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Hospital issued Birth Certificate vs Vital Records Birth Certificate


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Excuse me, why would this leave a "bad taste" in anyone's mouth about Carnival? It's not Carnival's fault they didn't have the proper docs! Talk about entitlement syndrome! :eek:


You wouldn't be just a wee bit annoyed about losing $5000? Must be nice!!

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My point even when I booked my first cruise many moons ago, the documentation indicated a "real" BC. I had to order one for me and my wife.


I was totally ignorant when it came to cruises and I figured it out so I figure that most can :). The only kicker in the OP's story was the acceptance just a few years ago.


Of course you will get the loonies that always think they need to plan for the worse case. Rules of thumb if I need to fly home - minimal percentage chance so I don't plan for minimal chances (and that includes winning the powerball!).


I totally get why people would decline to get a passport when it's not required. That said, calling people who want to plan for the worst case "loonies" is absurd. Those people are NO different than those who think nothing could ever happen to them. Always this judgmental?:rolleyes:


I have to have a passport-no question for me. Guess I'm not a "loonie."

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My husbands parents are deceased. My husband used the same piece of paper..which was a registration of birth, to go into the military, and for our marriage, and other things..we never had a problem... Last month he send it in for a Passport and they declined it and I had to send to vital certificate for acopy....Who knew!

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I hate this happened to our friends & hate this left a bad taste in their mouth about Carnival & I can see both points but it won't keep me from cruising Carnival. We have been on 14 Carnival cruises & I'm not giving up the free wash & fold laundry for anyone!!!LOL


I wouldn't blame Carnival on this one. Most likely Immigration & Customs has increased their enforcement, which means Carnival (and other cruise lines) has to crack down even more.


Sad situations like this happen though and sorry it had to happen to someone in your group.

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Yes, I would be really annoyed with myself for not making sure I had the proper documentation.


Then you completely understand the purpose of the thread; to REMIND everyone to make sure you show up at the pier with the proper docs. Some folks, in their zeal to pile on, seem to have missed the whole point of the thread. If I lost $5000, regardless of whose fault it is, but, especially if it's my fault, I would be so ill that I wouldn't even be able to see. :)

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Then you completely understand the purpose of the thread; to REMIND everyone to make sure you show up at the pier with the proper docs. Some folks, in their zeal to pile on, seem to have missed the whole point of the thread. If I lost $5000, regardless of whose fault it is, but, especially if it's my fault, I would be so ill that I wouldn't even be able to see. :)


It's amazing to me how many posts there are a day/week on "should I get a passport" or "will I be okay with just my birth certificate." And I'm not sure what Carnival can do to get the message across. Maybe put an explanation next to the "Birth Certificate" option in the online travel docs?

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It's amazing to me how many posts there are a day/week on "should I get a passport" or "will I be okay with just my birth certificate." And I'm not sure what Carnival can do to get the message across. Maybe put an explanation next to the "Birth Certificate" option in the online travel docs?

I'm just amazed at the apparent naivety/ignorance/stupidity of people when it comes to travel (international, especially).


"I used this piece of paper 3 years ago but today it's obsolete?"

Erm...did you bother checking with anyone before screwing up?


The world around us is rapidly changing. Rules change. What works today doesn't necessarily work tomorrow. How stupid do you have to be to not understand this?


It's a simple process. Before travelling, and during the travel planning process, contact whichever official agency/department/whatever to find out definitively what documentation you require.


By all means ask for guidance from your friends and family and CC members. But ultimately these people aren't the ones refusing you entry to a country, refusing you boarding of a ship etc. So, use them for guidance only, but know that they aren't the answer.


Visit the web sites of,or call, the TSA, Port Authority, Dept. of State, whatever, for the official government guidelines, and then obviously double check with your cruise line/air line just to give yourself peace of mind.


Am I missing something?


Go ahead. Take offence at my little diatribe. Better still...go get a passport.

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I'm just amazed at the apparent naivety/ignorance/stupidity of people when it comes to travel (international, especially).


Agreed. And just because something hasn't been enforced properly in the past doesn't mean it isn't enforced now. I mean if I jaywalk in the same spot every day for a year, then one day a cop sees me and gives me a ticket, I wouldn't blame him- I'd be glad I hadn't been caught earlier and I'd start using the crosswalk.


People don't take the time to do the proper research...and sorry, but CC is not proper research for governmental matters. It's a great place for packing suggestions or cute little anecdotes about others' experiences, but in no way should it be used as an authority on travel legalities and regulations.

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I wouldn't blame Carnival on this one. Most likely Immigration & Customs has increased their enforcement, which means Carnival (and other cruise lines) has to crack down even more.


Sad situations like this happen though and sorry it had to happen to someone in your group.


Agree totally - Carnival or any cruise line is NOT at fault - they say "BIRTH CERTIFICATE" not birth record or registration - when people check it off how are they to know that the person was - is - will be - wrong. Cruise lines have let it go for along time and finally they are adhereing to the law, but it has ALWAYS been in the documents what is required.

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The purpose of this thread was to hopefully help those that still choose to cruise with a birth certificate that they didn't show up with the wrong kind. There are already numerous threads discussing why we should have a passport.This does not happen to be one so stay on the topic of this thread. If everyone already knew everything about everything we would have no need at all for a cruise critic message board, so please if you can't understand why people do what they do at least respect those that aren't filled with the exact same knowledge as everyone else. This board was meant to share knowledge with others to help learn as we cruise, there are many newbies out there still learning and some find out the hard way.

Thanks to all of you who get what I'm saying because most of you do seem to get it & are elaborating. Also I did not in any way say it was Carnival's fault.

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The purpose of this thread was to hopefully help those that still choose to cruise with a birth certificate that they didn't show up with the wrong kind. There are already numerous threads discussing why we should have a passport.This does not happen to be one so stay on the topic of this thread. If everyone already knew everything about everything we would have no need at all for a cruise critic message board, so please if you can't understand why people do what they do at least respect those that aren't filled with the exact same knowledge as everyone else. This board was meant to share knowledge with others to help learn as we cruise, there are many newbies out there still learning and some find out the hard way. Also I did not in any way say it was Carnival's fault.


Nice and big. Very colorful, too.


Here is your initial post:


"Just back from a great cruise on The Carnival Fantasy. We had 2 in our group that weren't allowed to board. Please make sure if you are using a Birth Certificate that it's a state issued one from Vital Records not issued from the Hospital. Our friend cruised on The Glory less then three years ago with the exact same B/C only to be denied boarding this time. I think part of the confusion may have been because the one he had did have a raised seal like is always described, but why they allowed it a few years ago & not this time I don't know. We heard later in the week that 12 people were not allowed to board because of this reason. Until Passports are finally required please make sure your Birth Certificate is the right kind, even if you used the same one just double check it.

Carnival has covered themselves in the passenger contract in that they don't have to give you back anything & I have been on the boards long enough to understand that, but our friends aren't on the boards & didn't know how often this was discussed. I always try to tell friends about to cruise the pros & cons but didn't think about this because I knew he had cruised so recently. I understand that the contract states but as much as was spent looks like they would create a little customer re-pore in offering them some little something as a sign of good customer service but nothing, so please make sure you have the right kind of birth certificate while you still have time to get it before you sail. Also if you know of someone about to cruise with a birth certificate have them be sure it's from Vital records, I wish I had done this!!!!! "


I understand your point, but would it not be easier simply to reiterate to people to check with the TSA, Dept. of State, cruise line etc. before travelling with regards to what official documentation you require?


Never mind what happened 3 years ago. Let's worry about what happens today...and consider what may be happening tomorrow.


Never mind which birth certificate might work, which in itself may not necessarily constitute 'required documentation'.


The underlying, and only, point is...contact an official agency, find out what documentation you require, and then go get it.


Honestly, I have zero sympathy for international travellers that remain ignorant to this issue.



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Nice and big. Very colorful, too.



Never mind what happened 3 years ago. Let's worry about what happens today...and consider what may be happening tomorrow.


Never mind which birth certificate might work, which in itself may not necessarily constitute 'required documentation'.


The underlying, and only, point is...contact an official agency, find out what documentation you require, and then go get it.


Honestly, I have zero sympathy for international travellers that remain ignorant to this issue.




Thanks I like colors. Again the point is to let those that don't know to have the right kind of Birth Certificate, if this info. can't be of any help to you it may be to someone else.

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Thanks I like colors. Again the point is to let those that don't know to have the right kind of Birth Certificate, if this info. can't be of any help to you it may be to someone else.

And, again...what good is "the right kind of birth certificate" if it doesn't constitute official documentation that enables you to get on/off the ship?


Again...the message has to be...find out in advance what documents are required for travel.


Is that not fool proof?


I think I'm gonna go and flog a dead horse.

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And, again...what good is "the right kind of birth certificate" if it doesn't constitute official documentation that enables you to get on/off the ship?


Again...the message has to be...find out in advance what documents are required for travel.


Is that not fool proof?


I think I'm gonna go and flog a dead horse.


That's what I'm trying to say, but thanks for finding another way to make my point. What may have worked 3 years ago may not be the same thing so just trying to let those that don't know.

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These passport vs. bc/dl threads cracks me up! If people want to keep showing up with documentation that they have not researched to ensure that it is correct, then that's on them and the chance they take. On my 1st cruise I got a passport, not because I had to or not, as a matter of fact I didn't even know if I needed it for the cruise. I got one cause I just thought it was cool to have one! :D I really don't give a rats behind what people bring to prove who they are!

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My husbands parents are deceased. My husband used the same piece of paper..which was a registration of birth, to go into the military, and for our marriage, and other things..we never had a problem... Last month he send it in for a Passport and they declined it and I had to send to vital certificate for acopy....Who knew!


I was in the same boat, When I saw born back in the dinosaur age that was all the state of New York issued.

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But what if you fall off of the pier and need to be flown home immediately? Or, what if the boat sneaks away while you are tying your shoes? Or, or, or.....


Oh, that's right, a BC and picture ID is all you need for an emergency Passport issuance too.


Good choice!


You might also need a couple more days off work and extra money for hotel while you wait for your emergency passports.:)

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OP, I understand what you are saying (what worked before may not work now) and appreciate you taking time to tell others of your experience.

Sorry for those who used your thread to tell others (yet one more time) how "ignorant" they are. :(

And are you suggesting that people who, for whatever reason, fail to properly research their documentation requirements before travel aren't ignorant? Stupid is as stupid does.


Sharing experiences is all fine and dandy, but how about we simply cut to the chase.


It's a simple mantra, to be repeated until everyone gets the message:


"Check your documentation requirements before travel", "check your documentation requirements before travel"...

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And are you suggesting that people who, for whatever reason, fail to properly research their documentation requirements before travel aren't ignorant? Stupid is as stupid does.

1. "Ignorant" and "stupid" are not synonymous.


2. While I do agree that checking one's documentation is important, the fact remains that many, many people don't even know the proper nomenclature for the documents in hand. If they did, we would have a thread a day of people supposing, correcting, being corrected, and so on about proper birth certificates as well as the usual urgings to get passports. Not everyone is as savvy as you. That doesn't make them stupid. It makes them not as savvy as you.

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It's amazing to me how many posts there are a day/week on "should I get a passport" or "will I be okay with just my birth certificate." And I'm not sure what Carnival can do to get the message across. Maybe put an explanation next to the "Birth Certificate" option in the online travel docs?


Not a bad idea. However, they have addressed this pretty clearly on their web site in the FAQ's section:


What is the required travel documentation for all ports? TRAVEL DOCUMENTATION - ALL PORTS

Proper travel documentation is required at embarkation and throughout the cruise. Even though a guest has completed registration using FUNPASS, it is still the responsibility of the guest to bring all required travel documents. Guest should check with their travel agent and/or government authority to determine the travel documents necessary for each port of call. Any guest without proper documents will not be allowed to board the vessel and no refund of the cruise fare will be issued. Carnival assumes no responsibility for advising guests of proper travel documentation.


U.S. Citizens

Carnival highly recommends all guests travel with a passport (valid for at least six months beyond completion of travel). Although a passport is not required for U.S. citizens taking cruises that begin & end in the same U.S. port, travelling with a passport enhances your disembarkation experience, as delays may be expected upon your return to the U.S. if you do not have one. Additionally, passports make it easier for you to fly from the U.S. to a foreign port should you miss your scheduled port of embarkation, or need to fly back to the U.S. for emergency reasons.

The Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) allows U.S. citizens (including children) sailing on cruises that begin and end in the same U.S. port to travel with one of the following WHTI compliant document:


  • Valid U.S. Passport
  • Passport Card
  • Original or suitable quality copy of a Birth Certificate (Issued by the department of vital statistics)
  • Certificate of Naturalization
  • Enhanced Driver's License (EDL)
  • Trusted Traveler Program Membership Card, e.g., Nexus Card, Sentri Card or Fast Card
  • A Consular Report of Birth Abroad

A government-issued photo ID is also required for all guests, including children 16 and over. For a complete list of WHTI-compliant documents Click Here

Important: Baptismal and Hospital Certificates, copies of U.S. Passports and Naturalization papers, are not WHTI compliant documents, therefore, NOT acceptable.

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And are you suggesting that people who, for whatever reason, fail to properly research their documentation requirements before travel aren't ignorant? Stupid is as stupid does.


Sharing experiences is all fine and dandy, but how about we simply cut to the chase.


It's a simple mantra, to be repeated until everyone gets the message:


"Check your documentation requirements before travel", "check your documentation requirements before travel"...


We're all aware of your agenda, but, you have totally missed the point of the thread. There are plenty of other passport cheerleader/bc basher threads. I don't believe the OP intended this thread to be one of them. Perhaps one of the other threads might be better entertained by your elitist name calling.

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