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John Heald is not the answer...


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People are so lazy and think they are so special that they don't want to play by the rules, it's easier to circumvent the procedures that are in place for all cruisers. It's the same in every environment, people cutting lines in Disney World, knocking people aside to get a front seat at an entertainment venue, blah, blah.




This is so true and evidence of it can be clearly seen by some of the posts on here.


I do not know this John, but he seems like a great guy and you are correct. He seems to have open that "can of worms", but he probably knew what he was doing when he did and fully expected it. It is sad though when there are those who take advantage of of such a customer oreinted person.

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I don't think that's it at all. I think it's more that people think John is a very nice person who has become the target of very self-centered and entitled people and their demands.


He is great at what he does, but by granting asinine requests he's inviting more and more people to take advantage of his generosity. Eventually, he will be so overrun by the ridiculous that he won't have time for the routine.


I hope he doesn't burn himself out.


It appears this is already happening. Less blogs now and he is further and further behind in answering letters to his blog.


This is a shame as it is getting hard to compliment the crew since only a select few get feedback email after their cruise.


Sent him a please reply John over two months ago after our last cruise specifically to compliment several crew members and never posted so have no idea if their supervisors ever saw it.

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It appears this is already happening. Less blogs now and he is further and further behind in answering letters to his blog.


This is a shame as it is getting hard to compliment the crew since only a select few get feedback email after their cruise.


Sent him a please reply John over two months ago after our last cruise specifically to compliment several crew members and never posted so have no idea if their supervisors ever saw it.




I figured Facebook would sooner or later make for less blogging. Replies on Blog 2+ months, Facebook replies most cases same day.

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The point is that there are people on the ship who are responsible for a lot of these outlandish requests that people feel must be handled personally by John. He opened a can of worms when he started granting requests and can't stop now. Is there any other Cruise Director in the fleet who is bombarded with such silly requests?


If you have a problem with your dining time or table assignment, very simple, go see the Maitre d' upon arrival, he'll fix it for you quickly.


This is flat out false - the Maitre D' will TRY to help you out, but at that late stage you're not guaranteed of anything, particularly if you're after a table for two which are in high demand.


If John can help us out with a table for two weeks in advance then why wouldn't we ask, particularly when he has repeatedly said he loves to help out (and has repeatedly said he can't understand why people on cruisecritic get so up in arms about him doing so - see this whole thread for an example of this)?


If I couldn't guarantee a table for two I, and here's the important bit, ****Would not book the cruise****. In helping me out with my request, which I hardly consider "outlandish", John has won my business and loyalty for Carnival. Two years ago I had never taken a cruise - Today I just returned from my fifth. This is thanks in no small part to John Heald and the help he gladly offers.


John clearly draws the line when he considers requests inappropriate or outrageous. There's a reason Carnival has John branching out into large amounts of social media to interact with cruisers and it's not because "things have gotten out of control". What is going on is exactly what John and Carnival have in mind and I think certain members of the "I wouldn't do it, so anyone who does sucks" brigade need to relax about this issue.

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Indeed. John Heald has repeatedly said on his blog that he doesn't understand all of the venom on Cruise Critic about him doing what he chooses to do.


Maybe the intentions of some here are good, but it's far more disrespectful (and, as John says, boggling) to criticize those John has repeatedly invited to ask for assistance (or to criticize John for offering help) than to simply take John at his word.

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Indeed. John Heald has repeatedly said on his blog that he doesn't understand all of the venom on Cruise Critic about him doing what he chooses to do.


Maybe the intentions of some here are good, but it's far more disrespectful (and, as John says, boggling) to criticize those John has repeatedly invited to ask for assistance (or to criticize John for offering help) than to simply take John at his word.


I agree. If he chooses to give stuff away to people who do not have the manners to say thank you it is his business and not mine.

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I agree. If he chooses to give stuff away to people who do not have the manners to say thank you it is his business and not mine.


Just because there's a few notably ungrateful douches asking John for help, it doesn't mean the vast majority aren't extremely grateful and don't say so. Most of the requests I see are politely worded and there'll often be notes of extreme thanks on Facebook and his blog as happy cruisers return. I'll be making just such a post myself in a matter of hours.

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Putting requests aside....


John may not be responsible for any aspect of your cruise, but as Carnival's Brand Ambassador he should be interested in knowing the experiences of cruisers - good and bad.


The other thing that I hate about Carnival is that if you do have a negative thing happen on your cruise (that probably normally wouldn't happen) there's no way to let anyone know at Carnival other than John.


If you complete an online survey of your cruise (if you are so lucky to receive the email invitation to such) you'll never hear back from anybody.


If you send an email or letter to Carnival you might get a form letter as a response which (IMO) is worse than not getting anything. If you provide feedback so that they can improve you want to feel like they provide that information to the right people.


The only time that seems to happen is if you let John know about it.


I feel as if this was the original intention of his "thingy" (wait that sounded so wrong haha) I commend John and CCL in their openness and availability. The level of "transperency" is quite nice.


Indeed. John Heald has repeatedly said on his blog that he doesn't understand all of the venom on Cruise Critic about him doing what he chooses to do.


Maybe the intentions of some here are good, but it's far more disrespectful (and, as John says, boggling) to criticize those John has repeatedly invited to ask for assistance (or to criticize John for offering help) than to simply take John at his word.


This thread, as I have said repeatedly, is not about John Heald granting the requests, it is about the people making the requests


There are always people that are grateful and have good intentions. However, there are quite a few that are not, AND THOSE ARE THE PEOPLE THAT I HAVE AN ISSUE WITH. Its like having a best friend who you want to look out for. He is AWESOME and does an amazing job. I would start an I <3 JH t-shirt line haha (maybe then hell send me a fruitbasket to my room on mym next cruise lol:rolleyes:)

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Hate when people push their religion on others.


How is having a bible study meeting pushing their religion on others? The room will have a door, you can enter or leave. No one is going to tie you to a chair and force you to listen to them. You have a free will.


Are the Friends of Dorothy pushing their sexuality on others?

Are the Bill W meeting pushing soberness on others?

Are CC meetings pushing Cruise critic on others?

Then in what way is a simple bible meeting pushing their beliefs on others?

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Yeah, this request was a little much.... All they need is a big room and 200 bibles? Wow. Oh, and a mic, lol.


"Psalm 23 Asked:


My husband and me are going on the Inspiration and would like to have a bible study class which we will be hosting for the other passengers. I suggest we do this each day at 9:00am and 5:00pm and all we will need is a big room and a microphone and I would think about 200 bibles. We did this with much success on a recent Princess cruise and are now going to be on Carnival spreading the gospel and helping your passengers enjoy their vacations even more. Our Travel agent told us to contact you so please make sure all is arranged for us when we board as we would like to start the first class after your life boat drills have finished. Here are our cruise details and please can you put “Blood of the Lamb Bible Study Group” hosted by Pam and Steven Lorimar. Thank you for doing this John and God Bless You!"




This seems more like a demand than a request. I hope they aren't going to be on my cruise.

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How is having a bible study meeting pushing their religion on others? The room will have a door, you can enter or leave. No one is going to tie you to a chair and force you to listen to them. You have a free will.


Are the Friends of Dorothy pushing their sexuality on others?

Are the Bill W meeting pushing soberness on others?

Are CC meetings pushing Cruise critic on others?

Then in what way is a simple bible meeting pushing their beliefs on others?


I completely agree with you. I also think that some of the comments have gotten out of hand concerning people who call themselves Christians. I am a Christian and I am not ashamed of that fact. I don't drink or smoke but I don't look down on those who do. Your choice. Just as it is mine to live a different lifestyle than some others.


I do think the lady who made the request could have worded it a little differently to seem less demanding. But we also need to remember that the written word (emails, blogs, etc...) can seem more harsh, demanding or insensitive than intended.

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I think a lot of the posts here are by people who are jealous of John Heald. They answer questions here or give opinions on Carnival policies but they're just guessing most of the time. John actually has knowledge and a direct line to the people who can get a real answer. John will send a free gift to someone just because he can. No matter how many times you post on CC giving the same answer to the lazy people who can't be bothered to even try Google, you can not do what JH does for cruisers and if more of the people who ask questions here started to ask them on his blog or facebook page some of the posters here would lose their fans.

Huh???? :confused:

That is totally bizarre.


I do think the lady who made the request could have worded it a little differently to seem less demanding. But we also need to remember that the written word (emails, blogs, etc...) can seem more harsh, demanding or insensitive than intended.

I think she was pretty demanding....I read it several times and there is no other way to see it. Ending her requests with the words "God bless you" didn't make it any less demanding. But if John wants to accomodate her, who cares?

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....For every little minute request you have. Give the man a break. He is not responsible for your bad time, seating arrangment, or any other aspect of your cruise. Spent a few minutes reading his blog, and the requests made on there are RIDICULOUS ;):(:confused::rolleyes::cool::eek:


I agree. and even though John is not a CC member, I do believe he reads the boards

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He's the face of CCL and is paid to accomodate people. I also hate when folks wish to evangelize to you. It happened to us on a 7 day cruise at dinner. Well meaning folks who wanted to push their religion at dinner.


Why is it that people consider it pushing if someone wants to tell them about something that changed their lives? If I was having a general conversation with you and I felt comfortable enough I would approach the subject. If you were not receptive I would move on to something else. It is important to me that people know where I stand. Why I am who I am. I would not take out my bible and beat you over the head with it. I would not stop you while walking down the promenade and say I want to share the gospel with you. It's all about getting to know people and building relationships. Some people have no interest and while that saddens me, again that's their choice. I know there are those who want to force it down others throat and I don't agree with that at all. But if you are dining with me and my family we will say grace out loud before we eat. You can participate if you wish or don't if you would rather not. We do try to dine at a table with just ourselves as not to offend anyone but since there is only 7 of us and we are seated at a table for 8, some unlucky or lucky soul (depends on how you look at it) maybe be stuck with us. :D

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I think she was pretty demanding....I read it several times and there is no other way to see it. Ending her requests with the words "God bless you" didn't make it any less demanding.


I totally agree with you. She was sounded demanding. I was just trying to give her the benefit of doubt. :D

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Actually, this is a LOT different than a group of 200 buddhists on a cruise. If it is is a GROUP then they can request a room for their GROUP.


Same as with the AA or FOD meetings, Carnival merely posts a time and location (usually the Library if I remember right) but does not provide anything or anyone for these meetings. There sure isn't a crew member handing out the 12 steps (4,5,6 hell I don't know how many there are) pamphlets or handing out Gay Pride tshirts and rainbow beach towels.....


As soon as someone says "now going to be on Carnival spreading the gospel and helping your passengers enjoy their vacations even more." they need to be written off as religious nuts.


1- you don't "spread the gospel" on a cruise ship. You post a little note in the Fun Times with "Bible Study" or something. What next, Mormons on bikes riding around on the Lido deck? Those little fire and brimstone pamphlets you see in a LOT of Southern Baptist churches?


2- I am pretty sure it is not any passenger's responsibility to "help your passengers enjoy their vacations even more". That right there is WAY over the line.


And no, I am not hating on any religion, FOB, FOD or anything - just merely stating my opinion. But I can't stand for wackos to think they can do anything whenever and wherever they want. You let some fruitcake come up to me on a cruise ship asking if I have seen Jesus lately..... think he was at the Lido buffet earlier......



Bravo!! Very well said...



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This is flat out false - the Maitre D' will TRY to help you out, but at that late stage you're not guaranteed of anything, particularly if you're after a table for two which are in high demand.


If John can help us out with a table for two weeks in advance then why wouldn't we ask, particularly when he has repeatedly said he loves to help out (and has repeatedly said he can't understand why people on cruisecritic get so up in arms about him doing so - see this whole thread for an example of this)?


If I couldn't guarantee a table for two I, and here's the important bit, ****Would not book the cruise****. In helping me out with my request, which I hardly consider "outlandish", John has won my business and loyalty for Carnival. Two years ago I had never taken a cruise - Today I just returned from my fifth. This is thanks in no small part to John Heald and the help he gladly offers.


John clearly draws the line when he considers requests inappropriate or outrageous. There's a reason Carnival has John branching out into large amounts of social media to interact with cruisers and it's not because "things have gotten out of control". What is going on is exactly what John and Carnival have in mind and I think certain members of the "I wouldn't do it, so anyone who does sucks" brigade need to relax about this issue.




Just as info so that everyone understands... John DOES NOT GUARANTEE that you will definitely get that table for 2... He forwards your request to the Maitre'd and its worked out for you so far but are you never going to book another one if the Maitre'd doesn't do as John asks and puts you at a larger table on a future cruise???



PLEASE EVERYONE DO NOT ASSUME THATS ITS A GUARANTEE.... And if you don't get what you asked for, please do not come back and tell John as he feels really bad when you don't get what was requested...

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I'm joining this thread a little late but I wanted to post that I agree with the others who posted that some (maybe more than some) of the requests John receives are ridiculous and tacky.


I also agree with the others who say it is up to John. He is an adult and a professional. He can deal with it as he sees fit.

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She starts this thread, about all the requests.. And just this morning John has atleast 3-4 more " I just read, I can come here and get".. Thanks so much!:rolleyes:



Yeah, but John is ultimately the one who encourages this behavior by accomodating EVERYONE and EVERY little THING.


It can be irritating when people do not go thru the already established channels to get their requests handled, or to simply "deal with it" like the rest of the world that does not know John exists does.


But again... he is the one who encourages it. Carnival should post on their website that JH will be happy to handle any silly request they may have. :D

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Just as info so that everyone understands... John DOES NOT GUARANTEE that you will definitely get that table for 2... He forwards your request to the Maitre'd and its worked out for you so far but are you never going to book another one if the Maitre'd doesn't do as John asks and puts you at a larger table on a future cruise???



PLEASE EVERYONE DO NOT ASSUME THATS ITS A GUARANTEE.... And if you don't get what you asked for, please do not come back and tell John as he feels really bad when you don't get what was requested...


yes,but he neglects to inform how one should go about getting these things done, taking them offline to the process, and should he not complete the task, you will have an unhappy cruiser.

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