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Carnival Spirit Vancouver to Hawaii Semi Real Time Review


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I have decided to post some random Photos from our cruise, since I was not able to post photographs at the beginning of this review.


I had taken my trusty Canon Camera on deck with me to get some random photos. While at the forward viewing station (the one located directly above the Navigation Deck) there were 2 sea gulls flying around the boat.


It then struck me that we were approximatlely 1000 miles from land at that point. I bet those birds sure got tired of flying.


1000 Miles at Sea


Bird 1000 miles from Land by capndinghy, on Flickr

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Capndinghy - Truly enjoyed your review. I am also an alumni of the "Flagship News" airline and so proud to have been!! Keep on traveling, keep on writing, and (note to Pat) keep on playing and having fun! Silver


Thank you Silverfoxcruiser for the kind words. Yes, I agree, our alma mater employer has made all of this possible. For that I am very thankful!.

Who knows we may meet up on a cruise in the future some day.


Be Well,


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Thank you for taking the time and considerable effort to write this review with the gorgeous photos. I found it today because you linked it in another review I was reading. Very lucky for me. :)


Please tell us about your time in Honolulu - with pics please.



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I have decided to add some photos, so I will copy excerpts from this review and repost them with photographs.


It was now time for the Mandatory Safety Drill. We have learned that one needs to be “fashionably late” to thes gatherings. Just before we left the room ,our room steward Patu knocked, opened the door, smiled and inserted the red room empty sign on our door. In other words it was up to us whether or not we wanted to attend the briefing. Being the saftey concious sort of fellow I am, we of course would never consider bypassing such an important event. So, we arrived fashionably late and were in the front (as opposed to the back) of our fellow stacked up passengers. We all gave our full attention to the all important instructions should our ship turn into the Titanic. It seems that there are large group of German Folks onboard so.........the ever important briefing was repeated in German effectively doubleing the time we all had to pretend to pay attenition. Finally – That welcome Toot of the Ships Horn signalling the end of the briefing and the beginning of our soon to be sea borne adventure.


Life Boat Safety Drill by capndinghy, on Flickr

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Position: Approximately 270nm SW of Vancouver

Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean


We awakeded on our first day at sea around 6:30 AM which is early, but considering the 2 hr time change from Texas insn't too bad. I have discovered Carnival has the best alarm clock around. One simple needs to hang the room service Breakfast order menu indicating what time you would like your morning repast to be delivered. Sure enough at 6:30AM (8:30 body time) Knock..Knock...our morning coffee had arrived right on schedule. What a nice way to start the day.


The wind was howling outside of our cabin. A glance out of the window revealed angry seas with wind blown white caps off of the large swells along with intermittant rain showers. A quick step out on the Balcony confirmed this would not a good morning to enjoy coffee outside. Because not only was the wind blowing 35kts, it was downright cold! The ship was rocking somewhat. But it wasn't that bad considering the weather conditions. As I drank my morning coffee I wondered just what part of the Pacific we were in. I suspect it could be considered the North Pacific as we make our transit to the South Pacific.



Angry Morning Seas by capndinghy, on Flickr


I donned my jogging suit (not to worry, the last thing I intended to do was jog) and headed up to the Lido Deck 9 from our Empress Deck 6. One thing about the Spirit Class ships that I kind of like is the main Atrium Elevator will take one wherever one wants. In my case I was deposited inside the Lido dining room. This was good, there was no need to make like the intrepid sailor I am not and venture out into the windy, wet, and cold elements in ordefr to to reach my dining destination.

It was about 7:30 AM which I agree is quite early for vacation breakfasting but what the heck I was awake. There were a few of my fellow passengers stumbling arounnd as the ship rocked and rolled. A quick peek at the Omelet bar revealed no line, so that made my menu decision easy. With Omelet on plate I headed over to visit the dreaded Bacon Police Man. Much to my surprise he heaped a big old pile of bacon on my plate. So I enjoyed m5039564263_7f25122290.jpg

Bacon Police by capndinghy, on Flickr

y morning repast in dry comfort while watching the angry seas and congragulating myself for not being a solo sailor of small boats in a big sea. (like some 16 year olds circumnavigators)

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Have to take a break from reading, it is great. Just found this thread, I'm on page 2. Would have been there with you, except for the PSVA for B2B cruises. Had to cancel this portion of the trip. I did find out on board the previous Alaska trip, just before you boarded, there were about 50 passengers who stayed on board from Van Couver. Not sure if there was a problem or not, or if a fine was involved. Please keep the review coming. Guess we are going to have a big showdown this weekend -- OU vs Texas. Needless to say "Go Sooners"

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I do hope you all have enjoyed my meanderings here and there with this review.


Thanks so much for the great review. We did the Spirit to Hawaii in April before she headed north. Was one of the best cruises I have been on thus far. Your review brought back lots of memories for me. Do you have a place on the web where you have posted some of your pictures? Thanks again for taking the time. :)

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A quick glance at our watches informed us that the rooms were now available.


About 3 days before we sailed the 'upgrade' fairy called and offered us an upgrade from a Balcony to a Ocean View Suite. I might add however, nothing is free. In a moment of supreme generousness I agreed to the upgrade which would require an additional $1200; which was a discount (or so she said) of $1300. I figure since this was a 12 day cruise, what the hell go for it. Needless to say we were both anticipating seeing our new exotic and expensive Suite. I had called ahead to the Bon Voyage Department and (again in the spirit of generosity) ordered 1 Liter of Rum, Beer and a collapsible cooler, and Anniversary Decorations for the room which was to be a surprise for Pat since earlier this month we celebrated 35 years of 'wedded bliss”.


All I can say is we were aghast in amazement when we opened the door to our Giant Fancy Suite. It was really nice. The decorations were perfect. The colorful streamers, doo dads, and crafty decor made our new digs look really festive. Now mind you, we have always been quite happy with our Balcony Rooms in the Past, but this Room is Giant as is the Balcony. There are closets everywhere, drawers, compartments, you name it. I cannot help but wonder if we will be able to find all our stuff when it is time to disembark. There is a makeup area just before the bathroom which we have turned into our electronic center complete with our own power strip. The batroom it self has 2 sinks and a Jacuzzi Bath tub. Why, it is downright decadent (says he with the evil grin).


Our luggage arrived shortly afterward, once again proving my theory of Gratuitous $10 bills go a long way toward the avoidance of the “Bombaying” of one's luggage. In other words our 'stuff' arrived to our room safely. My wife immediately went into unpack mode and before I knew it she had her 'stuff' happly stowed away in the many drawers, closets, and cubbyholes.


Our Room Steward Putu stopped by to introduce himself. He is quite the congenial fellow. I thanked him for his great decorating job on our room then slipped him a gratutity of $30 (this is a Suite afterall), thanked him again for his efforts and told him I was sure he would take good care of us. So far he has been just great.

5039550887_e45cde7d79.jpgOcean View Suite Decoratons by capndinghy, on Flickr

5042067673_3fb76df9cf.jpgStateroom Decorations by capndinghy, on Flickr

5042696138_c71d195736.jpgStateroom by capndinghy, on Flickr


The Balcony was about twice as big as a regular veranda balcony. There was ample room for 4 chairs and a table.

5042069737_5664b47ca3.jpgBalcony by capndinghy, on Flickr



5042084285_414f2f2d9e.jpgBon Voyage Package by capndinghy, on Flickr


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Have to take a break from reading, it is great. Just found this thread, I'm on page 2. Would have been there with you, except for the PSVA for B2B cruises. Had to cancel this portion of the trip. I did find out on board the previous Alaska trip, just before you boarded, there were about 50 passengers who stayed on board from Van Couver. Not sure if there was a problem or not, or if a fine was involved. Please keep the review coming. Guess we are going to have a big showdown this weekend -- OU vs Texas. Needless to say "Go Sooners"


Hi PP Mama: What is PSVA? There were quite a few passengers both German and also British who stayed on for the Hawaiian Leg. In fact I met one fellow from the UK who did Alaska and then Vancouver B2B to San Diego. Thanks for your kind words.

"Hooke em Horns",

Cap aka Chuck

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Thanks so much for taking the time to write this review. We are not cruising to Hawaii, but will be heading to Alaska on the Spirit the next time in sails from Vancouver. We will also turn Platinum with this cruise, so I was interested in your boarding experience. I will keep an eye pealed for the Platinum Guest line and seating area.;)

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Hi PP Mama: What is PSVA? There were quite a few passengers both German and also British who stayed on for the Hawaiian Leg. In fact I met one fellow from the UK who did Alaska and then Vancouver B2B to San Diego. Thanks for your kind words.

"Hooke em Horns",

Cap aka Chuck


Made a little mistake, it is PVSA - Passenger Vessel Service Act. It is an old antiquated law that says you can't sail from one US port (Which would have been Seattle) to another US port (Hawaiian Islands) without first going to a distant foriegn port. There are no "distant" foriegn ports in North America. If you are curious just use the search engine and put is PVSA and you can get the full story. There is a $300 pp fine that is levied on the Cruise Line and passed on down to you if you violate it. There were many of us signed up to do the B2B, and got mixed answers from the authorities. Carnival assured us that it was not a violation because it was two separate cruises. Finally got to the head honcho in DC and got a ruling that it was a clear violation of the Act. I sent the info to Carnival and we all got notices that we had to choose which leg we were going to do. Most made other plans for the Alaska leg and went on to Hawaii on the Spirit. I was just surprised to hear that Carnival had allowed a large number of passengers to go ahead and do the B2B, and was wondering if a fine was ever levied.


The Carnival Rep. was very uncomfortable when I asked him how they managed it. Gave me some story that they were grandfathered in. It really doesn't matter. I've enjoyed your review so much I feel like I was there. Thanks for taking the time.


Boomer = Sooner


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Made a little mistake, it is PVSA - Passenger Vessel Service Act. It is an old antiquated law that says you can't sail from one US port (Which would have been Seattle) to another US port (Hawaiian Islands) without first going to a distant foriegn port. There are no "distant" foriegn ports in North America. If you are curious just use the search engine and put is PVSA and you can get the full story. There is a $300 pp fine that is levied on the Cruise Line and passed on down to you if you violate it. There were many of us signed up to do the B2B, and got mixed answers from the authorities. Carnival assured us that it was not a violation because it was two separate cruises. Finally got to the head honcho in DC and got a ruling that it was a clear violation of the Act. I sent the info to Carnival and we all got notices that we had to choose which leg we were going to do. Most made other plans for the Alaska leg and went on to Hawaii on the Spirit. I was just surprised to hear that Carnival had allowed a large number of passengers to go ahead and do the B2B, and was wondering if a fine was ever levied.


The Carnival Rep. was very uncomfortable when I asked him how they managed it. Gave me some story that they were grandfathered in. It really doesn't matter. I've enjoyed your review so much I feel like I was there. Thanks for taking the time.


Boomer = Sooner



Oh ok. Yes I am familiar with the Jones Act. I was under the impression the ship sailed from Alaska to Vancouver, then Hawaii, then Mexico, then San Diego. Gee you should have kept mum...let the lawyers figure it out. LOL

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Oh ok. Yes I am familiar with the Jones Act. I was under the impression the ship sailed from Alaska to Vancouver, then Hawaii, then Mexico, then San Diego. Gee you should have kept mum...let the lawyers figure it out. LOL


It did, but they considered the starting point was Seattle. I should have, didn't want to get stuck with the fine. Think it should be updated. Have a good game.:D

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We all gave our full attention to the all important Safety Briefing instructions should our ship turn into the Titanic. It seems that there was large group of German Folks onboard so.........the ever important briefing was repeated in German effectively doubleing the time we all had to pretend to pay attenition. Finally – That welcome Toot of the Ships Horn signalling the end of the briefing and the beginning of our soon to be sea borne adventure.

5042565417_d1f30838d1.jpg070 by capndinghy, on Flickr


The hoards headed for the elevators. We headed for the nearest bar. After the crowd had thinned out we made our way to the fantail where the sailing away festivities were in full swing. What a great feeling.

The Sail Away Party was Held on the Fan Tail (Rear Area) portion of the Lido Deck.

5043183906_1062315ce9.jpgSail Away Party by capndinghy, on Flickr


Music was playing and all of our fellow passengers were in full festive mode. I tried a little experiment at the bar. The bar was of course quite crowded with everyone ordering their favoite sailaway libation and the bar tenders quite busy. I lay my (new and coveted) Platinum Sign and Sail card on the bar. Immediately on of the bartenders noticed the shiny silver card and rushed right over to take our order. I am convinced that Carnival really does appreciate the 'business' we frequent floaters throw their way.


We watched the city slowly Fade away as we sailed Westward.


5042563445_d9d6c45241.jpgGoodbye Vancouver by capndinghy, on Flickr

5043190298_b6b0f58f43.jpg071 by capndinghy, on Flickr


And as the Sun Set over the Receding Coastline we waved goodbye to to the land and ordered another drink.5042569099_2354b5e261.jpg072 by capndinghy, on Flickr


So after imbibing and watching the scenic shoreline of Vancouver and British Columbia pass by it was time for our pre-dinner Sushi and Martinis as we began our voyage.

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Cap, You need to take another cruise soon so I can read another one of your very funny reviews!! I was going to ask what airline you were with prior to retirement! I fly AA to St. Croix several times per year...perhaps you have gotten me there safely before? Anyway, you and your compadres are much appreciated!!


Great review!!!!

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