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That last 15 lbs.... Anybody else!!


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I started dieting on April 5th of this year. My goal was to lose 40 pounds. I lost about 30 or so prior to my cruise in August. I was really happy only gaining 4 lbs on the cruise. So here I am... I need to lose the remaining 12-15 lbs prior to my next cruise on Dec. 31st!! What a way to welcome in the New Year!!:D


SO today is day one.. I will be weighing alot but will post it on Mondays~





Anybody else trying to get those last few pounds off?? Sometimes I think thats harder:rolleyes:

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  • 3 weeks later...
I started dieting on April 5th of this year. My goal was to lose 40 pounds. I lost about 30 or so prior to my cruise in August. I was really happy only gaining 4 lbs on the cruise. So here I am... I need to lose the remaining 12-15 lbs prior to my next cruise on Dec. 31st!! What a way to welcome in the New Year!!:D


SO today is day one.. I will be weighing alot but will post it on Mondays~





Anybody else trying to get those last few pounds off?? Sometimes I think thats harder:rolleyes:


I am trying to get those last 17 pounds off but I only have 4 weeks to do it...so if you need some help, I am here. The last pounds are the hardest to lose as the body holds on to a certain amount of fat for survival so it is a harder fight to get them to let it go...

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I started dieting on April 5th of this year. My goal was to lose 40 pounds. I lost about 30 or so prior to my cruise in August. I was really happy only gaining 4 lbs on the cruise. So here I am... I need to lose the remaining 12-15 lbs prior to my next cruise on Dec. 31st!! What a way to welcome in the New Year!!:D


SO today is day one.. I will be weighing alot but will post it on Mondays~





Anybody else trying to get those last few pounds off?? Sometimes I think thats harder:rolleyes:


I'm joining this thread...I've got 49 days to lose at least 10 lbs.; ideally I would like it to be 15, although my friends think I look too thin at that weight. Here's the "bottom" line (pardon my pun).

Current weight: 150 - I'm 5'7 and small boned

Ideal Weight: 140

I want to get back into size 8 jeans. My size 10's fit well and I can get the 8's on my "bottom", but I can't breathe!

I'm going to try to get to the gym at least 4 X /week!!!

There, I've written it, and now I have to live up to it!!!

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I am right there with you...my favorite jeans "fit", but actually being able to move and breathe in them is a different story. I told myself I don't want to lose too much weight as then they will be too big but hubby told me not to worry about it, he would buy me 5 new pair...so that may be a bit of some motivation...


Anyway, I started yesterday and am not off to a good start. We have someone in the office retiring today and they brought in about 15 different types of desserts and soft pretzels and all those things I shouldn't be eating...so I had a TINY bit of a few...less than I would normally have eaten but I shouldn't have had any, plus I didn't have the healthiest dinner last night.


So, anyway, I am going to reset myself today and really buckle down...so far, so good. Talk to you guys later.

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I thought no one was in the same boat as me. Ha HA! I havent done anything since I started the thread really, I'm still right where I was on the

13th. I did walk for a few days and then we got this massive heat wave here. It's cooled off now so I will start again.:rolleyes: ATleast I havent gained!!


So I cruise in 91 days and still would like to be down to 137 ot 138. I hover between 145 and 150 right now. Would like it to be 135 and 140. I am about 5'7 as well. But bigger boned. I feel best at about 140.


So lets get going ladies~ ( or men if any want to join us) We can do this!!

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I thought no one was in the same boat as me. Ha HA! I havent done anything since I started the thread really, I'm still right where I was on the

13th. I did walk for a few days and then we got this massive heat wave here. It's cooled off now so I will start again.:rolleyes: ATleast I havent gained!!


So I cruise in 91 days and still would like to be down to 137 ot 138. I hover between 145 and 150 right now. Would like it to be 135 and 140. I am about 5'7 as well. But bigger boned. I feel best at about 140.


So lets get going ladies~ ( or men if any want to join us) We can do this!!


I too am larger boned, which I hate because it always makes you look heavier to begin with...and I am only 5'2" so that is another disadvantage!


Ijust got through lunch...a salad...woohoo. My hubby called and he is going to McDonalds...what I wouldn't give for a double cheeseburger and fries right now! UGH!!! Come on ladies...let's do this, let's go...we can and we will be thin! 2 meals down and 1 more to go...may be a good day today after all!

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Hey girls!! I too am in the same boat. I started out at 165 and now I am at 145 and 4 inches off my belly!! Woohoo!!! I started out in a thight size 10 and now wear a confortable size 8!!


My goal is to lose another 5 or 10 pounds and some more inches still. I would love a flatter belly and to wear the size 6 pair of shorts that are waiting for me in my drawers.


I do not beleive in dieting. I am carefull in my eating and I am trying to exercise. In my mind, moving my booty is the best way to acheive my goals.


Let's party and do some shaking up!!

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Count me in! A few years ago I lost 40 lbs. and have kept it off. However, I never achieved that flat stomach/size 6 that I wanted. Now I'm trying to lose that last 10-12 lbs. I actually started about 3 weeks ago, and I'm down two pounds, but boy has it been hard just to lose those two measly pounds! I limit myself to 1500 calories per day and work out 6 days a week for at least 30 minutes each workout. I feel like I'm hungry all the time, and it's really hard where I work because it seems like at least once a week we're having a cake or pot luck for some kind of occasion.


I did slip up one day - gave into a chocolate craving - but other than that I've been good. I'm trying to get down to my goal weight by mid-December. Thanks for starting this thread! :)

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Today was my 2nd "Spinning" class (stationary bicycling). I enrolled in a 4-week, Tues & Thurs intense class. I had to buy a padded pike seat and padded biking shorts, and the seat still hurts! I'm told that it will take at least 4 sessions, and that I WILL GET USED TO IT. I have my doubts, but I'll persevere anyway. I want to lose 10 pounds by Nov. 19 for my Celebrity cruise!! I hover between a size 8-10, depending on what the article of clothing is, and where it was manufactured!!



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  • 1 month later...

I'll join in as well! I will be cruising on Jan 16th and I'm thinking it's going to be difficult to lose the last ten pounds I want to lose, especially with the Holidays coming up. Pumpkin pie, Christmas cookies....ugh!

I am 5'5" and was 148 lbs. I got down to 133 lbs a month ago and then stopped. I'm trying to gear up and lose the last 8 pounds I would like to lose. I'm starting to feel thinner but the stomach is like a beast that can't be tamed!


Keep up the good work ladies and gents!! We can do it!! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

134 here; hoping to lose 5-10 lbs before our cruise 01/02/11. I do realize I have to stop dieting 14 days before that date, just to maintain, otherwise I would blow up like a balloon.


My weight is mainly belly fat. I started out with a belly the size of a soft ball, graduated to a soccer ball, then hell’s bells, basketball. I am working my way down, hoping for a golf ball! OK, I will settle for a tennis ball.

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134 here; hoping to lose 5-10 lbs before our cruise 01/02/11. I do realize I have to stop dieting 14 days before that date, just to maintain, otherwise I would blow up like a balloon.


My weight is mainly belly fat. I started out with a belly the size of a soft ball, graduated to a soccer ball, then hell’s bells, basketball. I am working my way down, hoping for a golf ball! OK, I will settle for a tennis ball.


Looks like you and I are in the same boat ofroughly same size and want to lose same amount of weight by around the same time. I've been dieting and excercising hardcore the last week and plan to keep it up until New Years. I will allow myself a little bit of indulgence for Christmas but hopefully not get too carried away. My problem area is also the stomach. It is getting smaller bit by bit. I hope I can lose enough in time to be beach ready! It's going to be close!


How is everyone else doing with their goals? Any updates?

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Looks like you and I are in the same boat ofroughly same size and want to lose same amount of weight by around the same time. I've been dieting and excercising hardcore the last week and plan to keep it up until New Years. I will allow myself a little bit of indulgence for Christmas but hopefully not get too carried away. My problem area is also the stomach. It is getting smaller bit by bit. I hope I can lose enough in time to be beach ready! It's going to be close!


How is everyone else doing with their goals? Any updates?


Lost a pound today, 133.....must have been from the "leg cramp dance" I kept doing in the middle of the night. The good with the bad. Wow, do they hurt.

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I just returned from Celebrity's Caribbean 14-day cruise with a gain of only 3 lbs., despite the fact that I enjoyed as much food as I could without too much guilt. However, prior to this cruise my goal was to lose 10 lbs., which never occured. In May, my DH and I are going on a 24 day transAtlantic cruise, so my goal has been re-set once again.

FYI, I'm 5'7, small boned and currently at 151 lbs. I'm looking forward to seeing 139, at least.

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I am also trying to lose another 15 pounds or so. My next cruise isn't until 10/1/2011 but I want to lose way before then. My husband and I will be celebrating our 35th wedding anniversary in August and plan on renewing our vows. My goal is April 1st so I have plenty of time to shop for a new dress for the renewal and formal night on the cruise and also a new swimsuit for the cruise. We are cruising with our best friends and she is quite a bit younger than me and I don't want her to outdo me so I want the extra weight gone. I am going to the gym and doing South Beach and will really hit it harder after the first of the year. I think I an do it in 4 months. :-)

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132 today...so slow but not so easy. Would love to get below 130 before I have to start adding foods to my diet and that is in 7 days. At the rate I am going, I fear that's not going to happen.


It is usual for my yearly doctor's check-up is at the end of December. Always we would cruise in December; so his advice would be for me to drop a few pounds. This year I felt I had it in the bag, cruising after my appointment! Yea!


I received a call today with a change, now my appointment is right after our cruise, rats!


How is everyone else doing?

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I've been holding strong at 133. I would like to get to 127 before the cruise but the holidays are making things very difficult. Too many sweets around. I really need to crack down but it's soooo hard! I've been very consistent with my workouts and can tell my body is getting leaner and more toned. The scale is not showing any improvement though.


Hang in there Hei1980!

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I've been holding strong at 133. I would like to get to 127 before the cruise but the holidays are making things very difficult. Too many sweets around. I really need to crack down but it's soooo hard! I've been very consistent with my workouts and can tell my body is getting leaner and more toned. The scale is not showing any improvement though.


Hang in there Hei1980!


127 is what I truly feel happy at; so do my clothes. We sail on a BTB on the Legend starting 01/02/11 from what I have been hearing I can toss out the sundresses! Hear it is in the 60's. That is fine as long as we see sun.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hope you don't mind if I join you. Years ago I joined a SBD group on Lose Before You Cruise and the support was wonderful. Going to do low carb again to jump start (I sure hope) my weight loss, then go to low cal/resisitant carbs. Any pointers and support will be greatly appreciated. I would like to lose 15 lbs by my doctor's appt in April and 2-3 more by our cruise in mid-May. I'm small boned and have a bad back, so I need to be around 120-122 to be comfortable. I think just being "accountable" to others helps me stay on track.



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Hope you don't mind if I join you. Years ago I joined a SBD group on Lose Before You Cruise and the support was wonderful. Going to do low carb again to jump start (I sure hope) my weight loss, then go to low cal/resisitant carbs. Any pointers and support will be greatly appreciated. I would like to lose 15 lbs by my doctor's appt in April and 2-3 more by our cruise in mid-May. I'm small boned and have a bad back, so I need to be around 120-122 to be comfortable. I think just being "accountable" to others helps me stay on track.




Happy New Year and welcome to this site. My 15-20 lb. goal is also related to a cruise in May, as you can on my "trip list". Which cruise are you on, and what date?



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We're sailing on HAL's Eurodam, 10 day W. Europe Discovery on May 12. Which cruise are you taking?


Day 1 of Phase 1, SBD was less painful than I remembered... maybe because I was out of the house and away from temptation a big chunk of the day.


I'm keeping my diet and exercise diet diary available right on the kitchen table. It's a handy pre-printed spiral notebook that I picked up at Border's the last time I did SBD (2009). I probably wouldn't have to lose the weight again if I had continued to use it after my weight loss then :rolleyes:o Hopefully, I've learned my lesson.


DH and I do Corgi fostering, so I'm going to do much better about taking these boys for their daily walks despite the winter weather. It will be as good for them as it is for me.



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We're sailing on HAL's Eurodam, 10 day W. Europe Discovery on May 12. Which cruise are you taking?


Day 1 of Phase 1, SBD was less painful than I remembered... maybe because I was out of the house and away from temptation a big chunk of the day.


I'm keeping my diet and exercise diet diary available right on the kitchen table. It's a handy pre-printed spiral notebook that I picked up at Border's the last time I did SBD (2009). I probably wouldn't have to lose the weight again if I had continued to use it after my weight loss then :rolleyes:o Hopefully, I've learned my lesson.


DH and I do Corgi fostering, so I'm going to do much better about taking these boys for their daily walks despite the winter weather. It will be as good for them as it is for me.



Per the cute little list of trips that show at the bottom left of my posts, we're on the Prinsendam, May 13 for 24 days. It's a transatlantic cruise from Ft. Lauderdale to Amsterdam. I want to take off at least 10 lbs. so that my size 8 jeans & slacks don't fit so snugly!! I'm disgusted that I sometimes wear size 10's so that I can relax, and not have to suck in my gut!

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I can relate to that. I refuse, however, to give up on getting back into my 6s comfortably. Maybe I'm too much of an optimist because I also haven't gotten rid of the 4's.


The scale took a jump in the right direction these past few days, but I know it's just water-weight loss. It does make me feel better though. I know the actual fat loss will come as long as I "behave".



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