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Just off the Dream-Horrible cigar smell from room next door

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Because one smoker can ruin the day for a dozen non-smokers.


That's why we will see Carnival continue working towards rules that will help the 75% of us who don't smoke, enjoy our vacations without smoke.[/quote


So....why do you think that resturants, bars, and hotels,etc. stopped people from smoking in them? Because all the non-smokers stood up for their rights and won! Good for you! I personally don't think smokers really fought for our rights. Wish we would! Yes, I am a smoker, but I am VERY considerate of non-smokers. What I don't appreciate is non-smokers treating me like I am beneath them. If I am considerate of you, are you too good to return the favor? And about that 75%....I wonder how many of that 75% goes out and has drinks for dinner or at a bar and then gets behind the wheel of a car? I'll take on the smoke any day! Sorry if I sound a little annoyed, but I really get so sick of hearing all this crap. I pay my money to go on a cruise, just like everyone else. I only smoke in the designated areas. If I'm in the casino and the person beside me is bothered by my smoking, I always put it out. I always get a balcony room and yes I smoke out there. I will continue to smoke out there, and if anyone has a problem with that, then maybe they need to go to Disney World! Whew.....that felt good!!!!

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I have to ask you - what rule am I breaking by having a cigarette on my balcony?


Maybe I needed to write that sentence better? What I was trying to say is- As the ship has tightened smoking rules on the rest of the ship, the balcony has become more important to those who smoke. So it seems more smokers are getting balcony cabins, and spending more time smoking on their balcony.


So... for those of us who don't smoke, we use to be happy playing the odds when it came to reserving a balcony cabin. We had a 5-to-1 chance of not getting a smoking neighbor, and even if we did, they didn't spend much time out there smoking. But now 5 years later, as they have tightened-up the smoking rules on the rest of the ship, more smokers are getting balcony cabins and spending more time smoking on them.


Carnival has always just let smokers and non smokers sort it out. But I see the issue getting more attention in the future. That's all ;)

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I booked a balcony cabin because I could smoke, I smoke my husband and children don't. I would go out there to smoke at 5:00am every morning with coffee and my camera. I would smoke there after dinner and before bed. I didn't want to smoke in the cabin and if I did my children were gone.


My neighbour as we were watching the late returnees in Panama said as I was smoking, I didn't know you can smoke on your balcony. So all the times I was out there and they were they must not have smelled it one bit

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Because one smoker can ruin the day for a dozen non-smokers.


That's why we will see Carnival continue working towards rules that will help the 75% of us who don't smoke, enjoy our vacations without smoke.[/quote


So....why do you think that resturants, bars, and hotels,etc. stopped people from smoking in them? Because all the non-smokers stood up for their rights and won! Good for you! I personally don't think smokers really fought for our rights. Wish we would! Yes, I am a smoker, but I am VERY considerate of non-smokers. What I don't appreciate is non-smokers treating me like I am beneath them. If I am considerate of you, are you too good to return the favor? And about that 75%....I wonder how many of that 75% goes out and has drinks for dinner or at a bar and then gets behind the wheel of a car? I'll take on the smoke any day! Sorry if I sound a little annoyed, but I really get so sick of hearing all this crap. I pay my money to go on a cruise, just like everyone else. I only smoke in the designated areas. If I'm in the casino and the person beside me is bothered by my smoking, I always put it out. I always get a balcony room and yes I smoke out there. I will continue to smoke out there, and if anyone has a problem with that, then maybe they need to go to Disney World! Whew.....that felt good!!!!


Glas you feel better. We smokers need to speak up loudly and clearly.

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Mark, while I agree with you on the logic of smoking and non smoking areas of cabins, I have to ask you - what rule am I breaking by having a cigarette on my balcony?? I enjoy my balcony as a place to have a coffee, read, have a glass of wine, late night drink etc and yes have a cigarette but to the best of my knowledge, that is not breaking any rules.


No rules broken. Make sure you email Carnival letting them no that smokers have rights too. And not just to smoke outside.

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I would absolutely love for you to post the link that shows Carnival guests die sooner than cruisers on other lines - what study came up with this. It is the same for people who quote figures and percentages but cannot give supporting documentation.


The "=)" at the end of that sentence in my post was to signify that I was making light of the situation. I guess I didn't do a good job of communicating that. Goes back to my comment earlier about how I find it interesting how smokers defend their rights to practice their addiction. Someone should do a study on that.

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Maybe I needed to write that sentence better? What I was trying to say is- As the ship has tightened smoking rules on the rest of the ship, the balcony has become more important to those who smoke. So it seems more smokers are getting balcony cabins, and spending more time smoking on their balcony.


So... for those of us who don't smoke, we use to be happy playing the odds when it came to reserving a balcony cabin. We had a 5-to-1 chance of not getting a smoking neighbor, and even if we did, they didn't spend much time out there smoking. But now 5 years later, as they have tightened-up the smoking rules on the rest of the ship, more smokers are getting balcony cabins and spending more time smoking on them.


Carnival has always just let smokers and non smokers sort it out. But I see the issue getting more attention in the future. That's all ;)


That's not true. I have been cruising since 2000 and have not altered my balcony habits at all because of smoking. Why you think you can throw out percentages and make statements like that is beyond me....you have nothing to back that up. You are pulling at everything you can to back up the fact you are an anti-smoker who has an agenda and will say untruths because you think that it sounds good and you can convince others of your beliefs. I don't mean to be rude but read your posts....you sound silly!!! Think about it...FIVE years ago your chances of having a smoker next to you was GREATER than today because more people smoked five years ago! Not the other way around, Uh, duh!!!!!!!!


Before the campaign by anti-smokers (and let's be clear on that...anti-smokers and not non-smokers) people didn't get their panties in a twist because someone lit up a cigarette on their balcony. Maybe that's the difference! A lot of this is mental (or a grassroots movement as you stated on another post)! Someone sees a cigarette and whether they are being affected or not, they clench up, go into a tizzy because they saw someone light up!!! Carnvial is not letting the smokers and anti-smokers sort it out...they are trying to run a business. If they ban or restrict smoking anymore, they will lose passengers (and revenue from drinks, casino, etc.) and they know it. They have restricted smoking but the anti-smokers (not non-smokers) like yourself refuse to compromise and accept it and keep complaining because you want it your way!

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I wonder how many of that 75% goes out and has drinks for dinner or at a bar and then gets behind the wheel of a car? I'll take on the smoke any day! Sorry if I sound a little annoyed, but I really get so sick of hearing all this crap. I pay my money to go on a cruise, just like everyone else. I only smoke in the designated areas. If I'm in the casino and the person beside me is bothered by my smoking, I always put it out. I always get a balcony room and yes I smoke out there. I will continue to smoke out there, and if anyone has a problem with that, then maybe they need to go to Disney World! Whew.....that felt good!!!!


You speak as though one is either a smoker or a drinker. Not so. I imagine the percentage of smokers who drink at dinner and then drive is about the same as non smokers who drink and drive. Not sure what this has to do with this debate. There are some good points to be made that smokers have the right to smoke in designated areas without being bothered-this statement does zero to make that point.

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You speak as though one is either a smoker or a drinker. Not so. I imagine the percentage of smokers who drink at dinner and then drive is about the same as non smokers who drink and drive. Not sure what this has to do with this debate. There are some good points to be made that smokers have the right to smoke in designated areas without being bothered-this statement does zero to make that point.

I understand Breadman54's point exactly. Seems like people post more comments about smoking than they do about "cruising". (replys). I also am a smoker, but I do respect people who don't and do my best to not be the reason that they are uncomfortable. I think Breadman54 was just trying to make a point about being made to feel looked down on because they smoke. I too, feel that way at times. As far as sitting out on your balcony and having to smell the smoke drift by.....Someone said once that it takes the average smoker 7 minutes to smoke a cigarette. (excluding chain smokers). Well, if you are on your balcony enjoying the day and you smell cigarette smoke, maybe that will be good time for you to take a bathroom break. Not trying to be smart, just saying. If I were not a smoker, I'm sure the smell would bother me as well. But I don't think I would treat people any differently, nor would I make them feel like they were beneath me. I personally think being polite will get me much farther than being rude.

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so if you are booking a Spa balcony cabin on the Splendor...get it on the PORT side...if you are booking a Spa balcony cabin on the Dream...get it on the Starboard side...to prevent smoke from outdoor areas affecting your balcony.


Awsome that is what I was looking for.. some people say you can not be allergic to smoke.. But you can have asthma and it make you DEATHLY ill. This is not the way I like to spend my vacation. And my 6 - $7,000.00 for my family of 4. I have asthma and Lupus and it gets into my respiratory system and I have ended up in the ER before on breathing treatments. I don't really blame the smokers I blame the Cruise lines for not accomadating both parties. I got very sick on our last cruise ended up in bed most of the time because I could not breathe. Balcony was very bad. :( Thank you for the first good information...Thought I had to give up something We all love so much.

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FIVE years ago your chances of having a smoker next to you was GREATER than today because more people smoked five years ago! Not the other way around, Uh, duh!!!!!!!!


I was on the Princess on my last cruise and they had a problem with a large influx of smokers who came over from Celebrity because Celebrity and a few other cruise lines had stopped allowing smoking on the balcony. These changes in smoking rules, changed the percentage of smokers on Princess (it was a drastic increase)...if you want to read the boards their were multiple threads about the subject over the last five years as these changes took place. Booking a balcony was no longer a good bet that you wouldn't be bothered by a smoker, it was more likely you would have to put-up with a smoker because balconies are becoming more important to smokers as other cruise lines have limited inventory.


The same general thing is happening at Carnival (to a smaller degree) as they add more rules about smoking in public places, more smokers are booking balconies and spending more time smoking on their balconies.


I have nothing against smokers. I just see the trend in the cruise industry that is tightening rules about smoking in public areas of the ship, but doing nothing yet about the out-dated balcony policy (smokers and non-smokers randomly assigned as neighbors). When I plan and book a trip for 7 to 10 days, I want the option to select a balcony in the no smoking section of the ship. What's so crazy about that?


Carnival and Princess still offer the best selection of ports, prices, and dates for the time of year that I can get away for trips. Its just a shame that they are lagging the industry in offering good rules on the balconies for those of us who don't smoke... and find the smell offensive when trying to enjoy the fresh sea air.

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The same general thing is happening at Carnival (to a smaller degree) as they add more rules about smoking in public places, more smokers are booking balconies and spending more time smoking on their balconies.



Carnival and Princess still offer the best selection of ports, prices, and dates for the time of year that I can get away for trips. Its just a shame that they are lagging the industry in offering good rules on the balconies for those of us who don't smoke... and find the smell offensive when trying to enjoy the fresh sea air.


This is your opinion and it is not fact. CCL still allows smoking in the rooms. Maybe you are confusing CCL with RCCL that does not allow smoking in the rooms so in that case I would agree with you. A smoker would be more inclined to book a balcony on RCCL than a non-balcony room. Although they have restricted smoking indoors and on the one side of the ship both on CCL and Princess a smoker does not need to spend any more time on their balcony than in the past. There are very good deals on Celebrity which may fit your needs better than Princess, CCL, etc. because they do not allow it on the balconies. How much time do you spend on your balcony that you are so affected by this?

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We were on the Emerald Princess,balcony stateroom back in June, every time I went outside the people next to us would come out and smoke. If that isn't bad enough, they would flick their ashes and cigarettes out and would go in the balconies below:eek: Paid for a balcony we could not use.


Also just got off the Paradise yesterday, had an oceanview and someone smoked cigars, the smell comes through the air conditioning system. We had maintenance up and that is how we found that out. Twice I had them come to our room to spray something. Funny thing is that on the Paradise you can smoke in your room, cigarettes only,not cigars, but there are people who think the rules do not apply to them. I think it will be back to spa staterooms, with no smoking anywhere for us.

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Looks like all the non smokers are still bawling. Book another cruise line if Carnival smoking policy does not fit your tastes.


But then you would beotch about something else.


Wow - that's a little harsh don't you think? I would be upset too if the smell of cigars or cigarettes comes into my room. I do not think any less of smokers as people, I know how addicting it is - been there myself. I'm all for smokers having their space to enjoy a cigarette/cigar in whatever location Carnival chooses and it's up to me not go into those areas, but to not be able to enjoy my balcony because of neighboring smokers - does not seem right to me. I vote for making balconies smoke free....sorry, just my opinion. I'm wondering is the Cove cabins on the Dream will be less subject to second hand smoke, given their second deck cabins and they are more enclosed than a regular balcony

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How much time do you spend on your balcony that you are so affected by this?


That's a good question. Total time might be 90 minutes... but its the way most people use their balconies.


(30 minutes) On port days, we like to eat breakfast on the balcony and enjoy the view. But since most of the ship is getting ready at the same time before going ashore... The smokers are out on the balcony at the same time the non-smokers are trying to enjoy it :p


(20 mintues) Once everyone gets back on the ship, we enjoy watching from our balcony as the ship pulls out of port. Again, this in also a good time for smokers to enjoy a smoke (good for them) bad timing for us ;)


(20 minutes) While the wife is getting dressed for dinner, I like to wait out on the balcony. Another busy time for smokers to smoke one last cig before they head to the dining room :cool:


(20 minutes) Late-night before bed, its so relaxing to take a look at the moon, stars and watch the waves crash off the side of the ship. My smoking neighbors also thought this was a good time to grab that last smoke before turning in for the night :D


So its funny that most people don't use their balconies for more than an hour each day, but their are certain prime times during the day... and after a few days into the trip, it get frustrating for non-smokers, each time they crack the door and realize that their neighbor is lighting-up at the same time they want to be out on the balcony.


I'm enjoying this debate. Sorry if some of the other posters think this is a fight or a brawl. I don't care which side wins or loses, I'm just happy we are talking about the issue, as to better understand each others point of view.

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I am trying to be more understanding of smokers. I understand that it is a weakness in one's personality, and it must not be easy to quit.


I still do not understand why smokers continue to take a beat-down from today's society. I tell my son all the time that a small minority of people cannot change the way society views a person, place or thing. If smoking causes so many problems, just Quit! While you are at it, keep your kids (with diapers) from swimming in the public pools too! LOL

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Nope. If you do not like Carnival policies go elsewhere to cruise.

And how do you think policies are changed? You think Carnival will just decide one day - "ok, no more smoking on the balconies"? nope but they will change their policies if the public is asking for a change or when they start booking other lines. Like a previous poster stated, look for a change in the near future. I do not think that the whole ship should be non smoking - not at all - just saying that they need to revisit their policy for smoking on the balcony.

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And how do you think policies are changed? You think Carnival will just decide one day - "ok, no more smoking on the balconies"? nope but they will change their policies if the public is asking for a change or when they start booking other lines. Like a previous poster stated, look for a change in the near future. I do not think that the whole ship should be non smoking - not at all - just saying that they need to revisit their policy for smoking on the balcony.


You must be new to cruising! CCL has made changes to their smoking policy over the years. They have restricted it in indoor space, made one side of the ship smoking (as opposed to both), and have introduced Spa Cabins.

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We just got back from a cruise on the Destiny. We had an aft balcony room and the smoke drifted onto our balcony and it was offensive.


How can a smoker dismiss the fact that people can be offended by the smoke, that it can cause sore throats, and brochial issues? Your habit effects my health and I have a right, just as you, to enjoy my cruise.


I also never understand the mother who says I would never smoke around my children or the person who says I would never smoke in my house. Why is that you think? Because they realize second hand smoke could harm their family and stink up and discolor their home. But my cruising neighbor better "suck it up" Ridiculous!


Yea I know it's allowed on Carnival but just because it is not against the rules does not make it ethically right.

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That's a good question. Total time might be 90 minutes... but its the way most people use their balconies.


(30 minutes) On port days, we like to eat breakfast on the balcony and enjoy the view. But since most of the ship is getting ready at the same time before going ashore... The smokers are out on the balcony at the same time the non-smokers are trying to enjoy it :p


(20 mintues) Once everyone gets back on the ship, we enjoy watching from our balcony as the ship pulls out of port. Again, this in also a good time for smokers to enjoy a smoke (good for them) bad timing for us ;)


(20 minutes) While the wife is getting dressed for dinner, I like to wait out on the balcony. Another busy time for smokers to smoke one last cig before they head to the dining room :cool:


(20 minutes) Late-night before bed, its so relaxing to take a look at the moon, stars and watch the waves crash off the side of the ship. My smoking neighbors also thought this was a good time to grab that last smoke before turning in for the night :D


So its funny that most people don't use their balconies for more than an hour each day, but their are certain prime times during the day... and after a few days into the trip, it get frustrating for non-smokers, each time they crack the door and realize that their neighbor is lighting-up at the same time they want to be out on the balcony.


I'm enjoying this debate. Sorry if some of the other posters think this is a fight or a brawl. I don't care which side wins or loses, I'm just happy we are talking about the issue, as to better understand each others point of view.


I agree it is a debate and not a brawl. We spend about the same amount of time as you (probably majority of people do). With 22+ cruises with balconies we haven't run into where the entire time we were out there our neighbors were. Different schedules of dinner & breakfast times, shore excursions, bed times, etc. Port days with everyone waiting for the ship to pull out is probably the only time I found we were all out for the same length of time.


I'm not a chain smoker and if I'm out there for an hour in the a.m. (or at night) and have a cigarette (my DH doesn't smoke) and that truly bothers my "neighbor" (when we are outdoors on a moving ship) than maybe that "neighbor" needs to book Celebrity.

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