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A Hop, NO Skip and Many Mishaps to a Disney Dream


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After the show we all started our way up front. Now I knew it was going to be a mad rush, so I told Mom and Dad that Claire and I were going to go slowly and also shop a bit more. Claire still had money burning a hole in her pocket and I told her we could look one last time…..after all she was patient with my shopping.

This was the last picture I took that night.


Claire and headed into Mousegears once again. She looked around and picked a stuffed baby Bambi and a stuffed Dug that talked. We paid for the purchases and saw “our” sales lady and she came over to talk and ask how I was liking the bag so far…EXCELLENT! I told her!

After we worked our way out of the store (it was a mad house) we walked over to the lockers and got my backpack out and then went and had the $5 deposit refunded.

At this point in time I was just dead tired. I had the last day blues now. Nothing more to look forward too, the lack of sleep was catching up. I totally just gave in. Little did I know that my biggest mishap was about to unfold.

It’s hard to be happy when you have to get up bright and early the next day to go home. The only good thing at home was my husband.

Claire and I headed towards the tram. I must say I really dislike the tram. It just doesn’t have the same feeling to me as riding the buses back to the resort. We got on, with my arms filled. Claire had her new purchases; I had a big Dooney, a backpack and a stroller. I crammed myself into a row and just went into a daze.

A few minutes later I realized a CM was talking to me. Claire was sitting on the outside of the tram and she needed to switch with me. I didn’t even know this was a rule. So I tried to move, but it seemed next to impossible as I was wedged in and the people to my right weren’t moving either. Luckily the guy in front of us grabbed the stroller so we could switch. We made the short trek out to the parking lot and got off.

Mom and Dad had moved the van from where I had originally parked it earlier in the day. So I searched for the new number and walked down that row. We got almost to the end with no luck. We started walking back and still couldn’t find it. We finally got a call from them and they told me the row number again…same row I was in…but no van. So they flashed the lights and I found them….several rows over.

We moseyed over there and I got in the van and immediately looked for my missing phone. It was NOT to be found. I used Moms phone to call my phone and it went to voicemail immediately. NOT Good. That meant someone had turned it off. I panicked!

I told Mom we had to go back into the park to report it lost and then I started crying….not just crying…..but sobbing like a big baby. The week had caught up to me and I was wiped out.

We decided to drive up to the front, but I had no clue where to go…and the whole time I am trying to figure this out my Dad is sitting next to me saying things like “Why are we going to the front”, “We need to get back to the hotel”, “Whats going on?”. My Mom just yelled at him….”She’s LOST her $250 phone and we NEED to find it” How he missed this piece of info, I have no clue.

So then they start to tell me to drive towards a security car. Where? I don’t see one. Mom tells Dad he should drive since I am upset and I shouted a big NO! That would make me more upset. LOL! So they keep telling me to go to the security car and I couldn’t still see it. Well it was behind a big truck and pole, so from where I was sitting it was next to impossible to see it.

We did make it over to him and through my tears I told him my story and he basically had no clue what to do. He said go to the gates and ask there, so we did.

As we got up there Mom told Dad to go with me, and again I said no. I parked in a handicap spot and jumped out and made my way up to the gates and talked to another security officer. These 2 guys were much more knowledgeable. They told me where to go and what to do. The one asked me if I had an Iphone and I said, no, a Droid, and he said, he wanted to warn me that it was very likely I would never get it back. Those kinds of phones are very popular and people will find them and keep them to sell or convert to their own use. So of course I cried some more.

They got me in the gates and then directed me to guest services. I went there and tried to dry my tears as I made the walk. But that was useless…the week had caught up to me and I just couldn’t stop. I went in and a guy asked if he could help me. I first said I was sorry that I was crying, but it had been a long trip traveling with my parents…he seemed to understand. LOL! I told him I lost my phone and wondered if it had been turned in. He asked the color, and I was at a blank. I spitted out that it was black or grey, a droid, Nextel, and it had a white sleeve on it.

He said he would go to the back and look. I waited only a minute and her returned holding my phone in the air~! I could’ve jumped over that counter and kissed him! He had me turn it on to be sure it was mine…and of course it was. He said it had been turned in that morning and was found in the parking lot…which meant that someone found it within minutes of me dropping it. It also had no water damage( remember it had been raining that morning), so whoever found it, found it fast! I was so happy that that person took the time to turn it in. There are some honest people out there!

The guy told me not to feel bad because there were several phones back there from just that day!

I had to sign a form that said I picked it up and then I made my way back out to the parking lot. I called Mom on my way back out and she was soo happy that it was found. She said that Claire had said a prayer that it was found. Claire was worried why Mommy was so sad. Aww….my wonderful little angel!

We drove back to the hotel and Dad was pretty quiet. I think My Mom might’ve given him a little lecture while I was gone. LOL!

We were exhausted when we got back, but we hadn’t eaten any supper, so I warmed up the leftovers from The Cheesecake Factory and we finished those off. Claire ate a bit of her cheesecake too and then I put her to bed. We told her she had to get right up the next day, no fussing, because we had to get to the airport and then we would be seeing Dad.

I went and took a walk outside and called Skip. I told him about the days events and all about my phone. (which he thought was funny) He was missing us a lot and couldn’t wait for us to get him.

I finished off my cheesecake and a little bit of Claires too and did the final packing and crawled into bed as well.

I set my phone alarm for around 6 and was out pretty fast.

And that’s the end of Day 7. It was a very fun day with a few bits of Drama. Even though I lost the phone, it all worked out for me in the end…and I probably needed that cry. LOL!

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Day 8,~ April 6, 2011

The alarm went of at 6 AM. I jumped out of bed and went to turn it off. I about jumped out of my skin when I turned back and ran into Claire. She was right up and at my heels. She said she was excited to go home and see Daddy. This was the kid we had to shake awake all week long!

Claire’s note for today (and I can’t remember the gift)


And I don’t think I posted the one from the day before.


She got a muppets pencil, eraser and pad of paper set this day.

I also believe that Dad finally had lift off this day! LOL!

We all got ready and went down for a quick breakfast.

When we returned I took a few last pictures of the room…and yes it is very messy.




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It was time to go. We packed up the van and also hoped all our bags would be under the weight limit. I had put some of my stuff into Mom and Dads bag to distribute the weight better.

We made the drive to Sanford and Claire started having tummy troubles again. Since I needed gas and we were fairly close I made a stop at a gas station. Dad was having a fit again. He said that I had told him I always got gas at the same station every year. One that was right next to the airport and why weren’t we going there….well because my daughter was having tummy troubles, so lets kill 2 birds with one stone…..

So Mom ran Claire in and I filled up the van.

Mom and Claire returned with no success. Like I have said before, sometimes it takes a few tries for Claire before she can actually go. I did go in and buy a roll of Tums and gave Claire one.

We took off for the airport once again and of course Claire’s tummy was still troubling her. When we got to the airport I dropped the family and bags off. Mom ran Claire to the bathroom again and Dad was going to wait with the bags till I got back to help.

I took the Van to the drop off lot and made the long trek back to the airport. Mom and Claire were coming out at the same time I arrived and we had success! Claire’s belly no longer hurt! YAY!

We went to check in and I decided to put one carryon through this time. They had the free carryon offer again and I was sick of luggage at this point in time. I set my 1 bag up and it weighed only 35 pounds. I was amazed. I thought for sure it would be much more. Then my 2nd bag….50.5…UH ooH! It was over, but the lady said she wasn’t going to worry about ½ pound. Good! We also checked the stroller in this time. We did not need it again so no need to actually gate check it.

We went through security, which if I remember right, had quite a long line, but moved swiftly.

One thing I realized after I got my stuff back was that I had sent a hand sanitizer strapped on my camera bag through…not in a baggie. They never said anything about it…just let it go.

Off to the gate, with a stop at Cinnabon for a few minis. We found some seats and Mom, Claire and I headed off to the gift shop for some drinks and Claire talked Mom into a coloring thing for the plane.


We all used the potty one last time and soon it was time to board again…of course with all those people without seating assignments standing in the way of those who have 1. I understand they want to get a decent seat, but honestly, if you wanted a really good seat, then you should’ve paid for one.

We took off pretty much on time. Claire colored, and I wrote up some more notes from the trip.

I did take a few shots as we were flying.



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And a few shots of my best traveling buddy.




After a bit Claire was a little bored and I told her I was tired and she was most likely too, so why didn’t she lean against me and sleep and I would take a nap too and we did. I think she went pretty much out and I dozed pretty good myself….for a good 40 minutes or so.

We landed and Claire and I made our way off the plane. Mom waited for Dad since he was several rows back.

Skip and I had joked that when I got off the plane and saw him, I would come running to him and jump into his arms and wrap my legs around him…like in the movies. Of course he has had his hip replaced…twice….so that wouldn’t work. He then had said he would do it to me instead! LOL! Well we never actually did that.

We came down the steps to see Skip waiting for us. Claire was soooo excited. He on the other hand pretended not to see us and Claire was having a fit. She ran and hugged him and then he pretended like he just realized we were there. I had to laugh, because Skip likes to be a clown at times….and he didn’t disappoint. He had on his most raggedly pair of work pants on….ones with a hole right in the crotch….Yep! ……Everyone, you can’t have him….that’s MY man….the one with a huge hole in the crotch of his pants. He’s a keeper!

Claire and I took a potty break and then met up with Mom and Dad and went on to claim the luggage.

We headed home, which is only about 10 minutes away from Toledo airport and I started the wonderful task of laundry.

I also loaded my pictures on the computer and that is when I discovered that I had lost a card. At first I thought I was messing something up, but it soon dawned on me that one of my SD cards was missing. Thankfully it was MOSTLY video, but I still did lose some good pictures. I think I also loaded my photopass that day or the next as well.

And then Claire and I slept. We were VERY tired and I swear it took me weeks to recover from the trip. I wanted to nap all the time and I couldn’t get energy. I guess that was the Disney blues too.

I did take a few pictures of the goodies we brought home as well.

Here is some of the Fish extender loot.


The glasses from the cruise.


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I don’t think I ever took a picture of the watch Claire got, but here is a lot of her other goodies.




This trip was fantastic. Not perfect…and yes we …mostly me…had our share of mishaps, but in the end, it was still great fun. Now I need to try and talk Skip into going on another Disney cruise next year….so he can actually go on one. Claire talks about it still. She enjoyed her Disney time, but the cruise was very memorable for her.

Little did I know when I came home that I would be going back to Disney in just a few months time and also visiting the Dream as well! This year has been very good to me and I am grateful. I hope the pixie dust keeps flying this way!

Thank you all for reading and hanging out with me for these past few months!

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I'm so sad now. My virtual vacation is over. I think that I'll go back to the beginning and read it again. Maybe this time you won't lose your memory card. ;)


Thanks a lot for such a detailed story. I'm looking forward to your next trip.


PS. Look into a Droid app called "Where's my Droid"

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I'm so sad now. My virtual vacation is over. I think that I'll go back to the beginning and read it again. Maybe this time you won't lose your memory card. ;)


Thanks a lot for such a detailed story. I'm looking forward to your next trip.


PS. Look into a Droid app called "Where's my Droid"



Thanks for reading along. I wish it would have a different ending with the memory card. ;)

I'll look into tha app

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Thank you once again for taking the time to write such a wonderful review. I know I have said it several times along the way but Clare is adorable and you have wonderful parents.


On a side note my dad is from Berky Ohio and I have lots of relatives in the Toledo area.


Looking forward to your review of you last trip to Disney.


Thanks again!!!

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Thank you once again for taking the time to write such a wonderful review. I know I have said it several times along the way but Clare is adorable and you have wonderful parents.


On a side note my dad is from Berky Ohio and I have lots of relatives in the Toledo area.


Looking forward to your review of you last trip to Disney.


Thanks again!!!



Now that is a REALLY small world! Any family still live in Berky? I have 2 good friends that live there.

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This trip was fantastic. Not perfect…and yes we …mostly me…had our share of mishaps, but in the end, it was still great fun.


Thank you all for reading and hanging out with me for these past few months!

Thanks for sharing! We've had the best time reading and enjoying along with you. Also, getting tips and ideas for our trip Jan 29, 4 days on the Dream!! Yea!


I don't know who's more excited, my wife and I or our DDs 13,10,10. It's going to be a Fantastic adventure I'm sure, with many memories. :)


Thank you!!

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Thanks for sharing! We've had the best time reading and enjoying along with you. Also, getting tips and ideas for our trip Jan 29, 4 days on the Dream!! Yea!


I don't know who's more excited, my wife and I or our DDs 13,10,10. It's going to be a Fantastic adventure I'm sure, with many memories. :)


Thank you!!



Thanks so much.


There is a good chance I will be sailing the Dream next Nov. My whole family wants to go, (and are going to book through me too..YAY!) so it will be a big family trip with about 6 rooms. Skip has already said he will not be going (and is actually acting like a baby at this very moment that we have planned a trip without him), because he doesn't want to go with my family. I can understand, but he needs to get over it. I'm not going to be the only one who stays home because my husband is acting like he is 2. :rolleyes:

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Thanks so much.


There is a good chance I will be sailing the Dream next Nov. My whole family wants to go, (and are going to book through me too..YAY!) so it will be a big family trip with about 6 rooms. Skip has already said he will not be going (and is actually acting like a baby at this very moment that we have planned a trip without him), because he doesn't want to go with my family. I can understand, but he needs to get over it. I'm not going to be the only one who stays home because my husband is acting like he is 2. :rolleyes:


Going with my wife's family or mine wouldn't be my first choice either but I would still go and just try to avoid them as much as possible. Tell him it's a big ocean and people can get lost. :eek:

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Going with my wife's family or mine wouldn't be my first choice either but I would still go and just try to avoid them as much as possible. Tell him it's a big ocean and people can get lost. :eek:


So true!!!! It's not my Ideal either, but it would be a nice experience, especially for my DD's (my older one {19 now} is planning on coming as well). The reason the adults want to come is because of the kids. My Mom would take Claire herself, but honestly I would rather be there just in case anyways...and who doesn't want to cruise. My mom and I stayed in the same room this past trip and there were many times we seperated and did things on our own. Dinner is the only time we actually will have to completely put up with each other. I plan to be on the go a lot again.

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Now that is a REALLY small world! Any family still live in Berky? I have 2 good friends that live there.


No not any more.. They all live in Toledo now. The family home was in Berkey. After Grandpa passes away and when Grandma got to where she needed more help they sold the place and moved her closer to family.


Yes, sometimes it does seem it is a small world out there.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 5 months later...



I know this review ended several months ago, but it took me a while to find a review with pictures on the DCL boards.


And I am SO GLAD I found your review.


It was fantastic! I literally sat here all afternoon reading it. (luckily, I am an overseas teacher and already done report cards and really have nothing else to do today)


I do think I need a vacation just from reading your review! You never stopped!


It brought back fond memories of the times my parents took me to Disney...


and it made me want to book a Disney cruise...


So thank you for this fabulous review, your wonderful pictures and you excellent sense of humour at life...

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I know this review ended several months ago, but it took me a while to find a review with pictures on the DCL boards.


And I am SO GLAD I found your review.


It was fantastic! I literally sat here all afternoon reading it. (luckily, I am an overseas teacher and already done report cards and really have nothing else to do today)


I do think I need a vacation just from reading your review! You never stopped!


It brought back fond memories of the times my parents took me to Disney...


and it made me want to book a Disney cruise...


So thank you for this fabulous review, your wonderful pictures and you excellent sense of humour at life...


Thanks so much. I am glad you found it. I wrote it to remember my own trip, but also to hopefully help others too. I had a lot of questions before I sailed and coudn't find a lot of answers, especially since th ship was so new then.

I am happy to say I will be sailing her again in Nov. We have a much longer trip this time with family too. Claire and I will head down to WDW on Nov 2 and sail the Dream on the 4-8th and then back to WDW till the 12th......I can't wait!:D My husband has opted out of going (busy farming). But my Parents, Aunt and Uncle, one sister and her family and some cousins are all going. I'm sure there wil lbe a few trying moments as well as some really fun times. ;)

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i just started reading your trip report now....i'm enjoying it so much!!!


i'm in the midst of planning our cruise this october (and i have 13 minutes until i have to log into DCL to make our cruise activities reservations!!)


anyway, i'm just at the beginning of your report, but had to tell you how much i like it so far!!!

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i just started reading your trip report now....i'm enjoying it so much!!!


i'm in the midst of planning our cruise this october (and i have 13 minutes until i have to log into DCL to make our cruise activities reservations!!)


anyway, i'm just at the beginning of your report, but had to tell you how much i like it so far!!!


Thanks. If you have any questions, let me know and I will be sure to try and answer them.

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Wow--amazing photos & report! Hope you're gettng a travel agent discount on your cruise! It looks like Disney has a great fan & rep in you & your family. Seems like you had a fabulous time and will have even more fun in November!


Are you going to be specializing in Disney vacations as a travel agent? It seems like you know a lot about them & will be learning more & more! Our kids have never been fans of the characters, even when we had brunch with the characters at Disneyland (our kids would burst into tears any time they were in the vicinity of characters). They're also not fans of lines. Our kids are now the age of your older kids. :)


I predict you will have much shorter lines in WDW in November than you had last trip. Have a wonderful time.

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Wow--amazing photos & report! Hope you're gettng a travel agent discount on your cruise! It looks like Disney has a great fan & rep in you & your family. Seems like you had a fabulous time and will have even more fun in November!


Are you going to be specializing in Disney vacations as a travel agent? It seems like you know a lot about them & will be learning more & more! Our kids have never been fans of the characters, even when we had brunch with the characters at Disneyland (our kids would burst into tears any time they were in the vicinity of characters). They're also not fans of lines. Our kids are now the age of your older kids. :)


I predict you will have much shorter lines in WDW in November than you had last trip. Have a wonderful time.


Thanks so much. I do specialize in Disney travel and I am so happy to say things have been going pretty good over the last year. I am now working on getting more knowledge with other cruise lines as well. I may be sailing Princess this year too...it's still up in the air. I have earned a graduation cruise through Princess...so I just have to wait and see what they release for the time frame that works for me.

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Jenseib, I read your Dream reviews; you are very good at doing reveiws; your pictures tell a wonderful story. I am in the process of booking WDW next year. My wife and I take our kids/grandkids on vacation every year. We took everyone on Freedom of the Seas last Dec(parked next to the Dream at PC). WDW, then trying to work out a schedule to take everyone on the Dream. Our biggest problem is school; five kids in school, plus working around the Dreams sailing schedule;;anyway really enjoyed your report.

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Jenseib, I read your Dream reviews; you are very good at doing reveiws; your pictures tell a wonderful story. I am in the process of booking WDW next year. My wife and I take our kids/grandkids on vacation every year. We took everyone on Freedom of the Seas last Dec(parked next to the Dream at PC). WDW, then trying to work out a schedule to take everyone on the Dream. Our biggest problem is school; five kids in school, plus working around the Dreams sailing schedule;;anyway really enjoyed your report.


Thank you.

I know about the school thing. I'm Ok with taking Claire out for a bit, but my sister isn't, so we had to work on her a bit to get her to take my niece out. It is still educational...and a wonderful family experience as well. Thats something school can't compete with and she wil l remember this more than she remembers her spelling words of the week. LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just read your entire trip report over the last 2 or 3 days - loved every minute!! We are not the biggest Disney family, but I've been curious about what a Disney cruise is like, and I think you've convinced me to try it out one day! Thanks for taking me along with you! :D

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