay and we had the space. Giving you that rate was not any issue and I encouraged Xantal to give you a room that was best for you. You explained your circumstances and we are quite happy to help out. I am very much looking forward to meeting you when I arrive on the 30th.


Please accept my apologies. We are all looking forward to welcoming you at the Flamingo.

Also, congratulations on spending your son's inheritance!


Best Regards

Tom Fryer



Thank you very much, Tom. I like you.


¡Hasta pronto!





This is fantastic news!!!!! I am happy for Egon!! Now, if we can just get him healthy so he can continue on with his journey!!



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Yes, the hospital visit was something of a quickie (btw cost only US$ 5.50!), but the female doctor made a pretty good impression and seemed to know what was necessary. It really depends now on the hope that nothing else, like nerve damage through the fall, occurred; if it didn't, the prescription should work but it takes a long time. As for the leg, I have some doubts at this stage of affairs and may have to go back. But I'll give it all a good try until after New Years first. At my age, everything that needs healing takes maybe forever, if at all.


As noted, Dad will move to the Flamingo tomorrow... ~ S( http://www.hotelflamingo.com/about/index.html )

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Yes, the hospital visit was something of a quickie (btw cost only US$ 5.50!), but the female doctor made a pretty good impression and seemed to know what was necessary. It really depends now on the hope that nothing else, like nerve damage through the fall, occurred; if it didn't, the prescription should work but it takes a long time. As for the leg, I have some doubts at this stage of affairs and may have to go back. But I'll give it all a good try until after New Years first. At my age, everything that needs healing takes maybe forever, if at all.


As noted, Dad will move to the Flamingo tomorrow... ~ S( http://www.hotelflamingo.com/about/index.html )

Think positive...think positive!!!

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I am so glad that Tom Fryer got involved with having Egon at his hotel. When the "owner" steps in, all should be well as far as the hotel stay. I checked out that hotel online, and it is very nice. I am so glad he will now have a nice place to recoup. He should be there by now.

I can't wait to hear how he likes it.


I only hope that his pain lets up, so that he can enjoy his stay.

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Continued improvement in small increments, but I think I'll see a chiropractor for my back which still bothers me quite a bit. Today I scooter-traveled a very long stretch all through town to a place called "Cozumel Health", but their website, www.conzumelmassage.com really says it all - it being right in the center of things, it's a bit of a tourist trap with high prices only given in US$. There is a chiropractor off the beaten path, but it has today not been possible to reach him by phone. Meantime, on the urgent advice by Cori (the one on the left in the photo), I've bought some Arnica gel and by weirdly girating was able to apply it to my lower back. But I really think that the pain there is of different origin since it no longer seems muscular and always present. But enough of this!

The big news is that my son Steve will be joining me for a week, arriving this Saturday. It has been very difficult for him to arrange for this trip and I am happy that he could do it and look forward no end to seeing him. This hotel is really very nice and highly recommendable. From what I see, it is mainly frequented by people around half my age who come here to dive and snorkel and has been owned by Tom Fryer for the past 14 years, in which he has made all sorts of improvements. He lives with his girl friend Sylvia, who is Brazilian but has lived in the States for some 20 years. Tom reminds me quite a bit of my Steve in his urge to always create something new, but I also think that his widespread interests and activities have in effect become somewhat of a burden. I would like to ask him "what are you running away from?"

So here it is, short but sweet and I hope it's not too boring and that I will soon report some more exciting stuff.

My universal love to all![i

Edited by yellowbird23
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Pat...have a wonderful cruise this week! :)


I am glad that things are looking up for Egon. He should have fun with his son, Steve. I wrote to Tom Fryer, and he sent a nice email back. I wanted him to know that many people are aware that he stepped in and helped this man out.

Edited by INCHARGE
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Pat...have a wonderful cruise this week! :)


I am glad that things are looking up for Egon. He should have fun with his son, Steve. I wrote to Tom Fryer, and he sent a nice email back. I wanted him to know that many people are aware that he stepped in and helped this man out.

Me too. I am sure he was homesick in some respects for some familiarity and he will get just that with Steve to help him possibly forget his troubles for a while. And yes, Tom gets kudos from me. So happy that Egon found his place for comfort while he recuperates.


As for my cruise, a lot depends on what transpires between now and Sunday. I am getting ready right now to take my dog for an x-ray to see if I need to put an end to his horrible suffering he has been going through. He is 14 years old and my buddy. All I know is that this has been a horrible week in all aspects and it has to end sometime, doesn't it?

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Me too. I am sure he was homesick in some respects for some familiarity and he will get just that with Steve to help him possibly forget his troubles for a while. And yes, Tom gets kudos from me. So happy that Egon found his place for comfort while he recuperates.


As for my cruise, a lot depends on what transpires between now and Sunday. I am getting ready right now to take my dog for an x-ray to see if I need to put an end to his horrible suffering he has been going through. He is 14 years old and my buddy. All I know is that this has been a horrible week in all aspects and it has to end sometime, doesn't it?


Pat, my heart goes out to you. Having lost my best 4-legged friend twice now I can certainly relate to your pain. Fisherlady is right that you will know when and what to do when it's time. Please know that I'm thinking of you. :)



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Thanks for all your kind comments. Much appreciated. Sort of good news. Budha had an x-ray and he has a slightly enlarged heart. He also had an EKG (there went my casino money...lol) and it "looked fine for his age". He was switched from the steroids and onto two other medications. Asked the doc if he was suffering from his coughing and he said he didn't think so. I'm relieved and I guess that on March 5th of this year Budha will once again have a birthday party....YEAH!!!


Wish I could say the same for my son's father-in-law, but not good news there. I hope he finds peace soon. What a good man he is.

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I just found this thread today. What caught my eye was the fact that a gentleman of Egon's years would take on such an adventure, while my husband and I are three decades younger than him and are only "talking" about doing something this adventurous. Please let him know that our prayers and best wishes are with him. He has become our inspiration.

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Steve arrived last Saturday - great that we could see each other and we have already been on several exploits together, including a trip to the MEGA Store, where we got 4 L of drinking water as well as 4 L of Schweppes Ginger Ale and were looking in vain for a plastic basin to fit over the battery for carrying things in, but got a small carton instead, which for now does the trick. I continue improving in small increments, but did go to the chiropractor yesterday (an American who lives here) who treated me, partially in a holistic fashion; today, my back pain has not lessened, but I guess I have to wait a couple of days for the effects of the treatment to kick in.

Meantime, over quite some time, I have been busy with a new (maybe crazy) idea; it involved much internet research, but to tell you about it, the best way is to copy for you the email I sent to Stefano, the "Hotel Secretary" on "Poesia". So here it is:



My dear Stefano,

first of all, I want to wish you a very healthy new year and may it be as happy as you can make it! In the meantime you have no doubt seen my last reports and know what is going on. However, what is going on behind the scenes is what I want to talk to you about and in your role as a stepping stone to the powers that be, I need you to help me hatch the egg I have been carefully nourishing for some time.


People often ask me what the secret of my longlevity is and I believe that perhaps besides good genes it's the fact that music is a vital part of my life. You already know that I am a pretty good pianist. However, my instrument of choice, and one which I am very good at, is the organ. for I have been playing many different organs, including the mighty Wurlitzer Pipe Organ for over 40 years. Which brings me to a proposal that may sound eccentric (and maybe is), but which will be of great benefit to MSC and to "Poesia" in particular and would make not only me, but many people happy. Have I peaked your curiosity yet?


I propose to buy, at my own expense, the organ you see on the enclosed photographs. It is a magnificent Lowrey "Celebration" model, which had an original cost (some 10 years ago) of $ 25,000 or more. I propose to put this instrument on the balcony on Deck 6 facing he atrium (see photograph) and initially play on sea days at designated times for say an hour, at other times to be discussed. All of this will cost MSC nothing but I can guarantee that it will enhance the ship's entertainment roster no end and cause a minor sensation in the industry. To this end, you must know that I have a vast repertoire not only of American Standards and songs from many musicals, but am well versed in songs indiginous to Great Britain, France, Germany, Austria, Italy and others, covering everything from folkmusic to operettas and semi-classical themes. This would also open the possibility of gearing a program to the majority nationality represented on the ship at any time (of which I would have to be informed). As mentioned before, MSC is not entering any risk or cost and I shall absolve the company of any responsibility should the instrument be damaged or lost. Naturally, if at a later date and before my departure from the ship MSC should decide that to own this instrument would be a valuable asset, , it can be bought from me at a very low price; also, if my free services as an entertainer become sufficiently valuable to "Poesia" , I would be quite happy with a substantial cabin upgrade in return. It will be a win-win situation all around.


The instrument would be delivered shipside on a Sunday when "Poesia" is in port. It would only require a strong dolly (it weighs about # 340 lbs) and will fit easily in an elevator. On the balcony site, a 120V electric outlet would be required.


Because a) the organ may be sold before I can buy it and b) it could only be delivered on Sundays in the next few weeks, time is of the essence in getting MSC to consider and accept this proposition. Therefore, if you, Stefano, could maybe convene a meeting of the ship's officers of authority and submit this entire document, maybe by making multiple copies of it, a decision could be reached promptly.


As always, I am indebted to you for your valuable assistance and friendship.




Egon Landsberg



Wish me luck!!

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Pat in Pennsylvania:


I feel a need to add my voice to those that have spoken-up to thank you for posting Egon's e-mail reports on Cruise Critic. It is especially important at times like this when Steve cannot update the "ego page".


I am the "tablemate" who helped Egon relocate from his stateroom to that first hotel. I did not ask then to be added to his mailing list because of the many problems (including computer glitches) that he had before him. This is my best way to stay informed.


I did not start following the thread until I returned from that Christmas cruise. It is astonishing to me that the thread has had nearly twelve thousnd visits. His "Ego Page" has had nearly six thousand visitors. I understand that many of us have visited multiple times but that still means thousands of people have at the worst curiosity and most probably concern, admiration and hope for this remarkable man. We all thank you, I'm sure.


I have booked another 14 nights on the ship. I expect to see Egon when I board February 6th. I hope I will be able to hear him perform organ music throughout that two week period. I suspect that more likely I will be entertained as Egon battles with MSC, and possibly even the Coast Guard to secure his musical instrument. That alone will probably be worth the price of a ticket.


Dick Young

Edited by foxglove
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Pat...How was your trip? I saw the Poesia while docked in Nassau last weekend. I took a last minute 3Day cruise, returning on Monday the 17th. I emailed Egon a picture I took in front of his ship, and I was wabing at him. He asked if he could get a hug. Lol.


Foxglove...what you did was wonderful. Thank you for helping Egon when he needed help so much. I hope he always will run into kind people who will help him.

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Pat...How was your trip? I saw the Poesia while docked in Nassau last weekend. I took a last minute 3Day cruise, returning on Monday the 17th. I emailed Egon a picture I took in front of his ship, and I was wabing at him. He asked if he could get a hug. Lol.


Foxglove...what you did was wonderful. Thank you for helping Egon when he needed help so much. I hope he always will run into kind people who will help him.


I totally agree that what you did to help Egon was kind and I am positive that he appreciated it very much. Wish I got to meet him as planned.


As for Poesia for myself, not my style of ship. Guess I'm too set in my ways with liking the smaller ships better. I kept getting totally lost on Poesia, never knowing which was the front of the back of the ship. I must say though that my room steward was one of the best I ever had.

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Pat in Pennsylvania:


I feel a need to add my voice to those that have spoken-up to thank you for posting Egon's e-mail reports on Cruise Critic. It is especially important at times like this when Steve cannot update the "ego page".


I am the "tablemate" who helped Egon relocate from his stateroom to that first hotel. I did not ask then to be added to his mailing list because of the many problems (including computer glitches) that he had before him. This is my best way to stay informed.


I did not start following the thread until I returned from that Christmas cruise. It is astonishing to me that the thread has had nearly twelve thousnd visits. His "Ego Page" has had nearly six thousand visitors. I understand that many of us have visited multiple times but that still means thousands of people have at the worst curiosity and most probably concern, admiration and hope for this remarkable man. We all thank you, I'm sure.


I have booked another 14 nights on the ship. I expect to see Egon when I board February 6th. I hope I will be able to hear him perform organ music throughout that two week period. I suspect that more likely I will be entertained as Egon battles with MSC, and possibly even the Coast Guard to secure his musical instrument. That alone will probably be worth the price of a ticket.


Dick Young


If you would like to e-mail Egon, his address is 44 egon 44 @ g mail dot com....I believe he is planning to reboard in Cozumel this Friday 1/21. That is the last I heard.

Edited by yellowbird23
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