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Arthritis problems and shore excursions.


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My wife and I booked a cruise for September 2011 leaving from Istanbul sailing to Athens. I have severe arthritis in my spine and am really worried about over-exerting myself and causing a flare-up which can immobilize me for a week. This would be the ruin of the our "dream trip" and the waste of thousands of dollars. I know that we can book less strenuous shore excursions but I'm concerned we'll miss out on the overall experience by doing so. Also, we want to spend a couple days in Istanbul and Athens to take in the sights. Can anyone give me advise regarding this problem? We could play it safe and cancel the cruise but what a bummer that would be. However, it would be far worse if the experience was ruined by a flare-up.

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My wife and I booked a cruise for September 2011 leaving from Istanbul sailing to Athens. I have severe arthritis in my spine and am really worried about over-exerting myself and causing a flare-up which can immobilize me for a week. This would be the ruin of the our "dream trip" and the waste of thousands of dollars. I know that we can book less strenuous shore excursions but I'm concerned we'll miss out on the overall experience by doing so. Also, we want to spend a couple days in Istanbul and Athens to take in the sights. Can anyone give me advise regarding this problem? We could play it safe and cancel the cruise but what a bummer that would be. However, it would be far worse if the experience was ruined by a flare-up.



you have my utmost sympathy about this. I have severe chronic pain

I do everything possible in my power with the support of my team of doctors so I can travel.

I've also spent quite a bit of time in both Athens and Istanbul and was just there once again in Oct and Nov of this year

So, lets start from the beginning.

Consult your doctors sooner than later. Let them know what you want to do and how can they make it happen for you.

Make sure you bring more pain and other meds than you think you will need for your condition and how to manage it ..calculate worst case scenarios. The onboard doctor is not a pharmacy and prescribes in emergency situations with an appt. Make sure your medicine is labeled and in original bottles. You are able to enter Istanbul with pain meds, along with other countries on your itinerary. If you get relief from a heating pad - pack one. If icy hot or any of those products brings you relief pack it and be generous with the supply. Side note, getting medicine overseas can be tricky, so try to avoid it and carry a letter from your doctor indicating why you are carry so many drugs...this isn't a mandatory, but I have found that its a precaution that has saved me a couple of times when I went through additional questioning.

Flying... can you handle the sitting for the flight? If you are concerned about that ...determine how long you can sit for a road trip...maybe take a road trip..if you can survive the road trip...its now time to move forward

when booking your flight ask for wheel chair assistance and make sure you make your connection EXTRA long..I don't care if the airline says a 2 hour connection is legal..

I would build in your 1st day of arrival as a down day...if you can do a little bit, thats fabulous..BUT having a down day to rest from the plane ride can make a HUGE difference in the next 2 weeks.

Cruising..this is the absolute easiest way for a chronic pain patient to travel. You unpack once, you haul your luggage minimally. they have elevators.

The ports....

I wouldn't book shorex as you are still at someone else's pace, I would book private drivers/guides or DIY

Istanbul in the Sultanhamet area is quite walkable, though somewhat spreadout with slight hills depending where you are staying. for example if you look at the Hotel Sari Konak location it is a small hill when you head to the Blue Mosque. There is a tram in Istanbul that is quite easy to use.

and a cab to Chora Church..which you shouldn't miss.

Athens. they have the metro..with elevators and escalators..but not all of them were working all the time. Stairs may be necessary, but you can assess that upon arrival in the station and if stairs are a problem..you can go get a taxi. There is an elevator to the top of the Acropolis

and elevators at the New Acropolis Museum

Which leads me to this...in your budget calculate spending more on taxi services than you normally would, before the arthritis made its appearance in your life.

I just took a look at your itinerary. It's wonderful!!!! Your port times for Mykonos and Santorini are fabulous. Both places are easy to navigate..though in Santorini you will have some slight grades in incline walking around town both Thira and Oia The beauty of both ports is the long port times so you can pace yourself. you can also take a cab in Santorini up to Oia. theres a bus..BUT it can be packed and the seats werent great and if you are stuck standing you will josteled quite a bit. The cab was only 20 euros and you can share it with others on your ship. There is also a wonderful wine tour company if you are a wine drinker that you might check out.

Mykonos..I highly recommend that you take the ferry to Delos, it is spread out but just go slow. you have LOTS of time there.

Couple more tips...While you aren't officially considered disabled/handicapped (I hate those terms, BUT thats what is used)

check your local bookstore or online for books on accesability through Europe, send emails to the official tourism offices for assistance. Go to the main screen of CruiseCritic and look under speacial interest for an entire board on this.

Regarding research...I've done quite a bit for each of those ports that I'm happy to share with and you can find them on our personal travel website

You will find some of YOUR itinerary within all of our itinerary. There's also sights to see list for Mykonos and Santorini...there are sights to see list for Athens and Istanbul BUT those are based on the fact we had spend tons of time there already....

Regarding Istanbul...I would HIGHLY recommend that you spend some time

on the Istanbul Trip Advisor Boards. The forum over there has Destination Experts that are soooo generous with their time and knowledge and I do believe they could be of great assistance with your concerns.

If you have further questions just let me know...

Here's the link, once in it scroll down for Research and Sights to See



Here is the link for our Istanbul photos when we spent over a week there (Im still working on Athens)


Don't give up on your dream, just take a many extra steps and thorough prep to make it happen.

Last but certainly not least...while this is a dream vacation..you must not forget the reality. Take insurance to cover cancellation, mid trip interruption and evacuation back to your home.

Now go forth and PLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


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My partner and I have sailed Azamara from Rome to Greece. My partner has polio and walks with a cane. We use a wheelchair for long distances. My advice if you can afford it is to plan on private tours. I have a list of who we used in each city. We stayed in athens for a few extra day and had an excellant driver. Using private tour guides let us get right next to the sites. We can drop things that have a ton of stairs. Let me know if I can help you in any way.

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Where2next has pretty much covered it! But I must add, I highly recommend the Athens Gate Hotel for your stay in Athens. Directly across the street from the Temple of Olympian Zeus, from which the view back across to the Acropolis is heavenly. Hotel has 7 floors (with elevator) with rooftop terrace where generous buffet breakfast is served. It's an easy easy walk to New Acropolis Museum - not to be missed - where elevators are available. Have fun!

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This can be a fantastic trip for you and you have the time to plan everything.

Definitely plan on booking your excursions with recommended guides in the Ports of Call threads.

While Roll Calls for Azamara sailings are "sluggish" there should be one for your cruise. Try to arrange a small touring group via the Roll Call. You should be able to find some compatible members to share your excursions. If all else fails then book independently, although it will be very costly.

While I have not been to every port you will visit, I urge you to give heed to your stop at Santorini. If there is a ship's excursion that tenders to a bus pick up area avoiding the cable car then you might want to consider this. Santorini is very hilly and the streets are cobblestone for the most part. This might make it uncomfortable for you. I do not know if Azamara offers such an excursion but if they do this would be the best option to see and experience such a beautiful island.

Definitely arrange a guide and driver for Athens. A car can get you to the front steps of the Acropolis while busses must park down the hill. Even though the ground is uneven here you should be able to easily manage and then head off to the other wonderful sights in mainland Greece.

Mykonos will not be a problem.

The ship is a perfect size for you, delightfully small and so easy to get around. Be sure to ask the maitre 'd to help you tailor your menu if you have dietary restrictions.

I do hope you do not cancel. I think you can manage this trip of a lifetime on a ship that is known for its first rate care for its passengers.

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WoW! Thanks for all the helpful advise and encouragement to all who replied to my question concerning my arthritis problem. We have chosen hotels for Athens and Istanbul and estimated overall expenses for this trip. We are nearing the outer reaches of our budget and will not be comforable adding to it. (Darn cost of Dollar against the Euro). I'm afraid that booking private tours might be over-the-top with expenses. We are staying in the old city in Istanbul very close to the major sites. In Athens, we are staying in the Plaka district litterally right next to the Acropolis. Everything is supposed to be within walking distance.


The plane trip to Istanbul is a worry. I can not take long road trips. Sitting for extended periods is murder and moving around in an airplane is very limited and laying down is impossible. I've got lots of time to cancel if need be and I'll do some testing in my home town with simullating walking as I amagine it might be on our trip.


Thanks again for the help. It is deeply appreciated.

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Time for a bit more of a reality check...

the flight to Istanbul is murder. it is one of the hardest I've ever done from California. I'm much younger than you and have been practicing pain management techniques both western and eastern philosophys for decades and nothing prepared me for that plane ride. San Francisco to

Frankfurt to Istanbul. Wherever, your connection is allow enough time to lay down at that airport..it is not uncommom to see people stretched out.

If you are flying on United, check to see if you can purchase the Economy Plus pass..those few extra inches make a world of difference. Check to see if other airlines are offering something similiar now. You can also find out about buying a day pass for a lounge even if its just for you.

By your own admission, you know this is going to be a problem

If you are going to fly this distance I would begin consulting with your docotor...Find out if there is temporary options for you that might make you a bit more comfortable..Give those options a try NOW to see how you react. Have you looked into trigger point injections/nerve blocks? I get 15 shots in my stomach each month to help control my pain from a level 9 to a level 8. Have you tried acupuncture? for some with arthritis this works wonders but it is usually a commulative result, many health care plans have begun to include this as coverage. You might want to ask your doctor if he is willing to increase your pain meds or other meds temporarily for the trip and then supervise you, with weaning off them as soon as you return home. If so, do a temporary 2 day trial run to see how you react. You don't want a bad reaction overseas.

Private tours...

Many private tours are MUCH cheaper than a shorex, even just for 2 people.

I don't think you should be quick to rule those out without thorough research. We have hired drivers and/or guides all over the world for less than a shorex. On the flip side, if you are going to book a private tour with others on your roll call. They are counting on your financial portion to make it more affordable. if you need to bail out on those people at the very last minute..be prepared to pay your share.

I would begin training for stairs. You have 9 months to do so. You will be faced with cobblestones, hills or at least slight grades and as much as you try to avoid it..stairs. Europe does not have an ADA, many bathrooms in restaurants are down a very narrow spiral stair case or on the top floor 3 flights up (this includes the McDonalds in Istanbul) !!!! begin slowly taking stairs at your local mall. Just because everything is in walking distance doesn't mean it is always flat.

The budget....Never ever cheap out on your health. you will reqret it. If money is tight, then each holiday for the next year that people want to give you a present and ask what you want..ask for a money for your trip.

This past Christmas one of our gifts (my dh and I) we received the United Economy Plus upgrade pass as a gift.

I still believe you can do this, but planning way in advance

is imperative.

Best of Luck


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Thanks again for the support and advise. BTW, I checked out your travel website and loved it. I'm not sure what to make of my spine problem only becoming aware of it less than a year ago. I know the x-ray was grotesque looking. Usually, I do fine as long as I'm practicing what I've been taught by PT. Today, I went to the gym, did my workout using machines to keep weight off the spine, and walked a mile on the treadmill. Not a problem. Last February, I endured a six hour flight to Maui. What really bothered me was my butt aching and some back problems also but not bad. Car riding is 2/3 butt ache and 1/3 back. What scares me about this trip is the fact that I've had two bad flare-ups in my sacroiliac joints related to arthritis problems that layed me low for at least a week. A wrong movement or twist can trigger this. The only thing I can think of is to wait until spring, then simulate the rigors of the trip over several days at where I live and see what happens.


We don't plan on trying to see everything in Istanbul or Athens. My wife and I are really layed back relaxing types that deplore hustle, haste, and cram it all in because we might miss something. We have two full days in Istanbul and three in Athens. We plan on pleasant strolls, taking our time, and if we miss something along the way... that is fine. I've heard that if one does their homework, a guided tour is not neccesary in Athens.


Thanks again for helping me out and please provide more info if you think of it.



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Azamara has shore excursions that cater for anyone with a mobility problem. There are detailed descriptions for each one; how many steps, smooth or rocky ground, how many yards you have to walk etc. Some simply involve driving around in a bus and getting out and taking taking pictures. Which is better than nothing. Frankly, all you need to do is get off the ship and onto a bus.

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Thanks Dogster. I admit we were thinking very skectically about this whole adventure but I've looked on Trip Advisor and found several recommendations regarding private shore excursions that are not that expensive that the two of us can sign up for. Ephesus Tours is one of them. Ephesus is very important to us and the full day excursions though Azamara described on their Web site do sound intimidating physically. I'm not sure about booking private tours with others because the options we may desire might not be compatible with them. Then again, it might be the way to go. I've got a ton of information to aquire, sift through, and prioritize over the next 5 months. June 5th is the deadline for canceling without penalty. We are hopeful that we'll make the trip. I've got some schemes in mind for air travel that just might work also.

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Once again I encourage you to join the Roll Call if you have not done so.

A prime example was our Azamara cruise this past summer. Through the Roll Call we booked excursions with a beautiful mother and daughter team from Mexico and an equally wonderful mother and daughter team from Florida and California. We worked together to manage an itinerary for a 15 year old and an 80+ year old with mobility issues and four of us sixty types. That combined with a great deal of research on the Ports of Call boards, Trip Advisor, and other references provided a more cost efficient and well timed tour in St. Petersburg, for example.

We have used the Roll Calls to plan self booked excursions since I first discovered Cruise Critic. We have never had an issue with either the other travelers or the tour vendors.

I respect your concerns about the fllights. I know fanny fatigue is to be expected and if I find any recommendation for a pillow or aide that seems worthwhile I will pass it on. I need something too!!!

I hope everything can be worked out. Your ports are wonderful and the ship can't be beat.

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Where2next has pretty much covered it! But I must add, I highly recommend the Athens Gate Hotel for your stay in Athens. Directly across the street from the Temple of Olympian Zeus, from which the view back across to the Acropolis is heavenly. Hotel has 7 floors (with elevator) with rooftop terrace where generous buffet breakfast is served. It's an easy easy walk to New Acropolis Museum - not to be missed - where elevators are available. Have fun!


Glad to hear it as we are staying at that hotel in May. How far is the walk to the Acropolis?

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Glad to hear it as we are staying at that hotel in May. How far is the walk to the Acropolis?


Tough to say in blocks... We were there with DH's parents, who had mobility issues and the walk to New Acropolis Museum was maybe 15 min.? With many meanderings through shops in Plaka, of course. You can spot the hotel just across from Temple of Olympian Zeus on this Google map (37.968521,23.72835) which gives a good sense of location.

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Once again I encourage you to join the Roll Call if you have not done so.

A prime example was our Azamara cruise this past summer. Through the Roll Call we booked excursions with a beautiful mother and daughter team from Mexico and an equally wonderful mother and daughter team from Florida and California. We worked together to manage an itinerary for a 15 year old and an 80+ year old with mobility issues and four of us sixty types. That combined with a great deal of research on the Ports of Call boards, Trip Advisor, and other references provided a more cost efficient and well timed tour in St. Petersburg, for example.

We have used the Roll Calls to plan self booked excursions since I first discovered Cruise Critic. We have never had an issue with either the other travelers or the tour vendors.




We would like to try colaborating with others using Roll Call for shore excursions. However, we have some anxiety concerning the real possibility that we may have to cancel the cruise if I had a major arthritis flare-up. If we promised to share the expenses of a tour, they are counting on us. This only increases our risk. From the information I've obtained on a couple of the private tour sites in Ephesus, it isn't very much more expensive to book a thorough tour of the sites than going on the 8 hour Azamara tour. My options remain open on this subject as I've only started to explore it. We have virtually no experience in touring or cruising and have never left the U.S. for that matter. I'm a history buff and have had a life-long dream of visiting the ancient world. We are willing to expand our budget further to make that happen. It sure is nice to have experenced people on Cruise Critic to give the helpful advise. Thanks again to all.

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