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Doing WW without the classes, any thoughts??


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:D Let me start by stating I am over 200# right now the heaviest I have ever been even 9 mos. pregnant! No one to blame but myself! I am not angry nor surprised to weigh this much I ate & drank myself a great summer of 2004!


I didn't even know what I weighed when I decided to join WW. I was "shocked" at the number on the scale but not very surprised!


So it has been 4 weeks since joing WW with my 3 sisters and I have lost a total of 6.4 lbs. - I think this is great! But I want to stress is that what is greater is I have been back to the gym 5x/wk in the 4 weeks. I love the gym, I love to sweat and I love the drive to compete.


My gym is unique - it is 100% personal training. When I arrive the owners have my workout written up for me, if I need a spot lifting weights they are there, if I need some help with my form they are there! It is easy to do go so I don't really understand why I didn't show up for 6 months and managed to put on over 35lbs.


Well I am back now. I lift weights 4x/wk and cardio at least 3x/wk. I don't have a goal in mind at this point I need to be focused on being healthy, eating right and finding sources of support. WW has been good so far. I do a modified points system due to lifting weights. If I took all the points I earn through exercise I would be gaining! I like to know if I have a bad day, I can at least say I worked out hard!


My meetings are Tuesday nights, I am the largest one there but I think with the exception of 2 of my sisters I am the healthiest there despite what the scale says!


Stay strong and healthy!


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I joined weight watchers last January and went for 12 weeks to get the little books and set a pattern. After that I quit going to meetings but kept up the plan. I do however go to Curves and get alot of support there. Started back to ww in January with my husband to support him and because I was close to goal. Reached goal 3 weeks ago and am doing maintance. I've lost 80 lbs and over 70 inches. Just ordered a size 10 swimsuit for my cruise in March and for the first time in a long time looking forward to wearing it. biggrin.gif


I think the important thing is to have a support system of people who will hold you accountable. Nov. and Dec. were hard, not because of the holidays but because people were saying you don't need to lose any more.

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Hi all!


I joined WW 6 weeks ago and have lost 10 lbs. i walk some every day but am trying to get off my lazy butt and do some lifting and spot exercises. i've done this program a few times in the past and i think it's a great program. i plan to be more successful this time. my goal was to lose 2 lbs/wk, but i'm a little behind. hopefully, this board will keep me motivated. I have 45 lbs to lose. we cruise at the end of june--i'd sure like to lose 30 by then.

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Ideas from a WW lifer.

Chew gum when preparing dinner.

If you are exercising and you figure you just can't do another 10 minutes of cario, tell yourself if you don't give it your all, you have to start all over again.


I have all the knowledge but if I don't do it, there is no weight loss. I am weighing in every week regardless of how bad a week I had. Because that is when you really need the meetings.

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I use to do ww and lost 12 pounds in 3 or 4 months. However, the meetings I were going to were not motivating and it seemed the leaders just wanted to get it over with. So I quit and little by little weight came back on. My daughter and her boyfriend lost so much weight on the south beach but can be hard for me as I feel I need some carbs. I belong to a gym, but have not had the time to get there. I know.... my friends say make time..... i will and will be going with them. However, so hard to stay on a diet when sometimes because of my work I eat on the run or eat lunch at 300 in the afternoon. It makes it very difficult to be on a routine and eat foods that are good for you when you can not sit down and eat at a regular time. I come home at 8pm at times.


How do people stay on WW while having to eat all different times of the day and have a stressful job? Need some pointers as thinking of booking another cruise and THIS TIME as I said with every cruise I have been on, want to really lose the weight.



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Hi everyone! I was just scanning the boards and found this thread. I started WW in Jan. 2003. I have never gone to a meeting. My SIL went and she shared her knowledge and tools with me. When I started WW I weighed 240 pounds. By September of 2003, I had lost 80 pounds. I found out about an affair my husband was having and slipped off the program. By, November of 2004 I had gained almost 40 of the 80 pounds back. I was determined to lose all of the weight and more. It's not easy being a single mother, going to grad school, and working full time, but now 4 months later I have lost that 40 pounds. I have 3 more pounds to lose before I make my WW goal. But, I really want to lose another 10-15 pounds. (My goal is to lose that 10-15 pounds by the time I graduate with my Masters degree in May.)


Anyway, WW definitely works. You just have to stay motivated and keep at it. I went from a size 22 to a size 6! I also drink between 80 and 100 ounces of water every day. I work out 4 days a week. For those of you who have difficulty with exercise, may I suggest Leslie Sansome's Walk Away the Pounds? These videos are awesome, and they have certainly helped me with my weight loss. She has a 1 mile, 2 mile, and 3 mile. (Actually, she may have a 4 mile now.) I usually do the 2 and 3 mile workouts. I gave the 1 mile tape to my mother. BTW, she also attends WW and is a lifetime member.

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Hi all - After hearing rave reviews about WW, I joined at the beginning of this year. I'm doing the Flex Points & attend meetings/weigh-in every Monday. The weigh-in definitely acts as an incentive. I'm undecided about the group meeting though. IMO, too much time is spent handing out stars than discussing weight loss. I'm down to three meeting coupons so I have to decide if I'll stick w/that route. My weight loss has been gradual (goal is to drop 20lbs) & I'm okay w/that. I've learned to eat properly and control my portions. I'm actually eating more now than I was before I joined. My meals are finally balanced & I'm eating throughout the day opposed to twice a day. I'm starting to get to know my body & eating patterns. I noticed that if I have a nice-sized lunch, I can have a light dinner and not starve. I was never a breakfast person before WW either. It used to make me nauseous. However, a cup of Cheerios w/1% milk & fruit is fine and gets me thru to lunch.


I'm starting an exercise program today. It consists of kickboxing for 45min 3X a week. I used to do it two years ago & it made me feel great. I'm going on a cruise on April 3 and I want to feel good in my own skin then & beyond. I look fwd to chatting w/you all.



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I use to do ww and lost 12 pounds in 3 or 4 months. However, the meetings I were going to were not motivating and it seemed the leaders just wanted to get it over with. So I quit and little by little weight came back on. My daughter and her boyfriend lost so much weight on the south beach but can be hard for me as I feel I need some carbs. I belong to a gym, but have not had the time to get there. I know.... my friends say make time..... i will and will be going with them. However, so hard to stay on a diet when sometimes because of my work I eat on the run or eat lunch at 300 in the afternoon. It makes it very difficult to be on a routine and eat foods that are good for you when you can not sit down and eat at a regular time. I come home at 8pm at times.


How do people stay on WW while having to eat all different times of the day and have a stressful job? Need some pointers as thinking of booking another cruise and THIS TIME as I said with every cruise I have been on, want to really lose the weight.




Hi Marie


I'm not on WW, but I've been following this thread for a bit & everyone seems so helpful & motivating!


My "secret" to my weight loss (25 lbs since September) is to plan ahead for ALL meals. When I leave the house in the AM, I'm pretty sure I'm not getting home til 7-8pm. I pack my yogurt, fruit & veg, and slices of nofat & soy cheeses into one of those softsided 6-pack coolers, along with my 1 diet coke & 1 polar seltzer water. (Or sometimes there's a baked potato or pc of chicken left over from dinner the night b4.) I always have a few "meal replacement" bars handy, just in case (watch out for the ones high in saturated fat), & my breakfast is a can of slimfast with fruit - not because I'm on the slimfast plan, but because I'm not a morning person & just can't do a "regular" breakfast. This way, I always have "good" food options handy.


If you plan ahead for eating on the go, you can make it work!


Good luck!

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thanks for your good advice. Your right I just have to plan better and getting to the gym will probaly help. I am another one to skip breakfest or have a low fat bar. Congrats on your weight loss. Twenty five pounds lost since Sept. is terrific. I am beginning to get motivated again.




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I started following the WW plan about 2 1/2 years ago - in August 2002. I was about 195, now I am 138, almost to where I want to be. Most of the time I averaged between .5 and 1 pound a week - and that is what you should aim for. (The heavier you are, the higher your early losses will be.) I never officially joined, I simpy bought the books on eBay, and followed the plan. I would never want to go to meetings - that is not for me. Several things I do that I have found work for me, that are not generally in the "plan".


1. I weigh every single morning. Without fail. I find that it is extremely motivating and helps me keep focused. I am not the type to freak out at the daily up and down fluctuations - if you are that type, then a weekly weigh-in would be better for you. I just have to know what's going on daily - I could never wait an entire week.


2. I have stayed on the old points program - I don't do core or flex. Counting points works for me, so that's what I do, and I don't plan to change.


3. In the last year, I have found that I must eat below my points range to continue losing. I have learned that I have an extremely slow metabolism, and burn less calories than most people.


4. I have become a gym "hound". :D I belong to TWO gyms, and go 5 days a week, or more. I love it. I also run, 3 to 6 miles, 5x a week. This has had an incredible effect on my body. And I love the look!!


5. I have never tried to eat "all" my points. I don't even count my APs. I track my exercise, and always journal my food, but I eat only what I need to keep from getting hungry.


It has been a complete lifestyle and focus change for me. It's no wonder most of my family is overweight the way we center so much of our life around food. I have had to endure so much "flak" from my family - when they have their huge holiday dinners, and I eat just a few bites - they really get annoyed. But they are starting to get it. It's really an education thing. We just don't need that much food. Anyway - WW has been a Godsend for me - I am almost 50, and I have never been in better shape in my life. I went from a size 18 to a 4/6, and I feel so good that I don't think I ever have to worry about slipping. I wish you every success in your weight-loss adventure!!

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happysinglemom, I have to say I am very impressed it seems your motivation is very self focused which is where it should be!


I'm curious was there a motivating factor for you to start the program 2years ago? Was it the scale did you have a medical issue? Sometimes I think my personal motivation isn't going to be enough to sustain me. I am week 5 or 6 in WW I am happy with my loss so far I try to journal every day but sometimes life gets the better of me and I don't. With the exception of alcohol and 1 bad eating day I am doing pretty good on the plan.


I joined a work group with my 3 sisters and for the most part we are doing well.


Thanks for your encouraging story!



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Mitcam - the reason I started was simply that I reached a point where something had to give. I've always had low blood pressure, and now it was borderline high. Yardwork was killing me. I could barely pick up my son (okay he was getting older, but still - I should have been able to pick up a 9 year old!) I had to hold on to something for balance just to put pants on. And I could not stand to see myself in a mirror anymore. So so many things - lots of motivation to lose weight. But the main reason was that I wanted to do whatever I could to live a long healthy life for my son. My sister is the one that suggested WW - she had joined (she IS the type for meetings) and lost 25 pounds. She knew our eating habits were similar, so she figured I could do it too. I can't thank her enough. :) My son is very proud of me - he and his buddies ride around the block with me on my runs on their bikes and scooters - and they think I'm a cool mom too. There isn't enough money in the world to trade that. ;)



I was never a big drinker, but I completely gave it up for the first two years. Well, I may have had 2 or 3 drinks in a year - that's it. For me - if it comes down to food or alcohol - food will always win.:o I now drink socially, pretty much like I used to - which is still not much really. I also have given away all of my "fat" clothes. I have been through a fortune in wardrobes, and I have no intentions of going back for larger sizes!!! That is a huge motivation in itself. I think once I had lost 20 pounds, much motivation came from others - they seemed to really notice the change at that weight. And I cannot tell you how much better I feel. I just had a "healthy heart" test, and everything was excellent. I just don't know why I waited so long!!

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Everyone seems to be doing so well that I have to add my good news in as well. Week 8 and I lost another 3.6 lbs for a total of 15.6 lbs. I find that the meetings work very well for me as a support system. As I told someone at the meeting - It is like starting my diet again every Thurs. My husband and son do not have weight problems and they can eat anything they want - so while they support my decision to lose weight planning meals can be tough. I have 10 days before my cruise is another 4.4 lbs asking to much in week 9?LOL


Hope everyone has a great week


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been in WW for 2 years now and have lost 70 pounds. The thing that kick started my weigh loss was a cruise in 2003. A month before our cruise, February 2003, I tried on the outfits I was planning to wear on the cruise for dinner. None of them fit me! I broke down and decided I was finally going to lose the weight that I had been putting on for the past several years. I have been in WW and running on my treadmill ever since.


When I first decided to lose the weight, I didn't want to spend any more money on weight loss. I had already done WW once and also tried Jenny Craig and other programs. So, I was doing WW on my own for the first 6 months. I lost 20 pounds and then hit a plateau. I decided that I needed the weekly weigh-in to keep me honest. I rejoined WW in October 2003. When I first went, I would stay for the meetings and lost weight almost every week. Now, I just go for weigh-in.


I have found that the weeks that I journal everything that goes into my mouth and exercise at least two times a week, are my best weeks. I always eat ALL of my flex points and don't use any of my exercise points.


Let me tell you how good it felt when I no longer had to shop in the Women's department. I just recently bought a little black dress for my upcoming cruise in April. It is such a different feeling when you are getting into smaller sizes when you go buy clothes than having to buy bigger ones because you've "outgrown" your other sizes. I do a dance in the dressing room now every time I get into a smaller size.


I really don't enjoy exercising, but I know that it has to be done and I am proud of myself after I have done it. My husband had me lift a 40 pound bag of dog food, after I had lost 40 pounds. I couldn't believe I was walking around with that much weight. I can't even lift 70 pounds now. No wonder I was always tired and my feet hurt after sitting for awhile.


Remember, nothing tastes as good as thin feels! :D

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Hi... I just found this thread, I've been doing ww since January. I've tried everything else, SB, Jenny, grapefruit. They worked for awhile but I always seem to put it back.


I've done well this time, I'm 1/2 lb from goal and I feel great! I'm exercising on a daily basis and that has helped me keep focus. My biggest problem is that when my nest became "empty" 6 years ago, I got into some very bad habits and that has been my downfall. On top of that I have "moderately high" blood pressure due to job stress and of course the extra pounds I was carrying.


I'm part of a ww at work program, so I don't have to leave to weigh in and there is a ton of support.


My cruise is in April and I'm looking forward to getting into a formal I bought for a high school reunion.... let's just say "several years ago" I'm just about there, with the diet and exercise it's going to be a triumph to wear that dress on formal night.


Good luck to all..... and keep on losing !



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