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My cruise of DOOM! Spirit 2-6-11


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Great Review. Totally enjoying it. I noticed that the Spirit still hasn't been refurbished as I noticed your suite only had a regular tube television. Yikes! Do you still feel the $400 upgrade was worth it? We generally book suites for the two of us and it's more than enough space, but for 4, did it meet your expectations?


We have never had a room anything like this..... We have had ISx4 and OVx1. So this was a huge difference to us. We have always made due w/ the limited space. We are not ones to hang around in the room anyway. Having the IS makes us want to get up and go do. Which is why we are cruising anyway.


At first when I walked in I though great I threw away $400 and to us it's a HUGE chunk of our vacation budget. Once all 4 of us where in the room I realized it was a much bigger room. It just took a bit of time to realize it. I loved the extra cupboard and closet space!!!


My DH was totally pissed that it had a old TV and VCR. Of course we dont watch much tv but for being a suite it should of been updated!


If I was to plan the room I would get rid of the dressing room. Yes it was nice to have but traveling w/ 4 in a room I would of much rather had a extra sitting area. But then again we did not sit in the room much.


All in all I def liked the room. Would I book it again IDK if the price is right I would. I think we will be going back to our IS rooms since they are more in our price range. As the kids get older I would love to get them there own room and that will cost more too. If the price was in our budget at the time I would totally do it again.

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I am dying over here!!! Loving this review and the photos!! You have now convinced me to do a cruise from San Diego!!!! By the way the pic with your son sleeping at dinner is priceless:D



HURRY and book fast. CCL is pulling out of San Diego spring of 2012 I think. It's a real shame too. We totally feel in love with the city. We have dreams to live there one day. If not live at least make many trips back!


I really enjoyed Cabo as well. I just don't think I would ever book in the winter again. I really missed the warmth on sea days.


Thanks for loving my review! And he was so cute sleeping there I could not help but take his picture!! One day he will hate me for it!

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I LOVED reading this!

But I'm confused - why did you title it your "cruise of DOOM"? I kept waiting for what went bad... or is that in reference to Splendor having been cancelled?

Regardless, I love the way you write, I was right there with you!


I can't see pictures on my work computer - how old is Ethan? I've been wondering at how old do you feel comfortable leaving your kid in the cabin? I'm not quite there yet, but I'm guessing it's not too far away...

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Wed. Feb. 9 2011


It's 5 AM what the heck am I doing awake?? After a quick trip to the bathroom and look outside I decide it's too early and head back to bed. I think we where all up by 7:30 this morning. We all took out time getting ready this AM and headed to breakfast together. I enjoyed having breakfast all together but I did miss eating on my balcony.

We decided today we would go para-sailing and maybe spend some time at the beach. The kids really wanted to para-sail. Travis and I where on the fence about it. I had heard you can take a water taxi to the beach and and find plenty to do so that was our plan.

There was no need for tender tickets today. Getting off the ship once again was quick and easy. We once again enjoyed the tender ride into dock. We notice today is a little more over cast and cool, not cold but cooler than yesterday. When we get to the dock there are all kinds of pushy vendors once again trying to sell you there tours.

Right away we notice a sign for $25 para-sailing. HMMM not a bad price. We decide to keep that in mind and wander down the marina a bit and see if anything else stands out. We finally let one of the pushy vendors have our attention. We tell him we are looking to para-sail and of course he was happy to help us. He pulls us over to his office and shows us a brochure. He has the nicest boat in Cabo and the biggest sail and can ride up to 3 people at a time. But I am sure they all say that. We ask the price and he says it's $55 per person, BUT for us he can do a deal something like $40 a person. We try to get down to $25 per person and we will all 4 go. He wont go that low and we settle at $30.

Travis says we are going to check out the $25 guy and we might be back. He goes on to tell us again how much better his guys are and that we get 12 mins if we go w/ him vs 6 mins the others give. We of course want to see for ourselves. We go hunt down the $25 guy and ask about his tour. I was surprised to find our guy was right only 6 minutes w/ Sky King. So we head back to our guy and make it happen!

Soon we where on a water taxi out to the big boat. Ethan decides to ride w/ me and wants to go second. Josh was happy to be able to go first! Josh and Travis get all strapped into the harness and I really start getting nervous about doing this. I have para-sailed before but it's been a while. I also have a small fear of heights!!





Soon Travis and Josh are in the air!



Josh gives it a big thumbs up!



Not sure Travis liked it so much!


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As they are up they get Ethan and I into our harness'. This is when the panic sets in for Ethan to. He swore up and down he was not going. I kept telling him he was going to be my partner. He was so excited all morning to do this now he is scared.... this is nothing new for him. As the boys make there way down he gets more and more adamant he is not going up. Josh comes down w/ a huge smile. Travis looks awful happy to be back on the boat. I go up to the launch to get strapped in. Ethan wont come up after a bit of trying I tell Josh to come again. We did pay for 4 after all. Just as they get Josh hooked in Travis talked Ethan into going. I felt a bit bad for the workers to deal w/ us but I'm sure we are not the first w/ this issue. Before long there was no turning back Ethan and I where off.




I was more than nervous going up. Ethan immediately LOVES it and wants to go higher and faster. We make full height and then the ride becomes a little more relaxing for me. I do like the peacefulness of being up there and the view is great until I look down. I was hoping to see some sea life but we never did. Time goes fast once up there and soon enough we where on our way down. I did not care for this part either. Ethan wanted to go again after it was all done. Go figure!


We decide since it's not the greatest of days maybe we would just head back to the ship and enjoy the rest of the day there. The guys take us back to the marina no problems. We wanted to stop at one shop for a few things we looked at the day before. We get our shopping done a few blankets and shot glasses. I thought from there we would be done.

I asked if there are any last minute things anyone wants to see or get before we head back. Travis says maybe we should look for another pair of sunglasses. I agree to help him find them and we are back off to shop. There was a store yesterday that had some he liked. Of course I can't find it right off the bat. Along the way Josh works his magic and get a poncho for $10. I look at some dresses but could not come to a deal. We never did find the one store but Josh worked a deal w/ a vendor in a plaza for a pair Travis likes. So we decide from here we can head back to the ship.

I forgot to mention during all of our shopping and looking Travis decided he is thirsty for a Diet Mt. Dew. We looked and looked all over the place to try and find one. We could find lots of different pops but no Diet dew. I even asked a few people and no one had even heard of it. CRAZY!!! We soon find it is hard to find diet Dew in San Diego as well. On cruises to the Caribbean we have never had a issue finding one.

Getting back on the ship was easy this time as well. We had a little more of a line than yesterday but nothing that took too long. When we got back to our room we ordered some room service. BLT-- YUM!!! and took turns showering. It did warm up more than we had thought it would! After refueling Ethan wants to go to camp. He saw his friend on the tender back and they planned to meet there as soon as they got back. Josh also wanted to go hang as well. Travis and I head to the past guest party-- FREE DRINKS! I had a couple of yummy drinks and for once appetizers I liked.

We decided to purchase some raffle tickets at the party since my Uncle had won a free cruise this way on his X-mas cruise. I figured I was a shoe in right it has to be in the blood. After the party we head to the casino for a few more chances to win big!!

5 pm camp closed for dinner and we had planned to meet Ethan back in the room at this time. Tonight was his big late party so I had him lay down for a hour. He was not happy I had asked him to lay down. We watched some TV I dozed a little but he never did he was too busy watching the time. 6 pm comes and he wants to eat w/ camp tonight so he does not miss a thing. Man that kid loved camp this trip! I think it's great he had so much fun but we did miss not having him around.

We get him settled into camp and Travis and I wander around looking for something to kill time before dinner. I see the sushi place is open and decide to give it a try. YUM it was very tasty! There where 2 of the 3 I really liked. I made Travis go get me more it was so good! The early comedy show was good tonight. We had new comedians for the second 1/2 of our trip. We liked the guy so we decide tonight we should hit his late night show especially since the kids will be both be in camp late.

Dinner tonight was quite tasty maybe my favorite of all the nights. It was a surprise to find they where offering the menu of the 2nd formal night. To Josh's delight escargot was on the menu. He tried them on our first cruise and has had to have them ever since. We where disappointed he might not get them this time since they are normally served on the 2 formal night and on a 5 day cruise there are not two. So score for Josh!! I was pretty full from the sushi but still managed to enjoy my dinner!

After dinner we went back to change like we normal. Josh went to hang again. While Travis was changing I crawled in bed for a minute. I was so cold in the dining room tonight I needed to warm up. Next thing I know I wake up at 1:30 AM.

I was very disappointed I missed all the night activities. I was so looking forward to taking full advantage of the kids being out late. Maybe this time change is harder to get used to than I thought. I get my pj's on and crawl back into bed. Soon Josh is back in the room and Ethan followed shortly after. Now I can drift back to sleep.

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I LOVED reading this!

But I'm confused - why did you title it your "cruise of DOOM"? I kept waiting for what went bad... or is that in reference to Splendor having been cancelled?

Regardless, I love the way you write, I was right there with you!


I can't see pictures on my work computer - how old is Ethan? I've been wondering at how old do you feel comfortable leaving your kid in the cabin? I'm not quite there yet, but I'm guessing it's not too far away...


Thanks for reading! I will get to the reason why it was doomed soon enough.

Ethan is my youngest guy and is almost 11. This is the first year we have ever let him stay in the cabin when we are not there. I'm not sure we would of if he would not of been dead to the world night 1. We are normally with our kids the whole time unless they use camp. This year Ethan loved camp he loved it so much he hated to spend time w/ us.


I guess there is no perfect age to leave kids alone. I can't even say now that we have done it once we will do it again. At the time I was having good vibes my mom radar was not showing signs of distress.


Now on the other hand he feels he is old enough and mature enough to wander and roam all he wants. Yet mom knows better!!

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Thurs Feb. 10 2011


8 am and I am sitting on the balcony freezing but enjoying the sound of the ocean, well the sound of the ocean and what I can only imagine is the sound of a bungee cord flapping in the wind. Really there is NO reason to bring a bungee cord w/ you. Follow these steaps and you will be just fine!

~Take the door stop that the stewards use and comes in every room

~ Open your door fully

~ place door stopper in the in the opening where the hinges are

this works perfectly fine and keeps the door open for as long as you would like w/ no issues!! Check out this picture...



between the hinges is the door stop!


The rest of the family is still sleeping. I can't believe we are headed back to San Diego this is our last full day on the ship! Crazy how fast time goes!


The kids spent most of the day in camp again. Travis and I spent the day doing the typical sea day things again, minus the time in the sun since once again it's cold and windy, casino, trivia, shows, food, casino and sadly a little bit of packing.


Today they are giving away the FREE cruise. We makes sure to not to forget this since we are going to the ones to win it. Remember it's in my blood. When it's time for the big raffle they have everyone stand up who has tickets. They asked once you are out of the running to sit down.

I stand and think to myself everyone is might as well sit down now it's in the bag for me. First number is called.. looking good! A few sit down. Second number is called and down I go! Guess my theory is wrong. Oh well!


I decide now is a good time to get more packing done. We even decide to do another load of laundry. As I am walking back from the laundry room I find Travis in the hall he tells me to hurry. I am wondering what could be wrong. He was excited to show me the beautiful sunset right out our door. We enjoy the nice sunset together. It was only my second sunset I have ever seen at sea!




Tonight is our last dinner together so I had planned that we would all eat together tonight. I had also ordered a b-day cake for Josh to be delivered this night. Josh's 16th b-day is Friday. We had originally planned to be in the middle of our cruise on his b-day. Dinner was good again tonight. We where all so full everyone kept saying they wanted to skip dessert. I think after 5 days of eating how can you not be FULL. I make excuses to stay a little bit longer. Our waiter came w/ Josh's cake and sang to him. We all decide we need to have a slice.



It was so good!! I would def order another cake again. We each have a small slice and take the rest back to the room. I was sad it never did get eaten. Next time I will order a cake earlier in the cruise and maybe just have it in the room.


After dinner Josh wanted one more last trip to club. Ethan had also asked to go to the last late party. We agreed to sign him up for the 10-12 portion. I decide not to take the time to change after dinner as I will just end up sitting down and falling asleep. We hit the 945 comedy show. By the time we get there it's already standing room only. The show was good but it hard to really enjoy standing in the back.


After the show we go back to the room to finish packing and get the bags out. We talk about what else we want to do tonight before it's time to get Ethan. I think a little time was spent in the casino. This was the first night where I could not win a thing! But I did cash out higher than Travis ~ WOOT! Ethan gets picked up at 12pm and we all hit the sack!


A few random pics



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Friday Feb. 11 2011


I woke up early again. After a quick trip to the bathroom had to check out the balcony. It was still dark but I knew we where coming into San Diego. How did I know? I knew cuz we where passing the light house. It was very bitter sweet to know we where back. I was excited for more family time and exploring San Diego but I also love cruising. I crawled back into bed since it was my last chance to sleep in the comfy Carnival beds. I guess I fell back to sleep since when my eyes opened again it was sunny.


When I got up this time I knew I had to get moving. I took another peek outside to see that we where indeed back parked in San Diego. I hop in the shower and before I am done getting ready everyone else was up.


Ethan hurried up to get a last breakfast on the ship and last breakfast in the balcony.

180.jpg I found the pic I wanted earlier

Soon everyone followed suit. This morning we had visitors on the balcony. A few friendly sea gulls. I watched them sit on the railing for quite a while. But once the food starting arriving to the room everyone thought it was a great idea to feed them. This was a lot of fun for the guys.




Of course it made eating out there impossible. We did have a two sea gulls land on the balcony floor and not be able to get back up. Travis had to do his good deed and give them a hand back to the railing. I wish I had pics of this. Imagine Travis w/ a bath towel chasing a sea gull around the balcony. He was able to get them up and they seemed happy!


Stu starting making all his morning announcements right as I was getting in the shower. It startled Travis since we had yet to hear a in room announcement and where the speaker is in the room does make it a bit scary especially if you don't know Stu's little deal. I wont give it away for the others as I assume it is the same over and over.


It seemed they where having a issue clearing the ship this morning there where numerous calls for a few non-citizens that would not show to to be cleared. This held things up a bit. It was fine by me as we where in no real hurry our ride would not be there until 10:30 or so. We hung out in our room all morning. I know we are supposed to clear the rooms ASAP in the am but we where not ready to give it up.


I think it was 8:30 ish when they started calling the self assist and then zone numbers came soon after. We had zone 1 since we where VIP. We did not got to the lounge to take part in the special disembark as we where not in a hurry to leave. I think it was almost 9 when the room stewardess found us in your room still. We where just heading out when she came in. She reminded us our zone had been called. I felt a little bad about all of this as I know how hard they work to turn the ship over in a small amount of time they have.


We where not sure what we wanted to do so we sat in the casino lounge trying to decide if we go ahead and get off now or wait til they call a few more zones. We decide what the heck lets get off. We get in line to get off the ship. There was not too much of a line and it went fast. We had our cards dinged one last time. I almost shed a tear when I hear this sound.


We walked right off and across the way to the building. Our luggage was sitting there waiting for us. So no issues there. We grabbed it and headed over to the guy collecting the declaration cards. He barely even looked at anyone's cards so we just kept walking past. I thought this was too easy no one wanted to make sure we where who we said we where. After that we where free to leave.


I was not sure what we should do as we had about a hour til our ride was going to be there. Travis had seen some subs and cool boats down the way so we decide to walk down there. We also where once again in search for a Diet Mt. Dew. We get down to where the boats are and find its the Star of India and some other ships that are part of a museum. Travis and Ethan are quite interested in all of this. I suggest they take the tour since we have time to kill. I offer to stay w/ the luggage as does Josh. They decline so we watch the people walk the boardwalk. Some vendors start setting up there tables. The most fun was to watch the people working on the Spirit they are busting there butts to get the ship turned around. There are guys walking on the whale tale and strung on the outside of the ship in different places. BUSY BUSY!!


Soon it's about time to be picked up so we head back to the port area and grab a bench!

We where sad to know the cruise portion of our trip was over but very excited when Ross and Gayle pulled up to get us. It was great to know vacation was not over and we had plenty of time to see San Diego and spend time w/ family!



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I want to thank you all for reading this review. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! This was my first big review and it was a ton of fun reliving it through this.


Yes I caught your attention labeling it the cruise of doom. And really that is what it was to us. We had so many bumps in the road to make this happen! I spent many night crying myself to sleep as I thought it would all fall through. One thing would look up and then fall back apart! I only mentioned a small piece or pieces of the drama that was unfolding on the months prior to this cruise.


We where very lucky it all worked out in the end! We had a great trip to San Diego and was able to spend 3 days w/ family. I won't bore you with all of our post cruise activities. We had a good time on the cruise. And fell in love with what may one day be our home... SAN DIEGO!


I will admit our cruise was lacking something this time. I don't know exactly what... maybe it was we traveled alone and we really missed our friends. Maybe it was different cruising the west coast. Maybe after 5 cruises the new has worn off? Maybe it was just all in my head. I still can't put my finger on it. But we did have a amazing time all in all.


I will def be back to California again and hopefully cruise to Mexico as well.


I told myself that if everything worked out we where not going to kill ourselves to try to do everything! I did stick to this. Granted I did not get to spend the days soaking up the sun and smelling the sweet ocean air as I had dreamed. But we did take things slow! Now hindsight I wish we would of explored a little more. I read reviews and see pics of things I missed!


I just wanted to conclude with a few random thoughts as well.


- I'm not 100% sure I would cruise out of San Diego again in the winter. I need warmer Sea days!


- I was not a fan of the CD Stu. I am not a person that needs the CD to make our break my cruise. I was just a little taken back when we did run into him in the halls and he was alone he does not even take the time to say hi. Once I ran into him in the stairwell and I said hello and he walked right by. Like I said I dont need them to fall all over me but I thought it was rude to not even say hello


- The food was not great on this sailing. I mentioned it was good in my review. I did love the beef each time I had it in the MDR it was always cooked to perfection but the sides and other things did not add up to me. On my other sailings they where much better


- I was very sad to not see bitter and blanc being served. It is my CCL favorite and I was looking forward to it since the last time I ate it over a year ago


- I liked the Spirit. I would love to sail her again or maybe others in her class. It was easy to find my way around I never got lost. The decks run through which is great.


- I am not a fan of the one dining room. It just seemed way to loud in there and the waiters seemed to have to work double time


- I liked the lido dining it was great that there where many stations. I never noticed much for long lines on average


- Sailing during the Super Bowl was fun. I loved that they made it a event and really knocked it out of the park.


- I enjoyed my suite. I do think they should take the time and update them a bit as I mentioned I think it's crazy to have a VHS and run down TV in it


- I liked cruising down to Mexico it was very pretty to see land most of the way. I just wish it was warmer


- Maybe this cruise did not add up as much due to the fact we where spoiled last year by doing a 7 day on Liberty w/ Butch he always had something fun going on


~ Stu was also a little bit if a disappointment as he was never really around. I don't feel he was out there making things happen and going above and beyond what he had to do


~ I was not a huge fan of the hallways on the passenger decks they kind of wind around and you can't see if someone is coming at you.


~ The staff was great as always. I did not have one person that jumped out as the greatest but I wanted for nothing ! We in the past has one MDR staff that would treat us extra special but this year we did not travel w/ any cute little kids. They treat kids as royalty


I think that is about it for now.


Please feel free to ask questions about our cruise! Sorry I did not bring home Fun Times or camp stuff.




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Thanks for your review. This past Oct, I took my 12th Carnival Cruise. But it was also my first cruise out of California. We were on the Splendor out of Long Beach. We went in mid-Oct and were also expecting warmer weather. Our sea days were also very cool. The sea day going down to Mexico was sunny, but it was windy and cool. I work sweatpants and light hoodie most of the day. That night we watched the Monday Night Football game (my fave team the Vikings were on) on the Lido deck and we had to cover up with the blankets they were handing out. Our return sea day was cold and rainy. They had to close the retractable roof. The days in Mexico were absolutely gorgeous though! From what I heard from the crew, that is typical weather for the sea days in the area.


I also did not enjoy sailing from California. We came from Ohio and I think a lot of it had to do with the time changes. In addition to the 3 hour time change from East Coast to Pacific Time. We also had two time changes while on the ship. He changed an hour forward before we hit our first port and then moved an hour back on our way back to California. I could definitately feel the changes. My internal clock just could not seem to catch up and I was more tired that week that I normally am on a cruise. Plus the longer travel days were very tiring as well.


I definitely prefer to cruise out of the Florida ports and can't wait for my next cruise out of Miami in 8 weeks on the Glory. And my first balcony cruise! Seeing the pics of your balcony really made me so glad that I splurged and got us a balcony for this cruise!


Great review though.

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Thank you that was terrific!

You got us good with the doom thing, but halfway in I was just enjoying the cruise with you. I even got that sinking feeling on the last day.:(

Great review, and great pictures. The ones of San Diego are super.

I am getting so excited for our Splendor cruise.

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Thank you so much for your wonderful review and the beautiful pictures. I enjoyed it so much. You got me with the title. I kept waiting to hear one of the kids fell overboard or you all got the noro:D I am so glad you had a great family vacation especially after the hard events of the previous year.


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We are sailing the Spirit for a 9 day in two weeks down to Mexico. After reading your review (which I very much enjoyed) I'm a bit worried about the weather. We live in Phoenix so we're already used to warm weather. San Diego is cold for us so I'm hoping the sea days aren't too bad. I'm also a bit disappointed to hear about the condition of the ship. The last ship we were on (we've only been on two) was the Norwegian Pearl when it was brand-new. It was really nice, up-to-date and very fun to cruise on. I'm still expecting it will be a good time. We are cruising with some good friends who we have not seen in awhile :)


Anyway, thanks for the review. And yes, San Diego is very nice. My husband and I are from an area not too far from there and we both went to college there. Can't ask for better year-round weather. SoCal is bit too congested for us now and $$$! Hence the move to Phoenix :) Glad you enjoyed it.

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I hate to sound different from the rest, but you labeled this thread cruise of doom. Being that I was thinking of booking this ship, I am reading and reading to see what's wrong with the cruise. Well after 20 minutes, I realize that nothings wrong with the ship and gave up reading your posts. Couldn't you label it "THE BEST CRUISE I EVER TOOK"?

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