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Anybody want start with me today 7/16


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I just received a local community college flier, adult education courses that are not academic. One of the courses listed was Zumba, I wondered about it, I hadn't heard of it before. Now here two of you all are talking about it. LOL, isn't that the way life is sometimes. Thinking I will go google it an see what's it all about.

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I did Zumba all winter and LOVED it. It's so much fun and the hour just flies by. I can't wait to hear what you think about it. Good luck and have FUN!:)


Swam some laps tonight and stayed on my healthy eating plan today. Woo-hoo!


Have a great evening everyone.


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Hi - new to CC but not new to Atkins, diets or cruising. I live in Perth in Australia so doing atkins is a challenge - no suplements and apart form a few bars and shake powder very little else to help. I love my shakes though ! Have a lot of weight to loose - also no good at converting to pounds - need to loose 20 pounds quickly - for a bladder repair hopefully soon! then I'd like to keep working to loose the rest of the 100 or more pounds before we cruise again in March 2011. Will check in here once a week and see how were all doing How do we add the count down timer for our cruise at the bottom of our post??



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Hi - new to CC but not new to Atkins, diets or cruising. I live in Perth in Australia so doing atkins is a challenge - no suplements and apart form a few bars and shake powder very little else to help. I love my shakes though ! Have a lot of weight to loose - also no good at converting to pounds - need to loose 20 pounds quickly - for a bladder repair hopefully soon! then I'd like to keep working to loose the rest of the 100 or more pounds before we cruise again in March 2011. Will check in here once a week and see how were all doing How do we add the count down timer for our cruise at the bottom of our post??




Hi Ruth,welcome to our group. We have a bunch of very nice ladies here. What do u do for exercise? I am walking and swimming when I can. I use to be more active then this, but I have daily chronic headaches, and frequently its hard to get into that exercise mode when my head feels like its going to explode.

I am glad u found our group. :)

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Welcome Ruth!


I used to have a countdown clock, I think it is in your user profile. Someone else may have specifics. I lost some weight quickly for our first cruise by doing Atkins. I ate eggs and bacon, salads w/out dressing and meat. That was pretty much it. I didn't want to be over the weight limit for ziplining! But once I stopped eating that way the weight came back super fast.


I have the zumba dvd's. I like them too - but I have no rythm! I am doing p90x with my husband and there have been a few times we were glad we had each other. Last night was one of them. 2 days in a row where we worked out late at night...today it will be earlier and tomorrow is our day of rest! Yeah! I can really tell I am getting muscle, and my arms have lost almost all the wiggle! DOUBLE YEAH!!


Hope everyone has a great weekend!



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Welcome Ruthee. I will also start adkins on Monday. I did some shopping today for it and will do some cooking and preparing tomorrow so I have meals pretty much for the whole week. I tried adkins once before about 6 years ago. I am rusty on some things, maybe you could help me out with info if I need it?


The rest of you gals are really doing great! Keep up the good work and hope everyone has a great week!:p

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Will check in here once a week and see how were all doing How do we add the count down timer for our cruise at the bottom of our post??





Welcome Ruth! Glad to have you join us.

To answer your question about how to add a countdown clock, there are some here in Cruise Critic.



All you have to do is pick a picture, and then fill in the blanks, which ship, sail date, any message you wish to put on it, then click on create your countdown. Then copy and paste the code that will show up into your User CP signature and that's pretty much it! (user CP is up at the top of the Cruise Critic pages, in the header section) You can play with it in the signature section until you like it.

If you need help - just say so, I could be much more specific, and do step by step, but you can most likely do it once you know where to go to create the countdown and then where to go to add it to a signature.


On Atkins, in addition to their branded products like shakes and powders and bars, you can always skip those and just follow the diet, making real food! It's much less expensive and real allowable food is everywhere.


PS, I've always wanted to go to Australia, it fascinates me and some day I am going to go!

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Has anyone heard of SparkPeople it's a free website to help get healthy, I

just love it and have lost about 45 lbs since last july. It is alot of fun and

alot of info, recipes and inspiration. Check it out can't go wrong.

Sparkpeople.com Do you live never Clearwater if so do you need a walking buddy? You can do it. I'm still wanting to lose another 15 before Oct cruise.

Janis in Fl

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I used SparkPeople for about three months and lost about 20 pounds and then lost the momentum and have gained it all back - totally my issue and not a fault of the site. Its great for recipies and motivation lets you track what you eat and get a good sense of the calories, fat and sodium (one of my issues - borderline high BP) but I began to feel like all I focused on was food. Bad enough that DH and I are both foodies ...


DH and I are taking our first cruise in January 2011 on the Carnival Inspiration and I bought new clothes for the cruise (can't find summer stuff in January) and I bought everything a size smaller - so I MUST lose 20-30 lbs by then. I'll check back in here for motivation and support - I've GOT to get this weight off!

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Hi - new to CC but not new to Atkins, diets or cruising. I live in Perth in Australia so doing atkins is a challenge - no suplements and apart form a few bars and shake powder very little else to help. I love my shakes though ! Have a lot of weight to loose - also no good at converting to pounds - need to loose 20 pounds quickly - for a bladder repair hopefully soon! then I'd like to keep working to loose the rest of the 100 or more pounds before we cruise again in March 2011. Will check in here once a week and see how were all doing How do we add the count down timer for our cruise at the bottom of our post??




I Ruthee and welcome. We visited Queensland a couple of years ago. Very beautiful. My husband likes to dive. Me? Not so much. He dove the Great Barrier Reef and i was happy to snorkel.


The countdown clocks are at the very top of the Cruise Critic boards. It says User CP, FAQ, Photo Galleries, etc. and Countdown Clocks.


Good luck with Atkins. I tried it as well and I was surprised to learn how much I missed my fruits/veggies/whole grains. I couldn't see myself doing that for the rest of my life. I think it has to become a lifestyle change or it will come right back on plus a few extra.:(

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I used SparkPeople for about three months and lost about 20 pounds and then lost the momentum and have gained it all back - totally my issue and not a fault of the site. Its great for recipies and motivation lets you track what you eat and get a good sense of the calories, fat and sodium (one of my issues - borderline high BP) but I began to feel like all I focused on was food. Bad enough that DH and I are both foodies ...


DH and I are taking our first cruise in January 2011 on the Carnival Inspiration and I bought new clothes for the cruise (can't find summer stuff in January) and I bought everything a size smaller - so I MUST lose 20-30 lbs by then. I'll check back in here for motivation and support - I've GOT to get this weight off!


Good for you buying your clothes early. I've done that before and ended up with clothes I've never worn. I hope you can motivate yourself better than I seem to be able to motivate myself.


Thanks for the heads up about Sparkpeople. I will give it a try.


Have a good Sunday everyone.


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A big welcome to all the new posters. Still trying to do my best on my late night snacking. I've been keeping a food journal and looking back it's always late at night is my downfall. Commited myself to the zumba - class is paid in full. I'm glad to hear that some of you ladies tried and liked zumba. I thought it might be a fun way to exercise. And trust me I'm not a dancer at all! Haven't gone for my walk yet today - way too hot. Gonna wait closer to nightfall.


Weigh in day tomorrow!

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Good for you buying your clothes early. I've done that before and ended up with clothes I've never worn. I hope you can motivate yourself better than I seem to be able to motivate myself.


Karen, I hope I can too ...talked with DH about it - he agreed he would set a goal with me. He works out a couple times a week but definitely eats MAN sized portions so that's the first to tackle. I made zucchini, low fat brownies yesterday - I think they are bland but he loved them so that's a start. We have garden tomatoes too so lunch will be a big salad. If I can lose 1.5 pounds per week until we go, I'll be ecstatic ... Day 1 !!

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Good morning and welcome to the new posters!! I am down 4.5 this week for a 3 week total of 15.5. :D:D:D:D:D YEAH!


This week we have to do yoga twice - 90 mins each. Tonight we have a back to school orientation, so will be out until 9:30 pm or so...another late night workout! We planned ahead so after work Mike & I will go get a chef salad to share at a local deli, we each pack our lunch so that should work out. We live so far away from work, and the school is close to our work, so can't come home first.


Friday night will be another late night with the back to school BBQ, but that night is only an hour. Yoga again on Saturday.


Good luck to all with weigh in and a successful Monday! :)



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Thanks Mamaboss (I hope I spelled that right). I made it through yoga last night but I drank one of those 5 hour energy drinks to do it. I was surprised that I didn't get jittery or have any other type of side effects - but today my, ahem, lets say stomach hasn't been nice.


Anyway - I had a flat tire and got it replaced but home too late for bible study so will work out in a few minutes then BED! Not many posts so far this week - I hope everyone is doing well. Remember...WE CAN DO THIS!!!


I will share that when I did yoga last night I was able to do some things I couldn't do before, so I know that after 3 weeks I am making progress. If you ever want to see some before and after pics to get you inspired, check out beach body dot com. I go there and just look at the before and after pics. Makes me feel that if I keep going I too can look like one of the after pics! :D WE ALL CAN!! Have a great night everyone!

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LOL Brandy, that is a great idea going to that web site. I will do it also for a little motivation. I totally envy your dedication to exercise. Something I really need to work on! I started low carb on Monday and have lost 3 lbs so I must have really been retaining water. I am hoping low carb will help get me get my willpower back. It is very hard trying to come up with different low carb meals though. I hope everyone has a great week!

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It's been a little hectic around our house lately. Weighed in on Monday, stayed the same!:( I know what the problem is, I can't stop snacking at night. I don't know if it's cause of my 3rd shift schedule or what - I know better! I keep going for those darn salty fattening snacks. I'm not going to give up though, just try a little harder...


Brandy - Congrats on your weight loss! Keep up all the good work!!


It's been awful hot this past couple of days, didn't get my walk in yesterday or today. Excuses, excuses!

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Great Job Brandy and everyone else!


Please don't look at a stayed the same weight as a bummer. It's only temporary, and check out the alternative! Yup, could have gained!

I dislike using the scale personally, and even though I will weigh in once a week, I don't give it too much credence. I may even wait to do it once a month. Scales are just a tool, and one that can be a depressing thing sometimes, kind of like negative reinforcement.

I'd rather know I am feeling good and that I am keeping up with my plan. Heck, I don't like the word diet either!


I've been keeping up with the 5,000 step routine on the treadmill and can now stay on the bike after that for a full 15 minutes. Yay, now I feel like I'm getting somewhere!


Y'all keep up the good work!

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Wish I had seen this thread sooner - we seem to have a lot in common - IBS and chronic headaches - I take topamax for my headaches as a preventative ( when you first start taking this it helps with weight loss as well). I am crusing August 29th and decided this past monday that I need to lose as much weight as possible between now and then! Wisdh I had started much sooner :):mad:

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Wish I had seen this thread sooner - we seem to have a lot in common - IBS and chronic headaches - I take topamax for my headaches as a preventative ( when you first start taking this it helps with weight loss as well). I am crusing August 29th and decided this past monday that I need to lose as much weight as possible between now and then! Wisdh I had started much sooner :):mad:


Hi there, welcome to our group. I havent posted in a few days, seems like the days are getting away from me. We are cruising on Aug 28th? Where are you cruising from, and which cruiseline?


I tried Topamax several yrs ago and stopped. It was giving me extreme eyepain. it felt like somebody was pushing my eyes out from the inside. I know what a visual, but thats how I could explain it. It is not a common side effect, but it is a side effect so I stopped taking it immediately.


Ive not been too effective with myweight loss either. I kept saying 6 months ago that I needed to start:rolleyes:.Ive only managed to lose 4 pds..UGH..how depressing.. I realistically need to lose at least 40..well that is not going to happen in the next two weeks. The other part of me says, I didnt gain weight, so thats ok. Ive been walking almost everyday, and the days I dont walk I go to the pool and do some water aerobics.

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Good Job everybody!! I stayed the same this week with weighin, but better then gaining. I am still disappointed in myself that I didnt start sooner with getting healthy and losing weight. I have however, made sure I have been walking each night, and the days I dont walk, I do pool stuff.


Ive been getting things taken care of for our upcoming trip that we leave on Aug 26th...I have several small things I have do accomplish to get ready..You know all those small errands and stuff. One day at a time ;)

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I am cruising out of Ft. Lauderdale on Celebrity Soltice - I've never been on the cruise line before - I have always gone on Carnival and once on Disney but I got a really good deal that I couldn't pass up - we will fly into Ft. Lauderdale on the 28th from TX.


So I have been out clothes shopping and am just disgusted at how I look in everything - I was down to a relatively decent size (10) and I guess I just let things get out of hand. I probably need to loose a good 25-30 lbs but I would settle for 6-10 before the cruise - I'm sure I will gain it all back!


It's not that my eating it out of control because sometimes I even skip meals but I do like my breads and desserts and unfortunaly I hate to exercize!

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I am cruising out of Ft. Lauderdale on Celebrity Soltice - I've never been on the cruise line before - I have always gone on Carnival and once on Disney but I got a really good deal that I couldn't pass up - we will fly into Ft. Lauderdale on the 28th from TX.


So I have been out clothes shopping and am just disgusted at how I look in everything - I was down to a relatively decent size (10) and I guess I just let things get out of hand. I probably need to loose a good 25-30 lbs but I would settle for 6-10 before the cruise - I'm sure I will gain it all back!


It's not that my eating it out of control because sometimes I even skip meals but I do like my breads and desserts and unfortunaly I hate to exercize!


We are flying into Ft Lauderdale on the 26th and staying with my parents. We are cruising out of Miami on the 28th on Carnival.

I cant say I love to exercise, but I feel so much better mentally when I do exercise.

I eat out of boredom at times..which is such a bad habit. I do love my desserts as well, expeciall CHOCOLATE!!


I see you are in Austin. We were in Texas last summer at this time, we stayed in the Frisco Area.

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Hi all

I just came across this thread tonight. can I join your group too? I am going on the Princess Ruby on Oct 24th for my 40th birthday. When my DH and got off the RCCL Adventure of the Seas we swore we were going to lose a bunch of weight after that cruise. Unfortunately staff members made remarks to my DH about his stomach which wasn't nice. Long story but we thought that would change the way we were. Well here it is how many months later and we have probably only lost 15 lbs. We have been working 60 to 70 hour weeks trying to save for this cruise and a vacation to Vegas in Nov for our 10th wedding anniversary. Needless to say, we have not been exercising that much nor eating right. My hours have gone back to normal now so i should have time to do the right thing.

It is time to get on track!

I don't have dogs, but love them. We are not home much (work a lot) so it would not be fair to them.

I have IBS, which I see other people have, so we have something in common. Unfortunately, it is a pain to have!



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