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Ballroom Dance Lessons


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Ok, do I have to prove this is fun.... look here...




Ok, only kidding, that was a tango, I am suppose to look pissed!.. Really though I stand firm here. It is fun for us. I guess my definition of fun might be different from others, and sure being a VP of finance, I have been called "intense" more than once!!


White jacket it is then... Our cruise will be a casual one too, going to Bermuda and all.... As the ship docks for 3 days we plan a few dinners off of the ship, but I am sure we will find a time to do it up! I am really looking forward to this cruise. Our last 7 day cruise was a Calif coast cruise with a stop each day. I loved all the sights but after it was all over I felt we never had any down time to enjoy the cruise and the ship.... This one will be much more relaxing...

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My husband has a white dinner jacket... each time we go away he complains..that he doesn 't know why he bought it and has a hard time figuring the matching thing.... but then he wears it and looks..... OH , so handsome!! :D :D


We have our first lesson trying out a new dance teacher next tuesday... my husband is very frustrated as last year we went through two teachers and "wasted" many private lessons until we got settled with Sahra... As we do not seriously compete... we will not get the top teachers in our studio and now we are choosing between two of the newest and youngest instructors.. Even when we do a group class... many times when we try to go over the steps in our private class ...our teacher doesn't know the steps we were taught in group ----- If it were golf season --- I do think we would be taking an extended break right now!!! :rolleyes:


Gorgeous day up here in CT.... Smooth hope you got out there and enjoyed it.... I had the day off and raked the leaves out of my gardens.... Crocusses are poking through!!

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Oh man, dont get me started here... I had one of thoes days at work, so fair warning, I am in one of thoes moods.....


What difference does it make if you compete or not???... I know all to well what a priviate lesson cost here in New England, and if you are going to pay that kind of money then it is reasonable for you to expect your instructor to know a tad more than you!! DO NOT let any studio pawn you off on a instuctor that does not have the skill set that you are paying for.... Your $80.00 is the same weather you compete or just want social skills. I know quite well about attachments to a certain studio, but if down the road you want value for your $$$, you know I can help... Just give me a hollar.


Talking about golf.... I dont, but my husband loves the game... He has a foursome every Sat and Sunday morning.... During the week it is dance... , week-ends he is MIA...LOL, when we are trying to get a good sway in our dance we have an instuctor that golfs, and he tells Nick, she is the golf club, swing her up... It worked!!


Stuck in the office today, but you bet, this week-end I am going to enjoy the nice weather....

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A beautiful cool morning here in SE Texas, although our weather has jumped from the low 70s to mid 80s this past week. I'm up early dog sitting, ours and the grand-dog, in/out/in/out/in/out. Drinking coffee and catching up on the boards while thinking through the weekend. We have the Mainland dance tonight, I'll fix a Southwest Shepard's pie to liven em up a little. It will be casual dress, taped music, and very close to home so it will leave a lot of time for garden and lawn repair.


Good pictures Smooth, and yes you do look pretty serious. Good advise Tropical, get what you pay for.

We enjoy the Tango, although we don't get to work on it often enough. There are fewer couples in our advanced class, so perhaps Ole Lance will teach it more often this term. With us he gives a lot of individual instruction tuning some couples and introducing new steps to others. The old man has forgotten more about dance then most couples will ever know.


I notice there are more cruises out of NYC these days, it must be great not having to go to Florida. As I've stated, you should find a lot of dance opportunities on your Bermuda cruise Smooth.


Howz the weather in Oz Mummsie?

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This is our first time not flying to Fla. It was one of the reasons I picked the cruise. It is still a ways away, but I am getting anxious! Our HAL cruise in November will also be out of NYC


We pretty much stick to basic steps in the tango. My husband has broken his leg twice and with time and age(!!) it bothers him. He has found that the positions in the tango are very hard on his leg joints so we keep it as simple as possible and dont practice it much.


It is beautiful here today... finally we are into sweater weather. Steaks on the grill tonight!

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Hi all.

Just returned from 9 days on the Mariner as a dance host. It was great way to travel on the high end ships. Most of the ladies just need someone to move them around the floor to a slow song. We did have a few younger (50s ) ladies traveling with their parents. They would come to dance after the show and their parents were safely in their cabins. They all wanted to learn the proper steps and were very quick learners. They all plan to take dance lessons when they get home. They really made the cruise for the two dance hosts enjoyable.


Dreams, if you still read the thread you started, I havent forgoten the dance you own me at Stardust in September.


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I just got the brochure for the Stardust weekend in June... Unfortunately with a child graduating this June... this is not an option..


I do have to find something to motivate the hubby to continue.. we dance tuesday night with our new instructor and Smooth... I have been looking around for other options..

We are mid contract at our studio ... or should I say 1/3 into our contract... so Dave feels locked in.. I do believe we could get our money back if we are unhappy..

Smooth, if you have any ideas or recommendations you can email me at beverage at optonline dot net


We stopped in at our Elks lodge on the way home from the mall last night... glad we did...they had a nice DJ, saw some friends we haven't seen in awhile and with a lite crowd as most were in the Ballroom celebrating Installation of new officers.. we nearly had the dance floor by ourselves. Interesting ... the owner of our studio for the last yr has offered blocks of group classes for members on Sunday nights. I understand the first classes last year were a sell out... last night friends of ours indicated an interested in joining and we may also.. we see some of the students on the dance floor and tho' we have refined our technique some more than they ... the classes are very affordable and always on the lookout for fun and practice.

Tho' it might be strange to do the classes with Eddie if we move to another studio!! ;)


Eric: welcome back... we have missed the people who used to post on this board... You should get a commission for referring to dance studios while onboard!!! -- just curious how you got into being a dance host onboard??!!

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There are 3 companys that put dance hosts , guest speakers, entertainers, dance instructors, and more on the ships.




They have Cunard, Silversea and Missisippi steam boats




They have Regent, Celebrity, Marco Polo




Holland America and NCL


Check out their web sites for instructions and applications


This was the second time I was on and each cruise cost me about $200.You have to be available to dance with all the single women for about 4 hours a day. The rest of the time you are just like any other passenger. Most will pay your airfare if you sign on for 30 days or more

Hope this info helps.



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Hey all, I've been out of touch, busy with immigration applications so we can stay in the US past November! We went social dancing last Saturday and were delighted to have some professional dancers perform prior to their competition in Las Vegas.

By the way Mummsie, we love the evening three step, because it's so easy to remember. We were cheeky enough to do the Gypsy Tap to a polka they played and DH kept cracking me up with his silliness. We must have looked crazy to everyone else that was there.


Because it is an Arthur Murray studio, I think everybody learns the same steps. Anyone a guy asked me if I could Rhumba, and I said sure, but he didn't lead and he was doing a square rhumba and I was doing the 'other rhumba'. Anyway, poor me, I just couldn't follow very well and he couldn't lead. I think a good dancer should be able to lead me into any sort of rhumba. He just held his arm up and I was supposed to have ESP as to what to do or where to go. It was the limp fish wrist syndrome. Of course he looked good dancing with everyone else that knew all their routines.


The last time we went a guy asked me up to do the meringe (or however you spell it) and I said I didn't know how to. Well he did lead a bit better and I kind of got the hang of it without evening knowing how to dance it.


There is a website called Australian New Vogue Dancing on the Web, I think the link is http://linus.it.uts.edu.au/~don/pubs/vogue.html

I now have all Neville Boyd's DVDs and have been enjoying reviewing the Swing Waltz and all the others. Good exercise. Have you ever heard of an instructor in Sydney way called Peter Green? He used to teach us back in the 90's.

Anyway sounds like everbody is having fun.

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Hi Chris, yes Paul Green is highly regarded here as a latin teacher. I think here was up here in Brizzie last August for the Superstars that I worked at. Good on you doing a Gypsy Tap to the polka music :) Its always a problem dance for us at competition level. Gary always forgets to do the second side together, side together going backwards :) Did another 3 hours of study/practical stuff on the weekend to get ready for the big day. Its this Saturday evening. Will be glad when its over. Then comes the next step. I have to teach 10 hours of private lessons.:p Mummsie

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Hi Gcurry, Weather here is fantastic. Love this time of year. Not too hot during the day and just cooling off at night so pull up a light blanket. Autumn in Queensland is the best. My husband got up on our 30 foot ladder and painted the gutters yesterday. :D

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Our brief spring has jumped up into the 80s about ten degrees hotter then it should be. The Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow (Brunfelsia Floribunda) is doing it's thing along with an Angel Trumpet with more blooms then leaves. I need to get started on a huge gardening to do list.


But before we do, we'll have a cruise reunion with people we were with on "The Grand" Dec. 2004 up in the Dallas area.


Tonight we visit Ole Lance for our weekly flogging (dance lesson).

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Well our spring weather is going in the oppostie direction! We had a few beautiful spring days and now it has turned cold again... Wearing jackets again! On the news they even said it was going to snow tonight, but it didnt!


I am very ready for some warm weather.

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I spoke to soon. I woke up this morning and it IS snowing!


Mcurry... I wa reading on the NCL board that on a 7 day cruise the formal night is the first sea day.... Would that mean that the day you board is formal? How was it on your cruise? I would not like this at all!


And another question on that white dinner jacket.. Do you match it with black tuxedo pants, or what??

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Your first formal night will be the evening of your first full day at sea. With all the things going on, they are never the evening you embark, thank goodness. The last cruise on the Wind (10 day), there were two, the evening of the second sea day going down to Fanning, and the evening of the second sea day going back to Hawaii. A second formal night is often the next to the last evening on the Cruise, as they want you to be packing that last night.


By all means, you wear the tux pants with the dinner jacket, also a cummerbund, never a vest. Don't forget the formal shoes as they are part of the outfit. Basically, you are just dressing lighter for the summer, or a tropic cruise. A problem I have is keeping in touch with what's in style, notch or shaw collar? http://www.worldwidetuxedos.com/ This is a good site for formal wear selection, you can get some ideas of what is current.


Ole Lance worked us over in the waltz last night, whisk, wing, and developpe and turn, the advanced left turn with a throw-away. His fangs were dripping venom, his sarcasm was never ending. "Sir, sir, you've got to count, you are out of step, out of step; wrong foot honey, wrong foot!!"

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Yeah I spoke too soon about the weather here too. Its turned really muggy again and have had thunder storms for the last 2 nights. Apparently on our Southern Alps the first snow has fallen and they are predicting a very good skiing season there. I have only seen snow twice and I think its highly over rated :D. I go into hibernation if the weather goes below 0c:D

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Wow that was some waltz combination!! Sounds great. I know the feeling, I have ended up on the wrong foot a few times myself if the precede to the throw away is challenging! We use a fall away to a tumble to the throw away..its a tough one! (And Nick isnt so nice to call me "honey" when it happens!!)


I looked and myself I like the notch collar, I guess it is just preference. I picked a wonderful red sparkle 3/4 length dress for the formal, and with the white dinner jacket it will be great, wont it??? We will be just dashing, even if we sit with the "jean people"!!!


Thanks for the info on formal night.

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Knock em dead Smooth, the way you dance, it won't matter what you wear, you are sure to impress.

I fear as time goes on, Americans are taking the class out of cruising, less and less black tie or even after 5, or any effort to dress at all on formal nights. The cruise lines seem to be aware of this, and are relaxing dress codes, going to free style dining rather then first and second seating among other things.

Now don't get me wrong, gcurry is the kind of Texan you want at an after snorkel, Mexican beach party fandango drinking Negra Modelo with Tequila shooters and a lime. But, the Currys enjoy the dress up and quiet dinner conversation with others at the end of a long cruise day, and, if there's some dancing involved, so much the better.


I mentioned the Evening Three-step to Ole Lance, and he thought it was the Feather & Three, the International Foxtrot basic.


You would love SE Texas Mummsie, winter fell on a Thursday this year, but we had to work, so we missed it!

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Hi GCurry, Evening Three Step actually starts with a 3 step starting with the outside foot with a tap at the end with both people going down line of dance in single arm hold (holding hands) Thats as close to foxtrot as it gets :D - its danced to what you would do a polka too. Its done to March rythem so any band marching music is good. We teach it as one of the first dances you do at the beginning of the night as a progressive to meet everybody in the room.:) Well tomorrow is the big day - I am so sick of studying.!!!! Will be glad when its over. Samba is really confusing me - the steps we have to learn are a pain in the rear. The names sound similar but they are done completely different. Finishing work at lunchtime today to go to Pete's house for one last practice session. Autumn hit with a vengeance last night just in time for the Easter long weekend - we have public holidays on Good Friday and Easter Monday so a lot of people go away - had to pull the bed spread up last night. :) Mummsie

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They made us wear the white dinner jacket on the ships on one of the formal nights. That was the only difference from a regular tux.


Tropical, we plan to go to the Stardust dance in September. There is usually a group of about 50 from Chicago for that one. Try to attend, maybe we can get a message board group to go . We have been to 5 so far and always had a great time. 3 days of non stop dancing


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Eric: that sounds like fun... I'll start to warm hubby up to the idea...

when you host on ship... do they provide you with the formal wear so you all look the same or do you wear your own...

working as dance instructors on the ship when we retire sounds like a great way to work off the cruises I dream of taking... maybe hubby will agree to a "world tour"!!!! :D :D


New instructor last night and we survived... the Foxtrot...they have also gone from one hour lessons to 45 minutes.. since we are under contract I believe we get an extra private class for every four we hold on the books... And now we are working on different techniques... always feels like you are learning the dance all over again... and we must really look stupid out there if I keep messing this up!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Mummsie: Best of Luck to you this weekend .... will be looking forward to Congratulating you on your completion!!

I feel so honored to have the advice of such gifted dancers!!


I joked with one of the better students at our studio - "Lets see if Dave and I can run off another instructor at this studio!!"----- she didn't realize this is our 4th dance teacher in 2 1/2 years!!! I'm wondering if Eddie, the owner, would ask us to sign up with the competing studio in town!!!!;)


have a wonderful weekend!!




ps Smooth, I do think we have had quite a variety of weather this past week in CT.... Stacy and Clinton of What Not To Wear Fame would have a field day up here... !! Winter coats in the ams... shorts in the afternoons... back with the boots at nighttime!!~

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I love that show!!.... I watch it all the time... Nick watches the golf channel! What an unlikely pair we are!


Hey Tropical, in May we are doing a competition in Springfield (again). Anyway, on Saturday night the organizers are performing. I have seen these 4 dancers from Canada do this show before and it is one of the most incredible and entertaining show I have ever seen (and we have seen a lot of them!!) They transform the ballroom to be "Venice". Great night of entertainment. This might give Dave some motavation... If you are interested I can forward you the website. It is right over the CT line and does not require an overnight stay.


Lately I am feeling a bit of dance burn out.... On the advise of one of our new coaches, she suggested that we need to do more competitions then what was normal for was... a comp a quarter. Her idea was that we needed to be completely comfortable in the performance mode and this is how we would accomplish this. It requires so much work... We right now are putting in about 10 hr per week of practice, another 5 hrs a week in priviate lessons... Then our 2nd coach wanted us to join group classes to work on our Latin connections to help our smooth dances..... Yea, like how many hours in a day are there after work anyway???


Thinking back, we did a comp in CT on March 17th, Springfield Mass on March 23, Indiana coming up on April 17th, back to Springfield on May 12th.... Two in June in Maryland and VA, two in July, Boston and NYC, (the night and the morning before our cruise!) August in San Francisco....(whew, followed by a timeshare week vacation in SF) I dont know if I can or want to keep up this pace.. What do you think Mummsie??


I am meeting a bunch of people I met on this board on the cruise the day we board. I had to warn them all about comp make-up...a quick bathroom change and we will literally be going from the ballroom floor to the pier. I wont have time to get back to normal!!... They think it is funny.... Hey maybe we should sign up for the talent show!!... I will have the costumes for it!!


Sorry to go on so, I am so FUSTRATED!! Did I say in a previous post that this was just for fun?

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