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Just Not Treated Right


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I think some folks on here are being a bit unkind or unfair to the OP, borderline judgemental which is not good.


In any event, I do see why the OP could be a bit miffed. NCL does make a big song and dance about the 'upgrades for all' and if you are consistently paying top dollar for the top accommodations, and get no benefit, I can see why on first blush this might appear somewhat inequitable.


Do keep in mind though OP that during the 'upgrades for all' promo, NCL is offering a different promo for suite guests where you get $300 OBC for booking a full suite. Just ask your personal cruise consultant or TA to make sure they book you on the SUITEOBC promo.


Logically, due to the one-of-a-kind nature of the suites, you can't accommodate multiple category upgrades like you can on the 'mass' accommodations.


However the $300 OBC is broadly equivalent in value (perhaps more so) to the upgrade promos in terms or real tangible value / savings.

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They should advertise what they are offering. The word everyone is all inclusive. Some restrictions can apply but their heading says everyone

How many times have any of us seen the words "some restrictions apply" part of any promotional offer?
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Simply put. Don't advertise free upgrades for EVERYONE when this is not a true statement. Item #2. To become a diamond player you must spend a certain amount of money each year. For those who spend the money they get perks. In this case if you use your diamond statis on a lesser room you get higher discounts. A diamond player discount should be the same for every room on the ship not just the cheaper rooms. It's not about how many of each rooms are on the ship and what they charge for each room. As for dinner with the captain, been there, done that. In most instances the captain does not even show up to his own gatherings. Villas and suites are invited to have drinks with the captain on deck 14. Other officers appear on behalf of the captain but he himself is nowhere to be found. Have done tours of the bridge and the captain is nowhere to be found. Some captains don't want to be found and that's o.k. Some captains are very pleasant and love to chat with guests and that's o.k.

I've had ono on ones with captains because we shared interests. This is about proper & honest advertising and proper discounts where they should be applied. I'm now done with this forum


What a bummer you are disappointed! No cruiseline wants to have a repeat suite customer unhappy. No casino wants a high roller unhappy with their hotel/gaming options. I recognize your disappointment but it appears misdirected in how you spelled it out. The advertisement "Free Upgrades For All" is not false...I clicked the link "Learn More" and it explains the category restrictions and how to find the select sailings it applies to. It does not apply to all categories.


I am understanding more your disappointment in the gambling rewards program and your opinion that "A diamond player discount should be the same for every room on the ship not just the cheaper rooms" . My only suggestion is to write or contact whoever oversees this program and work to change it. It is sort of like contacting your legislative representative...they may not know you want a rule changed unless you tell them!


I am guessing you appreciate it when your regular customers in your restaurants give you suggestions and feedback on the meals, dining experience, and such, so perhaps some constructive suggestions apply in your case too. You are in the minority...a repeat suite guest AND a high roller (?) so there are not a whole lot of people to speak on your behalf.


Best wishes, and good luck on your quest! Whatever you decide to do, I hope your upcoming Jewel cruise is a very good one and that you have fun in the casino! ;)



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Thank you

The point is well made. I too am a Long Island Business Owner that is very customer service oriented. My business thrives on repeat customers. My family and I have taken 6 NCL cruises all in suites. I agree that it would be nice to be sitting at a table in Le Bistro and a martini brought over saying "This is compliments of the Hotel Director/Captain and thanks for coming back." It isn't about the cost of the martini, it is the effort extended to make me feel welcome and special. I treat my customers that way and it works!
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New to cruising so don't jump down my throat here. I don't understand why people are so upset at the OP for wanting a couple of perks so that it is acknowledged that he is a repeat customer. Yes, all the suite perks are lovely (I wish I had them!) but with all those cruises in such a short period, it seems reasonable to hope that one would be noticed and courted a bit.


I don't hear whining at all, I don't hear penny pinching at all. I just hear someone who, as a business owner, believes other businesses (cruiselines) would benefit from showing a bit of favor for their "regulars". Maybe the problem is that the better Latitudes benefits don't come soon enough; maybe there is some algorithm that would take frequency of traveling and level of stateroom into account along with sheer number of visits.

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Its kind of obvious that nothing posted here is going to change the OP's perspective. He wasn't posting for a sanity check or our approval - he was sharing his indignation. Can't we just be happy that we are able to cruise at all and not sweat the little stuff? I am.

I agree with the OP.


I have switch Cruise lines for exactly the same reasons the OP is expressing here. I have sailed NCL more and longer than the OP. I always travel in an suite and no longer sail on NCL. My last 3 cruises in the last 18 months have been on other cruise lines.


I am not saying I will never sail NCL again, but I have not found a good enough reason to go back yet. If my phone were to ring and they treated me right, well I might give them another try. Until then there are plenty of other choices.


It is nice the we have a forum to express our own thoughts. I not sure why you think it is your responsibility to change the OP's postion?


That old saying... You really don't know till you walk in thier shoes might apply here.


Reading the NCL boards is always fun!

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Thank you


Maybe the problem is that the better Latitudes benefits don't come soon enough; maybe there is some algorithm that would take frequency of traveling and level of stateroom into account along with sheer number of visits.


At first reading of Original Poster it seemed the main issue was faulty advertising. I think that was cleared up. At second reading it seemed the issue was how the diamond discount for gamblers was applied for staterooms. I still suggest a letter or some contact with how to improve that program. If a third issue of OP is the special recognition or free cocktail, NCL does have that with the latitudes program. I do know there was a lot of discussion about the latitudes program a while ago. Even so, suggestions and constructive feedback are always welcome. Each cruise line does their loyalty programs similar and yet different.


OP, am I missing something here? :confused:



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I agree with the OP.


I have switch Cruise lines for exactly the same reasons the OP is expressing here. I have sailed NCL more and longer than the OP. I always travel in an suite and no longer sail on NCL. My last 3 cruises in the last 18 months have been on other cruise lines.


I am not saying I will never sail NCL again, but I have not found a good enough reason to go back yet. If my phone were to ring and they treated me right, well I might give them another try. Until then there are plenty of other choices.


It is nice the we have a forum to express our own thoughts. I not sure why you think it is your responsibility to change the OP's postion?


That old saying... You really don't know till you walk in thier shoes might apply here.


Reading the NCL boards is always fun!



So this is very important! As of now there are three posters on a Saturday night reading cruise critic who have sailed in NCL suites repeatedly, understand the OP, and are not satisfied with "treatment". Believe me, NCL would want to know this. Again, you must write or communicate to them. Maybe start a thread "Calling all CAS gamblers who continuously book NCL suites..."



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I have to say this about this thread. Doug and I just sat and read every posting on this thread and while to some degree we agreed with the OP's concern how repeat cruisers should be treated, we didn't understand why the OP has not had this treatment on his cruises.


First let me say that, and I am just being honest, I don't feel the OP should be treated any better for being a repeat customer than anyone else who has cruised as many times as he/she has. Repeat business is repeat business. And someone who is staying in the least expensive inside stateroom maybe spending as much to them, as the OP is spending to stay in the GV. When the OP stays in the GV, he/she is getting what they pay for, just like the person in the inside stateroom is getting what they pay for. While I understand that you could say how much more the person is paying for staying in the GV, again I would say, they are getting what they paid for. The Lattitudes program is just that, a way to thank guests for repeat cruising and it thanks the repeat customers all the same, based on their number of cruises with NCL.


What was amazing to us as we read this thread , probably more than anything else, was we have constantly been surprised at how we have been on NCL ships and had officers and crew members pass us in the hall and greet us by name and we knew we had never met that person ever before. At first it really kind of freaked us out.. Like we were on some NCL list and our pictures were posted some where.. LOL. But that is one thing that keeps us coming back is how we are treated when we are onboard.


As far as leaving a cruise line because you don't agree with the way they worded a promo.. I just don't get that either. I took the promo to mean that everyone who books a cabin in the catagories listed will get the upgrade. I never thought that it meant everyone who booked a cruise would get the upgrade. If so, how do you get upgraded from a GV?


The last little part I don't really understand is posting here about being upset with the discount Harrah's is giving you. Ok.. I can understand posting about being upset about it, but expecting it to be changed by posting it here is what I don't understand. Shouldn't that be posted on Harrah's forums on their website or something?


No bashing meant at all towards the OP, just saying there is a lot of what is being said that I just don't understand.

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I certainly can understand your frustration, as I have felt this way in the past at times.


We tend to eat out quite a bit, and there are many restaurants that we stopped going to because we felt that our patronage didn't mean much any longer.


We won't go to certain hotels or stores because of this as well.


We have only sailed on one cruise so far (the Jewel), but I wouldn't be inclined to continue with them or any other line once I felt that my loyalty didn't mean much to them.


Just as there are plenty of other places to eat and shop, there are plenty of places to take a vacation.


So far, we loved the Jewel and the staff and would consider choosing them again because of they way we were treated on this cruise.

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I also only cruise in suites AB CV and OS's NCL has always been amazing to me, they no I don't drink and when I am onboard the capt or hotel director or concierge meet me a Java and by me a cappachino(SP?) and we get the benefits of being in a suite. A regular business on land within a small area is different than a cruise line. I always figured I wasn't going to get an upgrade if I was already in a high end suite but everyone has the right to think the way they do. I have cruised with NCL 7 times in 3 years always in suites.

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I have been on 8 cruises in the past twenty months, ALL on NCL. I stay in an owners suite, courtyard villa or penthouse suite ( recently only villas ) I am now over sixty, somewhat retired, love to cruise and am getting a poor signal from NCL that only if your staying in a basic room will they upgrade you, discount you or try to appeal to you. Their ad says free upgrades for EVERYBODY! but this is not so. If you want to spend triple to five times what everyone else is paying, there are no discounts or upgrades. I am also a Harrah's Diamond Player. Used to get a twenty percent discount but no more. If I stay in a balcony room for less money, they give a twenty percent discount, but because I like the amenities to the villas, I only get 10%. Does't seem right. I guess all things are'nt equal. You would think that they would go out of there way for those who are very repeat customers, who are willing to spend the additional monies for the better rooms to maybe treat them to the specialty restaurants instead of charging an additional $15. What extra does it really cost, I have to eat anyway. I own two restaurants on Long Island. It's possible that Kevin Sheehan has eaten in at least one of them because he lives in my neighborhood. And if he were a regular, like any other regular, he would know that I buy regulars a drink, an appetizer or a dessert just for being regulars, because without them, I wouldn't be in business. Companies that give things away to lure new people in are missing the big picture. It's all about the regulars. We all want to be acknowledged, we all love the attention and we all want to feel special. As an owner whos business is growing even in these hard times, I love to see repeat customers talking to other repeat customers who ultimately come just to see the other regulars, A meeting place. So why is it that NCL does not acknowlege me when I book a cruise ( which I only do through them ) My history is in the computer. Why is it that they don't go out of their way for me when I'm on board. Perhaps it's time to look at other lines. No matter where I go, I'll become a regular. Sad if you lose me

You are 100% CORRECT !! We are amazed at the response on these boards !!


We love NCL--best officers and crew at sea BUT--we took nine NCL cruises last year and nothing to acknowledge that?? After MANY MANY NCL cruises, we have NEVER even been offered an upsell !!


We are Diamond Cunarders--and we are sometimes offered buy-one-get-one-free. Why should this poster be at a Latitudes level just the same as someone who sails in the least expensive cabin and never spends a penny onboard--as seen in the TV special on the Pearl. There should be SOME recognition, in some form, to recognize such a loyal customer. That is not to say only penthouse passengers should get benefits--anyone who cruises often should get some perks.


Having said that, we hope you stay with NCL--you will never find better treatment or more suite perks anywhere--and changes ARE coming--so they tell me, as we have raised this point ourselves more than once.

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Seems that the OP is mostly upset about not being able to be upgraded to a higher level suite under the current promotion and not getting a 20% discount through the Harrah's program on his suite any longer. I think it would be difficult to extend the upgrade promotion to those booked in suites when there aren't that many suites on the ship to begin with.


As for the discount, I 've had a Diamond Total Rewards card with Harrahs for several years and was also dissapointed that discount for suites changed to 10% this year. However, I don't think any other cruise line will give me any discount for spending too much time at Harrahs. The discount at 10% was still significant.


Hope the OP finds a cruise line that meets expectations

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This has been a very interesting thread. A thought occured to me as I was reading the last few posts that compared people spending more by buying a suite than someone in an inside that spends next to nothing.


Some of those inside cabin folks(and I'm not going to use the terms "a lot" or "most", but some) have saved very hard, maybe for a couple of years, to take this trip. Maybe they wait until the off season to get a bit more value. Maybe one of them is sick and they want to get one more special time together while they still can but an inside is all they can afford. If you look at how much sacrifice it cost those people to take one cruise as opposed to the sacrifice someone has made to take five in one year...


We're all on a clock that's counting down gang. Reality kicks in when we find out we don't have years but maybe only days. So live like you have days and it will make your years richer for you and those who cross your path.

Life is too short people, lighten up for God's sake! Upgrades for all, for some, for none, be truly thankful for the important things and let the rest roll off your back.

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We get the Harrah's Diamond discount as well and I can relate to how frustrating it is that NOTHING is combinable with it and the discount is NOT a true full 20%. I was told by my NCL PCC that if we booked a Penthouse Suite or above we would only get a 10% discount, I was VERY disappointed to say the least.


If you go to NCL's website and look for the tabs along the top to where it says "Specials", if you highlight that tab and click on "Preferred Partners" and scroll down until you see "Total Rewards" (it is next to last above AARP and below the Union). Click on "Learn More" it will open another screen and on the upper right hand side of that screen you will see a table that tells you exactly the discount you get for the type of player card you hold and the amount of the discount for Insides to Suites or Penthouses and above.


As much as I agree with you that the discount should apply to all cabins, it is clearly posted right on the website, so it does not matter how many cruises you have taken.


What surprises me is that if I were booking all those expensive cabins in such a short period of time, I would think that an NCL supervisor would get on the phone to thank you for your business and make sure that when you sail in your cabin you receive a few little "notes" with the extras that already come with your suite saying sweet nothings, but just something to make you feel good, but more importantly make you feel "appreciated". Do you book with the same NCL PCC? If not, that might help.


I am self-employed and it is my nature to go the extra mile for my clients and they must realize this factor because they send me more clients and this has kept me in business for 25 years without having to advertise (actually my clients do it for me), so I know what you mean about the little "extras".


I can also relate to the fact that it seems as if NCL does not care about your business, but I just think they have rules in place that their employees have to follow. Which brings me to agree with Coka -- you should send your "suggestions" directly to them or even to the Harrah's Entertainment address that is posted on the email confirmation that comes when you book using the Harrah's discount.


I am sure we all would love to hear their response.


Let's all just be thankful that we can take a cruise in this economy, while so many people are having a hard time keeping a roof over their head.



:) :confused:

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I will readily admit I am not familiar with Casinos at Sea and how it ties into cruising (sorry not a gambler). However, as part of a family owned business we do understand how business works. While there are some similarities, a land-based family owned business is a far cry from a multi-million dollar cruiseline. Yes, you depend on repeat clientele to help sustain the business, but newcomers are a wide open, lucrative market as well. Marketing to attract new business is a key concept in building and maintaining any business.


If NCL only allows 10% off suites, that is still generous IMO. There is a HUGE difference in offering 20% off a $2,500 balcony cabin than 20% off a $7k suite. These are NCL's rules and it is entirely at NCL's discretion how much THEY want to discount their prices. Many partner programs have gone by the wayside because people wanted more and more perks.


I will say this, no other mass market cruiseline compares to NCL's suite amenities. Some may not think NCL's Latitudes program is fair, but it is comparable to other lines. Eight cruises on any line only gets you to the first level of status and it is unfair to ask for more than one deserves.


BTW, who's to say that people in lower categories do not spend as much onboard? Have you seen some of these threads that boast (or cringe) about their final S&S bill? FYI, most were NOT in a suite. Personally, I don't cruise for the reward, I cruise because this is our vacation of choice. Why can't we just consider ourselves fortunate enough to cruise when we want in still difficult economic times?

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Tiyana, In other words, 20% off a 5 dollar fried clam basket equals 1 dollar benefit while 10% off a $17.50 lobster roll equals a $3.50 one. More people order clams and they are much easier to catch than lobster, right?



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this has been a very interesting thread. A thought occured to me as i was reading the last few posts that compared people spending more by buying a suite than someone in an inside that spends next to nothing.


Some of those inside cabin folks(and i'm not going to use the terms "a lot" or "most", but some) have saved very hard, maybe for a couple of years, to take this trip. Maybe they wait until the off season to get a bit more value. Maybe one of them is sick and they want to get one more special time together while they still can but an inside is all they can afford. If you look at how much sacrifice it cost those people to take one cruise as opposed to the sacrifice someone has made to take five in one year...


We're all on a clock that's counting down gang. Reality kicks in when we find out we don't have years but maybe only days. So live like you have days and it will make your years richer for you and those who cross your path.

Life is too short people, lighten up for god's sake! Upgrades for all, for some, for none, be truly thankful for the important things and let the rest roll off your back.


very well said !!!!!!!

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As I said earlier, I think that cruiselines could get better in this way. I will never sail several times a year, and may never even sail in a Suite (been in a mini-suite once), but I still think NCL should improve this for those that do. I just think it is really good business. Put it this way: every single time I call AAA for any reason whatsoever, they always start with, "Thank you for your 17 years of membership". It honestly just makes you feel important to them. I see no reason why NCL could not assign a few different people who spend their time taking care of the "top clients". It would be such an easy thing to do, and you could increase revenue very quickly. Many, many multi-million dollar corps, hotels, and department stores do it. No reason a cruiseline can't.

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I am one of those cruisers who book inside cabins and take six to eight cruises on NCL per year. I ALWAYS feel that I get great value for my money.


We sometimes get upgrades and that is wonderful. If we don't, that is still wonderful.


We get recognition from waiters, officers, stewards, etc and that is the greatest perk of all. The recognition comes from knowing these people as people, not because of their status or what they can do for us.

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As far as leaving a cruise line because you don't agree with the way they worded a promo.. I just don't get that either. I took the promo to mean that everyone who books a cabin in the catagories listed will get the upgrade. I never thought that it meant everyone who booked a cruise would get the upgrade. If so, how do you get upgraded from a GV?


I'm glad I'm not the only one that this statement confused. I've only cruised in a balcony but correct me if I'm wrong but isn't GV the highest category on the ship? So I think to use false advertising is a bit far fetched since if you are already in the top category and no where else to go up, wouldn't you already know you couldn't be upgraded?

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Tiyana, In other words, 20% off a 5 dollar fried clam basket equals 1 dollar benefit while 10% off a $17.50 lobster roll equals a $3.50 one. More people order clams and they are much easier to catch than lobster, right?




Uhhhh...10% of $17.50 is a 1 dollar and seventy five cents.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one that this statement confused. I've only cruised in a balcony but correct me if I'm wrong but isn't GV the highest category on the ship? So I think to use false advertising is a bit far fetched since if you are already in the top category and no where else to go up, wouldn't you already know you couldn't be upgraded?


I think the OP doesn't mean s/he wants an upgrade from what he purchased, but that he would like to purchase something cheaper and then get upgraded to a suite because s/he felt that the promotion indicated there were upgrades for all (or everyone or whatever). Once you read the promotion you realize that you buy low and upgrade to mini suite. That's as far as the promotion goes. But at initial glance, it does seem that everyone gets an upgrade.


I don't think the initial request sounded elitest. I think once their words were torn apart it made it seem as if s/he thinks that they're better than anyone. I don't think that was the initial intent. I don't think it's out of the question for NCL (or any service-oriented company) to acknowledge their repeat customers (suite guests or inside cabin guests). He's not asking for the martini, but to get one, or any sort of acknowledgement that says "you're here again...you continue to come back" is actually typical in the service industry. Whether you like it or not, the person spends a lot of money on those suites. They aren't doing it to make someone else jealous - they're doing it because they can. SOMEONE can because those suites sail full - upsells or not. So a martini, a free drink or the like to say thanks goes a long way.


DirecTV acknowledges my loyalty to them by sending me a free pay-per-view movie once in awhile. I'm not looking for it, but it's a nice gesture. I think the OP felt the same - a gesture to say "thanks for repeatedly coming back".


As far as other discounts - they give discounts to who they want with terms that change all the time. That's really their prerogative. People complain that why should unions get a discount? because NCL wants to offer them. It's their company and can do what they want.

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