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I have only done one cruise so far, next one in May, and I was terrified I was going to gain weight. I had hit my weight watcher lifetime member status in January and cruised in February, but I managed to actually lose .2 pounds! I definitely wouldn't cruise expecting a loss, but there is no reason one couldn't cruise and maintain or even just gain a pound or something reasonable like that.


I took the stairs everywhere and did an hour on the elliptical machine in the gym every morning. For food, I didn't go crazy, but I did definitely eat....a brief description of what I ate:


Breakfast: Cereal, eggs, bacon, fruit

Lunch: Fruit, either a slice of pizza or grilled cheese or half the fried fish, usually a cookie to top it off

Dinner: Stuck to Chicken dishes for the most part, fruit appetizers and chocolate melting cake every night for dessert! I didn't eat the entire thing (most nights) but more than half each night.


I also had a few fun drinks, pina coladas, etc. and while in port at Key West I had a half of a slice of frozen chocolate covered key lime pie. And I had a few bites at the chocolate buffet..


I guess what I am saying is that exercise is your friend! While you can't exercise and have three desserts, an hour of cardio should allot you one dessert. Definitely worth it in my opinion.


Congratulations on being a lifetime member of weight watchers!!! I am a fellow lifetime member and I love it...I am enjoying the new points plus program!


I completely agree with you about exercise. It is very important, even on vacation. I try to take the stairs as well, and get into the gym at least a few times. Finding energy and time for the gym was very difficult on last summer's choice of vacations (Disney World), but we did so much walking in the Florida heat...walking all day every day. We loved every second of it, but it definitely drained my energy and there was no way I would have the energy to work out. During breaks from the theme parks, I needed to rest in the air conditioning (I have asthma too, so I have to watch that). Doing things like that kept me feeling well the entire trip. Any more, and it would have been pushing it too far. But, on a cruise I have plenty of down time, so I love going to the gym. If I go too long without working out (a week is too long!), I really miss it!


I completely agree with you about exercise!

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I pretty much eat the same way I do at home...I don't "pig out" just because it's there. Small portions of pretty much whatever I want....portion control is really the key. Most folks eat way too much of each item...

This is a good tip and very true. I am going to do this on my cruises next week!

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If it's not anything special, or something that I really want, I'm not going to eat it. Like french fries - I can get those anytime and anywhere, so I am probably not going to eat those. If I really really want some, then I probably would have a few. But only for a taste.


I'm not going to "waste" calories/work on pointless, crappy food I can get anywhere. But I'm not going to totally deprive myself, either....if that makes sense. Protein at every meal, veg at lunch & dinner for sure.

This is great! I ate too many fries on my last couple of cruises!:eek: I rarely eat them at home so why waste calories on them while away? I may eat a few... Thanks for posting this.

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"I'm not going to "waste" calories/work on pointless, crappy food I can get anywhere. But I'm not going to totally deprive myself, either....if that makes sense. Protein at every meal, veg at lunch & dinner for sure. "


Makes perfect sense to me!


And exercise doesn't just burn up what you eat that day, it keeps your metabolism UP so that you are burning calories even when you aren't exercising. Also doing weight lifting will help keep your body burning fat! :) We're going on a cruise in April and I plan on exercising every day just like I do now. However, when I see something that looks extra tasty, I'm going to eat it! :D

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"I'm not going to "waste" calories/work on pointless, crappy food I can get anywhere. But I'm not going to totally deprive myself, either....if that makes sense. Protein at every meal, veg at lunch & dinner for sure. "


Makes perfect sense to me!


And exercise doesn't just burn up what you eat that day, it keeps your metabolism UP so that you are burning calories even when you aren't exercising. Also doing weight lifting will help keep your body burning fat! :) We're going on a cruise in April and I plan on exercising every day just like I do now. However, when I see something that looks extra tasty, I'm going to eat it! :D


I agree! I love working out at home, and I also love working out on vacation! Resistance training will definitely keep up muscle tone and metabolism! I also indulge on vacation, but I like to keep moving.

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  • 2 weeks later...



1. take the stairs

2 walk to deck

3 go to the gym

4 eat alot of fresh fruit

5. i order what i like and sometimes just take a bite of the dessert so i do not feel


6. also i aske for lots of fresh veg because 3 string beans will not do it for me

order salad with no dressing

i try to limit the bread at the meals

order fresh fruit for dessert

7. lots of water

with lemon i like

i do not drink alchol.

8 focus on the company and not the food

when you are full stop eatting even if there is fodo on your plate


you cxan ask the matr de to see next days menu so you can plan your food



hope these help thanks for all the great ideas

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1. take the stairs

2 walk to deck

3 go to the gym

4 eat alot of fresh fruit

5. i order what i like and sometimes just take a bite of the dessert so i do not feel


6. also i aske for lots of fresh veg because 3 string beans will not do it for me

order salad with no dressing

i try to limit the bread at the meals

order fresh fruit for dessert

7. lots of water

with lemon i like

i do not drink alchol.

8 focus on the company and not the food

when you are full stop eatting even if there is fodo on your plate


you cxan ask the matr de to see next days menu so you can plan your food



hope these help thanks for all the great ideas


I love suggestion #4! I find the fruit to be very fresh and delicious on cruises. It's very satisfying, and it's usually available at the buffet all day on deck!


May I also add......savor EVERY bite of food you eat...and remember that the last bite will taste exactly the same as the first bite, so don't eat until you're so stuffed that you feel sick. Eat until you are satisfied, yet still comfortable.


Another thing that is common (we have talked about this countless times at Weight Watchers meetings)...how many times have you taken a bite of something (let's say a piece of cake), and it wasn't all that appealing, but before you knew it, you had eaten the whole thing anyway?! If you don't love it, you can always stop after a bite!

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Hi all

thanks for all your tips


i am working hard on losing weight not jsut for the cruise but for my general health and wellbeing


it is hard at times as i am an emotional eater but i am doing well so far


the reason i enjoy the fresh fruit especially pineapple on the cruise that to me


it is a special treat because i usually do not buy some fruits fresh at home due to the prices so i look forward to that


i am a lifetime member of weight watchers have not been on my goal weight in a while.


is it hard to get your goal weight adjusted as you get older?


how do you do that?


also how does the new weighht watcher program work with the points?


i was there in the old days when you were very limited what you could eat and dues were $3 a week


thanks all for your help and tips



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Hi all

thanks for all your tips


i am working hard on losing weight not jsut for the cruise but for my general health and wellbeing


it is hard at times as i am an emotional eater but i am doing well so far


the reason i enjoy the fresh fruit especially pineapple on the cruise that to me


it is a special treat because i usually do not buy some fruits fresh at home due to the prices so i look forward to that


i am a lifetime member of weight watchers have not been on my goal weight in a while.


is it hard to get your goal weight adjusted as you get older?


how do you do that?


also how does the new weighht watcher program work with the points?


i was there in the old days when you were very limited what you could eat and dues were $3 a week


thanks all for your help and tips




First of all, congratulations to you for taking control of your health, and for realizing that the main importance of weight loss if your overall health...looking fantastic on a cruise is really just one of the added bonuses!


I think you can set your goal weight anywhere in the correct healthy weight range for your height. I am 5'3", so my healthy weight range is 113-141. Yes, it is a huge range. I can't even begin to imagine myself weighing 113! Or 141! SO, let's just say I am somewhere in the middle. Weight Watchers also allows you to choose a goal weight that is slightly higher than the range they give you in the materials, as long as your doctor writes you a note that this is what your goal weight should be. So, if my doctor told me that I really should weight 145, I would be able to give WW a note saying so.


I love the new points system. Some people love it, and some don't. I am "pretty much" eating the same way I was before in general, but I am more conscious of the choices I make. I am eating less snack-type foods and more fresh choices like fresh fruit and yogurt. I don't feel bad about spending 2 points on a banana anymore since all fresh fruit is 0 points. It seems to me that protein sources and fat sources are basically the same point value as they were on the old points system. Starches and desserts have gone up, some significantly. A vitamuffin top used to be 1 point, and it is now 3 points, for example. Cereals are more points too. But, the positive is that you get more points to use. I used to get 21 points per day on the old plan, but on the new one I get 29. The minimum amount of points is 29 per day so I know mine won't go down. On maintenance you add 6 points per day, so I get 35 a day. You also earn activity points for exercise. You earn more on the new plan. I used to get 5 points for a 45-minute intense cardio workout, but now I earn 7. It's all relative.


You could eat any food you desire on the WW program, but the key (and what it teaches you ultimately) is portion control, and balancing out your day. It still won't work well if you eat 29 points worth of cookies as your daily points allowance. You're supposed to have 2 tsp. of healthy oil, 2 or 3 milk servings, a minimum of 5 fruits/veggies, 6 cups of liquids, and stick to lean protein sources and whole grains as much as you can. I love the plan. It works for me, and I find it to be very flexible.

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I'm a lifetime member of Weight Watchers, but I will admit...when I go away on vacation I go all out with the food. We only go on one vacation a year, so for that small period of time I eat what I want. I had lost 45 pounds on Weight Watchers, and have kept it off for 3 years now. (I joined 4 days after giving birth to my younger son)


My mother lost 80 pounds on Weight Watchers. She has kept it off for over 4 years now. She cruises at least once a year, and she tries to make wise choices. She isn't into beef, and she loves fish so she usually orders the fish at dinner. Many times the fish entree is the healthiest entree on the menu anyway. During the day, she'll have either the "light" breakfast offering, or an egg white omelette with lots of veggies, and she gets some fruit to go with her breakfast. She somtimes has 2 or 3 strips of bacon with her omelette too, as she loves bacon very much (who doesn't?!). At lunch, she goes for salad, and any healthy offerings at the buffet. She doesn't eat fried foods (she's not into them anyway). As for drinking, she enjoys herself but she will drink something lower in calories. She won't touch margaritas or daiquiris, too sweet for her. She usually will have either a bloody mary or a glass of wine, one or 2 drinks and that's it. At dinner, she often gets the sugar-free dessert, but she also sometimes gets one of the regular desserts and takes a small taste of it. If it is something she REALLY loves she will eat the whole thing. She doesn't touch the bread basket either. And she stops eating her food when she feels satisfied and still comfortable. She also walks the jogging track every morning. She walks a lot at home for exercise and she likes to do that on vacation too.


I eat everything in sight on cruises, I have no self control. The last cruise we went on was in 2006 and I gained 9 pounds on an 8-night cruise! But I ate a lot of baked goods, drank the sweeter drinks like daiquiris and margaritas, and ate dessert all the time. I do exercise on vacation though. On cruise ships I use the gym. In regular hotel rooms we usually book a suite at a hotel) I bring my workout DVDs and our small portable DVD player and work out in the room. On our cruise this coming July on the Explorer of the Seas, I will be bringing my DVDs and small DVD player and use the aerobics room when there aren't any classes going on. I don't think that will be a problem because I will be working out at 6am before my husband and kids are awake. SomeStimes on a cruise I try one of the aerobics classes, but I prefer the workouts I normally do at home.



I am also a lifetime member of Weight Watchers. I just return from a seven day cruise of the Eclipse and losted an additional pound. Currently I am down 27 pounds from starting up again in Oct,2010.

One of my friends suggested that I think of the cruise as a spa vacation. Which I did. I eat breakfast and lunch at the aqua spa buffet each day. Went to the gym every day and did the bike for 30 minutes. Always went to the gym in the afternoon when it was not so busy. At night I ordering anything I wanted just cut every plate in half and only took two spoon of a dessert. The only thing I drank was bottled water. My suggestion is to purchase the water package before you go. Quite helpful

I enjoyed every minute of the cruise and had no guilt from overeating. I also went to the specialty resturant three night. The best was Qusine because the food is served like tappas(small plates).

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I suppose someone ever thought about it before. I am relatively fit and can keep my weight at bay at home. It´s a bit pointless on a cruise. Is it possible not to gain weight on cruising?. What´s your favourite strategy?. I try not to have carbohydretes, just have cakes once a day, and use the gym daily. Sometimes it´s not enought. I have discovered a natural thing over here (natural and tested) which taken 30 minutes before every meal makes your organism block the 50% of the fat taken.


What do you do?.


On our first cruise, I actually lost 5 pounds while consuming quite a bit of calories. I figure it was the constant walking/discovering on the ship along with the excursions that helped me stay on the right side of things. It also helps that our alcohol consumption is quite a bit lower than some people.

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On our first cruise, I actually lost 5 pounds while consuming quite a bit of calories. I figure it was the constant walking/discovering on the ship along with the excursions that helped me stay on the right side of things. It also helps that our alcohol consumption is quite a bit lower than some people.


Alcohol is a major factor...especially all those sweet frozen drinks. I try to stick to a glass of wine with dinner, and maybe one or 2 frozen drinks throughout the cruise, since I like them so much but I know there is a limit.

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All great suggestions above. I lost 2 pounds on my last cruise I think because, as someone above suggested, I went with the idea that I was going on a *spa vacation*. :) It was a great mindset for me.


Prior to going on the trip, I thought about my food and activity plan - what I've done in the past and what I'd do differently this time. Also had the advantage of knowledge having sailed the same ship before and the same cruise line several times.


First thing I decided is to attend the daily morning stretching class Costa has poolside at 9:30am. At that time the pool area is like a library - aside from us in the exercise class, all the folks sitting around the pool were reading. The 30 minute stretch was wonderfully serene as the music was very calming (Enya and the like) and the person leading the class hardly spoke during the class.


To attend the class, I needed to have an early breakfast. So I always ordered room service for 7a.m. - cereal, banana, capuccino, fresh fruit and FF yogurt.


Fresh fruit is great - had it at breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, and late night. We had the sweetest watermelon and pineapple - which is not something we can get at home now. Yum.


Alcohol - skipped it as I, too, prefer to eat my calories. Bread and butter - skipped it as I can get good breads anytime at home.


Lunch - at the buffet - In addition to fresh fruit and grilled veggies, I'd also have a nice fish or chicken as protein.


Dinner - always in the main dining room; skipped many courses (there are so many!). Typically had salad, veggies, entree, dessert, and the cheese course which consisted of a couple of ounces of these and a tablespoon of walnuts.


Instead of the treadmill, I enjoyed doing laps around the lifeboat deck. Instead of the stairstepper, I walked up and down three flights of stairs for 15 mins 2x / day. And danced a lot!


Also decided, for the first time, that sleep was important so didn't stay out for the late night music with our group.


Cruise and enjoy!

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I suppose someone ever thought about it before. I am relatively fit and can keep my weight at bay at home. It´s a bit pointless on a cruise. Is it possible not to gain weight on cruising?. What´s your favourite strategy?. I try not to have carbohydretes, just have cakes once a day, and use the gym daily. Sometimes it´s not enought. I have discovered a natural thing over here (natural and tested) which taken 30 minutes before every meal makes your organism block the 50% of the fat taken.


What do you do?.

what natural substance are u referring to? i'd love to try it! i also try to limit carbs, but since i have 2-12 hour excursions planned, those nights prior i will carb-load so to speak,, this way it will get used for energy instead of stored as fat.and i get to indulge a little without too many regrets!

make sure to eat lots of salads with grilled chicken if you get hungry late at night,, i think the 24 hr. pizza serves that in addition to the pizza,,{heartburn city}

go for the lower cal desserts, such as frozen yogurt instead of ice cream,, they taste just as good. pass on the cookies, they're too addicting & will ruin your figure!too easy to pop those in your mouth.. Fruit tastes so much better anyway, indulge on fruit first if you're at a buffet, it helps curb your appetite and helps you to digest . don't kid yourself about over-indulging, limit yourself a little!! esp. if you're over 40, come on ladies, we work hard to stay in a size 5/6.. don't blow it!!

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  • 1 month later...

Great thread. This is my first cruise, but we've vacationed many times (both all inclusive and a la carte). I'll admit to being a yo-yo dieter. I started dieting this past February 1, after finally gaining back all 25 pounds (plus 6 more - ugh) I'd lost 2 years ago. We didn't decide and book cruise til late February, so the diet wasn't just bc of the cruise... it's bc I know I needed to lose the weight. I've lost 20 pounds in 2 months based on low calorie meals and much more exercise than before. I still have much much more to lose.


Here's a slogan I learned a couple years ago: Does it taste as good as skinny feels? It relates to what an earlier poster said - take a bite of dessert. If it's not that great - leave the rest. I try to do that sometimes w/ other foods too (mashed potatoes, etc).


I've been scanning the internet for Carnival Menus - and have decided that I could easily order the spa menu most nights. Some of the sugar free desserts look pretty good too, but I know I'll have to try the chocolate cake at least one.


Our cabin is pretty near the stairs, so my hope is to take the stairs most of the time, except when dressed up.


I have sort of a goal in mind for my cruise weight. My hope is to be a couple under it, so when I get back, I'll still be at the goal. Then I have another goal for our trip to Aruba about 5 months later.

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Here's a slogan I learned a couple years ago: Does it taste as good as skinny feels? It relates to what an earlier poster said - take a bite of dessert. If it's not that great - leave the rest. I try to do that sometimes w/ other foods too (mashed potatoes, etc).


I asked my cousin what her secret was to losing 100 lbs; her answer - "just say no." Doesn't get much simpler than that.


Unfortunately, I don't seem to have much willpower to say no, especially when on vacation. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
I suppose someone ever thought about it before. I am relatively fit and can keep my weight at bay at home. It´s a bit pointless on a cruise. Is it possible not to gain weight on cruising?. What´s your favourite strategy?. I try not to have carbohydretes, just have cakes once a day, and use the gym daily. Sometimes it´s not enought. I have discovered a natural thing over here (natural and tested) which taken 30 minutes before every meal makes your organism block the 50% of the fat taken.


What do you do?.


I don't gain on cruises. I stick to my daily exercise regimen and eating habits.

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I suppose someone ever thought about it before. I am relatively fit and can keep my weight at bay at home. It´s a bit pointless on a cruise. Is it possible not to gain weight on cruising?. What´s your favourite strategy?. I try not to have carbohydretes, just have cakes once a day, and use the gym daily. Sometimes it´s not enought. I have discovered a natural thing over here (natural and tested) which taken 30 minutes before every meal makes your organism block the 50% of the fat taken.


What do you do?.


I went of the Celebrity Esclipse last January. The food is terrific. I ate everything except I eat no white bread and only drank water. Whatever was serviced to me I cut in half and gave to my husband I visit the gym every day. Used only the bike for 30 minutes. For dessert I only had two spoon of everything.

When I return home I have lose a pound. Its all about the size of the meal. I did not feel I was dieting. I have lost a total of thirty pounds this way. I told my husband it is a life change not a diet.


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  • 1 month later...

I have never gained wieght while cruising. I usually avoid the bread basket and only have dessert if there is something really tempting. The best strategy is to take the stairs and book a cabin at the far end of the ship so you have a long walk everywhere you go!

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My husband and I order different things and just try some off of each other's plates. I get to try two entrees without getting stuffed silly. Also I make sure to go to the gym every day.

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I suppose someone ever thought about it before. I am relatively fit and can keep my weight at bay at home. It´s a bit pointless on a cruise. Is it possible not to gain weight on cruising?. What´s your favourite strategy?. I try not to have carbohydretes, just have cakes once a day, and use the gym daily. Sometimes it´s not enought. I have discovered a natural thing over here (natural and tested) which taken 30 minutes before every meal makes your organism block the 50% of the fat taken.


What do you do?.


I just keep reminding myself that there are calories in ship's food.


I eat as I would at home: fruit or cereal for breakfast, fruit or salad at lunch, salad/entree for dinner. I'm not into desserts (unless it's creme brulee). And I'm not a drinker; so avoid calories from alcohol.


I, also, stay with my exercise regimen on-board meaning the gym every morning.

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