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Ballroom Dance Lessons


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It's good to hear your back in the competition these days.

It won't be long until we are both headed to Alaska and some much needed cruise ship dancing.


Congrads Mummsie! Such a wonderful feeling isnt it? I am too quite envious of you that you have sewing talents. I cant sew a stitch and I sure wish I could because it sure would save a lot of $$ that I end up spending on costumes.

MsGCurry sews at times, her latest project is a girl hero costume for her youngest daughter to wear to an Anime convention. Don't ask me why a Texas teenager loves Japanese cartoons, I don't have an answer.


DWTS--- Most people really dont like the Jimmy Kimmell skits while my husband and I think they are just so funny... We must have a warped sense of humor!

Yes you have a warped sense of humor as I enjoy them as well. They should have named his partner Juan then you could have; "You don't have to be a star to dance like Juan!!" A little Hispanic word play there, as MsGCurry rolls her eyes and reconsiders her vows.


We took our first lesson last week now that I am no longer in a cast. We went slow of course, but it was sure good to be on dance floor again!

Our latest teacher is like a parallel universe as everything we are learning is the same only different from Ole Lance (Instructor from hell). Instead of single step swing it's triple step swing, instead of counting, it's some Y I Y I thing. I guess if you lived long enough you could eventually become a dancer taking from this person, but it's slow and we are far ahead of the class we are in. I have developed a greater appreciation for Ole Lance if that can be believed!

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Smooth: glad to see you are back dancing again...!!


GCurry: any specific tours lined up for AK?? there have been lots of AK shows lately on travel channel..


I just booked a private tour of Amalfi DR in Naples for our group... I am excited about that!!:D


OOOPPPSSS!! they did it again!! we got word the other night that our instructor is leaving to devote time to her school full time.. they want to put us with another new instructor... don't think that is going to work for us this time!! :rolleyes:


I used to sew alot.. but now mostly mending, altering and sometimes a curtain .... but don't think I'd attempt anything delicate like those dancing outfits!! sewing is definitely a low priority for my time these days!!


DWTS: I think Clive was VERY HAPPY to be voted off last night..and I was surprised to see Heather Mills in the bottom two... we won't be watching on Monday nights as that is our dancing time..

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Dancing again! That is an understatement. We decided at the last minute to do a regional competition in Chicago. The comp is a month away so we have put ourself on a schedule of lessons and practice Monday-Thursday plus 5 days a week at the gym. Right now my poor body hurts a lot!


Tropical, you poor thing, yet another instructor! Not to long ago when we lost one of our instructors they suggested we try this new instructor that came with very high recommendations. After two lessons we decided to pass. It was not that he was not as talented as they said he was but our personalites and his just did not match. We just could not relate to him at all..... After this I have learned that finding the right instructor is not just about dance ability but the full package... Good luck to you and let us know how it goes.


So with about 45 days to go until our QM2 cruise I start looking for a gown for the black and white ball.. Find this white dress and ask the gals on the fashion board what they think.... Boy, did they not like how revealing it was!! Kind of funny thread. Here it is!


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Wow, compared to DWTS, you got that dress from Nuns-R-Us, but they might be right about it being too much for a Cunard cruise. I hate when that happens!!


Got our docs for the Alaskan Cruise, no over exposure there, as we set sail on the Diamond June 2nd, out of Whittier on a South bound.


Tropical, our group of 4 does rental cars as we get them free thanks to our friend Mike being a claims adjuster for Allstate nation wide.

It worked great in Hawaii, eight of us really saw the islands in a fine way. So much so, that we plan to return in 09 for a land vacation on Maui and the Big Island. For Alaska, we will fly in to Anchorage and spend a couple of days exploring Kenai. We'll do the drive up to Emerald Lake in the Yukon out of Skagway, and perhaps a whale/scenery trip out of Juneau seeing Mendenhall of course.

We never do the ships excursions unless it's one of a kind, as we feel we can see and do more for less on our own. These days, however, we travel with friends.


Which brings me to this weekends Cruise reunion in Rowlett TX, outside of Dallas. Seven of us that cruised on the Grand Dec. 04 will meet there for a fun, dance filled weekend. Much like dancing, you meet some great people on a cruise with whom you just want to spend more time.

That being said, we are booked on the Spirit out of San Diego next January for the Mex Riviera with some from the reunion, and a perfectly lovely couple from OK.


Smooth, I know some people think I can be somewhat outrageous; usually MsGCurry, but for a Black & White Ball does your husband have a pair of Jazz shoes, I'm sure he does! MsGC got me a pair and I love em!!


More of the spat style, but it really improved my swing dancing, as all they look at are my feet.

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This is so cool to find this thread! My wife and I just started our Ballroom lessons, and leave on ouor next cruise in a couple of weeks. Someone mentioned upthread that they were going to the FADS comp in Vegas. Several of our teachers and the studio owner competed in that this past weekend. We stayed home and practiced our paso doble. We'll be ready to go for the cruise, though!

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This is so cool to find this thread! My wife and I just started our Ballroom lessons, and leave on ouor next cruise in a couple of weeks. Someone mentioned upthread that they were going to the FADS comp in Vegas. Several of our teachers and the studio owner competed in that this past weekend. We stayed home and practiced our paso doble. We'll be ready to go for the cruise, though!

Just a quick note, as I've been smoking and pulling pork for a BBQ, not a Texas thing as we do beef, but with a double mustard sauce and a heart healthy broccoli slaw it should feed a passel of people.

As you know Smooth, Rowlett on the shores of Lake Ray Hubbard is a pretty place in the Dallas area. These people took us in when we were displaced Americans during Rita. Now that is what cruise friends are all about. We'll head that way tomorrow morning by way of Tyler to visit my son and his family.


BTW, my jazz shoes are made by Coast. I seem to recall your husband has an unusual size so I hope you find some to fit.


Welcome to our family "theotherchad", which I guess beats a hanging chad, but who's counting. For those of you a little vague about Tomball TX, it's nestled up in the piney woods, not all that far from our lovely Bacliff/Galveston. The only thing keeping us apart is Houston though, which is usually enough for most people.


Chad, if you need ballroom dance opportunities, just let us know, gcurry1@houston.rr.com, we get a monthly bulletin that lists a lot of the opportunities to dance in the Houston Area. As much as you've cruised the Rhapsody, you should know Galveston pretty well I would imagine.

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Welcome Theo!


It might of been me talking about the FADS competition in LV. I ended up with my leg in a cast and we did not attend, but a group from our studio is there. Maybe next year!


You have to be careful with that take a few lessons idea to go on a cruise!.. That was my original plan. We enrolled in a short program prior to our first cruise... I thought certainly in 7 priviate lesson we would learn everything a person needs to know! That was 12 years ago,fell in love with ballroom dance and never stopped! I just know you will have a wonderful dancing time on your cruise!!

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Hi GCurry and Smooth! G, I'll be emailing at some point, and trying to get a line on some dancing opportunities, although I doubt if we'll be able to get to anything until sometime this summer. We are ridiculously overscheduled, between lessons, the cruise, lots of other stuff and another vacation in July. In any event, we do know Galveston fairly well, as we get down to the island at least 5 or 6 times a year, which isn't really ever enough. There's going to be a FADS competition there in November, I think, which we likely will be competing in. They're pushing us to do one sooner, but we just can't fit in the kind of preparation time we'll need until August.

Smooth, I know what you mean about those who intend to do a few lessons for a cruise and get hooked, but we can't be warned anymore, since we're already hooked. We've been talking about dance lessons for pretty much the whole time we've been married (14 years this May) and it was a special (1 Private and 1 Group Lesson for $20) that actually got us in the door. After that, though, we signed up for an introductory package, got jumped past Beginner to Introductory Bronze, and before we even got to the third lesson in our bronze program, we got into a "spotlight dance" program, which will be a week from tonight. In the meantime, we (total beginners) are busting our butts to learn a Paso Doble routine. We're in pain from practice, and we're nervous about pulling it off within this tight time frame, but we're having a blast! After next Friday, we'll settle back into our Bronze program. After about a million and a half repeats of cape turns and our finale (which we just learned on Wednesday), I'll be glad to work on a nice Rhumba or Waltz.



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Good luck on that Paso, not a dance we do but I do know that OMG feeling before a spotlight. Our studio has guest parties each Thursday night right after our lesson. Often they will ask us to do a spotlight dance for the guests... this is the best way for us, no advance notice, no time to fret, just do it!


We do about 2 FAD comps a year, on the East Coast. They are on the costly side but just so much fun. You should try at least one to see if it is for you guys! But certainly it should be on your timing, not thiers. Someday we are going to go to one of thier regionals which are usually in great locations.... If our pocketbook will allow we may do the comp in Disney in Fla in October. The very wonderful thing about being a husband and wife amatuar couple is that you can travel to anywhere you want to compete. We usually pick comps that we can combine with a mini vacation... Well who knows I bet some day you and I may be at the same FADS comp.... We dance championship open level so we would not dance together but what fun it would be to meet you and cheer you on.


Question for MCG.... About thoes shoes. Do you wear them with a tux, or only with more informal stuff?? Yes, Nick has a wide foot but can wear a regualr size of coast shoes. Do you think that they would be to "over the top" for QM2?? Being recently told ...oh no you cant wear that dress on the Queen has got me to thinking! The rather nasty and playful side of me has a mind to wear that dress on the Queen!! Do you think they would throw me overboard??

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Question for MCG.... About thoes shoes. Do you wear them with a tux, or only with more informal stuff?? Yes, Nick has a wide foot but can wear a regualr size of coast shoes. Do you think that they would be to "over the top" for QM2?? Being recently told ...oh no you cant wear that dress on the Queen has got me to thinking! The rather nasty and playful side of me has a mind to wear that dress on the Queen!! Do you think they would throw me overboard??

As to the first part, mine are patent leather, so yes, I do wear them with a Tux or dinner jacket and have gotten a lot of favorable comments. As they are dance shoes, I will wear opera pumps to the event and change there if need be. I've also worn black on black with a white tie and fedora for a swing dance with them, so they can work both ways.


Now to the 2nd, yeah I know it's Cunard, but a lot of people seem to think you need to dress like the Queen Mum. I would say wear the gown to the Captains party and elegently dance the night away. You will be the envy of all the women that see you. Besides, it's bad form to throw people over the side these days!

You do have to consider, however, that this advice is coming to you out of Texas, home of the Anna Nicole line of ballroom fashion!!

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I'll second that cheer! I was irritated the whole time she was on the show. I think it's great for a handicapped person to show that they can enjoy dancing too, but I think they could have gotten someone better, (maybe someone who had competed in the Paralympics) with more personality, etc. I cut her slack for her lower body movement for obvious reasons, but frankly, her arm and shoulder motion was crappy too. What I don't get is why Sir Paul was ever attracted to her in the first place, unless skinny, humorless blondes are just his type.

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GCurry: thanks for the shoes site... great gift for hubby!!

since he like his sneakers so much!!


I didn't See DWTS this week as we had our last class with our dance instructor :( ... our studio is having a showcase in June so open time slots are dear right now... we signed up for 2 lessons with the manager and then in June we will try to commit to a regular time slot and instructor..

meanwhile we have signed up for a series of lessons offered at our Elks lodge... we went Sunday -- they are being given by the owner of our dance studio.. it is mostly review for us but it will get us acquainted with more folks there. I've forgotten how hard it is when ya first start to just get the steps...


looks like everyone has cruises coming up... we are planning, planning for our Europe trip... but I booked a weekend getaway in June with some girlfriends to Philly... hubby will be off playing golf..-- always gotta have something to look forward to! :D

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Poor Tropical!!... We have been doing the instructor shuffle ourselves!! First our teacher opened up his own studio and was to far for us to travel... Started with another for about 2 months and then he moved to another studio... Now we have two instructors which we both like quite a bit... Tonight our lesson was a killer... She is working on our frames for an upcoming comp... I did not think it was possible for a person to stretch ones body this much!!

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Ok, so which one goes, John or Billy Ray. John looks and dances like a stuffed rat, and Billy Ray puts zero effort into practice from what I can tell. Billy Ray might have the larger fan base however.


We've got lessons tonight with Mrs. Technical, and a live band Cinco De Mayo dance Saturday. I'll go with some Western Caribe Cruise wear, Black Guayabera, white pants and white Huaraches De Florshiem. It's also my basic outfit for Mexican Holidays and Quinceneras.


Cinco De Mayo plays bigger in our neighborhood then it does in yours I would expect.

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Hi y'all. I hope I'm not interrupting here. Just wanted to share my excitement. We were on the Conquest in Nov '04 and got a little tired of the disco so we started spending our late nights in the lounge with the live band. Well, there was one young couple who would dance every night and was always having such a wonderful time. We made a pact then that we would take dance lessons before our next cruise.


So here we are, one month away, and we went to a free intro class last night and learned the very basics of two-step, swing and salsa. We went ahead and joined for a month of unlimited classes. After last night, we certainly aren't expecting miracles. But we are excited that we'll be able to learn some basics to try to keep up a little on the dance floor when we hit the seas on June 2.


I have read here that it's addictive. We're a little intimidated at the moment, but I'm sure we'll have fun. They told us last night that it takes at least 3 months of basic Level 1 for the guy (leader) to get comfortable. During this time, I guess I'm just supposed to follow. They said in the more advanced dances, the lady has alot of complicated footwork while the guy gets to do the stuff he's used to.


Anyway, let me know if we are setting ourselves up for failure here! In any event, we are SO looking forward to adding a little more fun to an already fun vacation.

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Hi y'all. I hope I'm not interrupting here. Just wanted to share my excitement. We were on the Conquest in Nov '04 and got a little tired of the disco so we started spending our late nights in the lounge with the live band. Well, there was one young couple who would dance every night and was always having such a wonderful time. We made a pact then that we would take dance lessons before our next cruise.

Welcome Swwake, there are no interruptions on this thread, just jump in and say what you think.

Having lived in Austin four times in my life and graduated from High School there, it's great to hear from Central Texas and the "Live Music Capitol" of the US.


So here we are, one month away, and we went to a free intro class last night and learned the very basics of two-step, swing and salsa. We went ahead and joined for a month of unlimited classes. After last night, we certainly aren't expecting miracles. But we are excited that we'll be able to learn some basics to try to keep up a little on the dance floor when we hit the seas on June 2.

That will be a great way to start and sounds like a variety of dances. What kind of swing will they be teaching? Usually with Two-Step they teach Western (Bob Wills/Asleep at the Wheel) Texas Swing which is great for dancing in Austin. The down side is they usually don't play much C&W on the ships.

But, you'll find you can Two-Step to a lot of the Foxtrot music.


I have read here that it's addictive. We're a little intimidated at the moment, but I'm sure we'll have fun. They told us last night that it takes at least 3 months of basic Level 1 for the guy (leader) to get comfortable. During this time, I guess I'm just supposed to follow. They said in the more advanced dances, the lady has alot of complicated footwork while the guy gets to do the stuff he's used to.

Anyway, let me know if we are setting ourselves up for failure here! In any event, we are SO looking forward to adding a little more fun to an already fun vacation.

It's a lifetime hobby that is great exercise and a lot of social opportunities so congratulations.

You might explore Ballroom as you'll find you can dance to most of the ship's music with Foxtrot and Cha Cha, with the occasional waltz and rumba. If you get the opportunity, check out these people: http://www.austinballroomdancers.org/

We went to Austin and had a joint dance with them a couple of years ago, they have some very good dancers there. I know they offer inexpensive Ballroom lessons at the Community Colleges as well.


Where is your cruise? We to set sail June 2nd too; on the Diamond for an Alaskan adventure.


Welcome again neighbors, don't a stranger, and when you get the chance, have dinner at the Salt Lick, then go to the "Broken Spoke" drink a couple of beers for me and dance the night away!!

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What kind of swing will they be teaching? Usually with Two-Step they teach Western (Bob Wills/Asleep at the Wheel) Texas Swing which is great for dancing in Austin. The down side is they usually don't play much C&W on the ships.

But, you'll find you can Two-Step to a lot of the Foxtrot music.

Thanks for the welcome. The "swing" class will include both east coast swing and jitterbug, so they told us. They told us they are teaching us Texas Two-Step, but warned us that what people call the Texas Two-Step will look different from Dallas to Austin to Houston, etc. Said there is alot of variation. I remember when I lived in TN (for 33 years) that the two-step there was quite different from what I have done at Dallas Night Club and Graham's here. We aren't much for country music and it's not quite our crowd, so we may not take anymore of the lessons in Two-step this time.


It's a lifetime hobby that is great exercise and a lot of social opportunities so congratulations.

You might explore Ballroom as you'll find you can dance to most of the ship's music with Foxtrot and Cha Cha, with the occasional waltz and rumba. If you get the opportunity, check out these people: http://www.austinballroomdancers.org/

We went to Austin and had a joint dance with them a couple of years ago, they have some very good dancers there. I know they offer inexpensive Ballroom lessons at the Community Colleges as well.

Our membership allows us entrance to any of the Level 1 classes, and they do offer waltz, cha cha, WC swing, etc. Oh, here's a list of our Level 1 options: (I'm afraid to post the link here, as it may be considered advertising): Triple Two Step, Country Waltz, Salsa, Cha Cha, American Tango, Ballroom Waltz, WC Swing, Hustle, Salsa, Swing, Two Step, Bolero, Merengue and Lindy Hop. We are thinking we will stick with the Salsa and Swing for now. I am interested in the WC Swing and Hustle too though. We are open to suggestion though if you have any advice. We get 4 private lessons this month with our package, plus admission to one social dance.


Where is your cruise? We to set sail June 2nd too; on the Diamond for an Alaskan adventure.


Welcome again neighbors, don't a stranger, and when you get the chance, have dinner at the Salt Lick, then go to the "Broken Spoke" drink a couple of beers for me and dance the night away!!

We are out of Miami on the Liberty of the Seas' 3rd official voyage to the western Caribbean with a total of 10 family members (see my signature). This is the second time Chris and i have done this itinerary, but new cruise line and new ship, and new companion travelers, so it will be fun!


Haven't been to the Broken Spoke yet. We have lived North since we moved here, and that place is South. But they mentioned it at our intro class, so we might hit it one night. Also haven't made it out to Driftwood for Salt Lick quite yet, but have sampled their stuff at the airport. We'll get down there soon. We just built a house hilltop in the hill country overlooking Lake Austin, Lake Travis and the Mansfield Dam, so all of our attention has been focused there for a couple of years. We will venture out shortly!


Thanks again for the welcome and the advice.

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Thanks for the welcome. The "swing" class will include both east coast swing and jitterbug, so they told us. They told us they are teaching us Texas Two-Step, but warned us that what people call the Texas Two-Step will look different from Dallas to Austin to Houston, etc. Said there is alot of variation. I remember when I lived in TN (for 33 years) that the two-step there was quite different from what I have done at Dallas Night Club and Graham's here. We aren't much for country music and it's not quite our crowd, so we may not take anymore of the lessons in Two-step this time.

East Coast Swing and Jitterbug will take care of Classic rock and roll which they play a lot on the ships and in the clubs. West Coast Swing and Lindy steps will fit into your other swing knowledge if you decide you like it. A lot of swing dance is played at Ballroom venues.

My little wife Susan is from Maryville TN, and I always enjoy visiting that beautiful part of the country.


Our membership allows us entrance to any of the Level 1 classes, and they do offer waltz, cha cha, WC swing, etc. Oh, here's a list of our Level 1 options: (I'm afraid to post the link here, as it may be considered advertising): Triple Two Step, Country Waltz, Salsa, Cha Cha, American Tango, Ballroom Waltz, WC Swing, Hustle, Salsa, Swing, Two Step, Bolero, Merengue and Lindy Hop. We are thinking we will stick with the Salsa and Swing for now. I am interested in the WC Swing and Hustle too though. We are open to suggestion though if you have any advice. We get 4 private lessons this month with our package, plus admission to one social dance.

Wow that is quite a menu, I am very surprised, however, that they don't offer Foxtrot probably one of the most versatile dances you can learn, from very quick to very slow and probably the most frequent dance you would do at social occasions.


Salsa is played at Salsa Clubs all night long, kind of like Latin Rock & Roll, with nothing down beat about it. I understand some of the clubs will also play rumbas and cha chas, but haven't found them as yet, and even though we took Salsa lessons, I don't like sweating that much in very crowded loud smoky rooms.

There is Salsa Merengue and Ballroom Merengue the footwork is different.

We enjoy the Tango and are about to take Bolero lessons as they do play it at our club dances, although you may not get either one on a shipl You also didn't mention Rumba which is our favorite and is very adaptable.


That being said and keep in mind this is JMHO, from the ones you listed, cha cha will really benefit you. Not only is it one of the major Latin dances, but it is great for a a lot of R&R, everything from the Beatles to current Santana.

Two Step and Country Waltz are linear, you move around the floor in a circle, which is very difficult on small floors like the Ships. Ballroom Waltz offers greater versatility and steps that can adapt to smaller floors. They did mean American Waltz and not Viennese didn't they?


I would hope at this point that Smooth and some of the other good dancers would step in with some sagacity.


We are out of Miami on the Liberty of the Seas' 3rd official voyage to the western Caribbean with a total of 10 family members (see my signature). This is the second time Chris and i have done this itinerary, but new cruise line and new ship, and new companion travelers, so it will be fun!

Have a great cruise, we've done the Western route a few times as well.


Haven't been to the Broken Spoke yet. We have lived North since we moved here, and that place is South. But they mentioned it at our intro class, so we might hit it one night. Also haven't made it out to Driftwood for Salt Lick quite yet, but have sampled their stuff at the airport. We'll get down there soon. We just built a house hilltop in the hill country overlooking Lake Austin, Lake Travis and the Mansfield Dam, so all of our attention has been focused there for a couple of years. We will venture out shortly!

Thanks again for the welcome and the advice.

You do live way up North, but what a lovely home and view you must have. I squandered a large part of my misspent youth on Lake Austin and Travis, Sailing, Water Skiing and cavorting about; but only with young ladies of quality of course!

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Gene, I'm glad to hear that you limited your cavorting to young ladies of quality!:D That's one the great thing about getting into ballroom, I'm finding, not that I cavort (being thoroughly hitched to a lady of the very highest quality already) too much, but the dance studio and its social events really do bring you into contact with such a great group of people. many are couples like us, 30's and up, and lots of empty nesters, but I really enjoy seeing the younger people who are getting a big jumpstart on learning these sophisticated dances.

There's a couple who come to lessons regularly, and bring their 12 year old son, who takes his own separate private lessons. At social dances at the studio, this kid is waltzing around like an old pro, and when he gets up into his prime girl chasing years, he's going to discover that this skill cannot be traded for diamonds or gold!

BTW, our paso doble spotlight went really well, so now we're settling back into our bronze lessons. I'm eager to build on the basics we've learned (we only had about 5 Bronze lessons before we got shanghaid into the paso spotlight preparations) and learn the dances we haven't touched on yet.


OH, and welcome, Susan. I'm a newbie on this very cool thread too.

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nice to meet ya Chad. Is everyone from the Republic of Texas?? Who knew there was so much ballroom down here? :)


I am getting more excited about our classes and lessons. I have some travel coming up the next 2 weeks, so we are planning to do the Fri night classes for Salsa and Swing. I think I'll twist Chris's arm into going to the Cha Cha next Tues night after what you guys have said here.


I have a 15 year old daughter. I am hoping to bring her to observe one of our classes (if they'll let her). It would be fun if she would get into it.


As for FoxTrot - I just don't think it's on the beginner's menu for this month. Everything has syllabi and is cyclical. They have foxtrot signs in the studio, so I'm sure they have it. I noticed that there was rumba and samba on last month's calendar but not this month. So I'm sure there is a rotation.


Looking forward to lots of fun. I hear it's very addicting. And it's a cool thing for us to do together, and burn some calories while we're at it!


I just realized they don't allow PMs here :( I was going to send y'all the site for our studio so you could look at the calendar (and give me advice, if necessary). Is it against the rules to post the link here?

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nice to meet ya Chad. Is everyone from the Republic of Texas?? Who knew there was so much ballroom down here?

Texas dancers; although we are gaining in numbers, we sadly lack in ability compared to some on this board, Smoothdancer & Mummsie compete and have for some years, look for their posts. As Mummie posts from OZ, you find the Australians are dead serious about Ballroom.


I now understand what you are saying Susan, we are also in group lessons that cycle. This 8 weeks it's Foxtrot, Rumba, and Tango. Foxtrot will probably come up for you soon, just ask your instructor.


Looking forward to lots of fun. I hear it's very addicting. And it's a cool thing for us to do together, and burn some calories while we're at it!

I really think it's great for a marriage as well as creating social occasions. My wife and I met dancing, but got serious about it as a hobby when my knees begin to wear out from racket ball. The real key is your husband buying in to it and the two of you getting out and dancing. That's the great thing about dance clubs, we are sure to try to make two dances a month to go with the weekly lessons, and there are many other opportunities to dance at other places in between.


Gene, I'm glad to hear that you limited your cavorting to young ladies of quality!


Truth be told Chad, as it turned out there might have been one or two sleazy harlots, but a young man can't be faulted in not immediately knowing the difference!!


BTW, our paso doble spotlight went really well, so now we're settling back into our bronze lessons. I'm eager to build on the basics we've learned (we only had about 5 Bronze lessons before we got shanghaid into the paso spotlight preparations) and learn the dances we haven't touched on yet.


Congrats on a good Paso, and you will you eventually test out in Bronze?

We are members of the Two Left Feet Club in Dickinson, TX where in the old days you had to perform and test out in Bronze for the officers of the club who were all dance instructors, before you were excepted for membership. Fortunately, no such conditions existed when they asked me to join. We had a baby born to a club member this past year in what might be a first for that club. We do have a lot of very old member couples who still love and are able to dance very well. You will have to visit some evening.


As much as I have a love/hate relationship with "Dancing With The Stars", I think it's done wonders in promoting Ballroom.

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Nice to meet you too! Austin folks are always welcome here.



I really think it's great for a marriage as well as creating social occasions. My wife and I met dancing, but got serious about it as a hobby when my knees begin to wear out from racket ball. The real key is your husband buying in to it and the two of you getting out and dancing.


It is such a great way to do something besides sit in front of the TV, And I agree that it makes a good marriage better. I will honestly say, though, that couples with jealousy issues might not find it the perfect thing, as there is so much dancing with others at social dances. I love the fact that, to people who really are into dancing, a dance is not considered an opportunity for a romantic overture, but is just a dance. Some new to the community though, may have a hard time making the distinction. I haven't seen any problems like this as of yet, but I can certainly see it being an issue for some couples we know.


Truth be told Chad, as it turned out there might have been one or two sleazy harlots, but a young man can't be faulted in not immediately knowing the difference!!


I understand completely! :p I think Jerry Jeff told the truth. We like 'em that way, at least a little bit. This is the reason for Texas big hair!:D



Congrats on a good Paso, and you will you eventually test out in Bronze?


We plan to finish the entire Bronze program and test out, at the very least. We're not really interested in competition, but we want to continue to improve for years to come. We will likely do a competition within the next year, just to have that experience, but then, we plan to just settle back into our lessons and practice, and keep dancing, no matter what!

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The one statement that caught my eye was that it takes the gent 3 months to get comfortable with a lead. I dont know about that but certainly, absolutley, in one months time of dance lessons/classes one can get out on the floor and dance many dances.


The steps can be quite interchangable so for example a step you learn in a cha can also be used for a rumba. Throw in a few cross body leads and underarm turns and you will have great fun!


It is interesting that foxtrot is not in the mix. A bronze foxtrot is easy to learn and furthermore it can be modified to a foxy for nightclub dancing real easy.


As time goes on however the lead does change drastically. The men gives a much more subtle lead and lets the women dance and take responsibility for her own steps. The body connection becomes important as many of the leads are so darn similiar. Finally, the women becomes a real active powerful partner in the dances and the new rule becomes that the forward dancer takes the lead. It kind of flips back and forth between partners.


Word of warning though, for the lady when the ship takes a sway it is real easy to take that sway as the mans lead! I remember our first cruise we took and I asked my husband "why did you lead that"??? to which he responded I did not! The most important thing about dancing on a cruise is just have fun with it. With just some simple basics under you belt you can make it up as you go along!

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