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self-serve kiosks at POM


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I will be checking in VIP on the Glory so I don't think I need to use the kisoks, but our friends sailing with us will need to do so...we have never used them before and MIami is new port for all of us....can someone please post step by step directions for what they need to do. ( I hope they are user friendly unlike some at airports which are a pain in the ...) I am hoping to get there early enough so they get a low boarding zone number so they wont be far behind us. They are also new to cruising so everything is first time for them...


This is kind of what I have been telling them..I know we will drop off checked baggage...then go through security with carry ons...is it after security when they will use a kiosk? when do they get the zone number?...and do sign and sail cards come from the kiosk or do you still see a person?


It would be easier to print them off a clear, concise list of how-to...all help is appreciated...Thank You

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I will be checking in VIP on the Glory so I don't think I need to use the kisoks, but our friends sailing with us will need to do so...we have never used them before and MIami is new port for all of us....can someone please post step by step directions for what they need to do. ( I hope they are user friendly unlike some at airports which are a pain in the ...) I am hoping to get there early enough so they get a low boarding zone number so they wont be far behind us. They are also new to cruising so everything is first time for them...


This is kind of what I have been telling them..I know we will drop off checked baggage...then go through security with carry ons...is it after security when they will use a kiosk? when do they get the zone number?...and do sign and sail cards come from the kiosk or do you still see a person?


It would be easier to print them off a clear, concise list of how-to...all help is appreciated...Thank You


I just did this is February (Destiny)


Here is my experience. (From my review)


Embarkation Cont.


Ok, so where I left off we were at the pool deck taking pictures around 10am. We then went back to the room, collected our belongings, checked to make sure my passport was in my purse (3 times), and headed to the lobby to check out around 10:30. I was glad that the IC had so many elevators because there was a lot of luggage being moved down to the lobby. The check out time was 11, but I wanted to leave a little earlier in hopes to avoid a long line. You all know how I hate to wait. LOL.


Lucky for us, when we got to the lobby there was no one in line. Great! But there was also no one working behind the desk. Not great! So we stood there for a couple minutes, looking lost, and someone finally showed up. Apparently she was only there to check something in the computer because she never acknowledged us, nor the other two couples who were now in line behind us. Then a different women came up and motioned to us that she would help us in just one moment. Then she made a phone call that took alot longer than "one moment," and then checked us out just before a quarter to 11. Not a big deal at all, and I got time to take more hotel pics.


We began to walk outside, and realized that neither one of us knew how to get a taxi. Seriously, one of the most simple parts of our trip and we were dumbfounded. Around here if you wont a cab you have to look the number up and call. Then wait about a half hour til one shows up. So I made June go ask someone in the hotel because I thought it was such a silly question. While he was gone I noticed that there was a parking lot across the street filled with taxis. June told me that the hotel had a guy you were suppose to ask to signal the taxi to come over.


Ok, sounds easy. Now which guy do we ask?? Here's a hint, he's the one standing in the middle of the street. LOL. So I walked up to him and he asked if I needed a taxi. I said yes and waited for him to signal one. I didn't know the "signal" would be him loudly blowing a whistle over and over again, or I would've went back to the sidewalk. In any event, it worked and our taxi pulled up. The hotel employee put our bags in the trunk and we were off to the Port of Miami before 11. YAYAYAY


Here is a picture as we approach.




Make sure you tell your driver which ship you are going to so they drop you off in the right place. There were two other ships in port that day, the Liberty, and something from some other line.


Once we pulled up our driver removed our bags, and handed them directly to a porter. I kinda had an issue with this because I was planning to carry my bags on with me. Why, you ask??? Well on my last cruise, the one when I was 12, my bag was lost. I remember the rest of my family getting their bags, but mine never came. TWO AND A HALF DAYS LATER guest services, then the pursers desk, brought my bag to the room. Guess where it was??? In someone else's cabin. THE WHOLE TIME! Seriously folks, if a bag is delivered to your room and it isnt yours TAKE IT TO GUEST SERVICES ASAP!!!


Sorry, I've been waiting years to rant about that. Ok so anyway, we paid our driver 10 bucks, our fare was less than 8 bucks + a tip. It was about a 7-8 minute ride. very quick. O, and you will go across a bridge. HAVE YOUR CAMERA READY!!! There will be a quick opportunity for an excellent picture of the ship, and I missed it. :(


Ok, so back to the porter. This guy was a character. He gave June and I a 2 minute talk, none of which I understood. Seriously, he just rambled on, no idea about what. The only phrase I caught was him asking for his tip when he said "I'm taking your bags to the ship, you take care of me here and now." Ok Mr. Porter Guy. I gave him 2 dollars for the large bag and a dollar for the one I really wanted to carry on. I decided to let him take it because the giant purse June bought me (thanks June) weighed about as much as a small child, so I really didnt feel like carrying another bag.


Once we walked into the terminal the first thing we saw was a woman welcoming us and directing us to the line. At first I thought the line was super long, but keep in mind, most people are in groups, and the luggage they are pulling takes up space as well. In less than 10 minutes we reached a podium where there was a woman checking our boarding passes and handing out public health forms, and then we went through security.




I think my second biggest travel pet peeve (second to waiting) is people that don't know how to go through security. How hard is it to understand that the metal detector is going to beep as long as you carry metal thru it? Apparently it must be rocket science, because the group of people in front of me had to go thru it about 3-4 times before they got it right. -_-


They had two metal detectors, and I was asked to proceed to the one opposite the "our metal is good enough to go thru the detector" people. Went thru and started collecting my things and I noticed June wasn't behind me. The lady who waved me forward to her metal detector left, and now June had to wait behind the people made of metal. Which would have been fine, except a different security lady kept yelling at me to proceed forward. So I walked over to the escalators and stood there with the other people who were putting belts back on and waiting for the rest of their group. Then that same lady yelled at us all and told us we had to go upstairs. So up I went and I hoped June saw what happened and where I went. Well, of course he didn't and I was accused of leaving him for the rest of the trip.


At the top of the escalator there is another line. It moves much faster than the security line, as you are just handed a zone number. We got number 6... booo. Then were directed to some of those table things (like they have at the bank where they keep the deposit slips ect.) to fill out our health forms. Somehow we were only given one form, but not to worry, there were plenty extra on the table. The only thing there was a shortage of were things to write with. People must have been walking off with the little pencils. Lucky for us I had a ton of pens. (Thanks giant purse). It was now after 11:30 and they were calling zone #3. Then we got in yet another line to get up to the self service kiosks.


This line moved the slowest of all the lines we encountered, but still wasn't that bad. We were in this line for maybe 15 minutes or so. At the end of the line there was a woman collecting our health forms, and then directing people to the nearest kiosk. I LOVED the kiosks. They were so simple to use. All you needed to do was scan your passport, or the credit card you booked with and it brings up your reservation. Then you select which passengers you would like to check-in, and then set up your sign and sail account. Or is it sail and sign?? I heard both ways. We decided to use cash for our account for a variety of reasons.Then you just put your cash in the machine, like a vending machine. Each time you add a bill, it pops up on the screen. **NOTE: Just like a vending machine, you need to have crisp bills, or they will just get spit back out. Then you would have to go to guest services to apply your cash. The machine will tell you how much is "recommended" for your sailing. Since I had pre-paid our $100 dollars in tips, the machine recommended $150. We added $200 initially and decided to put the rest of our cash in the safe, and add to it later if we needed to (which we did). While we were at the machine zone #4 was called.


The machine prints out a receipt which you take to the real person to get your sail and sign cards. Since June procrastinated and never got a passport he had to show his birth certificate and was suppose to show his ID. However, the lady never asked for it. Odd. Leading up the the trip I teased June about being a cruise virgin and the fact that he was going to have a blue sign and sail card.THEY GAVE HIM A GOLD ONE!! He didn't even earn it.




Yes June's real name is Carl. Don't tell him I told you guys. Hehe


We headed to a vending machine so June could get his last pop for a while, and they called zone number 5. By the time he got back and opened his Sprite, zone 6 was called and we were on our way to our new home by noon.






Sorry I would've just answered your question, but I thought posting the entire thing would give you an idea of what will actually happen. But in all honesty it was BEYOND simple and there are tons of employees to help.

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I used the kiosks in Miami when I boarded the Imagination in June. It was very easy and self explanatory. Complete the fun pass online before you go and remember your booking number. Input the info and go to the desk to pick up your card. We were even able to put in cash for OBC right into the kiosk.

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Good question! I was wondering the same thing.


So let me get this straight:


1. Luggage to Porter

2. Enter terminal, get in line to have boarding pass checked and get public health form

3. Go through security

4. Go up escalators to another line to get zone number

5. Fill out health form

6. Get in line for self serve kiosk, give filled out health form to person collecting them who directs you to a self serve kiosk

7. Take receipt from kiosk and get S&S card

8. Wait for zone to be called and board


Is that about right?

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Good question! I was wondering the same thing.


So let me get this straight:


1. Luggage to Porter

2. Enter terminal, get in line to have boarding pass checked and get public health form

3. Go through security

4. Go up escalators to another line to get zone number

5. Fill out health form

6. Get in line for self serve kiosk, give filled out health form to person collecting them who directs you to a self serve kiosk

7. Take receipt from kiosk and get S&S card

8. Wait for zone to be called and board


Is that about right?



I think you got it right...sounds good to me!!....Hope you have a great cruise!!

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I just did this is February (Destiny)


Here is my experience. (From my review)




Sorry I would've just answered your question, but I thought posting the entire thing would give you an idea of what will actually happen. But in all honesty it was BEYOND simple and there are tons of employees to help.


Who's the tall guy :D.

JK , looks like your definitely up to par ;).

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I just returned from using the kiosks in Miami. It was user friendly and I feel the lines were shorter because of them. If you have any questions, there are workers walking around to help you. Does anyone know if the kiosks are in Jacksonville port?

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I will be checking in VIP on the Glory so I don't think I need to use the kisoks, but our friends sailing with us will need to do so...we have never used them before and MIami is new port for all of us....can someone please post step by step directions for what they need to do. ( I hope they are user friendly unlike some at airports which are a pain in the ...) I am hoping to get there early enough so they get a low boarding zone number so they wont be far behind us. They are also new to cruising so everything is first time for them...


This is kind of what I have been telling them..I know we will drop off checked baggage...then go through security with carry ons...is it after security when they will use a kiosk? when do they get the zone number?...and do sign and sail cards come from the kiosk or do you still see a person?


It would be easier to print them off a clear, concise list of how-to...all help is appreciated...Thank You


We arrived at the POM by taxi at 10:45 AM and ended up with zone 14 and we were eating lunch on Lido at 12:15.

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If you booked a cruise and used someone elses credit card for the deposit can you still use the kiosk when you get there? My family is cruising in July and the inital booking and deposit was all on my parents card as my sisters do not have credit cards:confused:

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If you booked a cruise and used someone elses credit card for the deposit can you still use the kiosk when you get there? My family is cruising in July and the inital booking and deposit was all on my parents card as my sisters do not have credit cards:confused:



Yes. You can scan your passport and it will pull up your records if you've completed your Funpass online and entered your passport number :D

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If you booked a cruise and used someone elses credit card for the deposit can you still use the kiosk when you get there? My family is cruising in July and the inital booking and deposit was all on my parents card as my sisters do not have credit cards:confused:

You will be fine.. my father in law fronted us the money for our cruise, using HIS credit card, (which we did not have with us) and we were just fine.. don't worry.. paid = paid..thats all they care about..

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WOW what planet have i been living on.... this is the first i have heard of the kiosks!! our last cruise was out of Fort Lauderdale and they didnt have them, and the cruise before that was out of Mobile also didnt have them.


Interested in hearing from Platinum cruisers if this is also done the same way.

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Yes. You can scan your passport and it will pull up your records if you've completed your Funpass online and entered your passport number :D



Scan a credit card or scan your passport...doesnt the kiosk just let you enter your booking number?? seems like that would be the easiest

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What is the Health form? Is that something new to fill out? Each person has to do one? I don't remember doing one of these for my last cruise.





I guess it's true when people say I take a picture of everything. :o



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