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Questions - first TA first time Star Clipper


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Questions - will be on Star Clipper my first TA and first time on Star Clipper

Star Clipper Las Palmas - St Maarten November 6 - 20,2010


A couple of questions


Any need for water proof shoes or boots for rain or ruff water days on deck hoping for non or few?


Have you experienced any ruff weather or water days how bad were they?


I am thinking the first 2 or 3 days at sea from Las Palmas mornings will be cool as in possible long sleeves or light jacket?


At what point will the weather potentially be warm as in shorts and tee shirt all day till evening dinner?


Thoughts on temperature lows highs?


As I have read on Cruise Critic and pieced together the option of morning exercise with a group exists and mile walk around the ship


Late morning or early afternoon lecture or q&a of some sort some days on nautical stuff


Cocktail hour on deck around 5:00 PM every one sort of mingles


Dinner 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM what time do a majority of dinners seem to eat?

I assume European style later 8:30 PM - 9:00 PM longer more leisurely dinner European style. On my Costa cruise main seating was 9:15 PM European Italian style.


10:00 PM on deck in the outdoor lounge for entertainment of some sort of the homegrown variety talent show, music, socializing, and so on for an hour or so.


I assume being no ports of call en route on a TA people stay up a bit longer and are more active later then on a port based cruise?


I would think being a smaller group on board at some point in time every one has chatted with a good amount of others on board and most are open to being social?


Answer as you wish more questions or thoughts will probably pop up in my head.


Looking forward,



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Hugh, I went on Royal transatlantic 5 years ago, and we hit warm weather very shortly after leaving Canaries,, then spent days in bathing suit/cover up,, until evening. Evenings got warm pretty fast too, as I recall, but light jacket would be good. I did not use the big rain gear I took with me, but a light rain shell might do you good if you want to be up on deck in wet weather. We only had a few rough times, lost some dishes one night, nothing too much, maybe 15' waves or so, at the worst.


The crowd will vary, there are some repositioning cruises where the bar is lively in the evenings and some that are very quiet after 10PM or so,, just depends. Generally dinner seems to be more popular earlier than later, but depends on the crowd and also how many people on the ship, if full, some folks hang back to avoid the crowd. Sounds like you sorted out the agenda fairly well,, passengers volunteer to lead different yoga, etc classes and some do lectures or presentations, so it is all intersting. Almost everyone is very social and you will meet lots of interesting people. Have fun, Gail

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I went on the Royal Clipper TA in October, 2003. The water was smooth as glass and we didn't experience a single cool night or day (Rome to Barbados 23 nights). We had no need whatsoever for all the cool weather clothing we brought. It did rain for about 20 minutes the day before we got to Barbados. We were really hoping for rougher weather where we would really sail. No such luck (of course, your crossing could vary widely!). We also went on the Star Clipper's last full TI cruise in October/November, 2009. Once again, we didn't experience any cool weather. Basically, we wore shorts and tees the whole time (except at dinner of course). We did have some tropical rain (heavy but short duration). We did have rough seas so we really sailed. In addition to the type of activities you mentioned, you will find that your fellow passengers are great people and very well-traveled. Meeting such people is the best part of the trip. Peter (cruise director on the Star Clipper is incredible!) will conduct at least one lecture and probably two every day. The crew and the passenger talent shows are incredible. Too bad Star Clippers had to abandon this crossing but the Somali pirates are quite dangerous (we got stuck off the Horn of Africa for 8 days due to contrary winds and currents). This was a true adventure. Have a fun and safe trip. Roger

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Greetings to both responder's Gail & Roger & all who read this;


Sorry for the delayed reply been busy. You both provided great feed back to my questions and a better feel of what to expect on my upcoming adventure on the high seas only 6 1/2 weeks till I depart.


Who were your Captain's? Still to be determined was the reply I received on Star Clipper's Blog. I understand all are somewhat lively and fun. Some from other's descriptions sound like the who's who legend's of Star Clipper fame.


Read reviews of praise online regarding Peter Cruise Director hoping he will be on board.


Any thoughts on the following - I will be joining the clipper on the last leg of the journey Las Palmas - St Maatern other will of joined the cruise a week earlier mainland Spain or even a week earlier in Athens. I am picturing a way lot of German's and next British then American's. Will a lot of the passengers already on board be networked in to other's as social friend's or are most open to the fact that new faces have joined the trip and are welcoming to existing on board friendships? This is important being I am traveling solo. I read some were a fair percent on the TA's are solo sailing and nautical fanatic's.


The second week in August when I booked my TA adventure Star Clipper reservation's said that only 11 cabin's were left. The Star Clipper's capacity is 170 passengers how many cabins are on the clipper?


Looking forward to the lectures demonstrations entertainment learning much more about sailing other shenanigans fun and nautical stuff have been on many sail boats over the years and motorized boats including yachts most recently a 60 some foot Hatteras for 4 days off the New England coast it was very choice as my nephew age 17 would say that is the longest I have been on a non mega cruise standard commercial cruise ships been on Costa in Asia for 2 weeks but only had 4 days at sea thats not real sailing or boating.


Still am not clear in my mind how to pack just in case layered clothing and still pack lite. It ends up I pack way to much or do not have what I need and get damp wet cold or pack way to much heavy clothing. I will work it self out some how or I will go with only the clothing on my back :) HAHA


Any other input or stories please share,



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My best advice is to pack lite. There is laundry service available (generally next day) and you can buy some new stuff on board too. Also, much of your trip will be in tropical waters so less is more. Keep in mind that no one really cares what kind of clothing you wear. Be boring and just pack a couple of pairs of khakis, a couple of polos, and a single pair of loafers. The rest of your wardrobe would include shorts and tees, trainers, a couple of swimsuits, socks and underwear. We took jackets (fold up in their own pocket variety) but never had occasion to wear them. If you really want to be formal, bring some kind of sports jacket. Of course, some people like to really dress up and enjoy formal clothing. That's fine too but it's a choice--not a requirement.


Your guess as to the nationality makeup is pretty accurate. Sometimes, there are also quite a few French and a few Italians. A good portion of the English speaking passengers will be Canadians, Australians and New Zealanders.


As to fitting in late, that shouldn't be a problem. New people and stories are always welcome to the group. As a suggestion, you might want to participate in the night time entertainment. I had to write (and sing!) a sea shanty for the passengers' No Talent, Talent Show. I got complaints for weeks that people couldn't get the tune out of their heads! I also helped to conduct church services for the crew and passengers (although I haven't been in to church in nearly 50 years). This sort of personal involvement really makes the voyage more fun.


Anyway, I'm sure you'll have fun. Wish I was going too but I promised the grandkids I'd take them all to Harry Potter World and Walt Disney World in Orlando. Then ... there's a trip though the Panama Canal. Some day we'll get back aboard one of the Star Clippers crossing to somewhere.

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Great hearing back from you Roger;


Sharing Disney and Harry Potter Amusement Parks with the grandkids sounds like an adventurer beyond sailing the seas :) HAHA ..... The theme park's in Orlando cost more then a pirate's ransom and defiantly could translate towards a deposit on a Star Clipper ship have fun.


On my March - April 2010 travel's to Asia including 2 week cruise on Costa American's were the minority percentage wise. English, Italian, Spanish, German, French, and Chinese announcement's. We had about 1,200 passengers on board Italian,Spanish,German, French were prominent. English speakers were New Zealanders, Australasians, Dutch, Americans, Canadian. Very little to almost null contact with the Italian,Spanish,German, French who mainly spoke native language. Second language may not of been English. I only speak English no foreign language skills other then reading and speaking prayer Hebrew sort of. I read that a lot of the passenger's on Star Clipper from Germany speak English so there will be some mixing socially with other's from other parts of the world other then the English as the mother tong.


Took a cruise years ago with tour group of Canadian's to Greece talk about good socializing and partier's had great fun and memories with them. Aussie's and NZ's are also very colorful as are the Brit's should be a great time socializing and add to this many being of a sailing and nautical types loads of stories.


The laundry sound's like a plan as a way to go to pack less - good suggestion thanks


How was the food on board it is cooked European style I would think? Could one easily ask to eliminate gravies on food? Or get dishes more simply prepared watching the cholesterol plus acid issues with highly spiced foods? I would mention my issues when to the dinning room staff when I board. More preference then absolute need. My biggest concern is watching my total cab intake being a diabetic managed by exercise and diet. On Star Clipper no real exercise daily like fast walking the track or deck 20 or 30 times or treadmill to burn off the carb's. I read they have a daily calisthenic and exercise work out and mile round the ship walk plus the times one can help with the sails. Desert's and wine are a downfall for the weight and carbs. Oh well will manage this I am sure.... Will power I hope lot's of it.


Figuring out what I can perform for the non talented talent show.


Was the worship service non denominational that you helped put together?


Read on your profile you are a Archeologist assuming you are a academician of some sort? What is your specialized interest area?


My was in international sales and marketing for a long time for a manufacturer of custom high performance window systems for commercial construction. Also managed operations of a architectural and consumer paint manufacturer in the Midwest for over 15 years including early on ran 10 company owned paint stores. Currently early semi retired and am a travel agent part time plus manage a portfolio of maintenance contracts for overseas warehouse operations.





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Hello Hugh,


The food aboard all Star Clippers' ships is European. However, there are always three entrees at dinner including a vegetarian entree. An hour or so before dinner, they put display dishes of the entrees and hor dourves out in the main saloon. If you don't like any of the entrees, you can have a steak (although these tend to be cut a bit thin) Also, you can let Star Clippers know about your dietary concerns and they will take care of you. They say they want to be notified in advance of sailing so they can stock proper foods. Breakfast and lunch are buffets (lots of salads in addition to hot and cold entrees and sandwich makings including a carving station--lots of desserts too but I'm sure no one would ever, ever dream of actually eating them). The breakfast buffet has made to order eggs, breakfast meats, potatoes as well as lots of fruits, cereals, toast, fish, cheese, etc. Their wine stewards are incredible. They will know you by name, cabin number and wine preference from the first day. Wine prices by the bottle aren't too bad (starting at about $20/bottle).


Here's another thought about dressier clothes for dinner. My wife thought I went a little too far on the casual side. Especially aboard the Royal Clipper, people do dress more and it's true that the Europeans in particular dress up alot more at dinner. So, you might want to take that into your luggage calculations.


The religious services I helped with were totally non denominational. Just about every religion in the world was represented by the passengers and crew. This made the service lots of fun and a real learning experience.


I used to be Chief Archaeologist for the CA Dept of Transportation. That's getting further and further in my rear view mirror. I've been retired for almost 7 years and am now actively involved in being a bum. My professional outings tend to be limited to giving a paper or doing volunteer work. I'm getting to be venerable (how awful!) and most questions that come my way begin with, "Good Lord! I thought you must have died years ago!". I'm beginning to feel like "Father Time" but look more like "Father Christmas". Oh well.


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Hi Hugh and Roger,, just had to add, for Hugh, the variety of fantastic cream desserts is amazing,, at lunch (buffet style) and then a selection or two or ice cream with dinner,, BUT,, if you hit the salad side of the lunch buffet heavy and the other areas lightly,, and do some of those sponsored or volunteered exercise options, you can actually have 2 or 3 mini servings of desserts daily AND come off the ship in better shape than when you went on!! Climbing up and down stairs all day, doing isometrics 24 hours a day to stay upright (or in bed at night some nights,,) due to sea motion, you will be in fine shape.


I don't think the food is spicey at all (of course, I live in Texas, so about half way across the ocean I am looking for hot sauce and jalapenos) so that should not bother you, and I don't think a problem with sauces or gravies either,, you will be just fine! If something is served with sauce, just ask your waiter for sauce on the side, or none, etc. They are very helpful and friendly, and try to meet all your requests.


And as Roger said,, new faces on board after x days at sea are noticed and the ships are small enough, low enough passenger count, that you always meet people! Wish I were sailing now,,, Gail

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Again thanks to both of you Gail & Roger;


First off Gail creamed deserts are sort of like profanity or sin:) HAHA But not to sound spoiled only chocolate or cheese cake and umm..... so much more I like had a brownie today but prefer blondie's.


Gail: I use to travel to Austin,TX back in the late 90's at that point it was really starting to grow yuppies were relocation from all over and had a wild night life. Not my thing but heard other's talk about it. One of these days I need to get back to Austin for a long weekend. What is the name of the water falls outside of Austin?


Sweets strategy eat only part of it. Famous last words HAHA


Figured out I need to buy some deck shoes of some sort and need new teeshirts mine look sort of grubby and second pair of shorts and swim suit the one I thought I owned was a sad looking pair of jogging shorts that are to small I can only swim in salt water which the ship's soaking pools are being I am allergic to chlorine. So to the outlet mall next week.


Just learned the weekend before I depart on my trip I will have to be away for 2 nights. So things are getting busy need to take of stuff way ahead of my 11/1 departure date to Las Palmas.


Roger your not that bad yet. My dad told me to pass on to you he is 86 and feels like he is 90 and to him your still young. As he always says He lost his Father Timex years ago. Age is relative to whom you compare it too. To a 100 year old my dad at 86 is young. Just read that the oldest known man in the world turned 114 over the weekend.


Will read and sort of sing a couple poems and 1 song for the non talent talent show including John Denver's Calypso song still figuring out the poems.


Preparing for weekend out of town guests. They are friend's from my last cruise to Asia from Long Beach, Ca area. Will be in Seattle this weekend we plan on touring the Boeing Plant.


Will surly have more questions or comment's to share prior to my departure.





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Hugh, you should have no problem getting your chocolate fix (daily at least) and while the cheesecake may not be the cheesecake you are used to,, it does appear, along with every creme brulee, flan, etc known to mankind!


Those salt water pools do sort of tear up a bathing suit on a repositioning cruise, and don't wear your good one to the Neptune's ocean crossing event,, enough said!


I am on the countdown to Nov 30 when I leave for Costa Rica, for Star Flyer Dec 5 Costa Rica to Nicaragua sail,, short but gonna be sweet! Talk to you later, will have to hear how your sail goes, and yes - Austin has become full of not only yuppies, but Californian yuppies,, what can I say?? It somehow falls victem to its own success, but I can't think of a better place in the world to live, except maybe Washington or Oregon in the summer... Waterfall,, maybe Hamilton Pool?? or you thinking intown swimming at Barton Springs?? Gail

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