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Ballroom Dance Lessons


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Well I received the gown this week and I do just absolutely love it. However when I tried the gown on it screamed "costume" to me...so no I will not wear it on the cruise but certainly at a comp... On me, the gown is much more revealing then the picture but yes... I will give it a go in the right setting.

I understand, after all we did see the the dress on that skanky blond at a European comp wasn't it? Certainly you need to get it fitted to you, after the cost of the gown, what's a few alterations? It's either that or order you a couple of them Anna Nicole pasties from the "Brass Pole" in case of a Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction!!

I'm sure we're all looking forward to a pic of you in it after the alterations.


DWTS - wow, I enjoyed last night, what a show. Len Goodman is right I too would like to see a little more basics from some of them. IMHO, Joey is the best dancer/showman ever on this program, and a joy to watch. Laila does a good though unexciting job, and Ian struggles, dancing is hard work for him. Little Apolo is a quick footed athlete which is a huge advantage.

Any thoughts?

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Well, after a few weeks off from our private lessons as we wait for open times with the new instructor... Thursday night we are going to do a Private lesson then a group rhumba...

I have missed our Private lessons tho'.... think we are definitely hooked!!


I think Ian is just a real focused kind of guy that has a hard time letting loose and having fun with it all.. thus they had him work with Joey a few weeks ago... and the motivational guy this past week... Cheryl has her work cut out for her trying to make him understand this is a dance comp but you are supposed to have fun.. and most folks at those comps just make it look soo easy.... Ian is so intense on getting it right .... he probably messes up anyway with the stress he puts on himself..

I enjoyed last nights dancing... and I even went online and voted for Joey.... I really want him sticking around so I can see what else they come up with!! Apollo and Juliane have wonderful chemistry as well as great dancing!!

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Apollo is my favorite, his technique just amazes me. For me Joey is to much flash, Leila not enough! Anyone's guess who will win this one, they are all pretty accomplished(Less Ian of course)


It was time for Ian to go, and I must say his exit was so charming and the way it should be. He did not try to to promote a new albulm, get in a plug for fund raising, he just talked about reaching his goal..."learning how to dance". I am looking forward to the last show... This has been a great season.

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You called it Smooth

Apollo is my favorite, his technique just amazes me. For me Joey is to much flash, Leila not enough! Anyone's guess who will win this one, they are all pretty accomplished(Less Ian of course)

And there you have it folks, 1, 2, 3. But I agree this series has had the best dancers yet.

They really changed Laila from a boxer into a lovely lady, although from her expression last night, she wanted all three couples in a ring, and winner take all!

I also loved Joey's showmanship, yeah, it was over the top, but I could relate to him. Apalo really had amazing athleticism, as a speed skater, he comes with strong legs and quick feet, but he really adapted to dancing. I enjoyed his little partner as well, what a disciplined young woman to coach them to the championship.

My only disappointment was my age group represented by Fat Rat Ratzenberger, who had all the moves of a hog on ice!


Brian Fortuna danced last night, I think you've mentioned him Smooth, I was really impressed by the precision of his dancing.

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This was really a good season. LOL, we went to a dance comp last week end and did not score well....I was pissed too, even though we held our heads up high and took our placements gracefully!!


Yippie, we leave today for our long awaited cruise on the Queen Mary...

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Smooth: have a great time!!


We went to a ballroom production at the Palace Theatre in Waterbury last night...called "Floorplay"... its primarily an Australian troupe.... 10 couples... it was Sponsored by the AM studio in Hamden.. figured Smooth might know some folks there... its our first time in that venue... Wonderful theatre and we really enjoyed the production!!! lots of energy --lots of fun and all that!! tonight we have a party at our studio and a celebration for the owners 50th... so that should be fun..


It is interesting to see the interaction of student and instructor...esp with The celebrities... and we have seen this too with instructors we have worked better with and have just had fun with and been pushed with... there is a balance there.. and OOOOH the Chemistry....:D :cool:

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Hi all, well back in the land of oz. Started back at work yesterday which was a lot of fun. Still a bit jet lagged. The 24 hours of travel from Calgary back to Brisbane was not a highlight of our cruise/train trip. :D I loved the Norwegian Sun - beautiful ship but the dance floors were way too small for the number of people who were trying to dance their routines they had learnt at their group classes. They just didn't give way and they were flinging arms all over the place so it got quite dangerous. We managed to do a few shuffles but this was way the worst cruise for dancing we have done. :D Never mind, enjoyed ourselves other than that.

Saw 2 episodes of your Dwts - I was amazed at how shonky the judges are in your version.:) We have 4 judges here in Australia - 2 are current adjudicators, and the other 2 are ex dancers now stage dancers. I couldn't believe their high scores for what I thought were good not excellent routines. It was almost like they didn't want to give a bad score so they didn't influence the viewers scores. Anyhow I enjoyed watching the dancing. Who ended up winning? - the last episode I saw was the Semi final with the 3 contestants. The final was the night we left so I missed it.

Both my kids are dancing in a competition this coming Saturday - Shannon hasn't danced competitevly for about 18 months so it will be good to see her back out on the floor. Only trouble is both my kids are competing against each other - always hard to watch.!! :eek: I am driving up with them for support - its 2 hours west of where we live. Anyhow good to be back - I think.!!! Mummsie

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Saw 2 episodes of your Dwts - I was amazed at how shonky the judges are in your version. We have 4 judges here in Australia - 2 are current adjudicators, and the other 2 are ex dancers now stage dancers. I couldn't believe their high scores for what I thought were good not excellent routines. It was almost like they didn't want to give a bad score so they didn't influence the viewers scores.

You got it Mummsie, welcome to American Entertainment "where everything is made up and the points don't matter!" The only event televised here with the kind of decorum you describe is the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. Keeping the interest of the American Public is a tough job, especially with no body count. This has just enough Suspense Sex and Sizzle and involves "STARS", so it works.


I hope you had a great and beautiful adventure in Alaska and Canada, you'll have to tell us what you liked about it.


We leave tomorrow on a non-stop Houston to Anchorage where on the 2nd, we'll board the Diamond for a 7 day down to Vancouver.

We will be dancing!

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Everybody is coming or going on cruises!! Just back from the Queen, the ballroom was incredible with the orchestra playing every night until Midnight... Yes there was more than enough room for quickstep!! More later, but we were so disappointed with the service on the Queen, thought Princess does a much better job of it.


Have fun on the Diamond Mc.... We finally got around to doing the pictures with the white background on this cruise. I think that Princess does them too, you must try it, lots of fun... Here is one of ours


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Great photo smooth :D You were lucky - we didn't have room for more than a club shuffle on our cruise. Was the only disappointing thing really - that and the fact that both Gary and I caught a bad cold while we were away - 2nd day of the cruise. I am still getting over it (coughing) - Gary had it for 2 days.!!! Mummsie

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My wfie loves to dance..........any kind, ballroom, free style, etc. BUT, she has a BIG problem. I can't dance!! Several years ago, I paid to take lessons at Arthur Murray. After two lessons, they refunded my money. The instructor said she had never had a person so 'stiff' and 'rythm-less'. She said I danced like a tobacco stick. So..........the wife finds others to dance with, while I hold her drink................

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rebeljohn:.. wow... I can't believe they did that!!! Dave and I joke that we are in the "remedial class"... we took an adult ed class where in one hours time they taught us 3 dances... at the second class I was soo confused... ... we see all types at our studio... and I've taken group classes with folks who are quick studies and those who need mucho practice... it's all fun for us...maybe you should try another studio...


mummsie: dying to hear all about your trip!!!


And Smooth... more information is needed!!! :D :D

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jeez rebel....


You just landed at the wrong dance studio... I was so very very bad when we first started taking lessons, beat.. what is that??? There is just no one who had less dance ability than me. But what I lacked in natural dance ability had nothing to do with my desire to have fun....


Oh please find another dance studio where in just a few short weeks they can have you and your wife feeling the fun of dancing together... PS you dont have to be great dancers to feel so cool together.....


Coming soon Tropical.... Review almost done and ready to post on our website.... Just wait unit you see the dance floor on the Queen..... I have cuts (still healing) on my ankles from our non stop dancing on this cruise!!! Was worth it!!!

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hi tropical - our trip was fantastic. Ship was great (except for the dancing) and we had a good time. The Rocky Mountaineer was great - saw heaps of wildlife - lots of brown bears and a grizzly, lots of deer, elk and a couple of moose. Cyotes and even a cougar (pretty amazed about that). We just had the best time. Gary reckons he would like to move to Vancouver such a pretty city but I couldn't live there - way toooo cold for me even in the spring :D. We had great weather for the majority - only a couple of rainy days so we were really lucky. Lake Louise was still frozen when we were there and there was even an avalanche or two while we were walking around the lake. :D Mummsie

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Hi, my DH and I started lessons this January--I had been asking for a couple years. We love it, we now have a good instructor too. We've been learning Rhumba, Waltz, Foxtrot, Tango, Cha Cha and in our group classes even more dances. She says it would be good for us to do an upcoming competition. I'm unfamiliar with competitions, are there folks competing that are as new to dancing as us? The competition is in August. Thanks.



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Hi CruiseDreaming, Welcome to our dancing family :) Yes there are people who have been learning the same time as you who enter competitions here in Australia. I was at a comp last weekend and there were some very beginner beginners dancing but that's how you learn and improve. You go to competions, you enter them and if you dance badly you learn from the experience so next time you will dance better. It also helps to watch the higher grade dancers - its amazing how much you pick up from them. Just be careful to enter the events you are comfortable with and don't dance too hard a routine. I have watched thousands of competitions and believe me its much better to do a very basic routine well than to try for the fancy stuff. Good luck - Mummsie (who always mucks up quickstep)!!! :D

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Thanks Mummsie, if we do this we won't be doing any solo routines, just the group heats for smooth and latin. I'm interested in doing the competition and my husband is a willing partner--we were just a little nervous since we are kinda new. We are in our Bronze course now, but we just started it and we don't dance nearly as often as we should. Thanks for the info!



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I echo what Mummsie has said. The competition is at all levels and you will be competing with others who are at your level. Once you pick your first comp, come back and tell us and we can give you tips and tons of what to expect to help with your nerves!!

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Smooth: what a wonderful review... only now I just would LOVE to sail that ship...!! a dancers dream to have a beautiful ballroom on a ship instead of these small dance floors.. but of course they make money on people sitting and drinking.....:D


Mummsie: so glad you had a fabulous trip... I sooo want to do the train ride when we do go to Alaska... actually I'd like to take the train across Canada to get to Vancouver... so geuss it will have to wait until retirement and we can take a loooong vacation..


Kerrie: glad to have you aboard... we are not competitors but know we always have that as an option in the future if the bug bites!!



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You guys must try one of these cruises... For us here in New England it is a good deal... They do these short cruises over holidays, Memorial Day, the 4th and Labor day so you dont need to eat up vacation time or incur flight costs.....


It is worth it to dance on this floor! I dont know how you feel about formal, but man oh man this ship is very formal! After 6:00 PM you were hard pressed not to find a gent in a tux. I played on the Cunard message board before we left.... I damn near sent one brit into shock when I told him my husband would we a pre-tied bow tie!! You will have to pull out thoes full length "puffy" gowns for every evening, but for a short day cruise with no luggage restrictions it is great fun.

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Hi Everyone,


It has been a long while since I have posted. Wow it was before our SA cruise in January. Well my DW and I have found a new studio and have been taking lessons for the last 16 weeks. Salsa, Night Club 2 step. 2 new dances for us and we have found a new love in Salsa.


We also had the chance when we were on Buenos Aires to take a private Tango lesson before going to a dinner and Tango Show. Our instructors spoke very little english but it didn't matter. It was great fun but the basic steps we learned were not very much used at the later show.


Such fun we are having but I cannot convine her to try and compete.



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So good to see more folks checking in to this chat!!


Bob: I would love to hear more about the SA cruise... was there alot of latin dancing on board ship.. Congrats on the new teacher... once again we are in transition and "breaking in" another instructor...


I will throw this question out to all of you.... we have always had a female instructor....usually the new teacher to the studio and this has always been female... now that we have progressed in our dancing...we want to be more selective.. and I wonder if it makes a difference to consider a male instructor.. to work with a male instructor on My end of the dance couple!


Smooth: I will keep that in mind!!:D .. one thing ...living where we do.. the airport at Bradley is pretty convenient and driving to NYC is about 2 hours of mean traffic ... :eek:

We love the formal nights.... to that brit with the tie thing... tell him to lighten up!! ;)

for now we focus on our Med cruise which is very port intensive.. I wanted to do a dance show in Istanbul even though the books all say its very touristy.. my friends want to do a nice local restaurant.... but then I have time to decide...

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We were on the Infinity for 14 days and there we a few dance lessons spread throughout the cruise. these were very basic. They had a group on board called the Pampas Devils to perform several times and the lead dancer held 2 Tango lessons. They were very good and danced in their show a variety of local dances.


The dancing opportunities on board ship were about average, normal size floors. If you got to the Martini Bar when the group started playing during the first dinner seating you had at least some room to move for about 45 min.


Our new studio is run by a married couple and they share the duties, sometimes they even switch in the middle of a lesson. It is great. I like having him there when I am having trouble getting a lead and he will use me as his partner to show me how it should feel.


They are sponsering a 7 day Western Carribean cruise on Princess leaving Ft Lauderdale on Oc 14. We are trying to work it out so we can go. They had 35 couples last year and had events sheduled every day. Sounds like a blast.



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