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Keep Feeling Fascination!!! 10-16-10 sailing.... no HMC!

Hockey Addict

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We just got off the ship this morning!


I will start writing a review either late tonight or tomorrow. I have to upload pics still.


We missed HMC. At 5 am when I woke up it was foggy and misting outside. As you look at the island you could see lightning behind the island. I knew we were going to miss it because of that. It's ok though, I know it happens. I did not see anyone yelling at the pursor's desk... guest services... whatever you prefer to call it! :)


Trevor (CD) announced that we wouldn't be getting off, that we would spend the day at sea. However, they were able to get us a spot in Freeport the next morning from 7am to 2pm. It was really strange for us to have a port on the last day and then be going home the next morning. We are use to having a sea day for the last day. I kept realizing during the day that this was the last day!


So later on I will start the review.... I will also tell you now that we lost our cam corder. I left it on the seat in the theatre by accident. DH usually carries it around but that morning I grabbed it and forgot I had it. DH forgot I brought it. I checked with the Pursors desk every day but no one turned it in. It really upsets me that someone wouldn't turn it in. I mean, it's full of our memories. I could care less about the camera. Some people are just like that I guess... they don't care. It's my own fault I left it behind, I understand that totally. DH is happy he gets to buy a new cam corder though.


So I will see you later when I start the review! If you have any questions let me know... I will also scan my Capers later on and post them.

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I think I remember someone posting about finding a camcorder....can't find it now, maybe you could post about losing it in your title. It was in the last 4 or 5 days. HTH:)



I read the same post about someone accidentally taking home a camcorder that they thought was theirs until they got home and realized it was someone elses...I can't find the post now either.:confused:


I know it was this week that I read it though, since we just got home Last Sunday the 17th from our cruise.

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I will give you a little background of us to start with. DH, Steve and I have now been on the Fascination 3 times. All of our cruises have been on the Fascination. The first time we went a friend of ours, Jama, went with but not the second time. She joined us again on this trip.

As usual, I was on CC reading every review just before we sailed. I love reading them the closer we get to sailing time. I read them during the year, just a lot more the closer we get.

I ordered a bottle of Jose 1800 through Bon Voyage to be delivered on embarkation day. I also ordered 2 adult Fountain card, a t-shirt and for Jama I ordered the Bon Voyage decorations. We’ll get to that in a little bit!

October 16, 2010 Embarkation Day~

We live in Jacksonville so it is so easy for us to travel the whole 10 minutes to get to port! My parents live in Palm Coast, Florida, which is an hour away. They were going to go to Jama’s house and pick her up then come over to our house. My dad always drops us off at port instead of paying to park there. The plan was for them to be at Jama’s around 9:30. They were a little early so they called and told me that they already had her and were on the way. This of course was perfectly fine because we were already ready. We already had thrown our last minute stuff into the suitcase and were ready to go. My cat and kitten were to go to my parent’s house. They were the babysitters this trip.

So, once they got to our house, Steve grabbed Jama’s suitcases and packed up our SUV for the journey to the port. We said bye to my mom who stayed at my house while dad dropped us off. Before we knew it we saw our girl’s funnel as we were getting onto 9A to go over the Dames Point bridge.

The port was a little different this time. When we pulled up to enter the port we had to show our DL’s and Fun Pass again but the guy at the entrance radioed ahead that there were 3 passengers being dropped off with one driver. There were also a lot more cops there by the terminal building. We then drove up to the building, said thanks and bye to dad. As soon as Steve opened the back hatch, a porter was there ready to grab our bags. We’ve always had friendly porters. No problems there!

We walked up to the terminal building and walked right in. There were 2 wedding parties today. Time check….. it was 10:30am…. We walked up to the x-ray machines and all of the suddon our bag popped out of the machine and we heard “wait” do not remove your bag. The man then asked if we had a bottle of wine. Steve looked up at the man who was turning to look at us. Steve said… Mr. Brown! You’re inside now!! Mr. Brown replied… Steve… when are you going to take me with you on one of these cruises? Yep, Steve knew him. He usually works at the port and is there just outside of the ship. He got bumped up to x-ray now. Steve told Mr. Brown that it was a Margarita mix that we had in the bag because we ordered a bottle of tequila through Bon Voyage. One of the other girls grabbed the bag to start opening it and Mr. Brown said it was OK. I wonder if it were a bottle of Rum if it would make it through. We opened it anyway so they could see that it wasn’t liquor that we were trying to smuggle in. We said our goodbye’s to Mr. Brown and told him that he had to go with us in January. He said he has one booked for April already!

Next off to the counter to get our S&S cards. We walked right up and were directed to the person at the counter who was already ready. Here we had to fill out the form that we weren’t sick. She checked our DL, Fun Pass and BC’s and were being handed our S&S cards before we knew it! We had to wait a few minutes for Jama to finish up then we were off to zone 2. We had a seat and waited to board. Time check…. 10:45am.

As we were sitting there all of the suddon I started getting texts from JDogg and Patty from our roll call. Patty’s SO is Jordan who is the piano bar entertainer. JDogg and his DH, Patty and Amy and her DH all stayed at the same hotel the night before. I had asked JDogg where he was and he said he was by the Carnival sign… I replied there were about 100 signs in there! I told him to stand up and start singing. He didn’t. I then spotted Patty and talked to her for a bit. I sent another text to JDogg and noticed a guy walking holding his phone and it went off as he was passing us. So I called his name and sure enough it was him! So we already spotted two CC’ers! We just sat there talking a bit. Jama was about to go insane sitting there. There was a little boy with his parents sitting across from us who was SO well behaved. He was a good boy! We started talking to him asking if it was his first cruise. It was. We told him that he would like Camp Carnival and his mom said that he probably wouldn’t like it. That she would have to wait and see. We also told him that we would probably see him all the time on the ship even though it was really big and there were a lot of people that would be on there too. He didn’t believe us. He kept saying noooo… he was real cute!

At 11:30 on the dot they started to load the wedding parties. That took only about 5 minutes. They then called for the VIP’s. Next it was zone 1’s turn. Zone 1 was only 1 row of people. We were in the 2nd row for zone 2. We waited our turn then got up when they called our zone. Headed over to a line to wait for our embarkation pics then the famous pic for our S&S card and our first DING! Here we go…. Heading to the ship! We were on the elevator heading to the Empress deck at 11:50am. It went VERY fast!

Once we got off on the Empress deck we headed to the shore excursion desk. There was one couple talking to one of the crew. There was another standing there that was very nice and friendly and helped us right away. Our first order of business was booking the Behind the Fun tour. With those spots secure we then told her we wanted to book a cabana. Jama had no idea that we were going to book this and it was a total surprise. She would just say…. We’ve got a cabana… out of nowhere. She was a happy camper!

With that being taken care of we headed up to the Lido deck. As soon as we stepped foot out there the excitement started pounding more! There was our first waiter with a tray of DOD’s… YESSSSS!!! 2 please! We grabbed our drinks then headed towards the food… I had told DH that they had the Mongolian Wok now and he wanted to try it first thing! So we all decided to give it a whirl! It was really good! I love the spicy sauce! We had no problem finding a table. We sat down had a few bites and enjoyed the sights of the Lido deck. The upgrades look really nice! This is where we met Ninja… our new BFF. I was already done with my first DOD and we ordered another round. He came back a little later and that is when I noticed the new sayings on the glasses. I was barely eating my food. I was looking around taking it all in. Those DOD’s were kicking in FAST. They are so good and so strong!

I looked at my watch and realized it was 12:30ish. Our roll call had said that we would meet up at the Lido bar Port side at that time for meeting number 1. We were still (ok me) eating and I sent JDogg a text saying we would be there in a little bit. We headed over and Patty was there with Jordan her SO, JDogg and T his DH and that was it. Some of the others from our roll call were sailing with the Mayberry group and had their own activities already planned. One of them was at this time. There were 200 people in that group. Two years ago on our first cruise they also sailed with us. So it was pretty cool seeing them all over the ship again! I had a feeling it would be a smaller turn out. Our second meeting would be after the Welcome Aboard show in the Piano Bar.

We hung out and chatted for a little while. Then I realized it was officially time for us to go to our rooms!!! OUR FIRST BALCONY!!! So we headed down to the Lido elevators and headed down. We had E-244 Aft extended balcony. It was so cool! We loved that balcony and I think that we may now be balcony snobs as Amy referred to us as! Our bottle of Tequila and my T-shirt was waiting for us already. We headed right for the balcony. We were so excited! I knew we would love it! DH even said that he loved it! After snapping a couple pics I went out to the hall to see if we had any luggage arrive. We had one show up so DH started unpacking. I headed 2 rooms over to see Jama and how she was doing. As I was heading back down to our room I met Joel our steward. I was at the door next to ours and he said… Hello Stephanie!! WHOA… I’m not in my room, not even in front of it and he knew it was me! I said hi and he asked me where Steve was…. He referred to him by name! I said he’s in the room… wait… how do you know who I am?!?!?! He said… I know all of my guests! I can understand if I were IN the room, but in the hall not even in front of our door? That’s crazy! He wouldn’t tell me how he knew. I opened the door and told Steve to come out to meet Joel. Steve already had our cooler out and we asked if he could fill it for us. He was ready to take it right there and then but we told him he could wait until later that night for turn down. Of course we gave him a little something for taking care of that for us!



A few minutes later Jama came over with a letter in her hand. Her luggage had been searched. There was nothing illegal in her luggage. Just a 6 pack of Dr. Pepper. I guess they wanted to make sure that is all it was. One of our other pieces of luggage showed up and DH opened it up. One of our rum runners were in there and it made it with no problems. It was a large one. DH unpacked that and I just paced around being buzzed from the DOD’s and hyper with excitement.


JDogg and T came to our room and they checked out the balcony. At this point I was getting nervous about our last piece of luggage. It was the big one and there were more of the smaller rum runners in there. I had a feeling that it got searched. It was about 10 minutes later and I decided to go look out into the hall again and it still wasn’t there. So I paced around looking down all the halls to see if I saw a luggage cart coming my way. There in the last hall was a girl with just one suitcase on her cart…. It was ours!! Jama ran into our room to tell Steve that it had showed up. I was wheeling it into the room. Steve threw it on the bed and opened it. Uhhhh Ohhhh…. We got a naughty girl letter too! They searched our luggage!!! Only one problem…..


Yep… the rum runners were still in our suitcase!!! They didn’t find them!!!

DH loves this letter:


We had ordered our Fountain Cards through Bon Voyage. They were not there in our room. So I called downstairs and the Pursers desk said to ask our steward. Our steward said we would get them at dinner. So we would have to wait until then to get them. It kinda stunk that they weren’t there waiting for us.

Jama's room with the decorations we bought her. She was in E-357. The rooms are longer back there too!


After we were unpacked we sat on the balcony for awhile until we heard our first chime over the PA…. it was time for Muster. It was kinda crazy not having to grab the life vest but it was nice at the same time not dragging it around. Right across from our room was a crew only door. Our steward was standing there holding it open so we could go up that way straight into the Puttin On the Ritz lounge for Muster. We sat down and the girl said that we would be starting in a few minutes, making sure that the children were all getting arm bands. Then Trevor was on the PA giving the speech. Then it was up to the life boats where we stood for about 4 minutes and we were done. Much faster and simpler. We were done before we knew it!

We then headed up for sail away. We had told JDogg and T where we would be if they wanted to join us, and they did. It was pretty cool! We have gone up to the funnel deck for the other sail aways but DH wanted to be more forward this time. So we were Starboard Sun Deck. After we went under the Dames Point and the very front of the Sun Deck cleared out we headed up there to enjoy the sights. Of course we had more DOD’s and JDogg and Steve shared a couple or 3 buckets of beer. I have no idea how many they shared. Speaking of buckets of beer, there were only 4 in each bucket. I thought I remember them having 5 in them. Am I remembering wrong? We hung out up there until we were out of the Jetties and JDogg and T had to head down for the early seating.

The 3 of us headed to the shops to look around. Bad idea. Steve and I each ended up buying a watch. We ended up roaming around until late seating.

We were at table 323 Imagination Dining room 8 top square by the window. It’s actually kinda funny because it was one table back from the table we sat at in September of last year where our buddy Samson got to talk to us. We met Samson on our first cruise and we actually changed cruises last year to sail with him again. I knew it would be strange without him this time and I was right. I really think we were spoiled with Samson. Service this time was very slow. Jess and Angus were our servers. They were VERY nice, friendly, polite and funny but were just a lot slower then what we were use to. Even our table mates said it was slower then they are use to. Talking to fellow CC’ers it wasn’t just us. They all seemed to have slow service. The first night we were being served our main course as they were getting ready to sing to us. They also didn’t clear very fast at all. On a good note, our bar waitress was the BEST we have ever had. After the first night she had our soft drinks waiting for us and she also would come greet us as soon as we sat down to see if there was anything else we needed. We would also order a drink for the beginning of dinner then switch to our soft drinks. She even started clearing plates for us after the first night. I think she knew that our servers were having issues with their other table. It was a long booth with 16 in the party. The first night one lady had the Maitre D come over because they wanted a round table. He had to explain that there wasn’t a large enough round top and she just kept going on and on and on… This is another reason why our dinner was so late the first night. The following nights were faster but still a long wait compared to what we were use to. The other nights we were just finishing our main when they started the singing and dancing. Steve and I ordered a salad, the flat iron steak , and of course chocolate melting cake. Everything was OK… a little cooler then normal.

After dinner we headed to our rooms. It’s kind of tradition for Steve and I to go see our towel animal. I took my pictures of them and then I started feeling bad. It wasn’t the rocking, it was something else. I figured out what it was. It was the steak. They had put pepper corns on it and a sauce. The sauce didn’t agree with me. My stomach was a mess and I did not feel good. We ended up staying in. After a little bit we ended up on the balcony and the next thing we knew it was 1am. Those balconies are SO relaxing. Watching the wake is SO mesmerizing! We were in heaven!

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Just so you know it will take me longer to write this review then my other reviews in the past. I don't work from home anymore and I work crazy hours. I don't go back until Monday. Today is my b-day so I am not going to post anymore tonight. I will be back with more tomorrow!


If you have any questions, ask away!

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Thanks for the review im going on this ship in 3 weeks. I cruised on it 3 years ago but its been updated since then. I have a 2 questions for you. About the rumrunners where did you put them in your luggage. Is there a better place to hide them. I feel really bad even trying to smuggle them on but im paying for my mom on this cruise and at 28 years old ive seemed to run out of money. It could be b/c I just bought a house! I know ill still buy some of carnivals drinks but anything to help with some of the cost would be nice. Also I read in your review that you no longer have to wear the lifejackets during muster. Did they tell you this prior to muster b/c everyother cruise ive done you have to lug those thing around. Keep the review coming! Cant wait till my turn.

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I forgot to mention… remember we were waiting to get our fountain card? Well our bar waitress said she doesn’t have them. She said to go to the Pursers desk. We told her we already tried that. She said that they didn’t give them out in the dining room. So when we went back to our room and I wasn’t feeling so good DH went back down there again and they told him that we had to go to Bogart’s. The coffee shop. He told them about the run around we had and they really didn’t seem to care. So, note to self. Just buy it once we get onboard. It’s much simpler this way!

A couple pics from Embarkation Day:

Serenity deck


Yep, that's Garfield! He also loved the balcony the WHOLE cruise!!




Our first towel Animal



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Sunday October 17 Fun Day at Sea

I love setting our wake up call for 5 minutes before we requested room service to bring our coffee! We have had good luck with them bringing it within the time frame we ask for! I always do a 30 minute window and they are always there right on time!

This morning we had our coffee, Danish and croissants on our balcony! I have been waiting to do this! It was so nice and quite out there except for the wake. I love that noise! We sipped on our coffee, nibbled on our pastries and woke up to the sounds of the water. It was very nice and peaceful.

After about 45 minutes we took turns showering. Another part of our routine. Me first of course then DH. This time when DH would get into the shower I would call Jama to see if she was awake then relax on the balcony. I hope the whole balcony part becomes a new routine!

Now we were ready for breakfast. After all we just had one croissant and one Danish each. It was time for those omelets I was looking forward too! Up to the Sensation dining room and time for some good food. This is where we met Jaime and Edgar. They were very funny and nice. We actually ended up requesting them every morning! We were lucky and never had to wait for them. Jama had the eggs benedict and I told her that she should order the hollandaise sauce on the side, that everyone on CC said it was better that way. But she didn’t. The next morning she did though and she said you guys were right. It was much better that way! Steve had the pancakes and asked for 2 eggs over easy and I had my loved ham and cheese omlette. We all enjoyed them very much! Jaime and Edgar never let our cups get less than half-full and were there right away to clear our plates. I really wished we had them for dinner!

We basically roamed around the ship and decided to head to the casino. We couldn’t believe that we hadn’t been in there yet. We usually spend the first night in there but the balcony had us in a trance! Hey, that’s what I can tell DH… we spend less money because we don’t go into the casino as much!!

We ended up going to lunch on the Lido deck today around noon. We usually do the dining room but we weren’t super hungry from breakfast. Every cruise I crave something different. This time it was cheese fries. They had nacho cheese for the tortilla chips that I would drizzle on the fries. Very good! There was a remote control trivia on the lido deck that I tried…. I got a lot of them right but not enough to win the plastic ship on a stick…. Bummer!

We sat out for awhile after eating on the lido deck starboard side. More roaming around until 3pm when we headed for tea.

I really can’t remember where to next then ended up staring at the water on the balcony. Do you see a trend going yet?

Tonight was elegant night so we got ready for dinner. We did not go to the Captains Celebration. We actually have never been to one. Tonight was $1 off drinks for an hour. Showtime for the late seating was at 7pm. We already had seen it so we skipped it. The introduction of the Captain and Officers was at 8:05 which was 10 before dinner in the Imagination dining room, which was Aft. We passed on that as well.

So it was dinner time and everyone at the table agreed that we hoped dinner would be a little more smoother. I had told our tablemates I thought it would be because the other table wouldn’t complain about their table and hold us up. Their table seemed very needy to us. Always calling Jess and Angus over for something. We didn’t go to complain about them. They were doing the best they could. Angus would go get our food from the galley and he was a little guy. I remember last year Samson said he would go to the galley to get the food because his assistant, we called him Papa, would get pushed aside. Samson is tall and chubby. No one could push him around. So I wondered about that too.

Anyway, I can’t remember what I had but it wasn’t the flat iron steak that I use to love. I didn’t want to get sick again! I believe it was pasta, and I ordered a lobster tail. I am not a big fan of it so I took a couple bites of it and gave the rest to Jama who loves it.

We headed back to our room to change, took a quick break outside then we headed down to the piano bar to see Patty. We knew where to find her… right next to Jordan. Amy and her DH were in there with Patty. I had told them sorry we didn’t make it the night before but what had happened. Amy said she had a upset stomach as well and there were a few other people she talked too that felt the same way about the steak. It wasn’t just me. I’m tellin ya, it was that sauce!

We hung out there all night drinking, hanging out with our new buddies and laughing. Jama hasn’t had a drink in 7 years and decided that tonight she was. LIGHT WEIGHT! She was feeling no pain REALLY fast! We had a ball in there and even our bar waiter was singing with us! He was jamming out to Come Sail Away! I will never forget Jordan playing the Peanuts Theme song and Patty dancing like one of the Peanut characters! Not to mention DH and Patty taking turns pole dancing! I was having so much fun I forgot to buy Jordan more drinks. When I would look he still had some in his glass so I didn’t want to order one. I made the comment that I ordered another for him that he better finish his. I didn’t realize he was keeping it until he had more lined up! Ooops, sorry Jordan, Sorry Patty!

We left the piano bar just before it closed down. We headed to our rooms about 1:30am. Sat on the balcony and let the ship rock us into relaxation and eventually headed to bed where we were rocked to sleep.

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Yeah!!! A really good in depth review of the Carnival Fascination :D Can't wait to read the rest of your review!


Happy Bday btw :)


Thanks a bunch!


Happy Late Birthday to you!! Hope is was a great one. Thanks for your review. We will be on her in a few days :D Can't wait to hear more.


Thanks! I'm not as organized this review as I have been in the past. I hope it turns out ok!


Thanks for the review im going on this ship in 3 weeks. I cruised on it 3 years ago but its been updated since then. I have a 2 questions for you. About the rumrunners where did you put them in your luggage. Is there a better place to hide them. I feel really bad even trying to smuggle them on but im paying for my mom on this cruise and at 28 years old ive seemed to run out of money. It could be b/c I just bought a house! I know ill still buy some of carnivals drinks but anything to help with some of the cost would be nice. Also I read in your review that you no longer have to wear the lifejackets during muster. Did they tell you this prior to muster b/c everyother cruise ive done you have to lug those thing around. Keep the review coming! Cant wait till my turn.


It's kind of funny, we ended up not drinking too much of the stuff we brought onboard. We made a few here and there but we would end up ordering DOD's instead. The kahlua was almost all consumed. There was just a little bit of that left. I would go up to the Lido deck and grab a few cartons of milk to make White Russians. We had the large Kahlua rum runner in one suitcase by itself. The others were put into one and it was packed on the sides of the suitcase. There was an 6 pack of baby bottles of coke and a 6 pack of baby bottles of Sprite in the same bag. I think we just got lucky! Maybe they were looking at the pop and didn't see or feel the rum runners. Not sure!


If they did announce that we didn't need our vests I didn't hear it. But there were stewards all over the hallway so if someone grabbed their vest I am sure they told them that they didn't need them. You don't need it, just leave it in the closet in the room! :D

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OMG Hockey, I just noticed that we were on the same cruise as you November1, 2008. That was our first too! How cool!


Hi Surbie! I remember your screen name from our roll call. I don't think you had made it to our sail away party, right? You were there with the Mayberry people then too!


Oh man that's a bummer - HMC's the best part of the cruise. Hope y'all get to go back.


Oh yeah.... as a matter of fact we will be sailing again in 77 more days! Same ship, same stops, just hopefully we make HMC. We've been there twice already.... it's the best!


Welcome Back homeeeeeeeeeeeee..........

Looking forward to reading your review..........

Jan-8th will be here sooon.............


I can't wait!!!! :D Steve and I went by our room on the Verandah deck a couple times. I even took a pic of it... and Honey's room!!

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We hung out there all night drinking, hanging out with our new buddies and laughing. Jama hasn’t had a drink in 7 years and decided that tonight she was. LIGHT WEIGHT! She was feeling no pain REALLY fast! We had a ball in there and even our bar waiter was singing with us! He was jamming out to Come Sail Away! I will never forget Jordan playing the Peanuts Theme song and Patty dancing like one of the Peanut characters! Not to mention DH and Patty taking turns pole dancing! I was having so much fun I forgot to buy Jordan more drinks. When I would look he still had some in his glass so I didn’t want to order one. I made the comment that I ordered another for him that he better finish his. I didn’t realize he was keeping it until he had more lined up! Ooops, sorry Jordan, Sorry Patty!


No need to be sorry! He really appreciated the ones you bought, he was just having a little fun giving you crap about it. I had forgotten about the pole dancing :o Jama was a lot of fun that night. She had me cracking up the whole time.


I'm really enjoying your review. It's bringing back all the great memories. Can't wait to read the rest!

Oh how I loved the aft balcony, after looking at your pics I wished I had booked it again, but Jordan can't get those with his discount...rats.

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Sunday October 17 Fun Day at Sea

Sensation dining room and time for some good food. This is where we met Jaime and Edgar. They were very funny and nice. We actually ended up requesting them every morning! We were lucky and never had to wait for them. Jaime and Edgar never let our cups get less than half-full and were there right away to clear our plates. I really wished we had them for dinner!



Maybe,, these two will still be on the Ship-1/8/2011...

And you could ask for them.............


I am enjoy reading your review......

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Sunday October 17 Fun Day at Sea

Sensation dining room and time for some good food. This is where we met Jaime and Edgar. They were very funny and nice. We actually ended up requesting them every morning! We were lucky and never had to wait for them. Jaime and Edgar never let our cups get less than half-full and were there right away to clear our plates. I really wished we had them for dinner!



Maybe,, these two will still be on the Ship-1/8/2011...

And you could ask for them.............


I am enjoy reading your review......


I asked and they WILL be onboard! I am going to see if we can get them! That would be awesome! Our steward will be there too. He got excited and asked if we had the same room. I told him no that we were going to be up on Verandah in a suite... I told him we would come see him though!

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