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Which Rule Is Most Important To You?



715 members have voted


    • Dress Code
    • Designated Smoking Areas
    • No reserving lounge chairs
    • No minors allowed (i.e hot tubs, adult pools, etc)

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Jeez, you go to work or help out at your kid's school or whatever, and you miss a lot here. The main thing is that people are bothered by different things -- and it seems these are issues of lack of consideration for others, right? Smoke blowing in your face while you're enjoying the fresh air of the outdoors. Wanting to relax by the pool but all the chairs are taken by ownerless towels. Shorts in the dining room (not something that bothers me -- I've seen polo shirts at memorial services and wondered about that).

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I find it interesting that people on this poll want to enforce the non-smoking rules. I am a smoker and have just returned from a 10 day cruise on the Dawn. I don't smoke inside unless in my own cabin - not in the casino nor Jammers nor any of the inside bars out of consideration for my fellow passengers. I attempted to follow the smoking rules, but unfortunately couldn't recall which side of the ship was okay, so I usually headed for the Oasis bar at the rear of the ship whenever the urge struck. Unfortunately, the bar closes down tighter than a drum after dinner hour, so there were never any ashtrays around! I even asked one of the bartenders to please leave an ashtray out after he closes down and he said that he wasn't allowed to. So much for trying to be considerate of non-smokers. If Princess wants to restrict smoking, that's fine with me, but at least ensure that the designated area is properly equipped!



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We are in the minority, in that we are most in favor of the dress code. Part of the ambiance of the formal dining room experience on a cruise is the others that are there and we enjoy dressing up for it. (and I enjoy looking a the pretty ladies all dolled up). When we see people dressed in faded tees and shorts at dinner, they really look out of place to us. It would be like seeing someone in a suit diving into the pool. I dont think it is a lot of trouble to take a quick shower and put on at least a sportshirt or polo and slacks. As far as smoking, my wife smokes, but she is very very careful to make sure that no one on the ship is in the way of her smoke. She deliberately positions herself so smoke doesnt blow on anyone (or me for that matter), and if we sit outside we try to be away from others, if she smokes. (actually, now she only smokes clove cigarettes, so she smells more like an Easter Ham than tobacco) It is not the smoking in public, it is how people do it (with consideration or with rudeness). One rule I would like to see is that little kids not be allowed to run around the pool area....all I can think of is them slipping and hurting themselves (owwie) AND finally I hate the saving of whole rows of seats as well, since we usually have late seating and thus only one chance to see the main show. To get a good seat we often have to sit through the half hour of preshow bingo.

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Because the OP used the term "designated smoking areas" I almost voted for that one. I smoke but do not enjoy being around people who start coughing before I even light the cigarette:D Then there are the front of the face wavers walking down the street sucking in all that dang stuff that comes out of the tailpipe in the cars but gives a sideways glance to a puff of smoke. I wish there were more defined smoking areas, so we smokers could have a little peace while enjoying our addiction. Maybe there should be smokers anon to go along with Friends of Bill and Friends of Dorothy as you would be amazed at how many times I am asked for a cigarette from a reformed or non-smoker because they are half plastered - now that is a big turnoff for me :(


Anyway, as anyone can see I went for the adult pool thing. We did not have a problem last cruise, so probably won't have one this cruise either.:)

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Getting back to the 4 original choices, as a nonsmoker I agree that Princess needs to be clearer in designating smoking areas to help prevent abuse. Some folks probably don't know where smoking is permitted. I have to admit I always hold my breath the first few days onboard hoping that the folks on either side of my balcony are not smokers. If they are, we can't enjoy our balcony when they are smoking on theirs.:(



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You can email me if you would like to, and I will be your support group for stopping your smoking habbitt!!! It really isn't that hard after you get by the first couple of months, then its all down hill from there!!

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Oh boy – here we go again. I’m sort of glad I’m not the one in target range this time.


I quite honestly don’t remember which of these silly polls I vote in – including the ones I post. When the posts here came up about comments from someone who voted when they said they didn’t, I had to go back and check to make sure it wasn’t me. I guess a less cynical approach would be to think that someone made an honest mistake about whether or not they voted – I really think it unfair to accuse someone of lying in this instance. I mean we’re asked to give people the benefit of the doubt when their on board experiences don’t match ours, or when they say they like MUTS, or hate small ships – how about in cases like this? Shouldn't that same benefit be extended? And how does mistakenly saying one voted when one didn’t change the result or discussion points of a poll? It seemed like we were past this kind of bantering for a few months…I’m not sure whether I’m sad or excited to see it back.


Just to be sure I stay on topic; I reiterate that I think if we all respected each other a bit more, none of these “rules” would be needed. I would say the post quoted above might indicate we can’t throw away the rule book just yet. But just for the record, I’d say the guy that sat next to me on Sun Princess in shorts on formal night bothered me much more than anyone smoking on board. But I’m still not voting.

I was actually waiting for your post. Target range?? Lets see. Take a look at the previous page after my comments...nuff said. And all in sequence just as I expected it to be. I wonder if I made an honest mistake if you would be posting the above for me....doubt it VERY much.


And yes the "rule book" will always exist as we do not live in a perfect world. So you feel the shorts on formal night bother you more than anybody smoking, usually smoke does NOT bother smokers. I take it that is why it is more important to you.

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I was actually waiting for your post. Target range?? Lets see. Take a look at the previous page after my comments...nuff said. And all in sequence just as I expected it to be. I wonder if I made an honest mistake if you would be posting the above for me....doubt it VERY much.


And yes the "rule book" will always exist as we do not live in a perfect world. So you feel the shorts on formal night bother you more than anybody smoking, usually smoke does NOT bother smokers. I take it that is why it is more important to you.

Thanks for waiting for me, Roe…always nice to have someone waiting for me. I’m sorry that you’re feeling persecuted on this board, but in my case, I was only responding to what I thought was an unfair post and stating my opinion on the topic at hand. I also know that you think there’s a group mentality here and believe it or not – whether or not I’m in agreement with others - I am totally independent in thought and action. And no, my post wasn’t put up just for your benefit – I know that there are many people who read these boards and I post for whoever wants to share my thoughts. Either way, it’s unfortunate that your poll has become a spitting match between you and other posters…


But back to the topic of your poll – from what you post, it sounds like because I may smoke my opinion on the subject is no longer valid. Or does this mean that everyone who voted for the choices other than smoking must be smokers? Or are you in fact saying that my opinion means less than anyone else’s? That’s a bit discriminatory, I think. Believe it or not there are considerate smokers who take seriously the fact that non-smokers may be bothered and act appropriately. Does this also mean if I have kids my opinion on kids in the adult pools is invalid? How about if I like to lie out in the sun, then I can’t have an opinion on hogging lounge chairs?


I guess I didn’t understand all the rules inherent in your poll – another rule book – and if I had I wouldn’t have voted. Wait – my mistake…I didn’t vote did I? Sorry, don’t want anyone to think I’m lying. And you’re right – the rule book will always exist, not because this isn’t a perfect world, but because there are some in this world whose respect for others leaves something to be desired. I guess I don’t understand the reasoning behind some of your posts, but I promise that I’ll keep trying as long as we’re both here… :D :D :D

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Let's see:


I have no need to bake like cookie dough, so the chaise hoggers can pile on.


I won't be a dress policeman, so just wear what makes you comfortable. But please shower first.


Kids should be restricted to the pool. Why do they want to sit in hot tubs anyway? If the temp is low enough for kids, then it isn't hot enough for me.


As for the smokers, make 'em walk the plank everytime they prevent non-smokers from enjoy their balcony.


Hope this helps.


My sentiments exactly!

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Wow, an apology from you…thanks. But what for anyway?? Oh yeah, maybe I should have apologized to you too since you were the first to make a comment about you being a target range. Funny in all of your three paragraphs above, you could not answer if you would post for me if I made an honest mistake?



While you and the small minority are wishing the poll was a splitting match, it is far from it. Hmm, my goodness, it is that small minority in the splitting match. Who would have guessed?:rolleyes:



Whatever you twisted in your second paragraph, sorry I don’t understand any of it. You might have to try a bit harder on understanding my post, since you continue to criticise all of them. :D I am not going anywhere and most definitely will continue to express my opinions, thoughts, etc. As you can see, I am not intimidated by leaders, groups or packs of any kind, otherwise I would stay silent like probably some others on the boards………..but what can I say……..must be being from New York / New Jersey.:p :D



I think my comments proved my point, as paranoia quickly set in motion by the small minority. It is not nice to agree with others if you really don’t just to please a crowd.



To those who participated in the poll, I want to thank you very much. Hopefully all of these rules will be enforced someday in the near future.

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Nita (and others),


Let's be fair. Roe never said that the rules were not all important. Re-read the poll question and her posts. The folks here who chose to nitpick the poll should have ignored it if they did not like the choices and did not want to vote. What purpose did you serve in telling her she did not post her poll "your way"?


Some of you who think that we should all be more kind to each other should examine your own posts - sometimes your sarcasm is more obvious to others than you might expect. IMHO sarcasm is not kind.


The question is which rule is MOST important to YOU? Lots of us were able to make a choice - that did not mean that we thought the others were unimportant! If they are all of equal importance to you and you did not want to vote, that's OK too - but those of us who did vote (MANY) are just as right in making a choice as you are in your feeling that all are equally important.


It's not hard to skip over a thread if it's not to your liking. IMHO repeatedly telling the OP that they did not post YOUR choice is NOT kind.




(And I STILL think the results are interesting and appreciate that this poll was posted!)

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Right, we shouldn’t have to choose and we all wish they would be enforced. But the fact remains - none of them are.



That is why the (hypothetical) question is asked – choose one that is most important, simple.:rolleyes:


Julie, I'm sorry, but this is where the sarcasm started. I replied to this, that MY opinion was, that ALL are important! No sarcasm intended, just my opinion! :) Yes, everyone's opinion has merit!


And I reply on these threads, as a many-time cruiser, hoping to impart some knowledge, and even better, to learn more!

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Most of the polls I have seen on this board seem to beg controversy and they get it - then it winds up in a "POST FIGHT" among those that agree with the OP and those that disagree with the OP - so - If you post a poll don't get upset when this happens.


I, too, agree that they are all important which is why I didn't vote.



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I’ll admit I haven’t voted in the poll – mainly because I guess I’m a bit perplexed as to why we need to identify which “rule” is most important. Aren’t they all important? But why is it that as a society we can’t just be civil to one another? Would we need these written rules then?


Maybe I ask for utopia, but it seems to me if we acted properly, we wouldn’t need to be reminded how to dress, when we shouldn’t save chairs, where we should smoke or who should be in a hot tub. A little common sense and manners – and a concerted attempt for “it” not to be all about oneself – is all that’s really called for here. It’s unfortunate that rules have to be slapped down because we can’t behave ourselves.

In response to JulieJoe’s post - because I'm the poster who suggested that we should respect one another - this is the quote of the first post that I made on this topic and I don’t see any sarcasm in it. For my future reference, could you please point out what is sarcastic in this so that I can avoid offending anyone? And for the record, I think the below quotes have a bit more of a sarcastic tone to them than anything that I posted. My error is responding to these types of posts.

I can assure you this is not the case.....this thinking is juvenile behavior. And perhaps that someone who has already voted and changed their mind, should have mentioned they changed their mind instead of clearly lying about NOT voting at all.........don't you think?? See that is the point.
I was actually waiting for your post. Target range?? Lets see. Take a look at the previous page after my comments...nuff said. And all in sequence just as I expected it to be. I wonder if I made an honest mistake if you would be posting the above for me....doubt it VERY much.


And yes the "rule book" will always exist as we do not live in a perfect world. So you feel the shorts on formal night bother you more than anybody smoking, usually smoke does NOT bother smokers. I take it that is why it is more important to you.

While you and the small minority are wishing the poll was a splitting match, it is far from it. Hmm, my goodness, it is that small minority in the splitting match. Who would have guessed?

Whatever you twisted in your second paragraph, sorry I don’t understand any of it.

I’ll stick to my thought that it is unfortunate that posts which address the topic at hand can be turned into something other than what they should be. Even when my opinion was posted, it was suggested there was an ulterior motive behind that opinion. Rather than allowing myself to be led into a posting match which may violate the guidelines of this board, I will follow the advice I got from a good friend just before she went mad – “live and let live…I’m out of it.” I love a good debate, but I know when and where I'm not wanted...and I'm not so stupid as to not know what is between the lines of these kinds of posts.

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Posted by bdjam:

I’m a bit perplexed as to why we need to identify which “rule” is most important.


Seems to me to be a put-down of the OP. ie - no need to post this poll.


I'm sorry Ron, but I don't agree with you. There is no reason for someone who posts a poll to expect to have to take any heat. Anyone should be able to post a poll and expect those who have an interest to vote. Those who have something to say about their vote may post on the thread for friendly discussion.


I don't think anyone should expect to "take the heat" here at CC. We should be able to ask questions and receive civil responses - not be told there was no need for our question. The moderators have made it possible to post a poll and it seems to me that just doing so does not "beg controversy".


It is so easy to skip over threads that one is not interested in. Why can't those who don't like polls or don't think the question is necessary (for them) just move on to another thread? Why do some feel it is necessary to tell the OP they have not posted their poll correctly, or that it was not necessary to begin with?


For the record bdjam, I'd love to live in your Utopia but I don't think there has yet been a society that did not need rules. I also agree with your statement: "A little common sense and manners – and a concerted attempt for “it” not to be all about oneself – is all that’s really called for here."


Let there be peace on the boards and let it begin with me! With that in mind, I'll follow your lead and exit this thread too!



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Posted by bdjam:

I'm sorry Ron, but I don't agree with you. There is no reason for someone who posts a poll to expect to have to take any heat. Anyone should be able to post a poll and expect those who have an interest to vote. Those who have something to say about their vote may post on the thread for friendly discussion.








Perhaps I didn't explain clearly - I meant that some people that make controversial posts/polls - WANT to create heated responses because they enjoy the fight.



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Seems to me to be a put-down of the OP. ie - no need to post this poll.
It’s difficult to leave when one has to defend oneself…the intent of that sentence was not to put down this poll, the original poster or anyone else on this board. If the sentence is not taken out of context and is read as part of the complete post, I think the meaning is clear – I was making a statement about things more far reaching than cruise ships and chair hogs. Not once did I indicate that the poll was flawed or that my comment in that post was directed to anyone other than the collective "we."


My apologies if my statements are so nebulous as to invite charges of sarcasm when in fact none was intended. Seems to me there's some unnecessary digging going on.

Perhaps I didn't explain clearly - I meant that some people that make controversial posts/polls - WANT to create heated responses because they enjoy the fight.
Apparently that’s more like it.

And now, I'm really done...take your best shot - I'm truly out of it.

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I guess I misunderstand a poll. My opinion is, if there's a poll, and your choice isn't on there, then a reply, adding your choice, is legit! It is then, my opinion, which is what a poll is for. I have done this in the past, along with others, who think none of the above fit their opinion.


I hope I'm not appearing sarcastic, either, as is was not my intent.

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Nita, I agree 100% with what you are saying and I feel the same way. If our choice is not listed in the poll then we certainly should be allowed to add our opinions. And, you don't come off as sounding sarcastic at all.

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I voted for the stricter smoking rules. But then I have asthma that is triggered by smoke, so I have a vested interest in the outcome.


Kids in the adult pool or hot tub, well I just ask them to leave. It is real simple solution. It is usually the parents that argue with me on this one, unless they are unsupervised teens. I tell if they have a problem with the rules take it up with Princess not me. I did have one teen try to tell that he was an adult, until I asked him the year of his birth. He had to count on his fingers and toes before giving me an answer. LOL. His friends were cracking up as he was trying to come up with a "correct" answer.


Lounge chairs rule. If it isn't occupied in 15 minutes it's mine. So far no problems.


Dress code. As far as I am concerned, they are just showing their lack of class in showing up without being properly attired. As long as they don't smell and their aren't indecent I don't give a rip.





Does anything please you? Maybe you should charter a private ship! ;)

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