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Anybody want start with me today 7/16


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I lost a whole .7 this week but that is ok. I am now at 175.8. I need to focus more on working out!


I have 2 labs and they are my babies. :-) If you friend me on FB you can see pics of them. Angela Hornback Urquhart.




I just put in a friend request to u on Facebook. I can not see your pictures yet.

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Angela - great job on the loss! Whoo-hoo!


JackieH - never done yoga but I hear I will on day 6 or something like that. :confused: Been a headache week for me - on the tail end of a whopper migraine...know what you are feeling though it was only a high of 86 here yesterday. I can't excercise at night when it is so hot (90's and higher) - I can do mornings though because it is not usually above 68 and if I turn on the whole house fan can have the cool air blowing on me the whole time. I will continue to work out with my husband at night until it heats up again - then we'll have to work out separately. Me in the morning and him at night.

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Jackie - I've heard about using a night guard at night. It helps prevent the grinding of the teeth. I don't know if you need a presciption to get it, but maybe you can ask your doctor or your dentist. Maybe that would help you.


Angela - Any loss is a good loss!! :) And good job going to the gym. You go girl!


And don't laugh but, I got a yoga for dummies dvd one time from the library. It was a really hard workout. I was breathing heavy 1/2 thru the dvd. Took it back to the library the next day. lol

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Jackie - I've heard about using a night guard at night. It helps prevent the grinding of the teeth. I don't know if you need a presciption to get it, but maybe you can ask your doctor or your dentist. Maybe that would help you.


Angela - Any loss is a good loss!! :) And good job going to the gym. You go girl!


And don't laugh but, I got a yoga for dummies dvd one time from the library. It was a really hard workout. I was breathing heavy 1/2 thru the dvd. Took it back to the library the next day. lol


I have a night guard from my dentist. I had it made 3 yrs ago when this all started..Its been adjusted 2 times since. It was just adjusted 2 weeks ago. The dentist said, even during times of stress, I will go through cycles where I will experience the pain..and it was true..Now though..it doesnt seem to be leaving :(...I have an appointment on Monday again, so we will discuss it.

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Went to the gym . Wog (walk/jog) for 18 min, and ran for 8min and the rest was slow walk for warm up and cool down. It was ok.


Good has been good today, not as much crap so I feel good. I hope to have the ipod fixed so my podcast is there tomorrow.


Yoga for Dummies...I might see if my libray has that too. I never tried it befor other than the WiiFit moves on there.


How did everyone else do today?

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Angela - sounds like you had an awesome day. Good for you!


Jackie - Sorry to hear that your having so much pain. I hope you start to feel better soon. Hang in there.


Brandy - how's your p90x going? There was a guy from work that used it and he lost alot of weight. My guess would probably be 40 some lbs in a short amount of time. He got really muscular.


I had a somewhat good day. Came in just a little below my calorie and fat intake for the day. But, it was so darn hot and humid, I didn't get my walk in. I'm not going to beat myself up for it though. Just try harder tomorrow.:)

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Wow! My walk today really kicked my butt! Only got 30 minutes in today. It's so hot outside, heat index over 100 & it's only 830 AM. My youngest DD has marching band camp today til noon. I hope she doesn't get too hot. I told her to drink plenty of H20.


Ok ladies, get out there early if you can!

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Wow! My walk today really kicked my butt! Only got 30 minutes in today. It's so hot outside, heat index over 100 & it's only 830 AM. My youngest DD has marching band camp today til noon. I hope she doesn't get too hot. I told her to drink plenty of H20.


Ok ladies, get out there early if you can!


Where are you from again?


I know here in TX it doesn't cool off much at night so all day is just YUCK for working out it seems. I love my gym membership this time of year! :-)


Today I will hit the gym for a bit after work, go to church and maybe bowling after. Saturday is lake day so that will be nice. :-)

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Wow! My walk today really kicked my butt! Only got 30 minutes in today. It's so hot outside, heat index over 100 & it's only 830 AM. My youngest DD has marching band camp today til noon. I hope she doesn't get too hot. I told her to drink plenty of H20.


Ok ladies, get out there early if you can!


Good Job for getting your walk in already :) What part of Illinois are you in?

Its 93 here in Va Beach at 11:30am

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Where are you from again?


I know here in TX it doesn't cool off much at night so all day is just YUCK for working out it seems. I love my gym membership this time of year! :-)


Today I will hit the gym for a bit after work, go to church and maybe bowling after. Saturday is lake day so that will be nice. :-)


We were in the Plano area last August. My brother in law lives in Richardson. We stayed at a hotel in Plano though, much cheaper then staying in Richardson;)

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We were in the Plano area last August. My brother in law lives in Richardson. We stayed at a hotel in Plano though, much cheaper then staying in Richardson;)


Really? I find Plano higher than Richardson a lot of the time... Such a small world! :-)

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Hi everyone!


Lisa - p90x is going well. I am really really sore though. Last night was upper body - arms and back. It wasn't as tough as I thought it would be, but still a challenge. I guess tonight is 90 minutes of yoga. 90 mins?? UGH!


I ate well yesterday - coffee, 2 pcs bacon, turkey sand w/dijon, cottage cheese, apple, strawberries, plain yogurt with a bit of granola, and some grilled pork tenderloin. Oh and a South Beach protein bar - was more like a granola bar though.


Today I didn't eat breakfast so I will have to grab something - a protein bar or something.


So my first "rant" here...my husband and I work out together and he was REALLY not looking forward to last night's exercises because he was so sore, so he kept stalling. I was ready to go, and getting hungry and the DVD is an hour so I needed to get started so I could have dinner. I finally just told him I was going to do it w/out him and that got him going a little faster. After we were done, and after we ate, he commented on how he didn't realize how late it was! :rolleyes:

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Really? I find Plano higher than Richardson a lot of the time... Such a small world! :-)


When I was searching for Hotels, everything in Richardson came up MUCH higher then anywhere else. I have no idea, I am going just by the hotel rates from the internet.

They actually wanted us to stay with them, but my sister in law was dying of cancer and I didnt find it appropriate for us all to stay there . It came to be, she passed while we were there. We Spent several days in the Dallas area, then drove down to Corupus where the funeral was actually held, then back up to the Dallas area. We did manage to go to the Ripleys museum and Midevil times before we left, which the kids enjoyed.

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So its odd, and Im not complaining, but I weighed myself and lost 2 pounds since Monday. I mean I find it odd as I am not really "trying" so to speak in the sence that I am not following one certain plan. I have had ice cream and a little candy..BUT...maybe after all these years.. I am conviced it is moderation that is the key:confused:

I mean,havent we all heard moderation when it comes to our diets. No, I havent had candy every day, or I havent had ice cream everyday, but I did have some treats several times this week. I think having the daily headaches and being on new meds, kind of has taken my focus off of food. Again, I am not complaining, as I am an emotional eater.

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I know what you all mean about it being too hot to walk, it's been in the 90's here for awhile. And now we have a tropical depression - whoops no, it's a storm named Bonnie now- to worry about. Of course I do have a treadmill in the house. :D


Have any of you tried the Leslie Sansone walk DVDs? I bought 3 at the beginning of the year, they would probably work if I took them out of the wrapper. I do like the treadmill because I can read while on it but the controls are broke so I don't know how fast I am going.


Down 1 pound, probably water but still made me smile.

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Hello my fellow cruisers!!!


I leave in 42 days and have battled the roller coaster ride of weight loss and gain all of my life. Gonna be 37 on my cruise in Sept and it gets harder and harder each time. I've skimmed through some of the threads and as a Personal Trainer have to agree with the fruit comments. Bananas, Watermelon and Canteloupe are very high in sugar and carbs. I used to eat a banana every day and gave it up for an apple instead. What really helped me this round and it better be my last of weight loss, was by hiring my boss (personal trainer as well) to kick my butt 2x a week in addition to the classes I was already teaching. So I am willing to share some workouts w/you on here using weights to help you achieve your goals. And, if you have any questions about anything diet/workout related let me know.

Tip for today: Are you drinking half of your body weight in ounces of water every day???

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I tried to upload some pictures but they are failing - the files are too big to post and I don't have a clue how to fix them. Anyway, today was a good eating day - going to do some housework until yoga time. Tomorrow we have a family reunion to go to and Sunday is our 18th anniversary. That being said I will still pop into cc to check in! Have a great evening everyone!

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Do any of you feel the weekends are harder then the weekdays when it comes to eating and exercise?


I know this may sound like a silly question. Although I dont officially work, I still have a schedule during the week. On the weekends though, it seems like a free for all what is going on around here. Being an emotional eater is hard for me, when I am not scheduled. I know, crazy right?:rolleyes:


Here at 6:30am it is alrady 81f out and very humid...UGH..we suppse to be in the high 90's this afternoon. I will be at the pool later getting a little exercise in there.


I hope you all have a great weekend :)

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Hi all, my name is Cindy. I will tell you about myself. I am 53, 210 lbs. I am a medical office manager, married with 2 children and 4 grandchildren. I have a 15 year old daschaund named Heidi. She is our "puddin pop" LOL. We know our time is now limited with her but intend to enjoy what we have left. I really need to find a way to lose some of this weight I have been carrying around with me for about 8 years now. I don't know what happened to my will power. I started for the ?? time on Tuesday, July 20. I know I was carrying a large amount of water then so I waited 2 days then weighed myself. 210, ouch! I weigh myself on Mondays only. I would really like to lose 20 lbs by an Oct. 19 Las Vegas trip I have planned. I am going with a co-worker and we plan to walk the strip as she has never been there. Then I have a Hawaii cruise booked for Feb. 26, 2011. Mostly I am tired of being so darn fat! I know I will never weigh 125 lbs again but I know to be healthy & continue to travel I need to lose. So there is pretty much my story. I could use some support and will power!

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Hi all, my name is Cindy. I will tell you about myself. I am 53, 210 lbs. I am a medical office manager, married with 2 children and 4 grandchildren. I have a 15 year old daschaund named Heidi. She is our "puddin pop" LOL. We know our time is now limited with her but intend to enjoy what we have left. I really need to find a way to lose some of this weight I have been carrying around with me for about 8 years now. I don't know what happened to my will power. I started for the ?? time on Tuesday, July 20. I know I was carrying a large amount of water then so I waited 2 days then weighed myself. 210, ouch! I weigh myself on Mondays only. I would really like to lose 20 lbs by an Oct. 19 Las Vegas trip I have planned. I am going with a co-worker and we plan to walk the strip as she has never been there. Then I have a Hawaii cruise booked for Feb. 26, 2011. Mostly I am tired of being so darn fat! I know I will never weigh 125 lbs again but I know to be healthy & continue to travel I need to lose. So there is pretty much my story. I could use some support and will power!


Hi Cindy welcome to our group. I m glad you joined us. I know the feeling about hate being fat. I often wonder how I ended up this way. Ive never been thin EVER..but never been this fat either, so its always depressing to think about it.

I would think losing 20 pds by Oct is very doable.

Are you following any sort of plan or workout? A lot of us are doing different things. For me, I had the best success with WW, but havent joined this year ..yet ;).. I kept saying I would, but of course always had some sort of excuse. Now though...Im watching what I eat, but still alowing myself chocolate.. I LOVE CHOCOLATE:rolleyes:. I am going for walks and using the pool for my main exercise these days.

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Welcome Cindy! I am tired of being fat too. And let me tell you - nothing says fat and out of shape like trying to do yoga! Oh my, I was trying very hard to do the dvd last night, and my husband and I were cracking up at ourselves! He isn't flexible at all, and I always thought I was...WRONG! Anyway - not sure what specifically you are doing to help yourself, I am exercising and eating a low cal diet, and doing portion control. The plan I am on allows for one day "off" to eat whatever and not work out. We have decided that we are still going to do some form of exercise on our day off, but use that day off to have what we are really craving so it gives us something to look forward to. We also figure if we don't go too crazy on our day off then it will be easier to get right back on again on.

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Thanks Jackie & cometr. I do not do well in the exercise dept. LOL I have a very nice treadmill, some weights/bench and a gazelle machine. I also have every excuse & reason not to use any of it!! I do not like to eat breakfast. I do not like most fruits & vegtables. Sound impossible don't I? I am just trying to be real for a change. I am in very good health. I had lumbar disk surgery about 20 years ago and have done very well since by just watching what/how I lift, bend etc. A couple years ago I fell in the shower & ripped up my right knee but it also does well if I just pay attention to shoving off with it. So I really can exercise if I wanted to. This Jan. I began a diet where I ate a little more fruit/veggies and stayed around 1200 calories a day. I also made sure I had at least 4 small meals a day including breakfast. I splurged once a week, did little to no exercise and after 7 weeks I had lost 14 lbs. Then downhill from there. So now I am back at it. I need to find a way to incorporate some exercise at least 3-4 days a week. I am usually very busy at work so very tired by the time 4pm rolls around. I am thinking I should get up 30 minutes early and at least walk on the treadmill while I watch the morning news. I have my worst eating time at work during the day. The girls are always bringing in cookies, cake & candy. My biggest downfall is sweets. This is where I need to work on willpower. Since I am the boss I could tell them to hide it and only eat it in a hidden corner! LOL. Seriously, right now I am battling the sweets and exercise issues. Wish me luck and good luck to you all!!

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Thanks Jackie & cometr. I do not do well in the exercise dept. LOL I have a very nice treadmill, some weights/bench and a gazelle machine. I also have every excuse & reason not to use any of it!! I do not like to eat breakfast. I do not like most fruits & vegtables. Sound impossible don't I? I am just trying to be real for a change. I am in very good health. I had lumbar disk surgery about 20 years ago and have done very well since by just watching what/how I lift, bend etc. A couple years ago I fell in the shower & ripped up my right knee but it also does well if I just pay attention to shoving off with it. So I really can exercise if I wanted to. This Jan. I began a diet where I ate a little more fruit/veggies and stayed around 1200 calories a day. I also made sure I had at least 4 small meals a day including breakfast. I splurged once a week, did little to no exercise and after 7 weeks I had lost 14 lbs. Then downhill from there. So now I am back at it. I need to find a way to incorporate some exercise at least 3-4 days a week. I am usually very busy at work so very tired by the time 4pm rolls around. I am thinking I should get up 30 minutes early and at least walk on the treadmill while I watch the morning news. I have my worst eating time at work during the day. The girls are always bringing in cookies, cake & candy. My biggest downfall is sweets. This is where I need to work on willpower. Since I am the boss I could tell them to hide it and only eat it in a hidden corner! LOL. Seriously, right now I am battling the sweets and exercise issues. Wish me luck and good luck to you all!!


Hello again..I hear you on the sweet issue. Though my downfall is just chocolate;)... I would think it would be extremely hard to be at work, if coworkers were bringing in all sorts of goodies all the time. Willpower is NOT my middle name.

It is so darn hot today, I think it got to be over 100 here. We went to the pool for about 3 hrs. I got in about 25 minutes of water style aerobics. Honestly though, it was hard because the water did not even feel refreshing with the high temperatures. These pools are not heated, but boy did they feel like bath water. Although I am not getting in enough exercise as I would like, I sure am pretty darn tan;)

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Okay, I would love to join your group, too. I also live in Plano, TX (small world!) and my name is Debbie. I guess I'm the grandma of this group at 62, but I really, really want to lose weight. I'm on quite a bit of medication, but I'm tired of using the meds as an excuse. I agree it is toooooo hot to do much outside, but I have the Wii Fit and Fitness Plus and have started using them again. I need to lose 30 pounds but would be thrilled with even 10...to start!;) Debbie

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