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94 days to lose 25-35 pounds--anyone want to join me for support?


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So, after baby #2, I managed to drop 30 pounds pretty easily with Jenny Craig, but that food is a little expensive and I think maybe with a little will power and support I can lose the rest by myself!


What do I need from you? Encouragement to get my out of shape butt on the elliptical even though I feel like I might barf, or to hear that you also would rather eat pizza than broccoli and steamed carrots or something...I need someone I Can gripe to that isn't my stick-thin husband who can eat anything he wants and gains 5 lbs over the course of 10 yrs.


Please join me all who have a few pounds to lose or just want to tone up before your cruise! We can share stories of successes and failures.

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It´s good to know that there are more of us there.


Well, as cruising is not going to happen before february (if I´m lucky), I´m willing to drop weight before Xmas, to not be the odd one with all the thin family.


I´m cutting back on sweets and softdrinks and increasing my sports activities. So far it´s at least no more gain.


The weekend was horrible, my sister moved to Italy and we did all the work ourselves. So not gym but enough workout to justify the french fries I got at one of the highway stops.


I need to get back into a kind of regular workout pattern.


I believe 20 lbs should be doable in the timeframe you mentioned, at least I hope so.

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I try to work out but I have two herniated discs in my lower back and a lot of pain/sciatica that goes along with it. I try, but without starving myself it's incredibly difficult since exercise is limited.


Dr. Says strengthening core will help so for my b-day my family chipped in and got me ab-circle-pro I hope it can strengthen my core so my back hurts less and I can use the elliptical more!

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I go to the Y every morning before work. On Mondays and Friday I walk around the track and do the exercise bike. On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thrusday I have water exercise classes. On Monday evening I go to a yoga class. And at lunch or on weekends I throw in some short walks-now and then.


It is really easier to fit in exercise now days because my children are grown and my husband and I go together to the Y.


I can exercise and not lose weight. The important thing for me is cutting back on food.

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I try to work out but I have two herniated discs in my lower back and a lot of pain/sciatica that goes along with it. I try, but without starving myself it's incredibly difficult since exercise is limited.


Dr. Says strengthening core will help so for my b-day my family chipped in and got me ab-circle-pro I hope it can strengthen my core so my back hurts less and I can use the elliptical more!



Sorry to hear about your disc's, that must be painful. Anyway, I am big guy and I need to lose alot of weight. So, I saw this info mercial on the 6 week body makeover and my wife and I decide to try it. We started on 7/1 and I am currently at 49 lbs down. I never thought losing weight would be so easy. I dont starve at all, actually we eat 6 times a day. There is allot to mention, but what it is, is a high protein , low salt and low sugar eating plan. When you buy the kit, youi go walk through the instructional video and you figure out how your metabolism works, then you eat certain foods that will speed up your metabolism based upon what body type you are. The exercises are very easy. They send you a band that is basically surgical hose with handles on it and you only do it for 18 mins 2x a week. Too much exercise will make your bady shut down becuase it thinks it needs to store fat, but the foods you eat will burn it off. Im telling you, I am so glad we found this plan...it really works and you dont have to buy special foods or go to the meetings. By the way, those pre packaged foods are LOADED with sodium. They may help some people lose weight, but are killing their heart with the sodium. I suggest you check out this plan as if I can do it, anyone can. I expect to hit the 50 lb mark tomorrow or Sat. Its called the 6 week body makeover, and is designed for the average person to lose 30 lbs in 6 weeks, but if yo want to lose more, you just stay on the plan and keep losing until you are satified. Its works and its sooo easy !! Im going on a cruise in about three weeks and I WILL NOT NEED A SEAT BELT EXTENDER FOR THE PLANE RIDE THIS TRIP ...!!!!!:D

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Naturally, I want to know more! How much does this "kit" cost? Is it difficult to track? What types of food do you eat?


Btw-keep up the good work! I was doing great on Jenny Craig b/c it's reg food just smaller portions, that's my problem--portions. I never even exercised over the 3 months I was on it and lost the first 30 lbs very quickly until the last few weeks when I stopped drinking as much water and stopped being vigilant about eating my fruits & vegetables. Then I just lost motivation from the back pain which is excruciating, though I've already had 1 discectomy to help it.

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I think the kit cost like 125 bux. The food all depends on what body type you are. I am an A so I eat Chicken , Turkey, Fish, Shrimp, Crab, Egg Whites, some steak is ok, but only a few ounces. Good carbs are ok....potatoes, rice, sweet potatoes, just no processed carbs with flour. No dairy though. Its weird, some fruits are ok and some arent because of the natural sugar in them ( ie; watermelon, oranges ) Most veggies are ok. A different body tpes are allowed different foods. I didnt really excercise yet to be honest other than swimming with my labs...lol A typical day for me is....egg whites in the morning with a baked potato in the microwave, then for mid morning snack is fresh fruit and a piece of skinless chicken breast, lunch is meat sauce with rice and veggies or salad, mid afternoon is shrimp and fruit, dinner steak, or pork chop and potato and veggies. You really dont have time to get hungry between all the eating. Keep in mind this is just a sample of the foods you can eat. We have recipes for ketchup and mayo and even bbq sauce thats all on plan. They make so many things now with no sugar added and no salt added. Check out the website. Google 6 week body make over by michael thurmond. We are very happy with the plan and how it works. It is allot of work....like I will cook a grill full of chicken for the week for my wife and I...she makes pumpkin muffins an dthey are great. They are good for Breakfast. The kit comes with all the books and info to get started....well worth it IMO. :)

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I know I can do it by just exercising, because I haven't actually gained anything back since I quit going to Jenny Craig but it's really hard to get past the pain--which is on a whole new level today. If I can conquer the pain I can do this. Today didn't work out, I didn't eat junk or anything, just didn't get to go for a walk. I hope you all are doing better. I won't lie, I weighed in at 165 today and if I can even get down to 150 by 12/4 I'll be happy!!

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Well, L4-L5 is herniated and torn so I can't do that snazzy new "refilling the disc" thing where they inject something in there...and I already had a discectomy at L5-S1 which has reherniated. I saw a supposedly great neurosurgeon that came highly recommended and he told me..."I believe your pain is very real, but at 27 fusion is just too much, Ann given your history w/other treatments I just don't recommend anything right now"


Anyway--I was able to manage 10 minuest inthe elliptical today, and about 5 on my ab-circle-pro...and guess what?! There's actually some muscle under my gut!!

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Yesterday I used my lunch break for some exercises in the gym at work, must be good for me as I´m hurting all over today.

Anyways the scale showed one lbs less today, that´s a start.


To all of you a weekend with much walking or other excersises and enjoy it. I´m going to meet friends for lunch and afterwards we are doing a puzzle, will say we buy some new furniture which has to be put together ;)

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Well, L4-L5 is herniated and torn so I can't do that snazzy new "refilling the disc" thing where they inject something in there...and I already had a discectomy at L5-S1 which has reherniated. I saw a supposedly great neurosurgeon that came highly recommended and he told me..."I believe your pain is very real, but at 27 fusion is just too much, Ann given your history w/other treatments I just don't recommend anything right now"


Anyway--I was able to manage 10 minuest inthe elliptical today, and about 5 on my ab-circle-pro...and guess what?! There's actually some muscle under my gut!!



Hi Paz, I too have herniated discs @ L-4 L5, and have the injections twice per year. It they are the same ones you are talking about, they are given under general anestheisa by a Neruologist. They can be given up to 5 times per year depending on your pain level. There is no recovery time either. Once the general anest. wears off, you are back to normal. The medication that is injected takes anywhere from 5 days to 2 weeks to start working but let me tell you when it does you wont even realize that you had a back problem. I was in so much pain that I could not even sleep without pain meds, This treatment worked so well for me. I can start to tell about 5 1/2 months out that it's time for another injection. If you doctor is giving you this option, please do try it.



Once you can get control of your back pain then excercising will be much easier. I am a Weight Watcher's lifetime and at goal but I too know the stuggles especially with back pain. I still work out every single day and keep a food journal and "count my points" ( this is a WW thing but it amounts to watching your calorie and fat intake and making sure that you get in healthy foods along with plenty of water) I know my danger foods and keep them totally out of the house. I try to fit excercise in when ever I can. Sometimes this means parking at the far end of the lot at Walmart and walking up to the store but it's the little things that add up.


Keep up the good work and great attitude. You are going to do just fine. Take it a day at a time.


Cari :)

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Hi Paz, I too have herniated discs @ L-4 L5, and have the injections twice per year. It they are the same ones you are talking about, they are given under general anestheisa by a Neruologist. They can be given up to 5 times per year depending on your pain level. There is no recovery time either. Once the general anest. wears off, you are back to normal. The medication that is injected takes anywhere from 5 days to 2 weeks to start working but let me tell you when it does you wont even realize that you had a back problem. I was in so much pain that I could not even sleep without pain meds, This treatment worked so well for me. I can start to tell about 5 1/2 months out that it's time for another injection. If you doctor is giving you this option, please do try it.



Once you can get control of your back pain then excercising will be much easier. I am a Weight Watcher's lifetime and at goal but I too know the stuggles especially with back pain. I still work out every single day and keep a food journal and "count my points" ( this is a WW thing but it amounts to watching your calorie and fat intake and making sure that you get in healthy foods along with plenty of water) I know my danger foods and keep them totally out of the house. I try to fit excercise in when ever I can. Sometimes this means parking at the far end of the lot at Walmart and walking up to the store but it's the little things that add up.


Keep up the good work and great attitude. You are going to do just fine. Take it a day at a time.


Cari :)


I did do them and had a terrible reaction :( I DID feel GREAT for about 12 hours though! I have trouble sleeping even with pain meds but I'm working really hard on just powering through...whoch may be why the pain is at a whole new level these days but I have this dilusion that maybe eventually a) it will lessen because my "core" is stronger or b) I'll just be "old enough" for this stupid doctor to help me.


Either way, I will lose weight and get in shape, it just hurts.

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As I had two very good meals yesterday, I took my bike today to go to the fleamarket. Got home with 6 new books :)

Now I´m taking a break from cleaning our home, does that count as excercise too?


I say yes! I managed about 30 min total on the elliptical today!! I'm not doing the programs with the speeds you match and the resistance, I'm doing 1 song at like 3.5-4 mph on 6-7 resistance then bringing it down to 5 and going at a slower pace for 1 song then repeating...I'm too out of shape to do those programs...gotta start somewhere though, some exercise is better than none.

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So how has it been going? Any weight loss?


When I weighed in at Weight Watchers on Tuesday I had lost 1/2 pound. If I lose 1/2 pound every week before my December 9 cruise, I'll be down 7 1/2 pounds which is not quite what I am hoping for but will be better than gaining 7 1/2 pounds.

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Weight is the same but clothes are getting a little loose so I must be firming muscles I haven't used in 2 years because I was having babies ;)


I'm going to check out snap fitness tomorrow, they just opened one up by my house!!

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I am trying to get on the elliptical when they nap, but when they don't nap at the same time...I'm S.O.L. and then I don't usually get to shower until after hubby gets done with work...otherwise I'm choosing exercise over lunch. It's a slippery slope so to speak ;) But I find that if I work out too late in the day I'm awake too late...does that happen to anyone else?

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So, as with many "overeaters" my issue has always been portion control...and I almost always find that the #1 food I always find myself eating too much of, and then still feeling hungry later is...spaghetti! So I got myself whole wheat rotini and actuay weighed out one 2 oz portion and I felt good and full and I still do! This is my "tip" for today! If you're a pasta lover switch to a non-spaghetti-like noodle like rotini and do WHOLE WHEAT! plus portion control is a must for weight loss. But I feel great knowing that I ate exactly one serving and I feel like even that may have been more than I actually needed :)


Gotta go! Gettin up extra early for exercise!

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I'm definitely a believer in whole wheat pasta now!


Anyway, I managed to do 38 min on the elliptical today, not at a fast pace but on like...7 resistance. I watched a full episode of hoarders on netflix instant streaming. But--the onboard computer thing said I burned like 673 calories, 210 fat calories. Can that actually be right?! That seems like A LOT!

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So, after baby #2, I managed to drop 30 pounds pretty easily with Jenny Craig, but that food is a little expensive and I think maybe with a little will power and support I can lose the rest by myself!


What do I need from you? Encouragement to get my out of shape butt on the elliptical even though I feel like I might barf, or to hear that you also would rather eat pizza than broccoli and steamed carrots or something...I need someone I Can gripe to that isn't my stick-thin husband who can eat anything he wants and gains 5 lbs over the course of 10 yrs.


Please join me all who have a few pounds to lose or just want to tone up before your cruise! We can share stories of successes and failures.


We booked our cruise beginning of May that is what got my wife and I motivated to workout and eat right! We leave in 21 days on the Carnival Liberty! http://scottiesoverthetop.blogspot.com/ Here is our blog for excercise we started a couple of weeks ago.... Helps me keep myself motivate. I lost 20lbs and my wife lost 35 :)

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