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Ballroom Dance Lessons


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We also attend a lot of formal and semi formal gathering, and so both Nick and I have a good deal of formal wear as well... I always overpack them on a cruise. But it really makes it so much more fun to bring the formals along, and have multiple choices, doesnt it??


So far I found that Celebrity was the most formal of all the ships we sailed. Even on the casual nights many dressed almost semi formal. Our next cruise is on Silverseas, and I am guessing that will lean towards more formal as well.


Changing costumes at comps isnt much of a big deal. The comp is organized by dance heats, by type of dance and then level and agel(ie silver, gold, ect) So they will compete all smooth dances then give out placments and awards. There is usually enough time between the awards and the next group of heats to change. We dance gold whick is 4 levels from the bottom, so we never have had costume change issues. For thoes dancing at the lowest level the organizers are watching pretty closely and if they think it is an issue they will do general dancing in between the heats to give people time to change.


It is actually more difficult for the man than the women. I can do a change in about 2 minutes. But the man has to remove or put on all the studs in the tuxedo shirts, bow ties, ect... The competition number is also worn on the mans back so he has to remove the number if he is changing shirts. We no longer compete latin but when we did I often would help my husband with the studs, number, ect....

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GCurry - when we go to a competition and compete depending on how well the events are organised we might be lucky and only have to change twice. From street clothes to ballgown to latin clothes. If we are unlucky, we might have go change 4-5 times backwards and forwards. The last changes are always the worst though because by then they are usualy all sweaty and they are like puting on a wet bathing suit :p

We have a major competition here next weekend - the Superstars which will be held at one of our casinos. Won't be dancing this time - too expensive to enter - $140 for a season ticket so I will actually be working for the 2 days as the co-ordinator for the helpers. The kids to go and collect the judges cards and all the behind the comp stuff. I really enjoy those days as its interesting to see what goes on behind the scenes. Also get to chat to all the judges and other important people. We have people coming from all over Europe and Asia to dance so it should be good. Also having a couple of top notch displays from top Pro's - always a joy to watch. Not sure who they are yet though as I haven't seen the actual program.

Its the weekend here - Friday morning so I hope you guys all have a good weekend and have fun dancing. - Gayle

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Hi Dreams , Glad to hear you and husband are going to Catskils weekend. We are going with a group with one of the dance instructors there. Nino is his name . Don't worry about being beginers, they will have all levels there. You can pick the kind of lessons you want. This will be our 5th time there , and we always have fun. Hope to see you there.


Eric and Nancy

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Smooth, thanks for the info about Celebrity, this will be our first cruise with them. We've read good reviews about their food and service, enough that we'll try their concierge class.

With us, it's about the destinations, who's going where. We've sailed HAL twice, which was a fairly formal group, older as well, and Princess, not so much. Both provided great dance music every evening.

As I am sitting in Galveston, as we speak, we'll naturally cruise out of here until we run out of new places to go.


You are right, studs are hell, and take the most time, as you are trying not to wrinkle the shirt.


Mummsie, have a great Austrailian/Dance weekend, it sounds exciting. I'm surprised you get a lot of Europeans, that's a pretty long trip. Although, here in Texas, we are getting more people out of England that enjoy our mild winters.


Dance classes in the Catskills, I assume at the old beautiful resorts? That sounds fun, and cool as well.

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GCurry..Ahh your first Celebrity cruise. You without a doubt, are going to love it.....


This April past we went on our first Celebrity cruise... We picked it for the internary, like you... We just tired of Eastern and Western Carribbean having done it so many times.... This cruise started in SF, and cruised the CA coast... Great cruise.... Anyway, I got off the subject....


We just loved Celebrity.... We enjoyed the bit more formal then Royal C., and even Princess... Every evening we were able to find places to ballroom dance... Well you know, a shortened version due to small floor, but still such great fun... We met a couple from England and had a great time with them each evening. We went all out for this cruise and booked a suite with a butler, now that was fun!! We are not devoted to any line, like to try them all. I will have to say however that Celebrity met everyone of our expectations, and more...


Suggestion... Do spend the extra dollars to go to the spa area and the Epool.. At the end of a day it is the best thing in the world.... Suites are not charged for this so I dont know the price, but whatever the cost, it just has got to be worth it.


I am one of thoes who loves to take pictures.. If you click on my name, and go to my homepage it will bring you to Webshots... I have lots of pictures of Celebrity, if you have an interest. What is your internary, and when???


Next up, is our first time on Silverseas.... The cruise prices have really gone up recently and we found we could step up to the luxury line in a balcony cabin for close to the same price we paid for a suite on the Mass lines ..... So In April 2006 we are taking a cruise that departs from Rome and then goes along the coast of Italy... Neither Nick or I have ever been abroad and this is our first time ,and well our dream vacation.... Nicks family is from Italy and he is so excited to see where his family came from. It will take me a year and a half to save for this .... and yup no more dance costumes for me!!!


Hey, I dont know, but you sure have an interest in the comp side of dancing.. Is the MRS and you considering it???? Damn, if I can do this, anyone can...


Still wish I was going to the catskills with everybody....



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I agree with Janet, the T-pool is awesome... I believe it runs about $100 for the week... but you can also pay $15 each per day.... that was last year on Galaxy... sooo relaxing!! :D


Janet: I would love to hear about your experience on Silversea... we went to Italy a few years back on a tour with my son's High School Italian class.. It was exhausting..!!

Venice, Florence and Rome in a week plus land travel and even a tour of Pompeii which is incredible!! next time, I would love to do a cruise!!


We are heading to the Orlando area in October with friends for a week at a timeshare... anyone know of places to go dancing in that area??!! we will have a car...


I just changed jobs and I am smiling!! :D :D long search has paid off. great place....working monday through thursday 8-5 and already have Vacation planned!! this is a Good thang!!


Hope everyone gets a chance to dance their way through this weekend!! :)



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Hi GCurry. I belive that Celebrity and HAl use dance hosts. You can ask any of them to dance with you. Most of them are pretty good dancers . Smooth might know for sure. I was one on the QM2 in March. They have a great ballroom on board, and live music every evening. Celebrity is one of our favorite lines. A nice mix of people, not too old or too young. Also the ships aren't gigantic, so its easy top find your way around. Hope you have the best time.


Eric and Nancy

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This morning, I watched the dawn come up over the gulf as I MC'd the Friends of the Galveston Island State Park Funrun and shrimp boil.


They couldn't afford the famous, so they moved on to the notorous, and, I was free!!

I sometimes forget the tropical island right here at home.


Jan. 21 we are cruising on Galaxy 12 days down to Panama out of Galveston.

We'll add Costa Rica, Panama, and Jamaica to our destination list. I've put off Jamaica with it's problems, but Sunset Beach at Mobay is close to the ship and secure.

We will enjoy the three formal evenings, and with late seating, we'll probably dance before dinner. MsCurry might take in the spa as well, thanks for the info.

Competing, no I don't think so, I'm comfortable with the social ballroom clubs and dances. If I'm put into a competitive situation games, sports, whatever, I'm pretty intense, and play to win. So I don't need any first runner up awards. But, it is interesting hearing about it.

Smooth, I'll need to check out your site shots of the Galaxy.

Tropicalsunset, congrats on your new position, you've been looking for quite some time.

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Looks like my pictures wont help... We sailed the Celebrity Mercury. Back a few years however, we did sail throught the Panama Canal on Princess. This cruise was one of our most favorites. It is a great expereince going through the Canal. I do however have a lot of Panama Canal pictures. For this cruise we choice an Aft balcony cabin and had a great view. Have a great time.


We are doing a land vacation to Aruba next month, and counting the weeks now. This will be our 2nd year returning to Aruba. We just love it there.


Congrads on your new job Tropical. I think the job market is picking up in CT. I am in the finance area, and I find it harder and harder to hire good accountants. Aside from swing dancing in a club on the Boradway in Disney, cant help with places to dance in Orlando. The swing dancers are very good there and is fun to watch.


Mumsie.... Did you survive working the comp?.. I worked a comp once, and it is long hours and hard work... Good for you for givng your time.


True, with dance comps you do have to give up the idea that you will always come in first place, and for that matter the placement is just not that important. (This is easier said than done!!) What is important is that you felt that you improved from the last comp... Actually I think we probably enjoy preparing for the comp more so than the actual event.


Someday I would love to sail on the QM2. I did not see any dancehosts on our Celebrity cruise. But there were a good deal of passangers ballroom dancing.

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Hello all,

I wrote a message at the following: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=217131


asking if it would be possible for a new forum to be started for cruising dancers, in order to help each other find information about dance opportuities on ships as well as other dance information. My wife and I love to dance and love to cruise. We have found some ships to offer more dancing opportuities than others and thought a forum to share dancing information would be a great start for us dancing cruisers.


Anyway if you go to the above link you will see that Community Manager LauraS stated the following:


"This is a very interesting request, but also very ususual. It is the first and only time someone has asked for a forum of this nature. If there are more folks out there that would like this forum please let me know.




Soooo, perhaps if some of you dancers were to drop a line to Laura at:

community@cruisecritic.com we might just get to have our own forum, wouldn't that be a hoot!!! :)


We just returned from a New England cruise on Enchantment of the Seas and thought the dance opportunities to be the best yet of 18 cruises. Great music and reasonable dance floors.

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remember me? I am still here. I check on you every so often but have not had time to really post.... also have not been to dance lesson since july 21st!!! :( We have put our house on the market and have been going crazy since. The day after it hit MLS we started showing it. Eleven days later and we had our first offer. In the negotiating ping-pong game right now - we countered last night and the ball is in their court right now. Don't know where we are moving if this one sells but will figure it out.... have an idea of area we want to look at. Anyway will let you know how our latest saga turns out... Boy has this thread changed... so many competitors now instead of just us beginners. I guess after the move we will try to take a few "refresher lessons" before our cruise but Fred & Ginger we will not be.... Well all take care and will check back later. Cheryl

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Cheryl: Welcome back... glad you got offers right away....

and good luck with your move... are you moving in the same area or will you be looking for a new dance studio..???


We looked up our former dance teacher on Sat night... she is still teaching and is dancing professionally... we miss her but have gained much from our new instructor...


Janet... I will look for the Swing dancers in Disney... would love to see them!!

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I finally took ALOT of time to read thru this read and it has been great entertainment. GCurry your comments from "Ole Lance" have been a hoot.


I can't tell all you folks how lucky you are to be in an area that you can take lessons. We are from NORTHERN New York - 12 miles from the Canadian border along the St. Lawrence River - beautiful area during the SUMMER months. We also live in whats called the Thousand Islands region.


Well a little background - we have only been dancing for a few years and like you folks we like to cruise - just got back from our 17th one. Well most of those cruises we watched and watched people dance. Well finally on a cruise from I think NCL they gave 6 DIFFERENT lessons and we found we could do each one but after we got off - we were totally confused.

Finally found an instructor that taught at a church once a month and so we were able to learn the basic Waltz, Fox Trot, CHA CHA and Rumba from him with only about 6-8 lessons. This instructor wanted us to change partners and it is ok if EVERYBODY in the group wants to learn - well that isn't necessarily always the case.


So we went to plan B. Found all kinds of VCR tapes, CD's and DVD's from the library and off internet. So the bottom line is we are going forward on our own which is sometimes - mostly good!!!! We have been very successful in learning from the obove mentioned info. Sometimes we look at a lesson on the tape and not able to do it but when we look at it another time all of a sudden it clicks for us. I didn't mention that we are into Social Dancing at this time. Maybe when we retire we might get into competition but for right now we are working with what is available to us. I also understand that some folks cannot pick up on tapes, CDs or DVDs, we are very fortunate that we can.


We finally found a resort about 20 minutes from us that the duo are wonderful. They plan all kinds of music that we are able to ballroom dance to. THe duo used to play in a band all across the US and now it is just the two of them (husband and wife). Great people and entertainers.


Even though we aren't taking lessons we are dancing 2 - to 3 times a week and when we go on a cruise or wherever we pick up lessons.


We have talked out going to the Catskills but at this point we haven't done it - probably about 5 hours drive from us.


I believe we are going to observe an International competition 45 minutes from us into Canada in September.


Well enough said about us thanks again and hope to talk with you more in the future.



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Glad I stumbled onto this thread!


We've only been taking lessons for a year, and don't have a lot of options near where we live. We sure enjoyed dancing on our previous cruises, and are looking forward to the next one. Meanwhile, can anyone recommend any specific DVD/VCR teaching tapes. Looking online, I see a lot, but have no idea which ones are ok. For us, its either tapes or long travels or wait until next spring when we can have some latin classes.





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It is hard for me to imagine lack of instructors. We are so lucky here in New England, as we have some of the best dance instructors, and many at that. Close to NY, and NJ... It always has amazed me as to why there are so many great professional dancers out of NJ


I give you guys a lot of credit for learning from tapes. Sometimes I come home from work so tired and I know if I did not have a dance lesson scheduled I would not go.. Once I am there I am glad, but it is the going that is hard. Seems to me you really have to be self motivated to dance a few times a week, from tapes... Good for you....


Have you tried the dancevision.com site? They have a lot of good tapes, and they go on sale often. I have bought a few and was always happy with the product. My favorite tape instructor is Ron Montez. He breaks it down to be very simple to understand.


I have ALWAYS wanted to go to Canada for a comp. We always combine our comps with mini vacations, long week-end or whatever...I know of one in Canada in February. Well there is just no way. I have been to Cananda in Feb, and it is to cold for me. You will have to come back after you observe the comp in September and tell me what you think, This Im sure is a perfect time to go.


You did not ask but I just ran across a site to buy ballroom music.. Just got what I ordered today and really am enjoying listening to great music right now. The site is danceshoppers.com

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Ditto on DanceVision.com and Ron Montez is fantastic. We use the tapes for the latin because our instructor never seems to have time to cover all the dances. We get a little Rumba and ChaCha and a few minutes of Merengue, Mambo, and Samba at our class party at the end of the session. I am so jealous of you guys who have dance studios so accessible. Where I live in Maryland there are only two venues- Parks and Recs which we take part in and a couple who teaches on the Naval Base and that's it unless we travel about 60 miles or more to DC or Baltimore ( which we are planning to do at least twice a month to attend Dance and Learn Parties) because I really want to learn the latin dances including Salsa, Rueda, and Bachata. I can't wait. We have a local dance on Saturday that I hope we can attend if DH knee is good enough. He hyper-extended it yesterday:( so my fingers are crossed he'll feel like dancing just a little.:) So I too say get to DanceVision.com and get Ron's videos. The only thing I didn't like about them is they only come in VHS format, no DVD's yet.


Happy Dancing,


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fiance and i started ballroom dance lessons in jan. for our wedding. So far the dances that he gets the best are the hustle and the jitterbug. After the wedding(sept. 3rd) i am hoping to learn some more dances with flavor. As corny as this sounds, since we're cruising the exotic carribean i thought it would be cool to learn dances like the salsa, merengue, bachata, samba, lambada, mambo, calypso etc. Problem is, he struggles with the Cha-Cha.

Does anyone have any tips that helped them or their significant other get the hip movements and become a little more "loose" so to speak? other than practice.......



btw this is a GREAT thread!!

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Thanks for the nice welcome.


You are exactly right on the money - we are using DAncevision tapesa and for not being able to have an instructor both him and his wife (size 2) are excellent. It certainly does not beat an excellent hands on instructor but the next best thing. We also found tapes and DVDs from Kyle and Susan Webb. They do an excellent job in teaching the steps which we watched alot at first. You can get Swing, Waltz, Rumba and Cha Cha in Beg., Inter. and Advanced lessons. The only thing I would state about Kyle and Susan which you folks with instructors are already aware - there is a style that you will not see in Webb tapes (which at first is ok). The way the woman moves her head or just the flair or psazzz (sp) that makes for great watching in dancers.


We also found as new dancers CDs that list which type of dance goes with which song. At first the beat was hard for DH to pick up and the CDs told him which type of dance and now does an excellent job on picking up the beat.


We are struggling and struggling with the Salsa (more because of the different beats that you can pick up and the faster it is the harder we find to get going). We have found someone that is willing to assist us in that so hopefully in the near future we will be comfortable.


Do any of you do the hustle? We are not comfortable with it yet but that is the dance that I would love to learn.


Well have company coming and food to prepare (my other life). But will go dancing afterwards for our 4th night in a row (man I have to go back to work soon so then we will not be doing this so much).

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Mrs Boomboom,

You are so observant, you have learned a lot from thoes tapes!!!


So you have observed head postions, and arm styling. The key to thoes head positions, and well, dancing your head is balance. Your head weight must stay over your supporting foot. I know this may sound simple but it is not.You can practice this by starting in dance postion and find where your balance is, and then place your head over that foot, far over!! As you begin to dance be aware of where your balance is and the relationship of your head placement. Often when people start to do this they take thier head out of the frame. Be careful to keep your head in the frame, while still mantaining your head weight over your shoulder. My instructor yells at me all the time....look where you are going!!.... Once you accomplish this you can then use your head to arrive, and create beautiful slow and graceful movements... Remember that the head is the heavest part of your body. Another technioque I use oftern is that my head is the last to go. I begin to dance using my sides to swing or arrive my feet and finally my head. Eventually your head has to come with you!!.. Doing improves your posture, improves your frame, and make the man much more comfortable, as you are not in his face or trying to beat him to the same spot.


Ballroom dance uses the same basic positions as ballet. Consider beginner ballet tapes to better understand balance and dancing from your center. This also helps a great deal with arm styling.


I guess you could learn hustle from tapes. Remember this is a slot dance, and althought it appears circular, you are always danicng down the line, in the slot. Lots of free spins, and the key is spotting, another ballet technique. I learned free spins and staying in the slot spinning down my hallway... After many black and blues from the doorknobs, I learned how to spot and spin while staying directly down the line... Once you have that, you are home free!! Hustle is a lot of fun.

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One of the things I find amazing about dance is just how dynamic it is. Even though it is a partnership dance, there are two individuals that may learn very differently.


When my husband and I first started to learn the rhytym dances, he almost immediatley picked up the feel of the music, and was able to move his body. I on the other hand had the same problem as your finance. I did not understand the concept of cuban motion, or rolling your hips. For me it was steps... I learned the steps first, and eventually once comfortable with the steps, I was then able to let go, listen to the music and produce the "motion".....


After many lessons, I still learn this way, while my husband learns a different way. I think it comes down to the way each person processes information. It will come for your fiance, the more you dance and play with each other and have fun with the partnership....


I dont think it is corny.... Learn them all!!

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Hi Bloom. We have been doing Hustle for a while , and it is one of our favorites. We started doing 4 count, which many people will say isnt really Hustle. We found that it is a good way to get comfortable with it and then go on to 3 count. We still do 4 count if it is a really fast Hustle. Unless you are doing competitions, there is nothing wrong with 4 count. at least it gets you out on the dance floor.



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We had our club dance last night, about 65 members and 6 visiting couples, the theme was "Tea House of th August Moon" which was pretty interesting, as most Texans get their Japanese culture from Benihana's. I did, however, fix a nice Japanese Wasabi salad for our covered dish dinner half way through the dance.

We had two yourng couples just starting, and the usual suspects all the way up to competitive dancers in attendence.


BTW, Ole Lance, much like Mt. Rushmore, is better viewed from a distance.


MSCurry and I danced a little as she is still recovering from her Hysto.

We are, however, joining some of our past cruise friends for three days in Las Vegas this next week.

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Dandycandy. Cha-cha is one of our favorites. To me its very much like salsa but with a triple step in the middle. We have found that a lot of the Salsa steps can translate to Cha-cha and vise versa. If your husband likes the hustle , than he can do Merengue It is just a 4 count and you can do most any steps you know . We have done hustle and east coast swing steps in merengue, almost any 4 count step will fit. Its kind of fun to come up with something that will work. good luck and keep with it. It will all come to you both one day.


Eric and Nancy

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