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DREAM or NIGHTMARE? - My Review with Pictures!


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Amazing review! I am cruising on the Dream in October for my wedding and some of the reviews were making me more then a little worried. Now I am realizing that most were over-exaggerated. It sounds like my family is a lot like yours in that we go with the flow, for the most part, and understand not everything goes as planned or perfect.


You really are a great writer and those pictures were wonderful! Thank you so much for taking the time to put this together.




Thats so awesome!!! Ur getting married on a ship!!! Its something I'd do....maybe on my ship someday :rolleyes::p....but I guess my parenta would wanna invite so many people we'd have to do it on a ship like the Oasis:eek:

Yeah nothing is perfect....if life didnt have issues and problems it'd b boring hahahaha so like I learned once and my parents always say "sometimes you just gotta press the f**k that button and forget about it.....right!? Glad you liked the review and have an awesome wedding!!!!


Egypt is amazing! I was there in 2007 and I would go again in a heart beat!


Yeah its one place that seems to be amazing just like Greece for an example.....Its been in our plans for the last couple months...about two years after my grandfather died (it was 3 years ago from yesterday....my sisters bday :( ) I found out he was not born in Brazil like he used to say....his parents were from Poland and while running away from the War my grandfather was born in Israel and his brother in Egypt....so from there on I really wanted to visit those two places.....my cousine was in Israel last year when they were having conflicts(they started when she was there).....and the day she left they planted a tree at an environmental area and she dedicated to our grandfather.....when she got to the airport her flight was cancelled because of the conflict and she had to buy another ticket to go to Paris and then Brazil....when she got home my uncle heard the story reminded her that that day when the planted the tree and had trouble with the flight was supposed to b his bday if he was still alive....really weird/nice story....even though they were in "war" my cousin only knew about the situation at the airport....she says she'd do it all again cause Israel is awesome....so I really wanna go there too.....sorry for the long story I just remembered about it...


Great review! I cancelled this cruise

and rebooked on the Victory for 8/22/2010 because of all the so-so reviews in the begining. My SIL is on her right now , this is the one i cancelled. Now i'll just wait to book the Magic as all the negatives should be corrected on that ship! Glad you had a great time Ricardo!


Yeah you should book it....never been on the Victory but its a similar ship....but the newer the better(most of the times).....GO FOR IT!!!:cool:

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Ricardo, thanks for this review and pictures, you did an amazing job. We are going on the Dream in Feb. I also was worried about the size of the ship and the bad reviews.


One question, the big screen on the lido deck, are you able to see what is being shown in daylight hours? Is volume turned up instead of music? Thanks!


Enjoy your DR vacation. We have a stop there on our Miracle cruise this Dec..




Thank You! The times we watched it you could see it clearly...of course at night is better though.....and the day we watched "The Princess and the Frog" it was not loud but we got used to it and could hear it perfectly...when its a concert video or the laser shows its louder...

I will! We just got here after waking up at 3, a weird flight from Orlando-Miami(a lot of instability and we used an unusual route over the atlantic instead of over FL....idk what happened)....then flight to Punta Cana was late 1 hour but now we're here...i got free internet and we're at a new all inclusive resort here....very nice!!!!:cool:


I really enjoyed your review. Great job!! I will be on the Dream next August.


Thx! have fun on your cruise :)

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Ricardo: Are you sure you are only 16 yrs. old? You are an amazing writing... Your parents should be very proud of you. Please continue writing. We sail the Dream (1st CCL) in 24 weeks.

Enjoy your jr year in HS; before you know it you'll be packing for college.

Happy traveling.

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Wonderful review! :)




Ricardo: Are you sure you are only 16 yrs. old? You are an amazing writing... Your parents should be very proud of you. Please continue writing. We sail the Dream (1st CCL) in 24 weeks.

Enjoy your jr year in HS; before you know it you'll be packing for college.

Happy traveling.


Hahaah yes Im sure :p

Glad everyone like my writting....one question: are you guys being able to see the pics? Idk if its because im on my ipad now but i cant see any of the pics i posted.....

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Thats pretty cool I gotta start visiting colleges....glad u enjoy it....when you like what you do ur halfway to success right?:)

Yeah I'd like to know what types of classes you take, what should I be taking in HS(I start my IB program next week!), and what are your plans for when you graduate....you know to have a basic idea....my dad heard once that Marine and Aerial engineering overlap each other which explains a lot....when I was little I loved planes...I still do but ships are my favorite.....


I honestly have no idea what an IB program is...different school systems I guess :rolleyes:


But after the first year, which is basically general ED (bleh), i've obviously taken a lot of math/physics classes, plus civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering classes (that's one thing about NAME - you need it all). I'll start taking more and more classes in my major this semester (finally), but i've already taken the intro class and a ship stability class (both of which were interesting).


As far as high school, the two classes that definitely helped me the most were calculus and physics. A drafting type/ CAD class would have been helpful, too, but they teach the basics anyway.


And yeah, i'm pretty sure your dad's right. That's why some schools (like Virginia Tech) have dual Ocean & Aerospace Engineering programs. One of my professors said an airplane and a ship follow the same principles - one just moves through the air and one through water. That's still a little hard for me to wrap my brain around, though...


I wish I knew what my plans were after college, but i'm still undecided. I would LOVE to be on a design team for a cruise line or yard that builds cruise ships, but those kind of jobs don't really exist in the US :(, so i'm still up in the air. And then i'm not sure if i'll want to go on to graduate school on top of that....I have a lot to decide in two years!

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I honestly have no idea what an IB program is...different school systems I guess :rolleyes:


But after the first year, which is basically general ED (bleh), i've obviously taken a lot of math/physics classes, plus civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering classes (that's one thing about NAME - you need it all). I'll start taking more and more classes in my major this semester (finally), but i've already taken the intro class and a ship stability class (both of which were interesting).


As far as high school, the two classes that definitely helped me the most were calculus and physics. A drafting type/ CAD class would have been helpful, too, but they teach the basics anyway.


And yeah, i'm pretty sure your dad's right. That's why some schools (like Virginia Tech) have dual Ocean & Aerospace Engineering programs. One of my professors said an airplane and a ship follow the same principles - one just moves through the air and one through water. That's still a little hard for me to wrap my brain around, though...


I wish I knew what my plans were after college, but i'm still undecided. I would LOVE to be on a design team for a cruise line or yard that builds cruise ships, but those kind of jobs don't really exist in the US :(, so i'm still up in the air. And then i'm not sure if i'll want to go on to graduate school on top of that....I have a lot to decide in two years!


Hahaha Yes IB is a different system that High Schools around the US are starting to adapt....its mostly for junior and senior years and its basically like they teach all branches ks math in the same class so not one especific class for calculus, etc.....the say its much better even for your curriculun abroad since its an international system....lets see how it goes....you have to take 3 higher level classes at least and three standards and those will be your classes for the 2 years.....I chose physics, math( the hardest ones they say :eek:) and french for higher(Ive had french classes for the past 4 years and really would love to live in europe even for a couple months....maybe studying or even working since as you said the best shipyards are there)...and then English standard(because im not American and it'd b much harder for me to have it higher as a second language) together with economics(they say its a lot of writting so the english as a second language also made me decide and they advised me too based on the career I wanna pursue) and the last one I'm not sure....maybe Chemistry or some kind of CAD class as you said....But it all also depend on the number of people signed up for the class for it to happen so will know when school starts....what do you think? Sorry for so many questions:o

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Wow! You are so good!!! So enjoyed all you have done on here. Must go into journalism.


Loved your review but I am wondering now what resort at PC you are staying at... Can I ask that???? :)


Haha sure we're at the Moon Palace....which is soon gonna turn to the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino....:)


Ricardo, I am no longer getting the pictures. Where the picture should be it says "upgrade to pro" :confused:




Yeah thats what I get....will try to fix it thx for answering :D

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Hahaha Yes IB is a different system that High Schools around the US are starting to adapt....its mostly for junior and senior years and its basically like they teach all branches ks math in the same class so not one especific class for calculus, etc.....the say its much better even for your curriculun abroad since its an international system....lets see how it goes....you have to take 3 higher level classes at least and three standards and those will be your classes for the 2 years.....I chose physics, math( the hardest ones they say :eek:) and french for higher(Ive had french classes for the past 4 years and really would love to live in europe even for a couple months....maybe studying or even working since as you said the best shipyards are there)...and then English standard(because im not American and it'd b much harder for me to have it higher as a second language) together with economics(they say its a lot of writting so the english as a second language also made me decide and they advised me too based on the career I wanna pursue) and the last one I'm not sure....maybe Chemistry or some kind of CAD class as you said....But it all also depend on the number of people signed up for the class for it to happen so will know when school starts....what do you think? Sorry for so many questions:o


Not at all! I'm heading back to New Orleans Tuesday, so school is definitely on my mind anyway.


Personally, I would NEVER choose chemistry unless I had to, but that's simply because I hate it (loathe, actually). It's good to know the basics, but thankfully I was just required to take one intro chem for engineers course. Not sure about other schools... Of course I did take 2 years of adv. chem in high school, so....yeah :rolleyes:


The CAD class definitely SOUNDS more fun but i'm sure both would be helpful. Actually, all of your classes sound really helpful. It seems to be a really good system for directing you toward your career path.

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Not at all! I'm heading back to New Orleans Tuesday, so school is definitely on my mind anyway.


Personally, I would NEVER choose chemistry unless I had to, but that's simply because I hate it (loathe, actually). It's good to know the basics, but thankfully I was just required to take one intro chem for engineers course. Not sure about other schools... Of course I did take 2 years of adv. chem in high school, so....yeah :rolleyes:


The CAD class definitely SOUNDS more fun but i'm sure both would be helpful. Actually, all of your classes sound really helpful. It seems to be a really good system for directing you toward your career path.


Hahah same here Chem is not my favorite but I gotta do what u gotta do right....Ill see next week when school starts....

Talking about you going back to New Orleans hows life in there? Do you like it?


Thank for the review.


Thanks for reading :)


Great, thanks! Love your beautiful pictures!!!




Thanks I didnt take as many pics as Id like and usually do but the ones I did turned out great :rolleyes:

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Thanks for your review! I will be sailing on her on November 6 with my parents for their second cruise and my 8th. I might try the Oasis next. Well have fun in the DR and in school. The last two years of high school is jam pack of things to do and it flys on bye.



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Thanks for your review! I will be sailing on her on November 6 with my parents for their second cruise and my 8th. I might try the Oasis next. Well have fun in the DR and in school. The last two years of high school is jam pack of things to do and it flys on bye.




Have fun on you cruise! And you're not gonna regret on Oasis....go for it! I know ive heard it goes by fast.....which makes me kind of freak out :eek:


Great review. Thanks. We'll be on the Dream in December and your review is gonna make it a long 4 months.


Hahaha sorry for that....just become addicted to these boards like I usually become before a cruise and it will all be better :cool:

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Not at all! I'm heading back to New Orleans Tuesday, so school is definitely on my mind anyway.


Personally, I would NEVER choose chemistry unless I had to, but that's simply because I hate it (loathe, actually). It's good to know the basics, but thankfully I was just required to take one intro chem for engineers course. Not sure about other schools... Of course I did take 2 years of adv. chem in high school, so....yeah :rolleyes:


The CAD class definitely SOUNDS more fun but i'm sure both would be helpful. Actually, all of your classes sound really helpful. It seems to be a really good system for directing you toward your career path.

RicardoC and ChampionCruiser - I had to chime in. (First, RicardoC - Loved your review! You write very well.) For both of you - My oldest son is a marine engineering major at the US Merchant Marine Academy, and my DH taught CAD at a college for 13 years and now works in private industry in CAD. (Although he has a rather obvious bias in favor of CAD:p, DH thinks both courses are valuable.) Son took chemistry in high school and it was required for him in his first year at USMMA - having a high school course helped a lot at the college level. I think for college purposes, I'd opt for Chem instead of CAD.
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RicardoC and ChampionCruiser - I had to chime in. (First, RicardoC - Loved your review! You write very well.) For both of you - My oldest son is a marine engineering major at the US Merchant Marine Academy, and my DH taught CAD at a college for 13 years and now works in private industry in CAD. (Although he has a rather obvious bias in favor of CAD:p, DH thinks both courses are valuable.) Son took chemistry in high school and it was required for him in his first year at USMMA - having a high school course helped a lot at the college level. I think for college purposes, I'd opt for Chem instead of CAD.


I can understand that. It's just hard for me to recommend a class I *dislike* so much :D


And that's awesome that your son is majoring in marine engineering. It's easy to forget that there are others besides the 30 or so in my class!


Hahah same here Chem is not my favorite but I gotta do what u gotta do right....Ill see next week when school starts....

Talking about you going back to New Orleans hows life in there? Do you like it?


I like New Orleans a lot. I mean, i'm definitely NOT a city guy (my high school had more people than my hometown) but i've finally gotten used to it for the most part and the people are great (plus getting mardi gras break = awesome). And the school is small, which is what I was looking for.


So yeah, I enjoy it!

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RicardoC and ChampionCruiser - I had to chime in. (First, RicardoC - Loved your review! You write very well.) For both of you - My oldest son is a marine engineering major at the US Merchant Marine Academy, and my DH taught CAD at a college for 13 years and now works in private industry in CAD. (Although he has a rather obvious bias in favor of CAD:p, DH thinks both courses are valuable.) Son took chemistry in high school and it was required for him in his first year at USMMA - having a high school course helped a lot at the college level. I think for college purposes, I'd opt for Chem instead of CAD.


Nice to know more people pursuing this career....even though im younger we might work at the same place in the future :D .....yes I agree chem would be better and thats a class I know there's gonna be enough people....plus I think I can take CAD course out of school or during summer....what do you think? My sister is an architect who just finished her masters at USF and now works at the Disney design and engineering (she even did something simple on the new Dream but she couldnt talk about it :rolleyes: )....no wonder I always liked to see her work on CAD.....


I can understand that. It's just hard for me to recommend a class I *dislike* so much :D


And that's awesome that your son is majoring in marine engineering. It's easy to forget that there are others besides the 30 or so in my class!




I like New Orleans a lot. I mean, i'm definitely NOT a city guy (my high school had more people than my hometown) but i've finally gotten used to it for the most part and the people are great (plus getting mardi gras break = awesome). And the school is small, which is what I was looking for.


So yeah, I enjoy it!


Hahaha thats funny....being from Sao Paulo I just love concrete, traffic, pollution, and noise:eek:!!! Off course in my own way....we just get used to it so life in Orlando may be terribly boring for me comparing to SP(search some pics of it and you'll see what Im talking about)....so Id say i prefer these cities even hough the tranquility of Florida make me parents calm knowing we're safe :D

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... life in Orlando may be terribly boring for me comparing to SP (search some pics of it and you'll see what Im talking about)....so Id say i prefer these cities even hough the tranquility of Florida make me parents calm knowing we're safe :D


Ricardo - Florida is my home state, and yes it has many tranquil areas, but the big cities (like Orlando) have issues similar to SP. Your CC email profile displays "Windemere, FL" -- so, yes if you stay in that neighborhood, life will be pretty boring for your age group, but definitely safer than other areas of Orlando. You're traveling to crazy countries around the world; don't stop that quest in the U.S!


Hope you are enjoying DR!

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Ricardo - Florida is my home state, and yes it has many tranquil areas, but the big cities (like Orlando) have issues similar to SP. Your CC email profile displays "Windemere, FL" -- so, yes if you stay in that neighborhood, life will be pretty boring for your age group, but definitely safer than other areas of Orlando. You're traveling to crazy countries around the world; don't stop that quest in the U.S!


Hope you are enjoying DR!



I know there are dangerous places in FL....we say there's no where in the world that has no problems....but what I'm talking about is the city feeling....while we have a couple buildings in downtown Orlando we have an entire Central Florida of skyscrapers in Sao Paulo...plus several restaurants, malls, etc that you cant even compare to Orlando....SP is more like a NYC type of place....the nightlife is awesome even for my age which cant do much in FL....I still love the life quality for the everyday life.....i like the way florida feels like the Caribbean...its like you're on a cruise everyday(kind of) but still has all the confort of home :D

Idk if you understand me....its weird....I think I sometimes miss Sao Paulo and become a bit nostalgic :o

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yes I agree chem would be better and thats a class I know there's gonna be enough people....plus I think I can take CAD course out of school or during summer....what do you think?
DH says absolutely - summer or independent study is fairly easily done with CAD.
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In St. Maarten we did our favorite program there….went to Orient Beach which we found much better than last time (more infrastructure), ride jetskis(which mom was too lazy sunbathing to take pics:confused:), and walk around the nude beach (shhhhhh) :D…..then went back to the port and I went to run and take a shower while my parents went to “look around” the stores where “suddenly” two watches(for them) “fell in their hand”….and I was still waiting for mine….actually I’m still waiting right now…..hahahaha






What was the name of the beach bar you rented the chairs from? They look nice.

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